, L.L.C. Reviews (438), L.L.C. Rating
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.
You need to come-up with a plan to providing much better service, with being BIG and having SO MANY customers it is critical to have ZERO ERROR service otherwise it is VERY easy to run into the problems that you just mentioned. I would like to see what you were doing before vs now that is causing more and more issues to raise. Its not just me - if you Google up hostgator sucks OR hostgator reviews you will see many many many fans of Hostgator stating the same thing.I have myself stated the same thing in my complain earlier.Instead of increasing the customer service why not make it ERROR free to start with? My question is> What has changed in last 3 years that has caused so many issues? Key person got fired? You have more customers then you can handle? What?
We were sorry to hear about Mr. [redacted] concerns and have reached out to assist.Mr. [redacted] has indicated that he would like to work with us to get any unresolved issues addressed and at this time we have opened up a direct line of Communication with Mr. [redacted] to assist with those issues.At this time we...
are looking forward to that communication from Mr [redacted] by responding back to our recent e-mail communications or emailing the Management team directly at [email protected]
We were sorry to hear about the confusion in regards to an upgrade request that Mr. [redacted]' had with his hosting package.The pricing on the Website reflects the pricing for a new package and is only valid on the first invoice of that purchase and would not be valid for an upgrade to an existing...
hosting package. The sales agent that was offering assistance with the upgrade did immediately have a refund request submitted and canceled the upgrade. Although the refund request was immediately submitted Hostgator does not set the policies of the financial institutions involved in a credit card transaction or the time frame that a refund is completed through the financial institutions that provides those services.At this time we have not received any follow up questions or concerns from Mr. [redacted]. If any should arise we ask that Mr. [redacted] please respond back to the recent e-mail communication or contact our management team directly at [email protected]
Good Morning,Our sincerest apologies for the delay in response over the past week’s holiday. I’ve spent a great deal of time with our development team and billing director and believe I understand why these issues have arisen and repeated, however looking through our logs I’m only seeing that...
privacy was disabled twice. If you can provide me a detailed account of when you believe the third issue occurred I’d be happy to review that as well, though your ticket history also seems to elude to the fact that this only actually occurred twice. The actual problem resulted after we initially had problems activating privacy with our registry service which you were made aware of in the initial ticket. It appears a package add-on for domain privacy was added incorrectly directly to our billing system and your hosting packages, when that was a legacy feature of our billing/registry system and not handled appropriately. It was handled this way however after a failure by the new functionality to initially configure this for you, which was explained as I noted. Later on in October I see an audit was run through the billing system and the system removed the privacy add ons as they should not exist in the way they did. The unfortunate reality though is that this was an automated audit and human intervention never occurred to appropriately re-add the add ons to the domains themselves. That was corrected previously and should not continue to be an issue for you, though I understand the situation and that privacy being removed can be quite serious for some customers depending on their own history, which obviously I’m not aware of, nor is a great concern given we expect your domain to remain private. Given the nature of the problems, though I’m quite sure they will not repeat having been corrected finally earlier this year, I have gone ahead and provided a 3 month credit towards your hosting renewal. I realize that may not undo the frustration or get your time back as you tried to resolve this with us previously this year, though hopefully it gestures our interest in righting the situation and hopefully moving our business relations forward. Please let me know if you have further questions or comments. Best Regards,Joshua [redacted]Director of Customer
Good Afternoon,We were certainly sorry to hear the checkout price was not what was indicated and after further investigation, see that a temporary sale was being run at the time of checkout. We've attempted to review our logs to determine if the discount coupon was incorrectly applied or if it was...
possibly accidentally removed but unfortuantely this was inconclusive so we've attempted to search for any other reports of this issue but so far have not found any additional examples from other customers.To correct this situation, we've contacted Ms. [redacted] and have provided a credit on the account slightly higher than the difference in cost mentioned on the complaint and have received her confirmation that this is a satisfactory resolution. That said, if we can be of any further assistance with this issue or her account, we ask that she please use the direct line of communication we have provided or ask that she please contact our management at [email protected].
