Herzing University Reviews (19)
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Description: Schools - Business & Vocational, Online Education, Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities, Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools (NAICS: 611310)
Address: W140n8917 Lilly Rd, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, United States, 53051-2325
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Enclosed is the link to the most recent catalog from Sept 2022, which is an updated May 2022 catalog. It will show the students enrolled after July 20, 2022. It clearly states NP 280 http://catalog.herzing.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=57&poid=6184 , is assigned the PN HESI Exit exam. For students enrolled prior to July 20, 2022, click: http://catalog.herzing.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=57&poid=6179 , this is the link for my class PN 127. There isn't a PN HESI Exit Exam required. The requirement is for the future course of NP 280. Even when you look in the May 2022 catalog, it showed PN 127 is not required to take the HESI exam. PN 127 should have been allowed to remain with the Kaplan exams.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] .....I am very pleased
To whom it may concern:I have reviewed this complaint and communicated directly with the complainantWe have reached a mutually agreed upon solution whereby the complainant will be able to return to Herzing University to continue her studies without detriment to her academic record or her fiscal
responsibilities to the institution.Please let me know if you have any questions,*** ** ***
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[redacted] School for Nursing
The purpose of this letter is to provide a response concerning a
complaint filed by [redacted], Herzing University [redacted] Campus
student (Program; Health Information Management) who participated in an online program
for which I have oversight responsibilities through my team of...
academic deans,
chairs and faculty. The complaint is based on Ms. [redacted]’s concern with her
final project in the Health Information Program (internship) not being accepted
and being denied re-entry.Below describes events and details surrounding communication with [redacted] about her status with Herzing University described in her complaint
– Information and investigation (8/25/14-9/26/14)Standards: The circumstances surrounding [redacted]’s Health Information Management (HIM) Internship was reviewed and the information shows that the requirements of the Health Information Management Internship Course were not met and unverified work was submitted as evidence of completion. Dean Health Plan (current employer at the time) agreed to serve as Ms. [redacted]’s internship site as long as she met the requirements for this (including not completing internship requirements during work hours). Herzing University’s Online Health Information Management (HIM) Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). CAHIIM’s requirements for a Professional Practice Experience (internship) indicates internship/externship can be paid, but it is not to replace an existing HIM employee duties and MUST be reviewed and approved by Program Chair (Student Service Work Policy of CAHIIM Standard V.E.4). Additionally, there must be an approved site supervisor managing/verifying internship activities. The Site Supervisor of record for [redacted], signed the agreement (who also happens to be her supervisor for the full time position) and the site was approved based on the information in the HIM Internship Agreement. Investigation Results:During the Summer Semester we experienced issues with the site survey link not properly working for several site supervisors. This issue prompted Ms. [redacted]’s HIM Internship instructor of record, to email several site supervisors, including Ms. [redacted]’s site supervisor, regarding a broken survey link that was located in the course and affecting several site supervisors (the survey is required evaluation of the student by the site). Ms. [redacted]’s Site Supervisor of record communicated to Instructor that “[redacted] did not request time off from normal duties nor did she conduct any internship activities with the student at any time over the term”.Upon further investigation of Ms. [redacted]’s final course evaluation document, was found to not have the site supervisor of records name signed, but that of another person, (which Ms. [redacted]’s site supervisor disclosed was not an internship supervisor, but “an employee that also reported to her and was Ms. [redacted]’s co-worker”) to complete the survey, violating the academic integrity policy (grounds for expulsion) and CAHIIM paid internship policy. Additionally, during a conversation with [redacted] on 09/10/2014, Ms. [redacted] indicated “I will admit that I requested my actual site supervisor use ‘the name of the site supervisor of record’s name’ to complete the information”. This is a direct violation of the Academic Honest Policy.This individual is not an internship site supervisor, was never approved and therefore Ms. [redacted]’s internship hours and work cannot be verified. Considering this information, it was evident that the practicum requirements were not properly fulfilled and the program chair recommended that she be removed from the program. This information was then forwarded to the [redacted] for additional actions.The [redacted] moved forward with dismissing the student from Herzing University due to her admission of falsifying documents on August 30, 2014Ms. [redacted] applied for re-entry at the Online Campus on January 20, 2015 and never communicated/addressed her academic dishonesty violation and dismissal from Herzing University. It was discovered during her re-entry process she was a previous [redacted] campus student trying to re-enter and transfer to the online campus.Upon review of the evidence, the following actions took place: During the verification check for students who apply for re-entry it was noted student was dismissed and therefore Herzing University – Online campus did not move forward with Ms. [redacted]’s request for re-entry due to the severity of her academic dishonesty.Original Campus: [redacted]New Campus: OnlineDesired Start Date: 4/27/15Desired Program: [redacted]Academic Clearance: No
