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Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

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Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Reviews (21)

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. We 'finally' did receive our $1000 deposit on 9/9/17 after H/H held it for 40 days. Thank you again for helping. Regards, [redacted] ***

Late for open housesMissed coming to one open house! Listed in the paper, got my family out and the agent never showed up!! Empty house with who knows how many potential buyers sitting in the driveway!
Unprofessional and unacceptable

We don't understandOffers presented but rejected over a month periodThe only reason we ask what is owed on a property is to make sure sellers are aware of what the expenses would be regarding any potential offerIn the end there was not an offer that was acceptable to the sellerApparently even ones that were higher than the guarantee offerIf this were truly a scam then there would have been money made by us at the expense of the sellerThere was no money made! The property was not soldIn reality we lost money and timeWhat type of scam results in the LOSS of money by the scammer?

Please allow this summary to serve as our reply to the complaint filed by *** and *** ***The contract may have been accepted by the seller, however there is a five day attorney approval period in which time EITHER the buyer or seller's attorney may disapprove the contractIt is common
practice for the seller to continue to market the property until the attorney approval is receivedMrDis required to treat all consumers fairly and honestly, however he represented the seller and was acting in their interestAll actions were taken at the direction of the seller, which as long as they are legal, a licensee is required to follow as part of their fiduciary duties to the clientAn attorney disapproval does not "rarely happen" but is fairly common and it is not required for the attorney to provide a reason, nor is the buyer entitled to be allowed to make a counter offerWe did attempt immediately to work with the Accounting Department to get the check processed but they insisted on a signed release before cutting a checkTypically it is company policy to require either a) a signed release executed by both parties to the contract; or, b) a court order, to release a deposit that has already been placed in the escrow accountI don't know what language in the release was questionable; we execute these on a frequent basis when deals fall apart and there is rarely an issue with the languageThe Seller originally signed the standard company release; the buyers then modified it to cross off the language in paragraphs and which the Seller then objected to and refused to initial (see attached)When the language on the Howard Hanna form was questioned, the standard GRAR form which is used by brokers and attorneys throughout the Greater Rochester region was offered as an option and still refusedIf the buyers would have simply signed either release, which is customary, then the refund would have been issued much soonerWe recently went through a merger and on July 18, 2017, both *** Realtors and *** transitioned to become Howard HannaAs part of this transition we have been realigning departments, policies, procedures and processesMany of the Accounting functions, including refunds of escrow deposits, have recently transitioned to Buffalo (to the former *** Accounting Department)Eventually when Management became aware of the situation, the refund was pushed through by Management based on the theory that because there was no attorney approval, there was not a valid contract in placeThe Accounting Department was simply following company policy which is to have a release or court orderAs of the date of this reply, the escrow deposit has been returned to *** and *** ***

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  We 'finally' did receive our $1000 deposit on 9/9/17 after H/H held it for 40 days. Thank you again for helping. 