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention so it can be addressed. I'd like to first apologize for any frustration that the cancellation process may have caused, and though this did admittedly take a little longer then we'd normally hope, due simply to volumes...
and available staffing, I'll absolutely ensure you're refunded fully for what you'd paid the first two months. I'd like to also confirm that the hosting account has been cancelled as of the end of the current renewal cycle, which would be 10/22, but this simply gives you time to remove data if necessary. You will absolutely not be billed again going forward though to be entirely clear.
Finally, I wanted to mention that while the cancellation form may have come as a surprise, that's actually addressed initially during signup within our Terms of Service that you acknowledge was understood. I realize there's often a lot of legalese in those documents and that its easy just to skim over it and click, but I would encourage you to really take a closer look in the future as the surprise was avoidable. Either way, we're sorry it happened, and I offer that simply for your own awareness going forward so you can be better protected as a consumer.
If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to let me know directly within the cancel ticket you'd submitted, which I'll keep assigned directly to myself.
Best Regards,
Director of Customer Service
Good Afternoon,We've since had a chance to review this situation and have found that although two calls were made, each call lasted 15 minutes rather than the hours reported in the complaint. Regardless, we do apologize that a second call was necessary and have reviewed the two conversations for a...
better understanding of the situation.After listening to those calls, we have found that there were five products remaining active with us. The breakdown of the products purchased was four domain registrations as well as one hosting package. During the first call our agent worked with Mr. [redacted] to submit the cancellation request for the hosting package and disable the auto-renewal of the domain names. The issue there is that the domain names had actually already been invoiced for renewal so it was too late to disable auto-renewal. We apologize for our agent's oversight on this and have forwarded this opportunity for improvement to his supervisor for further attention.Once the hosting package was canceled, due to the active invoices for domain renewals, we sent Mr. [redacted] an e-mail stating that the domains would continue to remain on the account unless a reply was sent to confirm he wanted the domains canceled entirely. Unfortunately a reply was never received confirming cancellation so once the due date for the invoices was hit, the card on file was automatically charged. While the charge was unfortunate, our refund was forthcoming on the full $45.00 paid towards renewal, rather than the $50.00 mentioned in this complaint. A refund was initiated on the same day as we were contacted about the charges which was also the same day this complaint was filed. We have not heard back following the refund but if there is anything else we can assist with, we ask that Mr. [redacted] please contacts our management at [email protected] and we'll be more than happy to take another look at the account.
Good Evening,Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention for further review. We're always happy to look into these situations and get them corrected as fairly as possible. Having reviewed your ticket history I see that refunds were provided in [redacted] last month in an...
effort to balance out the billing errors. Moving forward while it appears our billing team ultimately got this addressed, I'm going to keep the ticket [redacted] assigned directly to myself. If this hasn't been fully resolved or if you have any problems at all please let me know and I'll personally address those concerns. I've also credited the account for the trouble you've experienced, covering the next three months of hosting on your account. No action is necessary on your part to use the credits, they'll simply apply automatically towards the invoices for your accounts in the coming months. Please feel free to reach out to me directly in the above ticket and I'll be happy to assist you further with any other questions or concerns.Best Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.
[My Whole business and family suffer due to your poor server support and server hardware . As i've told you earlier that 180 plus business [redacted] was on my server. And all of the [redacted] stop working not only me. Who will bear for those [redacted] As whole my clients family suffer due to your server. Their business is in great loss] So I need the refund for whole business those suffered due to your poor sever.
Hello,We were sorry to hear about Mr. [redacted]'s concern with a refund that had been submitted through the payment processor on 09/08/16 to be refunded back to the Credit Card the payment had been made from.It appears that Mr. [redacted] has more than one billing account and was having some difficulties...
in verifying the account that the payment was in regards to which did cause some confusion and also limited the amount of information that can be provided to the person that is contacting our support team.The payment processor that the card was processed through requires a manual process in order to submit the refund request. This results in the requests for those refunds to take some extra time to get them processed for our clients. Once the refund is processed it usually takes 7 to 10 business days for those funds to be reflected back to the funding source.At this time we have worked to clarify the situation with Mr. [redacted] and provided the information in regards to the refund and when it was processed. We have not received any follow up questions or concerns. If any should arise that we can assist with we ask that Mr. [redacted] please respond to the recent email communication or contacts our management team at [email protected] and we will be happy to continue our conversation.