(student was institutionally dismissed due to falsifying internship
information)It is Herzing University’s goal
to provide reasonable accommodations while maintaining academic integrity for
all students. Ms. [redacted] was provided information on appealing the dismissal decision on October 10, 2014. Ms. [redacted] has not appealed the decision, but rather just recently requesting to be re-admitted into Herzing University.Ms. [redacted] is still able to appeal her dismissal from Herzing University by following the academic appeal process for “Academic Appeal for Termination” section of the Herzing University Catalog to be reconsidered for re-admission into Herzing University as noted below – Adverse Action Appeal ProceduresAdverse actions are disciplinary
actions due to a student violatingstudent conduct policies or academichonesty standards. These can
include termination, suspension, probation, or other academicpenalty. An exampleof "other academicpenalties" could be the awarding
of a zero on a test or assignmentor assignment of an "F" (failure) in a course. All adverse actions take effect immediately whenimposed by the appropriate instructor or campus administrator, but they are subject to appeal.If the student disputesthe basis for an adverse action, the student may appeal the action with the following procedure.1. A student appealingan adverse action must submita written statement with supporting evidence(if any) disputingthe basis of the adverseaction to the [redacted].The [redacted]will investigate the facts of the case and render a final decision inwriting within seven days.2. If dissatisfied with the decisionof the [redacted], or if the adverse actionwas taken by the [redacted], the student may appeal to an appeal board. Any such appeal must be made in writing within 30 days for suspensions, probations, or other academicpenalties and within three monthsfor terminations. A request to be heard before the appealboard must be in writing tothe [redacted], and it must set forth, in significant detail, the basisfor the appeal. An appeal board hearingwill be held within areasonable period of time, usually two weeks. The appeal board will be comprised of three faculty or staff members, none of whom have been instructors of the student,two of whom will be appointed by the campusPresident, and one of whom can be selectedby the student. The appealing student may call witnesses and provide other evidence to support his/her case. The decisionof the appeal board will be by majority vote, will be made within two days ofthe appeal board's meeting, and will be final and bindingupon the University and the student.3. If a suspension has already taken place and the course(s) is/are still ongoingand, upon appeal,reversed by the [redacted] or an appeal board, the University will provide reasonable assistance andtime for the student to make up missed material,tests, or projects, all of this being on the basisthat such extra time or instruction is practical in the sole judgment ofthe University. In the event a student has already been terminated or suspendedand the course(s) has/have ended,the student will be allowed to retake, at no cost, any courses that were interrupted by a
termination or suspension that was reversed upon appeal.Please feel free to contact us
with any additional questions regarding Ms. [redacted]’s expressed concerns. Sincerely, [redacted]Cc: [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted].....I am very pleased
Review: To keep a long story short, this school took it upon itself to decide that I continue schooling without funding for five months before they told me funding had ran out. Now they would like me to pay them $3919.50 for classes That they decided to put me in without asking me do I want to continue and incur nearly $4000.00 in fees and it would have been over $6000.00 in fees if they had not finally informed me in October. If they had told me the funding had run out, I would have immediately quit since I did not like their online program in the first place. I spoke to a lady in their financial section as soon as I got their letter and she told me they knew in June that the funding had run out and could not tell me why I was not informed then. She jsut kept saying she was sorry and that their was nothing they could do about it now. This next person that has been emailing is now trying to tell me they didn't know until October, which I find hard to believe any school would allow a student to go 5 months wthout any payment whatsoever. So someone their is lying to me whether it is the first person or the second person. I beleive they knew in June and just arbitrarily decided hey its GI Bill and we are just going to keep sending her to classes without consulting her. I would never had said yes, sure I want to incur debt going to this school. I would have immediately disenrolled from their school.Desired Settlement: I would like that the charges be dropped and my name deleted from their school records (as if I never went there). I will never use any of their credits or their school name on any applications or school if I choose to go to school again, which is very unlikely. I also want no further contact from anyone at their school.