This response is unsatisfactory because many of the statements that are presented as fact by Howard Hanna are blatantly falseThe home was never advertised in The [redacted] as I was promised it would be and there was no marketing done on the house other than putting it on MLS[redacted] refused to put the home up for rent at the same time as being on the market until I found someone else willing to list it and then he changed his mind and told me "I had it covered"[redacted] did not stay in touch with me and was not professional at all and I have the documentation of his communications to prove itAdditionally he broke regulations of the industry by revealing a potential buyer's identity to me and failing to inform me of the feedback from the open house. I am including another more detailed sequence of events that I have written and I have documentation of communications to prove this statement's verityThis account reflects the statements made by Howard Hanna regarding our contract and the services rendered
When I initially
found out that I was relocating and it was going to happen in a very short time
I reached out to [redacted] about putting my home on the marketI knew
I had a short amount of time to move and a tight budget and I was very open
with [redacted] about this from the beginningWe initially discussed putting the
house on the [redacted]et for 3-months and then if we didn't have success we would
rent it outFrom the beginning there were problemsMy name was incorrectly
spelled on the contract, there was no end date to the contract, my home was
supposed to be listed in in MLS on June 9th but wasn't listed until June 12th
[redacted] had someone preview the home before it was listed and he was convinced the
guy was going to buy it and then the guy stopped calling him backAfter that
the house didn't get viewed until AugustIt sat for nearly months with no
showingsThere was one open house month after it was listed on July 13th but
according to [redacted] no one showed upBy mid August we were getting very
concerned[redacted] kept promising us he was going to get an ad for the house in the
paper do other adv[redacted]ising (such as getting it listed with the historical
society) but he wasn't able to get it to work out with the historical society
and supposedly no one ever called him back from the paperIn mid-August
I called [redacted] to ask for his advice and helpHe promised to get a marketing
plan together with [redacted], get the house in the paper and hold more open
housesHe also suggested adding an addendum to the contract giving the buyer's
agent a bonus for selling the houseI agreed and signed an addendum stating
such and increasing [redacted]'s commission as wellThis got a few people in the
house and was somewhat successful but I felt that because of the negativity
around the neighborhood we still had obstacles especially since [redacted] was very
negative about the neighborhood in his conversation with meI never received a marketing plan, the house did not get in the paper and there wasn't another
open house until OctoberA few weeks went by and I saw [redacted] getting frustrated
because he had problems getting people in because of the neighborhood and
I didn't see [redacted] assisting in the way he promisedI tried to call [redacted] and
left a message but he never called me back
A couple more weeks went by (now it is mid-September) and I still saw no
actions based on the promises I received and there was still nothing going on
with the houseI called [redacted] again and left him a message asking him to call
me back this time and I expressed my frustration about him not calling me back
This time he did call me back and he had a very negative and combative
attitudeHe said my house was in the very worst neighborhood in Erie and we
had an argument over thatI told him the neighborhood wasn't bad that was just
other people's perceptionI used to go running all the time in the evening and
never felt unsafe the neighbors were always friendly or stuck to themselvesAt
one point he asked me if I regretted moving there and I said the only thing I
regretted was the trouble I was having selling the houseHe said the
only way I'd sell the house was by lowering the price by $5,dollars a week
until it sold and I told him that I couldn't afford to do that and it seemed
extremeI also told him [redacted] gave me the very opposite advice and I'd just
signed an addendum to increase the price of the home so that it showed up on
searches for higher priced homesI was confused about this conflicting
informationHe ended up suggesting a critical open house and I agreed to
itI discussed lowering the price with [redacted] in light of what [redacted] said and [redacted]
was adamant that lowering the price wasn't going to make a bit of differenceI
believed himThe critical open house occurred in late September and [redacted] told
me the feedback was "Beautiful house bad neighborhood"I later found out [redacted]
neglected to tell me the other part of the feedback was lower the price
[redacted] held one more open house and one person showed up and showed interestThis
was a young woman who worked at GEShe ended up telling [redacted] she didn't have
enough money for a down payment. [redacted] gave me her name and suggested we
try renting the house to herHe emailed her and she didn't respondAt this
point I was almost out of money and wanted to rent the houseBy September I
had discussed renting the house with [redacted] several times and he refused to put it
up for rent and kept saying he would be able to sell it soonAt this point I
was frustrated and was looking into prop[redacted]y managers and I began to work with
oneThe man I was working with found a few people who were interested and
renting the home I decided to reach out to the woman and ask if she wanted to
rent the home before I agreed to rent it to anyone else since I thought that
was a fair thing to doShe said she didn't have the money to buy the
home and couldn't rent it and she really appreciated me reaching out to her and
The same day I decided to pull the house off the [redacted]et since there were no
leads and I couldn't afford it anymoreI had told [redacted] the week before this was
coming and I was thinking I'd leave the house on the market until mid November
(he did not respond to this text message)After looking at my finances again
and seeing there were no prospects on the house I decided to pull it off
soonerI emailed both [redacted] and [redacted] and asked for the house to be taken off the marketI got no responseThat same day [redacted] was supposed to let National Fuel
into the house and he was unable toI have a friend in Erie with a flexible
work schedule who could let National Fuel in and also do some checks on the house
I asked [redacted] to give him one of the sets of keys I left him and [redacted] refused
saying he should use the lockboxI then sent an email to him and [redacted]
requesting the keys be turned overAgain I got no response and later I
had a phone conversation with [redacted] about it in which he was extremely rude and
belittlingHe stated that my email was rude and inappropriate. He said I
stated that he didn't want to let the gas company in and ranted about it for a
while and I tried to explain that's not what I said - I said he wasn't able to
do it and I was trying to take burdens off of him by having my friend do
it insteadHe said that wasn't my intent and continued to rant at me about
both the keys and the entire situationI tried to remain calm and discuss this
with him rationally but it was difficultHe finally agreed to look into
renting the home and we ended the conversation
The next day I received text messages from [redacted] saying it was all my fault that
the woman wasn't buying the house and saying I had listed the house for rent on
craigslist the week before and I clearly had the rental situation coveredI
was extremely confused since I had not listed the house for rent the week
before me and my fiancée had listed the house in early September as an
experiment to gauge interest after [redacted] refused to look into renting it and I
told [redacted] we were doing soWe wanted to see what interest there was to see if
we should rent it outI was also confused since from what I understood the
woman already said she didn't want to buy the house and I was just trying to
give her the opportunity to rent the homeShe didn't seem pressured and even
thanked me for reaching out (I have documentation of this conversation with her)We had a phone conversation about this and I told
him that yes I had listed the house on Craigslist but it was almost a month
before and I told him I was doing so and he got belligerentI also told him
that the woman didn't seem pressured and I was confused about what was going
onHe was extremely agitated and told me that everything I had done was wrong
and I was rude to him and he didn't deserve to be treated the way I was
treating himHe said he was "The nicest real estate agent you'd meet" and he
had done an extremely good job working on selling my homeHe berated me along
this vein for about forty five minutesHe said he wasn't going to help me rent
my home "since I had it covered"I apologized to him about the situation and I
said we are at a crossroads and I am simply out of money to keep it on the marketHe talked about how it was difficult because of the neighborhood and
the market is soft and then he told me that the advice from the critical open
house was to lower the priceWe discussed lowering the price for the last week
it was on the [redacted]etAfter this conversation I was extremely upset and
felt as though I had been beaten down and I knew I couldn't continue to
work with [redacted] if he was going to continue behaving the way he wasI signed an
addendum removing [redacted]'s authority and designating [redacted] as the selling
agent[redacted] acknowledged this and signed the addendum but the home remained listed under [redacted] which was directly in conflict with the signed addendumThe contract ended on 10/31/and there were no offersI am
disappointed that Howard Hanna blatantly ignored a legal contract and botched
my first oneI am disappointed since the lack of honesty caused me to lose out on rental money I could have been getting for my home or the possible sale of my home since if I had been given honest advice by [redacted] that did not contradict [redacted]'s advice I would have lowered the price of the home

I represent [redacted] and [redacted]. Please accept this letter as their responseto the pending complaint.Ms. [redacted] listed her house at [redacted]. for sale with [redacted] on June 1, 2014 with explicit instruction to enter the listing into the multiplelisting service on...

June 11, 2014. Ms [redacted] expressed that she had a small amount ofequity in the home and therefore it needed to be priced near the higher end of the[redacted]et price. The home was in very good condition and would show well to prospectivebuyers. The prop[redacted]y was placed into multiple listing service on June 11, 2014 andappeared in the service as of June 12, 2014.The feedback received from prospective buyers and/or their agents was complimentaryabout the condition of the home but no one was interested in making an offer topurchase the prop[redacted]y. Mr. [redacted] remained in regular contact with Ms. [redacted] andaddressed every concern and request in a prompt and professional manner. He cannotcontrol whether there are buyers for a particular prop[redacted]y located in a particular area. Heconsented to Ms. [redacted]’s request to offer the prop[redacted]y for rent at the same time it was onthe [redacted]et for sale.Despite the Marketing efforts of Mr. [redacted], very few showings occurred and no offerswere received. The property was advertised in the [redacted], it was publishedon Howard Hanna’s website and syndicated to many other local and national housingwebsites including [redacted] and [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] was dissatisfied with theresults as well as Mr. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] met with both [redacted] and hismanager, [redacted], to discuss different ideas to attract more prospective buyers to theprop[redacted]y. A selling bonus to a buyer’s agent was proposed to incentivize agents to showthe property to their clients, which was implemented but no results. Finally, on October22, 2014 Ms. [redacted] agreed to reduce the list price to $75,000.00.At the request of Ms. [redacted], the listing agreement was terminated on October 31, 2014.Mr. [redacted] contacted Ms. [redacted] to confirm that the listing had been terminated and that noprospective buyers were known to the agent or the manager. Mr. [redacted] apologized fornot obtaining a contract on her property.Please contact me directly should you have any questions or need additionalinformation.

