I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Consumer called and indicated that she would like the gift cards mailed to her home address.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[The sticker was placed by an employee on my diver passenger window, also my windows are tinted. There is no possible way to remove a sticker without harming my tint. This way verified by the guys at the car wash. You guys cancelled by plan inappropriately and I want the 12.99 for the month of January back. I will not agree to anything else.]
Approx 2 years ago, out unlimited plan changed to 29.99. Per our terms and conditions that have been printed in brochure form with all plans, we reserved the right to do so. Delta Sonic did however try to extend discounts to certain customers. A customer that would qualify...
for a discount would be someone who is considered to be a low user. Discounts extended are at different levels but would be consistent with customers of similar low usage. We give a customer between 30 and 45 days notice that their plan is increasing. Notice would be shown on the screen of the Superlane (our automated system for tag holders). A customer has to press a button to acknowledge and move on. It is also shown on their receipts during that time frame. If a customer did not happen to use our services during that time and therefor did not receive notification, we would be happy to refund the additional payment amount received; at which time we would supply notification of the increased price for the following month. Delta Sonic evaluates all plans on an individual basis and extends discounted prices on a per plan basis, which is why one plan may show an increase up to and including the full price of the plan while another plan price may not change.
At this time, our preliminary investigation indicates it is very unlikely the damage on the vehicle's finish was caused at Delta Sonic. However, we can fully appreciate the customers concern regarding the unexplained damage. Our records indicate the customer has scheduled an appointment...
with our Site Supervisor for 11/12/15 to have the claim re-evaluated.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have three major issues with their response: 1) The surfaces they are referring to are original with the vehicle and a quick "Google" search can confirm this (I even included one). It is a common Subaru style to have darker and lighter vinyl, I don't see how they can somehow tell it is an aftermarket surface from an iPhone photo. 2) The extent on the damage is not limited to one single area, the Delta Sonic employee noticed the damage was occurring and continued to apply the product. The employee said, " He noticed it was taking off the color so he tried to scrub softer". If the employee had just stopped the damage could have been confined, however, Delta Sonic chose to continue to damage my vehicle without consulting me. 3) The manager admitted it was their fault and assured me they would fix the surfaces or have the surfaces fixed at their expense. Delta Sonic is responsible for providing me a full refund and the cost to repair the damaged surfaces.
[redacted] I'd like my membership as well as my fiance's extended through the rest of this year at the introductory rates!Also even tho I should have taken a picture/videos of the premises to prove it there was NO sign of any kind stating different business hours, there may have been a possibility it was on the door in small letters & numbers but I didn't have a reason to go into the actual mart seeing as though the gas station was under construction with all gas pumps removed & area being gated off.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
The damage claim report can be filed at any Delta Sonic location if the complainant does not wish to return to the Walden Avenue location. We do however require the report to be filed on site, as it is a legal document signed by the customer. We also require the site manager to take photographs of the damage in question so that a proper investigation can be completed.
Company declined to speak to me. i have object that was on track which has nothing to do with gas can/ tank it a possibly a part of the track. My car was not damaged on either side before it was t-boned on the track. They trying to pay for the side with the least amount of damaged. This unexceptable they are fully resposible for all damage on both sides. I have object ,Pictures immediatly after, estimate on same day of incident supported by another estimate from collission specialist.
We fully understand the customers concerns and have
carefully considered this complaint. In
order for a claim to be properly investigated, a video review is
necessary. Unfortunately, we have no
record of the customer coming through the Car Wash in April and the customer
produce a receipt. At this time,
the customer has provided us with three separate potential dates and upon video
review, her vehicle is not seen going through the wash. Furthermore, had the molding come off during
the wash, it would have been found on the floor at some point in the bay. It was confirmed that no molding for the
customers make and model vehicle was found.
Without the exact date and time of the service, we cannot
properly investigate the claim to determine liability and therefore, cannot
offer any monetary reimbursement. In the
interest of customer goodwill, we can offer $125.00 in Delta Sonic gift cards
as overcompensation to resolve this claim.