Thank you for sending the customer compliant submitted by former Herzing University -Orland student, [redacted], to our attention. In response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint,please review the information provided below.When Ms. [redacted] enrolled at Herzing University, she indicated she would be using VABenefits Chapter 33. She turned in a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) showing she waseligible for the VA benefits and her financial aid package was set up reflecting thebenefits as Ms. [redacted] requested. At no time did Ms. [redacted] indicate that she would beusing any alternative means to pay for his education other than the VA benefits. The VAinforms vets directly of their educational benefit eligibility, including when their benefit isexhausted. This communication is not sent to the school. Ms. [redacted]’s benefit provided amonthly stipend for her living expenses, in addition to her educational benefit. Thestipend, like the educational benefit, would also have been exhausted after 6/15/2015.The VA sends a letter to vets each month informing them of the balance of the benefit.The school typically learns that the student has exhausted benefits through one of twoways: (1) The student informs the school; or (2) The school stops receiving paymentand calls the VA to inquire, at which point they may be informed that the student hasexhausted the benefit.In this case, Ms. [redacted] did not inform Herzing her benefits were exhausted. Herzingreceived a payment for the first half of the summer 2015 semester and no payment forfall 2015. The Herzing University VA Certifying Official called the VA on October 21,2015 to check on the payment status. During the call, the University was informed thatthe student’s eligibility ran out effective June 15, 2015. Thus, it was determined onOctober 21, 2015 that Ms. [redacted] no longer had VA eligibility.Ms. [redacted] was emailed and a call attempted but not answered on October 22, 2015.Ms. [redacted] contacted Herzing University on October 26, 2015 regarding the balance andwas not interested in making alternative payment arrangements to replace herexhausted benefits. At that point, the student decided to withdraw without resolvingaccrued tuition charges.Ms. [redacted] has only one course remaining to complete her program of study, MC 291Insurance Billing and Coding Case Study Research Project, which is a four creditcourse that is being taught online next term. Herzing University’s mission is to providehigh-quality post-secondary education to prepare a diverse and geographicallydistributed student population to meet the needs of employers. We are committed toproviding a positive student learning experience. Consequently, we will be contactingMs. [redacted] to inform her that we are willing to provide her with a scholarship that willsettle the $3,919.00 balance on her account with Herzing University –Orlando and thatwill cover the cost of the one remaining course required to complete her program ofstudy ($2,545.00).A Re-Entry Admissions Representative, [redacted], will be contacting Ms. [redacted]directly to speak with her about returning to Herzing University to register for the oneremaining course that is available online next term. Ms. [redacted] can be reached atc[redacted]@herzing.edu or by call ###-###-#### Extension 66600.I am hopeful that Ms. [redacted] will be pleased with Herzing University’s commitment toresolve this matter and to facilitate the completion of her program of study. If you haveany further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,
This type of aggressive response to complaints being posted makes one realize that the school if nursing has a totalitarian attitude towards thier nursing student community. I was looking at reviews to determine whether or not to attend. This response confirms I should remain skeptical of for profit schools. Where profit is #1 and not students. Speaking from experience as I attended one years ago.