Please accept this letter as [redacted] and [redacted]’s Response to the Reply to ourAnswer to the complaint.The home was advertised in the [redacted] three times. Once as a new listing andtwice as an Open House (see attached copy of ads).During the listing period, Mr. [redacted] averaged 1-4 phone calls per week with the[redacted], 1-4 emails per week and a dozen text messages per week. Mr. [redacted] providedboth verbal and written feedback to the [redacted] from every Open House. If necessary Mr.[redacted] will provide a text conversation he had with the [redacted] that occurred before,during and after the Open House.The [redacted] in her response stated that “she had a very short time to move and a tightbudget”. She told Mr. [redacted] that she didn’t want to sell the home for less then whatshe paid for it in 2012 ($78,500.00). They were willing to take a little less but theywanted to start at $79,900 to give them some room to negotiate.[redacted] also states that she wanted the home listed into MLS on June 9th. The contractstates June 11th and it was initialed by the [redacted].[redacted] again states that “she was confused about the pricing”. As of August 26t11there were no showings both in appointment and Open House. Mr. [redacted]recommended changing the asking price from $79,900 to $80,000. They thought that itmay attract more internet traffic if it included searches in the $80,000 price rangebecause they were receiving no activity at $79,900. Both Mr. [redacted] and the [redacted]believed the strategy could produce more interest.As for the “Critical Tour”, Mr. [redacted] had a long conversation with her regarding itspurpose and its likely outcome. The results were as predicted. Beautiful Home - Badlocation = Change price. However, Mr. [redacted]’s premise of the tour was to get someagents in the home to preview and perhaps get some out of the box suggestions fromthe group. The seller agreed it was worth a shot. Mr. [redacted] discussed with the sellerthe feedback he received from the price change and showing.Seller alleges that as of September Mr. [redacted] refused to put the house up for rental.This is not a true statement. Mr. [redacted] has documentation from the s[redacted] instructinghim that she wants to hold off from renting and to wait a little longer in an attempt to sellthe home.Seller alleges that Mr. [redacted] refused to give a set of keys to her friend. Mr. [redacted]never refused to give her friend a set of keys. Since the client’s friend needed to get inthe house the next day, Mr. [redacted] suggested that he use the lockbox to gain accessuntil Mr. [redacted] was able to meet her friend and give him a set of keys.Sincerely,[redacted]General Counsel

We are sorry that the home did not sell during the listing period of 6 months. That means that the seller did not receive a price that was acceptable during that time. Our Guaranteed Sale Price offer was $90,000. This was rejected by the seller so there was no Guarantee on the home. The only reason...

we ask how much is owed on the home is so that we can help the seller determine if they can take our offer or any other offer at that price. What the seller owes has nothing to do with the price we offer for the Guaranteed Sale Price or what the home is actually worth. There was no reason to give the seller a Contract of Sale since our Guaranteed Sale Offer was rejected by the seller. All offers are presented to the sellers in a timely fashion. in this case no offers were acceptable. To our knowledge the seller never received an offer higher than $90,000 from anyone during the term of our listing and since the seller actually owed well over $90,000 on the property they rejected those offers. To say that our Guaranteed Sale Offer was $20,000 below fair market value is somewhat strange since fair market value is defined as what a typical buyer would pay for that home. In 6 months no one offered more than $90,000 to my knowledge. Seller says they can not afford to sell it. That may be true but it is not because of anything we did. It's because no one is willing to pay a price the seller can accept. We exposed the home for sale through the Multiple Listing Service and all associated web sites. The seller had about 23 showings during the time of our listing. Buyers were not willing to pay a price that the seller could accept. We, as Realtors,  have no control over the market. It is simply unfair to blame the Realtor if the home isn't worth what the seller thinks it is. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have heard of several offers from others that were over 90k. If you ask what is owed only 24 hrs before offer it has everything to do with your offer. It is realtors job to communicate and negotiate any and all offers regardless of if they think they are enough. It's just a scam that you use to get people to sign with you. Just like the others you have done in the past on other trusting people .Regards,[redacted]

Review: Upon purchasing a home I was informed that the home includes a warranty on all major appliances. This was a major selling point that the agent used and was a big reason why I purchased this home. House inspection was performed but the pump was not inspected due to weather. Several months after purchasing the home I discovered that the well on the property was not working properly. I troubleshot common problems and confirmed that power was going to the pump. I contacted the Home Warranty company fully expecting it to be covered. The lady informed me that the seller did not add the well coverage to the policy. I do not see how a well in the house is not considered an appliance similar to the hot water tank and furnace. I contacted the agent (Iris M[redacted]) who contacted the seller and ran me through several more troubleshooting checks none of which worked. The seller states that the pump was operable in October when he winterized it but it is certainly not working right now. I had no reason to believe that this was not covered as a major appliance prior to closing and only found out when I combed through the warranty package received after closing occurred.Desired Settlement: The well should have been covered initially in the warranty and the cost to replace the pump should be covered by the selling agency.



VIA EMAIL & REGULAR U.S. MAIL ([redacted])July 8, 2016[redacted]Dispute Resolution of Western PA[redacted]RE: [redacted] v. Iris M[redacted] Complaint No: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:I am General Counsel for Howard Hanna Real Estate Services and Iris M[redacted]. Please accept this letter as our response to the complaint that was filed on May 18, 2016. If you need additional information please contact me directly.The Complainant purchased a home a [redacted] on January 24, 2016 and it closed on March 25, 2016. [redacted] and [redacted] were the Sellers of the property. The [redacted] listed the property for sale with Howard Hanna and Iris M[redacted].On January 21, 2016 Iris met the Complainant and his girlfriend at the property. The Complainant liked the property and asked fora second showing the following day with his parents. During the second visit, Iris did tell the Complainant that the sellers were offering a home warranty with the sale. Iris told the Complainant that she would provide him with a copy of the home warranty paperwork.The Complainant asked to write up an offer to purchase the property while at the second showing. Iris and the Complainant left the property and went to Iris' office to prepare the paperwork. While at the office Iris provided the Complainant with a copy of the home warranty information. Iris never told the Complainant that all major appliances are covered. The paperwork provided clearly identifies that the Sellers were offering Seller/Buyer Coverage at a cost of $435.00 and the items that are covered by the warranty. At the closing on March 25, 2016, Iris explained to the Complainant that he could purchase additional coverage with a "Buyer 7 Star Upgrade" and he declined to pay for that coverage. The Complainant never asked whether the well on the property was covered either the basic policy offered by the Sellers or the optional buyer upgrade that he declined.The warranty paperwork does itemize a separate buyer option for $30.00 to cover well water pump. The Buyer did not elect this upgrade and did not pay for this coverage. The Complainant acknowledged in his complaint that he understood this fact after reading the warranty paperwork after closing.We are sorry that the supplemental well on the property is not operating properly. In his complaint, he stated that the Seller after experiencing a problem and the Seller told him the well operated properly while they owned it. The Complainant is asking Iris to pay for a well pump replacement that he chose not to purchase and that was operating properly at the time of sale. We are not interested nor obligated to pay for the replacement of the well pump.Sincerely, John F. D[redacted]General CounselHoward Hanna Real Estate[redacted]Enclosures:CC: Iris M[redacted]