Please notify our office if this offer is acceptable.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for your patience while our office reviewed information concerning your claim. At this time, our preliminary investigation indicates it is very unlikely the damage on your vehicle's finish was caused at Delta Sonic. If you feel we have not assessed your claim fairly, please...
contact our office at 1-800-THE-KISS to set up an appointment for our Site Supervisor to inspect the vehicle. Be assured that Delta Sonic will work hard to resolve all customer problems.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] I received a call last week from an employee by the name os [redacted] or [redacted]. He stated that Delta Sonic will be replacing my lens for the drive side front light. I was informed that they will reach out to me so that I can bring my car in and also return three of the super kiss wash coupons. Thanks,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and I find that this resolution is some what of satisfactory to me.
We have thoroughly investigated the circumstances concerning the incident that was reported. We fully appreciate the customers concerns. A vehicle, even slightly coated with road dirt or film, will usually obscure most pre-existing damage on the finish. We realize the first time a...
person may notice, what they feel is new damage, is while inspecting a vehicle that has just been cleaned. It is understandable for any customer to feel that this newly discovered damage may have been caused by some part of the Car Wash procedure or drying of the finish. Since our toweling material and wiping method have been proven safe and reliable, we feel the vehicle's damage was incurred by some other means and went unnoticed prior to the services. Certainly, if the towels caused the damage in question, there would be an excellent chance the damage would have been repeated in other areas of the vehicle. If the claimant feels the claim was not assessed fairly, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with an Area Manager to inspect the vehicle at the location where the claim was filed.
Today is September 24,2014. My name is: [redacted]. My complaint number: [redacted]. I called the customer service for Delta Sonic Car Wash, and I set an appointment next Thursday October 2,2014 with Scott at 2:00 p.m.. I just wanted update you on what's going on.
A copy of the digital video was mailed on 4/22/15. [redacted] should have received a copy by this time. The video was mailed to the mailing address [redacted] supplied on their written request for the video.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Consumer called and indicated that she would like the gift cards mailed to her home address.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[The sticker was placed by an employee on my diver passenger window, also my windows are tinted. There is no possible way to remove a sticker without harming my tint. This way verified by the guys at the car wash. You guys cancelled by plan inappropriately and I want the 12.99 for the month of January back. I will not agree to anything else.]
Approx 2 years ago, out unlimited plan changed to 29.99. Per our terms and conditions that have been printed in brochure form with all plans, we reserved the right to do so. Delta Sonic did however try to extend discounts to certain customers. A customer that would qualify...
for a discount would be someone who is considered to be a low user. Discounts extended are at different levels but would be consistent with customers of similar low usage. We give a customer between 30 and 45 days notice that their plan is increasing. Notice would be shown on the screen of the Superlane (our automated system for tag holders). A customer has to press a button to acknowledge and move on. It is also shown on their receipts during that time frame. If a customer did not happen to use our services during that time and therefor did not receive notification, we would be happy to refund the additional payment amount received; at which time we would supply notification of the increased price for the following month. Delta Sonic evaluates all plans on an individual basis and extends discounted prices on a per plan basis, which is why one plan may show an increase up to and including the full price of the plan while another plan price may not change.
At this time, our preliminary investigation indicates it is very unlikely the damage on the vehicle's finish was caused at Delta Sonic. However, we can fully appreciate the customers concern regarding the unexplained damage. Our records indicate the customer has scheduled an appointment...
with our Site Supervisor for 11/12/15 to have the claim re-evaluated.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have three major issues with their response: 1) The surfaces they are referring to are original with the vehicle and a quick "Google" search can confirm this (I even included one). It is a common Subaru style to have darker and lighter vinyl, I don't see how they can somehow tell it is an aftermarket surface from an iPhone photo. 2) The extent on the damage is not limited to one single area, the Delta Sonic employee noticed the damage was occurring and continued to apply the product. The employee said, " He noticed it was taking off the color so he tried to scrub softer". If the employee had just stopped the damage could have been confined, however, Delta Sonic chose to continue to damage my vehicle without consulting me. 3) The manager admitted it was their fault and assured me they would fix the surfaces or have the surfaces fixed at their expense. Delta Sonic is responsible for providing me a full refund and the cost to repair the damaged surfaces.