Good Morning,We're always sorry to hear about frustrating experiences receiving support and have taken time to investigate this complaint for a better understanding of the concerns raised. After investigation, we've found that the multiple errors mentioned were not actually seen on the sites,...
meaning the pages were accessible to visitors without error, however the errors reported were from [redacted]'s monitoring service which attempts to crawl the website to index it in [redacted]'s search results. In situations were bots are reporting crawling errors and we do not have access to the customer's [redacted] account, we must rely on the details provided to us. In this particular situation, we responded the day after the ticket was raised, but following our three requests for the full details of the error, we have not heard back on the matter since August 6th. Regardless, we've done the full extent of investigating possible in the absence of the details, and our server monitors have not located any errors from [redacted] bots in our logs from the days/times we were provided, and we have also confirmed that the server remained online. In regards to the frustrating experience with our support team, after review of the call we did find that our initial agent did not correctly understand that this was an issue with [redacted]'s attempts to crawl the site rather than an issue with how [redacted] was ranking the site. As such, in error our agent did recommend SEO services which was incorrect. We appreciate Mr. [redacted] bringing this to our attention and the matter has been reported to their supervisor for further attention.Finally in reference to the request to update the ticket directly in our ticket system and not just by e-mail - our ticket system by default will both update the ticket in our system and also send an e-mail notification. Tickets can be reviewed or responded to by logging in at and heading to "Ticket History" under the "Support" section.As per our uptime guarantee, once we've confirmed that the server was online during the time frames provided, this situation would not qualify for a billing adjustment, however we remain dedicated to supporting the issue but will need the full details in order to assist further. We ask that if Mr. [redacted] continues to receive these alerts from [redacted] that he please clicks the "View Details" option and forwards along those reports in response to our previous ticket through the support section of or by sending those to our management at [redacted]
Good Afternoon,Thank you for bringing this unfortunate situation to our attention. I apologize for any frustration and inconvenience you may have experienced recently, however after an initial review of your support and ticket history I see from our ticket notes that some of the details you’ve...
presented here don’t seem entirely accurate.Though there are discrepancies in what you’ve stated and what we’ve accounted for, as well as a lot of unnecessary finger pointing at our staff for issues they didn’t cause, I do see that one of my customer service managers has since been involved and is working to assist you with your cancellations and the appropriate refunds. While it’s unfortunate that you didn’t simply contact us in the first place via [email protected] when this started, it’s good to see your support ticket escalated to my team where it will be in good hands, but also addressed as promptly as possible.Going through the open ticket HAS-[redacted] I see that [redacted] did assist with getting your packages cancelled and appears to be waiting for a response and confirmation of which domains you wished to retain active and those which need cancelled. Once that’s all squared away, we’ll ensure you are refunded fairly should a refund be appropriate at that time. Should you have any further questions or concerns though with the situation, beyond [redacted]’s attention to the matter please feel free to contact me directly [redacted] Regards,[redacted]Director of Customer Service
Hello,We were sorry to hear about Mr. [redacted]'s concern with his hosting package that he has purchased and the confusion in how the service is purchased.As stated in the Terms Of Service that was agreed to at the time of sign up for the service which can be reviewed at
along with the following statement that is on the sign up page when signing up for services.Qualified packages include instant activation and 24 hour support. Introductory prices apply to the first term. Money-back guarantee applies to hosting and domain privacy. All plans and products automatically renew for the same term length at regular rates, which will be available in your control panel. Unless you request a change or cancellation, the payment method provided today will be used for renewals.After reviewing Mr. [redacted]'s account and hosting package we did see that he had submitted a request to cancel the hosting shortly after the renewal. Although the account would not normally qualify for a refund to resolve this amicable the account had been set to be refunded. Unfortunately the refund had to be set on hold due to also receiving a dispute for the charge from Mr. [redacted]'s financial institution which has to be resolved before any additional steps could be taken to assist. Mr. [redacted] has communicated that the dispute has been closed and once confirmation is received through the financial institution the refund will be able to be processed. If Mr. [redacted] has received confirmation that he can provide that would also help to get this resolved as quickly as possible.If Mr. [redacted] has any additional questions we ask that he please respond to our recent e-mail communications and we will be happy to offer assistance.