Review: Howard Hanna has horrible service. The mortgage loan department is not worth the trouble. They start your loan process but they don't call you back, they don't keep you in the loop, and they don't do the things they say they are. [redacted] was our loan officer and he was so hard to get a hold of. He was supposed to be working on helping us with our loan and getting my dad as my co-maker but after he received the information he needed he didn't call us back. I had to call and call and call until he finally did and then when we tried to set up an appointment he wasn't available the day we tried to set the appointment for so he was supposed to call us and set up something and never did. That was the beginning of July. So, because of this we (my dad and i) called His bank and are trying to get us a loan through them. Yesterday (July 22) we finally heard from Howard Hanna. Our realtor [redacted].) finally called and told us that the sellers of the house we were trying to get signed a termination. I talked to so many different people in the company and they all gave me the run around. They all dragged their feet to do anything. Anybody I talked to could not actually help get me any answers. We (myself and my fianc) have paid money into getting this house and now because they have drug their feet and not kept on top of this we lost that money and the house. My fianc is pregnant and we can't stay where we are at there just isn't enough room. She doesn't need this stress as well. We don't deserve to be drug around and led on by a company that is supposed to help us in getting a house.Desired Settlement: I want a refund of all money we put into this process. That includes the money we put down, the loan application money, the money for anything else we had to pay for. I want to get back what we deserve because they (Howard Hanna) the reason we are no longer able to try and get this house.



Howard Hanna Financial Services has a response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint. However, before we do provide a detailed response, We would respectfully request specific written permission to discuss Mr. [redacted]'s file. As a financial insttution, and speficically, a mortgage Banker, we must comply with privacy regulations.

Very truly yours,

Chief Legal Counsel

Review: Realtor [redacted] and Manager [redacted] of the [redacted], PA Howard Hanna office provide terrible customer service. [redacted] was my realtor before allowing her husband, [redacted] in our home and garage during an open house. Where he then proceeded to go into my garage, which is off limits to our realtor and anyone else for that matter. While in our garage he used my husbands very expensive, professional mechanics tools on his personal vehicle in our driveway during the open house. Her service provided before this incident were disappointing to say the least. Then she broke a verbal agreement of not going into the garage and allowed her husband, who has no affiliation with Howard Hanna into our garage and allowed him to use my husbands tools. The liability had he gotten hurt, would of fallen back on us. We had an agreement that the garage was off limits unless there was a very serious buyer . So many things could have happened leaving us liable, which is utterly unprofessional on Howard Hanna's behalf. Also had he broken tools in there they would be costly to replace. My husband uses those tools for his livelihood. There is also the issue that an expensive antique car that belongs to a customer of my husbands as well as a motorcycle and dirt bike that belongs to a family friend where inside the garage. A neighbor informed us that he saw [redacted]'s husband in the driveway with his car hood up going in and out of our garage with tools. He informed my husband right away and so my husband drove past on his way to somewhere else and also saw her husband going in and out of our garage. He then texted [redacted] and asked "who was going in and out of the garage?" in which she responded "that was [redacted]" he reminded her that no one was to be in the garage and after that text message we have yet to hear from her after multiple attempts to contact her. So we went to her manager [redacted] who treated us with disrespect and dishonestly. Ultimately leaving the issue unresolved to date.Desired Settlement: We would like our contract to be null and void. We no longer desire to deal with Howard Hanna after the way we've been treated.




October 30, 2014[redacted] of Western Pennsylvania[redacted]

RE: ID No. [redacted]

Dear [redacted]:

Please accept this letter as the collective response of Howard Hanna, [redacted] and

[redacted]. If additional information is needed, please direct that request to my


First, there was never any agreement, verbal or otherwise, that the garage was “off

limits”. [redacted] first photos posted online of the property were with the garage

doors open and the sellers did not object. The seller showed [redacted] where the

garage door openers were kept in a drawer in the kitchen in the event that a prospective

buyer wanted to look in the garage. The garage doors were opened while the seller was

present at that first open house, and they were open at the three subsequent open


On Sunday, October 19, [redacted] husband accompanied her to the open house.

This was a new procedure they began after the tragic murder of a real estate agent

down south. [redacted] set up the signs and her husband parked his car in front of the

sellers’ garage, facing the house. [redacted] went inside and turned on lights and

opened a few windows. Her husband remained on the back porch and came inside

when she returned to the kitchen. She opened the drawer where the garage door

openers were kept and opened the garage doors. They would remain open for the

duration of the open house.

[redacted] husband looked through the kitchen window to the garage and, with a

delighted look, turned back to her and said: “Oh honey, I think that’s an MGB in the

garage”. He then recounted the story of the surprise presented to him in a garage

wrapped with a big bow on his twenty-first birthday, nearly 34 years ago to the day. It

was an MGB very similar to the one in Complainant’s garage. [redacted] husband left

the kitchen and went to the garage. He entered the garage and after a minute or two

returned to sit on the back porch. [redacted] spoke with him through the window as she

was cold and did not want to sit outside. As [redacted] and her husband sat and talked,

the husband was doing some research on his phone on a problem he had been having

with his car. They sat for about an hour on the back porch at which point [redacted]

husband excused himself to take a look at his own personal car. He was bored and

wanted to investigate something he had read on the internet about the problem he had

been having with his vehicle. He walked down to his car, opened the hood, crouched

down in front of his car for a very short time, closed the hood and returned to the porch.

Subsequently, [redacted] noticed a message come through her phone from

Complainant’s husband’s phone number. The time stamp was 2:29. It read: “Why is

someone going in and out of my garage”. [redacted] responded “That was [redacted]”.

[redacted] sent another message, 10 minutes later: “I don’t care at what point is

someone aloud in the garage”. Four minutes later, another message: “In and out”.