If I knew then what I know now of their Nursing Program, I would never have stepped foot in this school. One is usually finished with their nursing program after their Practicum and exit exam, nope not this school. We have to take a 2 credit class and pay for this class out of pocket a total of $1,500 every time we take this class. The class is just random Kaplan online exams. Oh, and your nursing 7 & 8 are combined with a professional development class. So, you're looking at a 40 hour Practicum work week, 20 page journals, an exam on the one class day you come in not to mention your class day ends up being 10 hours long because of that professional development class. All to be done in 7.5 weeks. We were not told any of this in the beginning. Lots of students built up a large amount of STUDENT LOAN DEBT and hard work with nothing to show for it.
I am a United States Veteran, I thought that this school would be a great opportunity for me since they are a yellow ribbon school. however, born with ADHD and a small learning disability, I graduated high school with an occupational diploma. I have 24 hours college credit thru the military and another college and Herzing is unwilling to accept me as a student. I have an EMT license and have dreams of becoming a paramedic. I will not let one school stop me or my fellow Americans with disabilities from pursing dreams, especially those that have served this great country. With social media, ADA laws and regulations, and legal opportunities should they arise, no one should be told they can't pursue their educational goals. awareness needs to be brought to the citizens of colleges around like Herzing who say they support dreams, but discriminate against those with disabilities or veterans.
Review: Somewhere between 02/2015 and 03/2015, Herzing University rescinded my Masters of Science in Nurse Practitioner. I have since gone through the grievance and complaint policy, which states that if I am not satisfied with the internal resolution process that I may then file for arbitration via the American Arbitration Association (AAA). I have taken all the necessary steps and filed all the required procedures dictated by Herzing University; however, they are currently violating their own policies and procedures by refusing to go forth with arbitration via AAA. I feel that this is a violation of my rights not only as a student but an American citizen. They are simply refusing to follow through with their own policies and procedures; which I have proof that I have followed.Desired Settlement: I request that Herzing University honor their own policies and procedures and go through with arbitration.
Thank you for bringing this issue to a higher level of visibility. Our team was in the process of reviewing these claims prior to the complaint.
Review: I completed all elements required to graduate. Upon completion of my final project in my final course, Herzing University "received information" that I had not done the work I stated. I told them that I had, in fact, done the work required of the course and was willing to provide proof to that fact. The University was unwilling to look into the matter any further and dismissed me from the University due to "unsatisfactory academic progress". I then filed an appeal as requested, it was accepted by the University and I was allowed to become a student again. As of March 18, 2015 I have not been contacted by a "re-entry advisor" regarding the completion of my degree. Herzing University has used their "standards" in order to delay the completion of my degree several times (this is the third) yet they will allow me to be a student, pay them more money to take more classes with the promise of a degree completion that seems as if it will never come.Desired Settlement: I would like to be awarded my Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management dated August 2014.