Greetings,We appreciate [redacted] acknowledging that all unpaid invoices have been removed as well as the request to renew business with us, however the account was terminated following non-pay status for one year. We must also point out that [redacted] has made no effort to clearly state that there was a desire to continue hosting with us until the most recent rejection after we confirmed the account was canceled. Due to the attempts to inaccurately characterize our company and the situation, and due to [redacted]'s failure to acknowledge agreement to our terms of service in regards to continued invoicing, we will not be reactivating the account. We wish [redacted] the best of luck with his next host and if he'd like to contact me directly with any follow up questions, I can be contacted via [email protected] attention Jonathan H.Jonathan H.Customer Service Supervisor
Greetings,Although we're sorry to hear Mr. [redacted] feels as though we are putting an unjust burden on him, this is not the case. Please understand it is not within the capacity of HostGator to determine if there are additional business partners, a spouse or additional children involved with the estate, nor can we determine whether or not there was a will involved. Regardless of whether or not there was a will, it will be the responsibility of a court of [redacted] to determine who will be the rightful inheritor of the account and this discretion will not fall on HostGator. We apologize once more that Mr. [redacted] was told alternative documentation would be accepted, however our agent acted against our policy and has been dealt with internally to ensure this does not occur again. That said, we must once again state that we will be unable to accept any documentation other than a court order indicating Mr. [redacted] is to inherit the account.
Good Afternoon,We were sorry to hear [redacted] was having issues
with her services and have taken time to review the account in more
detail. We'd also like to apologize for the delays as we have had a very
high increase in support requests due to the holidays. Our management
is very aware of...
the delays and have taken serious steps to reduce
response times on tickets and have also been running back to back
training classes to bring more agents to our front line support
departments.In regards to the issues on the account, we have
found that unfortunately one of the sites [redacted] was hosting seems to
have been compromised and was hosting malware and sending out spam known
as phishing attempts. Although [redacted] did work with us to get this
content removed, this malicious type of e-mail triggered out mail
filters to become more strict with what was being sent from the account.
We have since whitelisted the account since the malware was resolved
and have not seen any additional issues reported due to our mail
filters.That said, [redacted] did experience another issue with
sending e-mail to [redacted] addresses in which [redacted] decides to temporarily
delay e-mail if too many messages are being sent from one particular
server. These are only temporary rejections and will automatically drop
off, however we are working directly with [redacted] to help prevent such
temporary restrictions from occurring in the first place.In the
complaint we understand that [redacted] had originally requested a refund
stating that the service was no longer in use, however we are seeing
that e-mail is still in use so we have reached out to [redacted] directly
to offer a direct line of communication in case of further trouble, or
assistance with cancellation if preferred.
Good Afternoon,In regards to the rejection, we did find that while Mr. [redacted] was considering using the new builder, we had multiple support tickets open addressing issues with the two separate builders. One of these tickets was not placed on hold following our phone conversation last week, so this contributed to some confusion as our admins were checking in on the issue with the new builder while our conversation had shifted back to the original builder in use. We've since had a chance to speak with Mr. [redacted] again to clarify this situation and have also walked him through the process of accomplishing what he was hoping to do with the original builder. He has confirmed that this has resolved all concerns raised with this complaint but if we can be of any further assistance, we have ensured he has a way to get back in touch with our management for further assistance.
Hello Again,Thank you for your response, though your on going lack of patience is unfortunate to see given the amount of time we've provided you to migrate your accounts over the past month free of charge. To be honest while we don't owe you a refund, given this situation resulted entirely from your own negligence and could have been avoided had you simply kept your software up to date, to confirm you were in fact issued a refund as promised and the account closed yesterday ([redacted]) as of [redacted] CST. Had a little more patience been exercised, you'd have been aware of that given we did send you a response, though once more you've rejected our efforts to resolve this.We wish you the best of luck going forward with your new host, however would like to also make it clear as of this time that any future hosting accounts with us will not be considered as a result of your repeated complaints, all of which have been addressed professionally up to this point with little to no understanding from your end. The response from yesterday's ticket is included below, and will consider the matter closed as of this time.[redacted] Reply Number: 2Hello,
We have canceled [redacted] : [redacted]). This package will no longer be billed.
Your refund has been issued. Please note that any credit card refunds
may take anywhere from a few days up to two weeks to appear on your bank
statement, depending on your bank's processing time.