Since no one went in or out of the garage during the open house, [redacted] did not


No more texts were sent and no one called for the remainder of the time [redacted]

spent at the house. [redacted] and her husband stood in the kitchen until 3:45. It

was then that she closed the garage doors. Her husband then walked to his car to warm

it, flashing the high beams at 4:00. [redacted] and her husband gathered their signs and


The sellers at no time instructed [redacted] that the garage was off limits. At no time

was any property of the sellers’ damaged in any way. At no time did [redacted] or her

husband pick up, move or use any of the sellers’ property in the garage. [redacted] and

her husband never touched the car in the garage or the sellers’ tools.

[redacted] and her husband knew the Complainant before the property was listed for

sale. [redacted] had worked with Complainant in the past at [redacted] and [redacted]

husband had hired the Complainant as a baby sitter in the past.

[redacted], the office manager, did advise the sellers that she would have another

agent take over the listing, or if they insisted the listing would be transferred to another

office but felt the [redacted] office was best to service it. The property remains listed

with Howard Hanna and currently has the listing in [redacted]’s name.[redacted]

cc: [redacted], Esq.

Review: Howard Hanna states that they provide "Integrity, Professionalism and Pride." This is far from the the truth. I recently sold my home through Howard Hanna and the experience resulted in major stresses placed upon me throughout the process. I have attempted to contact the Manager to get resolution, but they have not provided me any empathy or support. The realtor that I hired was representing me in the sale of my home in Pittsburgh as I live in MD. There were many issues throughout the experience, but the biggest issues came around the [redacted]e of the closing. My closing was scheduled for May 30th. On May 30th around 10am I received a TEXT message from my realtor stating he was emailing me an extension that I needed to sign. I was completely caught off guard. I expressed that moving the closing was not an option and he stated that it couldn't happen due to issues. I picked up the phone and called the title company as my frustrations with my realtor were mounting. The title company explained that they needed the paperwork from my borough building. I then called the borough building and found that the paperwork was ready and my realtor had not picked it up. I then contacted the title company again and they arranged to have my realtor pick up the paperwork. The closing happened only because I made it happen. The closing was scheduled for 4pm. At 4:40pm I receive a TEXT from my realtor stating that he promised them a home warranty and I needed to pay $300. I refused. The customer service I receievd from Howard Hanna fell far short from being handled with Integrity and Professionalism. I paid for a service that I never received. I deserve to receive money back.Desired Settlement: I have all the documentation to provide regarding the lack of communication and issues that I have had to handle on my own due to the the realtor, [redacted], from Howard Hanna. I paid for a service ($~5,000) and did NOT receive the service. I am requesting refund of the half of the costs.



I represent Howard Hanna and [redacted] in the above referenced matter. Please

Review: We were supposed to close on our home on June 28,2015. It was a disaster from the start. Our agent, Lori P[redacted] advised us to have the utilities turned on a week prior to closing. Fine, done. Well, 2nd home inspector came out and said that a toliet was broken in the basement. This new finding postponed our closing. Because of this the utilities were still in my name. After FINALLY closing, I received a water bill for almost 500 and a sewage bill for almost 300.00! Our agent said not to worry fax it, and it would be taken care of. Fast forward 3 more weeks and we receive a shut off notice for the water. We speak to a manager at Howard Hanna and they say it's my responsibility for this bill. Absurd. I was told to turn the water on, my closing was postponed because of a toliet problem that was "fixed," and it's MY problem?! In addition to this, every "issue" that was "resolved" wasn't. We were never given a final walk thru of our home to verify that everything was fixed. I can't even explain the nightmare this has been.Desired Settlement: I want my water and sewage bills to be paid. I want Howard Hanna to fix everything that was signed off on to be "fixed" to be fixed by a professional. We paid for a home inspection for a reason.



September 30, 2015[redacted]Dispute Resolution of Western PA[redacted]Re: [redacted] Case No: [redacted]Dear [redacted], I represent Howard Hanna Real Estate Services and Lori P[redacted]. Please accept this letter as their response to the above referenced complaint filed by [redacted]. [redacted] is not the buyer of the property and not Howard Hanna's client. I believe she is the girlfriend or Fiance of our client [redacted]. The original closing date on the sales agreement was June 26th 2015. However, the closing was delayed and postponed to July 14th because of Mr. [redacted]'s lending requirements. [redacted] switched jobs in the middle of the loan application process. His lender required that Mr. [redacted] be on his new job for a full 30 days prior to closing He started his new job at [redacted]'s on June 1, 2015. Mr. [redacted]'s lender required 30 days of paycheck stubs from his new employer. This did not occur until July 13, 2015 leaving July 14, 2015 as the first opportunity to close. As a matter of practice, Lori always notifies her clients that it is their responsibility to coordinate their utilities. In this matter Lori told Mr. [redacted] that he needed to coordinate his utility transfers. Apparently, Mr. [redacted] followed the instructions and the client arranged for the turn on of the utilities about a week before closing. However, Mr. [redacted] probably turned them on for the original close date of June 26th. The utilities were on in the buyers name for approximately an extra 3 weeks. The buyer should have called the utility company and given them the new date of closing buy they did not do so. We never advise a client to turn utilities on prior to the close date. The delay in closing arose from Mr. [redacted]'s lender requiring a second appraisal. The appraisal noted plumbing issues (toilet) that needed to be corrected at a cost of $85.00. Per the home inspection report, certain items were identified as needing repair. The seller agreed to correct these items and to the best of our knowledge completed these repairs. According to the file, a final walk through was conducted on dated July 13th (closing 14th) and signed off on by [redacted]. This would be the opportunity for Mr. [redacted] to address any items or issues he wanted addressed prior to title transfer. We are sorry that this transaction has been difficult for Mr. [redacted]. However, Mr. [redacted] was warned told that he could not switch jobs in the middle of a mortgage application process and not expect a delay in closing. Further, the need for a second appraisal, which revealed a leaking toilet, delayed the closing beyond the original closing date. The seller paid for the repair. We do not believe that we are responsible for the items claimed by Mr. [redacted]'s girlfriend.Please contact me directly if any further communication is needed or requested.Sincerely, John F. D[redacted]General Counsel[redacted]

Review: On 02/23/2014 I submitted an app for a mortgage through Howard Hanna's website. [redacted] contacted me via email on 02/24/2014 with a few questions. I responded with the answers and was told my application would be sent to [redacted] and he would be in contact with us. I emailed [redacted] back and asked if my app could be sent to an office closer to where we wanted to buy a house. [redacted] never responded to my email. On 02/27/14 I emailed [redacted] again to let him know that no one has contacted us. Again I did not get a response from him. As of today 03/08/14 no one has been in contact with us about our loan options. A few days ago I received our disclosure when they ran our credit. Now we have a credit pull and this company has not cared enough to ever contact us. If they did not want our business then they should have been up front. We are not happy customers at all and I will never recommend this business to anyone.Desired Settlement: Since this company did not do anything with this loan application we are requesting that they have the inquiries removed from our credit report. Having extra credit inquiries can effect our credit score and could be harmful in us obtaining future credit. They can not use the excuse that we are not qualified because I received a pre approval this week from another lender.