The purpose of this letter is to provide a response concerning a
complaint filed by [redacted], Herzing University [redacted] Campus
student (Program; Health Information Management) who participated in an online program
for which I have oversight responsibilities through my team of academic deans,
chairs and faculty. The complaint is based on Ms. [redacted]’s concern with her
final project in the Health Information Program (internship) not being accepted
and being denied re-entry.Below describes events and details surrounding communication with [redacted] about her status with Herzing University described in her complaint
– Information and investigation (8/25/14-9/26/14)Standards: The circumstances surrounding [redacted]’s Health Information Management (HIM) Internship was reviewed and the information shows that the requirements of the Health Information Management Internship Course were not met and unverified work was submitted as evidence of completion. Dean Health Plan (current employer at the time) agreed to serve as Ms. [redacted]’s internship site as long as she met the requirements for this (including not completing internship requirements during work hours). Herzing University’s Online Health Information Management (HIM) Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). CAHIIM’s requirements for a Professional Practice Experience (internship) indicates internship/externship can be paid, but it is not to replace an existing HIM employee duties and MUST be reviewed and approved by Program Chair (Student Service Work Policy of CAHIIM Standard V.E.4). Additionally, there must be an approved site supervisor managing/verifying internship activities. The Site Supervisor of record for [redacted], signed the agreement (who also happens to be her supervisor for the full time position) and the site was approved based on the information in the HIM Internship Agreement. Investigation Results:During the Summer Semester we experienced issues with the site survey link not properly working for several site supervisors. This issue prompted Ms. [redacted]’s HIM Internship instructor of record, to email several site supervisors, including Ms. [redacted]’s site supervisor, regarding a broken survey link that was located in the course and affecting several site supervisors (the survey is required evaluation of the student by the site). Ms. [redacted]’s Site Supervisor of record communicated to Instructor that “[redacted] did not request time off from normal duties nor did she conduct any internship activities with the student at any time over the term”.Upon further investigation of Ms. [redacted]’s final course evaluation document, was found to not have the site supervisor of records name signed, but that of another person, (which Ms. [redacted]’s site supervisor disclosed was not an internship supervisor, but “an employee that also reported to her and was Ms. [redacted]’s co-worker”) to complete the survey, violating the academic integrity policy (grounds for expulsion) and CAHIIM paid internship policy. Additionally, during a conversation with [redacted] on 09/10/2014, Ms. [redacted] indicated “I will admit that I requested my actual site supervisor use ‘the name of the site supervisor of record’s name’ to complete the information”. This is a direct violation of the Academic Honest Policy.This individual is not an internship site supervisor, was never approved and therefore Ms. [redacted]’s internship hours and work cannot be verified. Considering this information, it was evident that the practicum requirements were not properly fulfilled and the program chair recommended that she be removed from the program. This information was then forwarded to the [redacted] for additional actions.The [redacted] moved forward with dismissing the student from Herzing University due to her admission of falsifying documents on August 30, 2014Ms. [redacted] applied for re-entry at the Online Campus on January 20, 2015 and never communicated/addressed her academic dishonesty violation and dismissal from Herzing University. It was discovered during her re-entry process she was a previous [redacted] campus student trying to re-enter and transfer to the online campus.Upon review of the evidence, the following actions took place: During the verification check for students who apply for re-entry it was noted student was dismissed and therefore Herzing University – Online campus did not move forward with Ms. [redacted]’s request for re-entry due to the severity of her academic dishonesty.Original Campus: [redacted]New Campus: OnlineDesired Start Date: 4/27/15Desired Program: [redacted]Academic Clearance: No
(student was institutionally dismissed due to falsifying internship
information)It is Herzing University’s goal
to provide reasonable accommodations while maintaining academic integrity for
all students. Ms. [redacted] was provided information on appealing the dismissal decision on October 10, 2014. Ms. [redacted] has not appealed the decision, but rather just recently requesting to be re-admitted into Herzing University.Ms. [redacted] is still able to appeal her dismissal from Herzing University by following the academic appeal process for “Academic Appeal for Termination” section of the Herzing University Catalog to be reconsidered for re-admission into Herzing University as noted below – Adverse Action Appeal ProceduresAdverse actions are disciplinary
actions due to a student violatingstudent conduct policies or academichonesty standards. These can
include termination, suspension, probation, or other academicpenalty. An exampleof "other academicpenalties" could be the awarding
