Our service provides each user with a free trial before making a purchase and entering into a contract. This user tried the service on two different occasions, and entered into a contract on 4-21-2016, electronically signing the agreement Thu, 21 Apr 2016 12:52:32 -0500. A copy of...
the full agreement is in her account, where she can review it, and has been attached.User had logged in to use the service a total of 33 times between April 21 and August 11, 2016.User asserts that there is a 3% charge to tenants to use the payment service. There is no such thing. The user may be referring to her qualified merchant rate for credit card transactions, which is usually in the 2% range, however, that is not set by us, nor do we collect anything on it. The user complaint refers to EFT transactions, which are not subject to the merchant rate, as that is only for payments by credit card. All questions that the user has asked have been responded to in a timely manner, and we have full communication logs available.
Our service provides each user with a free trial before making a purchase and entering into a contract. This user tried the service on two different occasions, and entered into a contract on 4-21-2016, electronically signing the agreement Thu, 21 Apr 2016 12:52:32 -0500. A copy of...
the full agreement is in her account, where she can review it, and has been attached.User had logged in to use the service a total of 33 times between April 21 and August 11, 2016.User asserts that there is a 3% charge to tenants to use the payment service. There is no such thing. The user may be referring to her qualified merchant rate for credit card transactions, which is usually in the 2% range, however, that is not set by us, nor do we collect anything on it. The user complaint refers to EFT transactions, which are not subject to the merchant rate, as that is only for payments by credit card. All questions that the user has asked have been responded to in a timely manner, and we have full communication logs available.