Review: got screwed by a real estate guy mike [redacted] from howard hanna when went to view home up for sale [redacted] did not have loan from [redacted] bank would not let me view home would not deal with me due to loan I had from another company he was rude to me told me never to contact him or any one in his company ever again or would take matters further will never let me view home whether it sells or not changed lock so I could not get into see home with another agent he does not belong in the sales business he does not know how to do the job I can send you more information on what he did to me later.Desired Settlement: let me see home and try to buy home get rid of him he is not a reliable person to sell homes he is very rude to people on what said to me.



I represent [redacted] and Howard Hanna. Please accept this letter as our

Review: I hired [redacted] to sell my home. I had little time & a tight budget & I was open w/ [redacted] about this. We verbally agreed to put the house on the [redacted]et for 3-5 months & then if there were no offers rent it. On the contract my name was incorrectly spelled & there was no end date. My home was supposed to be listed in in MLS on June 9th but wasnt listed until the 12th. There was 1 showing in June and none until Aug. There was 1 open house on July 13th but [redacted] says no one showed. [redacted] kept promising he was going to get an ad in the paper & do other adv[redacted]ising but neither happened. In mid-Aug I called [redacted] (the Broker)for help. He promised to get a marketing plan together w/[redacted], get an ad in the paper & hold more open houses. He suggested adding an addendum to the contract giving the buyers agent a bonus. I agreed. This was not effective. I never received a marketing plan, there was no ad in the paper & there wasn't another open house until Oct. A few weeks went by & no progress. I called [redacted] & left messages. When he did call back he was negative & combative. He said the only way Id sell the house was by lowering the price $5K/week. [redacted] gave me opposite advice & Id just signed an addendum to raise the price. I was confused about the conflicting info. He suggested a critical open house &I agreed. I discussed lowering the price w/ [redacted] & he insisted it wouldn't help.[redacted] said the feedback was Beautiful house bad neighborhood. I found out [redacted] neglected to tell me the other part of the feedback was low[redacted]he price. I asked [redacted] to rent it he refused saying it would sell. There was 1 more open house & 1 lead. He stopped responding to me in a timely manner. The deal fell thru. I was out of money & had to pull the house off the [redacted]et in 2 weeks. I asked the lead to rent the home & they couldn't. [redacted] blamed me for the deal falling thru & was rude & harrassing. I signed an addendum to remove [redacted]'s authority & end the contract but Howard Hanna kept him as the listing agent & the house never sold.Desired Settlement: Compensation for money lost while home was not properly [redacted]eted and not sold due to lack of disclosure on behalf of Howard Hanna's agent. 2 months of mortgage payments ($1556).



I represent [redacted] and [redacted]. Please accept this letter as their responseto the pending complaint.Ms. [redacted] listed her house at [redacted]. for sale with [redacted] on June 1, 2014 with explicit instruction to enter the listing into the multiplelisting service on June 11, 2014. Ms [redacted] expressed that she had a small amount ofequity in the home and therefore it needed to be priced near the higher end of the[redacted]et price. The home was in very good condition and would show well to prospectivebuyers. The prop[redacted]y was placed into multiple listing service on June 11, 2014 andappeared in the service as of June 12, 2014.The feedback received from prospective buyers and/or their agents was complimentaryabout the condition of the home but no one was interested in making an offer topurchase the prop[redacted]y. Mr. [redacted] remained in regular contact with Ms. [redacted] andaddressed every concern and request in a prompt and professional manner. He cannotcontrol whether there are buyers for a particular prop[redacted]y located in a particular area. Heconsented to Ms. [redacted]’s request to offer the prop[redacted]y for rent at the same time it was onthe [redacted]et for sale.Despite the Marketing efforts of Mr. [redacted], very few showings occurred and no offerswere received. The property was advertised in the [redacted], it was publishedon Howard Hanna’s website and syndicated to many other local and national housingwebsites including [redacted] and [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] was dissatisfied with theresults as well as Mr. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] met with both [redacted] and hismanager, [redacted], to discuss different ideas to attract more prospective buyers to theprop[redacted]y. A selling bonus to a buyer’s agent was proposed to incentivize agents to showthe property to their clients, which was implemented but no results. Finally, on October22, 2014 Ms. [redacted] agreed to reduce the list price to $75,000.00.At the request of Ms. [redacted], the listing agreement was terminated on October 31, 2014.Mr. [redacted] contacted Ms. [redacted] to confirm that the listing had been terminated and that noprospective buyers were known to the agent or the manager. Mr. [redacted] apologized fornot obtaining a contract on her property.Please contact me directly should you have any questions or need additionalinformation.



This response is unsatisfactory because many of the statements that are presented as fact by Howard Hanna are blatantly false. The home was never advertised in The [redacted] as I was promised it would be and there was no marketing done on the house other than putting it on MLS. [redacted] refused to put the home up for rent at the same time as being on the market until I found someone else willing to list it and then he changed his mind and told me "I had it covered". [redacted] did not stay in touch with me and was not professional at all and I have the documentation of his communications to prove it. Additionally he broke regulations of the industry by revealing a potential buyer's identity to me and failing to inform me of the feedback from the open house. I am including another more detailed sequence of events that I have written and I have documentation of communications to prove this statement's verity. This account reflects the false statements made by Howard Hanna regarding our contract and the services rendered.

When I initially

found out that I was relocating and it was going to happen in a very short time

I reached out to [redacted] about putting my home on the market. I knew

I had a short amount of time to move and a tight budget and I was very open

with [redacted] about this from the beginning. We initially discussed putting the

house on the [redacted]et for 3-5 months and then if we didn’t have success we would

rent it out. From the beginning there were problems. My name was incorrectly

spelled on the contract, there was no end date to the contract, my home was

supposed to be listed in in MLS on June 9th but wasn’t listed until June 12th.