of a zero on a test or assignmentor assignment of an "F" (failure) in a course. All adverse actions take effect immediately whenimposed by the appropriate instructor or campus administrator, but they are subject to appeal.If the student disputesthe basis for an adverse action, the student may appeal the action with the following procedure.1. A student appealingan adverse action must submita written statement with supporting evidence(if any) disputingthe basis of the adverseaction to the [redacted].The [redacted]will investigate the facts of the case and render a final decision inwriting within seven days.2. If dissatisfied with the decisionof the [redacted], or if the adverse actionwas taken by the [redacted], the student may appeal to an appeal board. Any such appeal must be made in writing within 30 days for suspensions, probations, or other academicpenalties and within three monthsfor terminations. A request to be heard before the appealboard must be in writing tothe [redacted], and it must set forth, in significant detail, the basisfor the appeal. An appeal board hearingwill be held within areasonable period of time, usually two weeks. The appeal board will be comprised of three faculty or staff members, none of whom have been instructors of the student,two of whom will be appointed by the campusPresident, and one of whom can be selectedby the student. The appealing student may call witnesses and provide other evidence to support his/her case. The decisionof the appeal board will be by majority vote, will be made within two days ofthe appeal board's meeting, and will be final and bindingupon the University and the student.3. If a suspension has already taken place and the course(s) is/are still ongoingand, upon appeal,reversed by the [redacted] or an appeal board, the University will provide reasonable assistance andtime for the student to make up missed material,tests, or projects, all of this being on the basisthat such extra time or instruction is practical in the sole judgment ofthe University. In the event a student has already been terminated or suspendedand the course(s) has/have ended,the student will be allowed to retake, at no cost, any courses that were interrupted by a
termination or suspension that was reversed upon appeal.Please feel free to contact us
with any additional questions regarding Ms. [redacted]’s expressed concerns. Sincerely, [redacted]Cc: [redacted]
Review: I went to school at Herzing for quite awhile. Suddenly, I was enrolled in a class I already had transfer credits for. After contacting MANY people without a response I was dropped from the school for failing that one class! After numerous more calls, I was told my transfer papers never came through (no one told me this) and I had no record of that class. AGAIN, I sent my transcripts in. When they finally received them after the 3rd try, I was told to go through re-entry, and I would get back into classes. I did re-entry with a promise that someone would get back to me in a few days. NO ONE HAS FOR MONTHS. Email after email has been ignored. I have been scammed out of thousands without my degree.Desired Settlement: I want someone to enroll me back in school or credit my FAFSA for wasted time.
To whom it may concern:I have reviewed this complaint and communicated directly with the complainant. We have reached a mutually agreed upon solution whereby the complainant will be able to return to Herzing University to continue her studies without detriment to her academic record or her fiscal responsibilities to the institution.Please let me know if you have any questions,[redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I really don't have very much to complain about with Herzing University just one department in general and it's the financial services department. It's always some kind of run around or problem when it comes to getting answers and money that is owed to you. Either they don't know or don't really care to know or find out what the problem is. I think they are the ones that need to go back to school or learn their jobs a little bit better. Because every time its time for me to get money that's owed to me something always seem to go wrong and I'm sick and tired of it. When things do go wrong I always notice its the same person every time which makes me think she's the problem her name is [redacted] i'm not sure what the last name is she doesn't solve the problem she just leaves u puzzled and confused and feeling stupid like what the hell am I suppose to do now. It's beyond ridiculous!!!!
If you are SMART DO NOT sign up They are swindlers and have Dishonest policies for Students
The Orlando campus does not have it's nursing program together. Do not waste your money going here. In normal nursing programs you are to take practicum and take an exam which means you finished, graduated, and are ready to be licensed. This school added an additional course to block graduation for those they think will bring down their NCLEX passing rate. What this means to you, the student is, you finished the entire program only to be held hostage until you pass this class which are randomized exams or get dismissed. This means you have taken out student loans and paid extra cash for this class and are still not able to take your NCLEXRN. This school only graduates 20 students per YEAR. All other programs are 20 students per semester and still have higher pass rates than this school. This means by instituting this extra course that they do not have faith in their own program they have built. You will be stuck with a large debt without a degree or chance to even prove you have the minimal competency to pass the NCLEX.