When you are ready to come back to us, you can log in to your billing
account at [redacted] at any time using the primary
email address on file and click 'Add New Package' under the 'Hosting
Packages' section.
We wish you the best of luck and hope you choose us again if the need should ever arise.
Customer Loyalty LLC
Wanna save money on your hosting? Ask me about discounts on our 1, 2, or 3-year hosting packages!
Good Morning,To begin we'd like to offer our apologies for any trouble unsubscribing from our mailing list. After investigation we did find that there were reports of trouble with this option and also found that a few manual removal requests had been received. We've since made sure that the address...
"[redacted].com" has been fully removed from our list and we've also forwarded along this report to our mailing list provider to determine why the unsubscribe option might have failed. In regards to the phone call mentioned, we have been in contact with Ms. [redacted] but have only found 1 phone call from the numbers we've been provided. During this call there was no discussion over the mailing list and the quote in the previous response does not match the conversation. We've also inquired as to where there was any rudeness from our agents but again unfortunately have not been given any clear details on this concern and have found that the majority of interactions were rated positively on a 1-10 scale by Ms. [redacted]. If we can be of any additional assistance with the mailing list or if any other details come to mind that we can use to investigate, we ask that Ms. [redacted] please reply back to our current e-mail or contact our management directly at [redacted].com.
Good Evening,Thanks for the chance to investigate these claims.We've since had a chance to review the reported contacts to our company and would be glad to discuss these reports in more detail. Before proceeding, we must point out that we attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] both over the phone and via...
e-mail and received no response. That said, in regards to the initial contacts to us, we have not found it to be accurate that numerous tickets were placed. There were initially 2 tickets submitted and as they both related to the same inquiry, one was placed on hold to prevent duplicate investigation.Next, we have found that the report that no information was provided is also inaccurate. Although we did not reply within the 2 days given before Mr. [redacted] decided to move the site to a new company, we did complete our investigation and found that the site had been compromised due to outdated applications installed by the customer. When signing up for an account, our customers do agree to our terms of service which state that the security of any scripts installed will be the responsibility of the customer to maintain and keep updated.We are sorry to hear that a party charged $300.00 to facilitate the move to a new hosting provider as this is a service HostGator provides free of charge to our customers moving to us, however we were not contacted to discuss hiring an outside party and will not be responsible for any customer's decision to consult an 3rd party without our involvement.In regards to the claim that we did not accurately handle the cancellation, we have reviewed our records and see that at no time was HostGator consulted with a request to point the domain to a new provider. To explain further, a domain can be either pointed at the registrar level, or within the hosting package's control panel. We have reviewed our logs and calls and do not see that HostGator received a request to handle this in either method, meaning it was likely done by the original consulting firm paid to handle the transition. As the account was intended to be cancelled eventually, the consulting party should have setup these records on the registrar level rather than within a hosting package that was not going to be used any more.Since the domain was pointed to the new hosting company from within the hosting package's control panel, when we processed Mr. [redacted]'s request for cancellation, this meant the records setup within the panel were no longer active. When canceling the package, we received no requests from Mr. [redacted] to see if the site would remain active upon processing the cancellation. Despite what the consulting firm has told Mr. [redacted], it is the responsibility of the customer, the new hosting provider or the customer's admin staff to determine the site will function prior to submitting a cancellation request. It is not a realistic expectation of this consulting firm to believe it would be HostGator's responsibility to go through each cancellation we process and double check with the customer that they know about all DNS records setup in the control panels.Finally on the report that follow-up e-mails were not sent on the recent phone calls, we have found that as the calls all related to the same issue, notes were being added to these tickets rather than a new and separate ticket being opened after each related phone call. There was again a duplicate ticket so the two open tickets were consolidated down to one which did receive a response.While we are sorry to hear Mr. [redacted] spent such a large amount of funds for 3rd party assistance with this situation, we were not consulted as to the costs or party being hired, and as such, HostGator will not be liable for any payments made to outside companies. Regardless of whether or not we were consulted about hiring outside parties, this situation was not caused by HostGator as again we did not make the decision to setup the DNS record inside the hosting panel and it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure their site will work with the new host before requesting cancellation of their HostGator account. If Mr. [redacted] would like to discuss any of these findings further we ask that he please follow up on the contact previously sent and we'll be glad to continue our conversation.