[redacted] had someone preview the home before it was listed and he was convinced the

guy was going to buy it and then the guy stopped calling him back. After that

the house didn’t get viewed until August. It sat for nearly 2 months with no

showings. There was one open house 1 month after it was listed on July 13th but

according to [redacted] no one showed up. By mid August we were getting very

concerned. [redacted] kept promising us he was going to get an ad for the house in the

paper do other adv[redacted]ising (such as getting it listed with the historical

society) but he wasn’t able to get it to work out with the historical society

and supposedly no one ever called him back from the paper. In mid-August

I called [redacted] to ask for his advice and help. He promised to get a marketing

plan together with [redacted], get the house in the paper and hold more open

houses. He also suggested adding an addendum to the contract giving the buyer’s

agent a bonus for selling the house. I agreed and signed an addendum stating

such and increasing [redacted]’s commission as well. This got a few people in the

house and was somewhat successful but I felt that because of the negativity

around the neighborhood we still had obstacles especially since [redacted] was very

negative about the neighborhood in his conversation with me. I never received a marketing plan, the house did not get in the paper and there wasn’t another

open house until October. A few weeks went by and I saw [redacted] getting frustrated

because he had problems getting people in because of the neighborhood and

I didn’t see [redacted] assisting in the way he promised. I tried to call [redacted] and

left a message but he never called me back.

A couple more weeks went by (now it is mid-September) and I still saw no

actions based on the promises I received and there was still nothing going on

with the house. I called [redacted] again and left him a message asking him to call

me back this time and I expressed my frustration about him not calling me back.

This time he did call me back and he had a very negative and combative

attitude. He said my house was in the very worst neighborhood in Erie and we

had an argument over that. I told him the neighborhood wasn’t bad that was just

other people’s perception. I used to go running all the time in the evening and

never felt unsafe the neighbors were always friendly or stuck to themselves. At

one point he asked me if I regretted moving there and I said the only thing I

regretted was the trouble I was having selling the house. He said the

only way I’d sell the house was by lowering the price by $5,000 dollars a week

until it sold and I told him that I couldn’t afford to do that and it seemed

extreme. I also told him [redacted] gave me the very opposite advice and I’d just

signed an addendum to increase the price of the home so that it showed up on

searches for higher priced homes. I was confused about this conflicting

information. He ended up suggesting a critical open house and I agreed to

it. I discussed lowering the price with [redacted] in light of what [redacted] said and [redacted]

was adamant that lowering the price wasn’t going to make a bit of difference. I

believed him. The critical open house occurred in late September and [redacted] told

me the feedback was “Beautiful house bad neighborhood”. I later found out [redacted]

neglected to tell me the other part of the feedback was lower the price.

[redacted] held one more open house and one person showed up and showed interest. This

was a young woman who worked at GE. She ended up telling [redacted] she didn’t have

enough money for a down payment. [redacted] gave me her name and suggested we

try renting the house to her. He emailed her and she didn’t respond. At this

point I was almost out of money and wanted to rent the house. By September I

had discussed renting the house with [redacted] several times and he refused to put it

up for rent and kept saying he would be able to sell it soon. At this point I

was frustrated and was looking into prop[redacted]y managers and I began to work with

one. The man I was working with found a few people who were interested and

renting the home I decided to reach out to the woman and ask if she wanted to

rent the home before I agreed to rent it to anyone else since I thought that

was a fair thing to do. She said she didn’t have the money to buy the

home and couldn’t rent it and she really appreciated me reaching out to her and


The same day I decided to pull the house off the [redacted]et since there were no

leads and I couldn’t afford it anymore. I had told [redacted] the week before this was

coming and I was thinking I’d leave the house on the market until mid November

(he did not respond to this text message). After looking at my finances again

and seeing there were no prospects on the house I decided to pull it off

sooner. I emailed both [redacted] and [redacted] and asked for the house to be taken off the market. I got no response. That same day [redacted] was supposed to let National Fuel

into the house and he was unable to. I have a friend in Erie with a flexible

work schedule who could let National Fuel in and also do some checks on the house.

I asked [redacted] to give him one of the sets of keys I left him and [redacted] refused

saying he should use the lockbox. I then sent an email to him and [redacted]

requesting the keys be turned over. Again I got no response and later I

had a phone conversation with [redacted] about it in which he was extremely rude and

belittling. He stated that my email was rude and inappropriate. He said I

stated that he didn’t want to let the gas company in and ranted about it for a

while and I tried to explain that’s not what I said - I said he wasn’t able to

do it and I was trying to take burdens off of him by having my friend do

it instead. He said that wasn’t my intent and continued to rant at me about

both the keys and the entire situation. I tried to remain calm and discuss this

with him rationally but it was difficult. He finally agreed to look into

renting the home and we ended the conversation.

The next day I received text messages from [redacted] saying it was all my fault that

the woman wasn’t buying the house and saying I had listed the house for rent on

craigslist the week before and I clearly had the rental situation covered. I

was extremely confused since I had not listed the house for rent the week

before me and my fiancée had listed the house in early September as an

experiment to gauge interest after [redacted] refused to look into renting it and I

told [redacted] we were doing so. We wanted to see what interest there was to see if

we should rent it out. I was also confused since from what I understood the

woman already said she didn’t want to buy the house and I was just trying to

give her the opportunity to rent the home. She didn’t seem pressured and even

thanked me for reaching out (I have documentation of this conversation with her). We had a phone conversation about this and I told

him that yes I had listed the house on Craigslist but it was almost a month

before and I told him I was doing so and he got belligerent. I also told him

that the woman didn’t seem pressured and I was confused about what was going

on. He was extremely agitated and told me that everything I had done was wrong

and I was rude to him and he didn’t deserve to be treated the way I was

treating him. He said he was “The nicest real estate agent you’d meet” and he

had done an extremely good job working on selling my home. He berated me along

this vein for about forty five minutes. He said he wasn’t going to help me rent

my home “since I had it covered”. I apologized to him about the situation and I

said we are at a crossroads and I am simply out of money to keep it on the market. He talked about how it was difficult because of the neighborhood and

the market is soft and then he told me that the advice from the critical open

house was to lower the price. We discussed lowering the price for the last week

it was on the [redacted]et. After this conversation I was extremely upset and

felt as though I had been beaten down and I knew I couldn’t continue to

work with [redacted] if he was going to continue behaving the way he was. I signed an

addendum removing [redacted]'s authority and designating [redacted] as the selling

agent. [redacted] acknowledged this and signed the addendum but the home remained listed under [redacted] which was directly in conflict with the signed addendum. The contract ended on 10/31/2014 and there were no offers. I am

disappointed that Howard Hanna blatantly ignored a legal contract and botched

my first one. I am disappointed since the lack of honesty caused me to lose out on rental money I could have been getting for my home or the possible sale of my home since if I had been given honest advice by [redacted] that did not contradict [redacted]'s advice I would have lowered the price of the home.


