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Georgia, Acworth, Georgia, United States

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HOTWORX Reviews (%countItem)

3 mos?
Was told this is a 3 mo membership then goes no to mo and has a 60 day cancellation notice. Then once you pay for the third mo and give the notice they say well not till you pay for the 4th mo can you. So this is not a 3 mo deal this is 5 mo locked in! Misleading sales pitch of 3 mos comes at you! I called this a scam bc there is nothing 3 months about it. Nothing is month to month for the 2 after the 3. I was cancelled by the owner Andria for a negative attitude regarding it. So I don’t get to utilize my new mat that was 80 or the 3rd moth I paid for. She also belittled me saying well you could barely make the payments. Yea thanks I explained why and made them all. Called immediate and got them to you the times they were briefly late a few hrs or a day. This is not a kind owner! Also she told me to send my resume to which she did not reply at all for her new store. I thought that was very rude as I spent much time on the cover letter. At least some regard is professional and caring but none from her. So I’m disgusted with it all.

I did call Hotworx corporate about this and they got the owner to refund me ~ in return I am taking this review down or trying to but am not getting a reply at all from this Revdex company?

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Address: Georgia, Acworth, Georgia, United States

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