[redacted] I'd like my membership as well as my fiance's extended through the rest of this year at the introductory rates!Also even tho I should have taken a picture/videos of the premises to prove it there was NO sign of any kind stating different business hours, there may have been a possibility it was on the door in small letters & numbers but I didn't have a reason to go into the actual mart seeing as though the gas station was under construction with all gas pumps removed & area being gated off.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
The damage claim report can be filed at any Delta Sonic location if the complainant does not wish to return to the Walden Avenue location. We do however require the report to be filed on site, as it is a legal document signed by the customer. We also require the site manager to take photographs of the damage in question so that a proper investigation can be completed.
Company declined to speak to me. i have object that was on track which has nothing to do with gas can/ tank it a possibly a part of the track. My car was not damaged on either side before it was t-boned on the track. They trying to pay for the side with the least amount of damaged. This unexceptable they are fully resposible for all damage on both sides. I have object ,Pictures immediatly after, estimate on same day of incident supported by another estimate from collission specialist.
We fully understand the customers concerns and have
carefully considered this complaint. In
order for a claim to be properly investigated, a video review is
necessary. Unfortunately, we have no
record of the customer coming through the Car Wash in April and the customer
produce a receipt. At this time,
the customer has provided us with three separate potential dates and upon video
review, her vehicle is not seen going through the wash. Furthermore, had the molding come off during
the wash, it would have been found on the floor at some point in the bay. It was confirmed that no molding for the
customers make and model vehicle was found.
Without the exact date and time of the service, we cannot
properly investigate the claim to determine liability and therefore, cannot
offer any monetary reimbursement. In the
interest of customer goodwill, we can offer $125.00 in Delta Sonic gift cards
as overcompensation to resolve this claim.
Please notify our office if this offer is acceptable.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
The complainant was refunded for damages on 9/19/2017 as claim resolution.
Thank you for your patience while our office reviewed information concerning your claim. At this time, our preliminary investigation indicates it is very unlikely the damage on your vehicle's finish was caused at Delta Sonic. If you feel we have not assessed your claim fairly, please...
contact our office at 1-800-THE-KISS to set up an appointment for our Site Supervisor to inspect the vehicle. Be assured that Delta Sonic will work hard to resolve all customer problems.
Location management witnessed the complainant using the plan on multiple vehicles and therefore requested the plan to be terminated.
I was advised the incorrect charge would be adjusted and credited back to my account within a few business days.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] I received a call last week from an employee by the name os [redacted] or [redacted]. He stated that Delta Sonic will be replacing my lens for the drive side front light. I was informed that they will reach out to me so that I can bring my car in and also return three of the super kiss wash coupons. Thanks,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and I find that this resolution is some what of satisfactory to me.
Please return to the location at your convenience to file a claim. Once the claim is filed, our office can conduct and investigation.
We have thoroughly investigated the circumstances concerning the incident that was reported. We fully appreciate the customers concerns. A vehicle, even slightly coated with road dirt or film, will usually obscure most pre-existing damage on the finish. We realize the first time a...
person may notice, what they feel is new damage, is while inspecting a vehicle that has just been cleaned. It is understandable for any customer to feel that this newly discovered damage may have been caused by some part of the Car Wash procedure or drying of the finish. Since our toweling material and wiping method have been proven safe and reliable, we feel the vehicle's damage was incurred by some other means and went unnoticed prior to the services. Certainly, if the towels caused the damage in question, there would be an excellent chance the damage would have been repeated in other areas of the vehicle. If the claimant feels the claim was not assessed fairly, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with an Area Manager to inspect the vehicle at the location where the claim was filed.
To Whom it May concern,
Today is September 24,2014. My name is: [redacted]. My complaint number: [redacted]. I called the customer service for Delta Sonic Car Wash, and I set an appointment next Thursday October 2,2014 with Scott at 2:00 p.m.. I just wanted update you on what's going on.
A copy of the digital video was mailed on 4/22/15. [redacted] should have received a copy by this time. The video was mailed to the mailing address [redacted] supplied on their written request for the video.