Review: We are selling our home it's listed with Howard Hanna real estate service in New Kensington Pa 15068. Well we have a buyer his first loan thru USDA fell through so he went with a FHA witch he was approved proplem is howard hanna will not give FHA the appraisel that the buyer paid for. Now we are going to loose are house we are buying in Marienville Pa due to the fact we are buying from the sell of our house in Leechburg Pa the appraisel is all that's holding up this sale and both partys moving on with our lives. Thank YouDesired Settlement: would like howard hanna give up the appraisel that the buyer paid for so we all can move



RE: ID No. [redacted]

Review: First received a text message from Residential Real Estate Agent Sarah G[redacted] at 12/11/15 9:41 AM. She responded to an advertisement I had placed on "Craigslist" when I had been attempting to sell the residential real estate property known as [redacted] in [redacted] County all by myself. Ultimately, I had decided to list the aforementioned property with her through her brokerage firm known as "Howard Hanna" and begun that process on 12/19/2015.

The documents she had me sign were all Contracts of Adhesion and as such are typically interpreted Contra Proferentem or against the offeror and in this case that is "Howard Hanna." One of the first documents was a "Seller Estimated Return At Settlement" which I signed indicating a 6.00% sales commission. This was changed a day later on 12/20/2015 for reasons which remain unclear to me to this very day to a flat $2,000.00 fee which nonetheless I agreed to and signed. This is the actual commission that should be paid on this coming Friday the 19th of February 2016's closing for the residential real estate property located at [redacted]. I have copies of both "Seller Estimated Return At Settlement" documents that I can furnish to your office. At no time was I ever proactively and not passively informed or told the commission had changed to $4,000.00 from a flat $2,000.00 and if the position of "Howard Hanna" and Agent "Sarah G[redacted]" is to the contrary then I want to know when, how, and most importantly why?

On 01/07/2016, I did sign two (02) other documents. The [redacted] PROPERTY INPUT STATEMENT which on page two under Buyer Agency Commission it is handwritten 2000 and again on page three of the same document under Sub Agency Commission it is also handwritten 2000. Now because I trusted "Howard Hanna" and Agent "Sarah G[redacted]" and believed with every fiber of my being that the commission was a flat $2,000.00 as it had been stated in the "Seller Estimated Return At Settlement" document of 12/20/2015 and had never to the best of my recollection been told otherwise went ahead and signed the [redacted] Standard Exclusive Listing Contract the same day of 01/07/2016 when I signed the [redacted] PROPERTY INPUT STATEMENT in which a 2000 commission is handwritten. In the [redacted] Standard Exclusive Listing Contract on line 57, a handwritten 4000 does appear. This is the lynchpin of the argument of "Howard Hanna" with respect to doubling the commission of $2,000.00. I have all of the aforementioned documents on file and I am willing to turn over copies to your office.

I did bring this matter up to Agent "Sarah G[redacted]" and then to her superior "Robbins B[redacted]" but my appeals were unsuccessful. I can and will furnish copies of those e-mail exchanges to you as they are highly illustrative.Desired Settlement: I. To pay exactly Zero Dollars and Zero Cents $0.00 Commission with respect to this coming Friday the 19th of February, 2016's closing for the residential real estate property located at [redacted] the reason being is because the actual commission amount is Two Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents $2,000.00, not the alleged amount they seek which is double. Since "Howard Hanna" attempted to potentially "bait and switch" or otherwise misled and broke the fiduciary bonds of trust between us I am of the opinion they have forfeited their right to receive any compensation as their hands are unclean and this has further been etched in my mind due to the implacable obstinacy of "Robbins B[redacted]" the Sales Director;

II. If this matter has not been successfully adjudicated before this Friday's closing then for the commission monies paid at closing to be fully refunded to the title company "[redacted]" for further distribution to the seller "[redacted].," or refunded in terms of being designated for charity such as the "[redacted]", as this is not a matter of money on my part, but is a matter of fairness and justice;

III. To have as a matter of public admonishment through the public record that "Howard Hanna" along with its Agents "Sarah G[redacted]" and "Robbins B[redacted]" did not act or otherwise behave in accordance with the highest ethical standards or the optimal professional code of conduct imposed on licensed Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Real Estate persons with respect to attempting to enforce a defective contract and or with respect to having actually enforced a defective contract among the numerous improprieties;

IV. To receive a handwritten apology note from "Robbins B[redacted]", no apology is needed from Agent "Sarah G[redacted]" because she has already apologized via electronic mail and as such because of her contriteness she should receive the commission she was due for the sale of the herein described property, but it should come out of the pocket of "Howard Hanna" and not me;

Please understand that in no manner, shape, or form is this a waiver of any rights under Federal, State, or Local law. If each of the above resolutions is granted I will consider this matter adjourned with prejudice res judicata



April 4, 2016[redacted] of Western PA[redacted]Re: [redacted] v. Howard Hanna/Sarah G[redacted] ID No: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],I am General Counsel for Howard Hanna Real Estate Services and their agents. Please accept this letter as Howard Hanna and Sarah G[redacted]'s Response to the complaint filed by [redacted]/ [redacted]. Please contact me directly if you need additional information.[redacted]/ [redacted] listed their property at [redacted]. for sale with the Respondents on January 3, 2016 for $ 34,900.00. The Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement is attached. The listing agreement obligated [redacted]/ [redacted] to pay a $4,000.00 commission. The agreement represented that 50% of the commission would be shared with any broker who procures the buyer. The [redacted] also noted that $2,000.00 would be paid to a cooperating buyer's broker.On January 16, 2016, [redacted] procured a buyer for the property at a sales price of $19,500.00. The closing date was set for March 4th, 2016. At the time of title transfer, the closing agent charges the Complainant $4,000.00 for the commission. The Complainant believed he only owed $2,000.00 in total commission. [redacted] Realty received their $2,000.00 and Howard Hanna received $2,000.00. We resolved our dispute with the Complainant by giving him $1,000.00 of our commission. A General Release is attached. This matter is resolved to the Complainant’s satisfaction.Sincerely,John F. DGeneral CounselHoward Hanna Real Estate

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Address: 1670 Fishinger Rd, Upper Arlngtn, Ohio, United States, 43221-1420


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