An agreement was in place with the customer weeks prior. This agreement was that we would gladly exchange his snowmobile at 100% purchase price for anything else he wanted here. This was very agreeable to the customer. This agreement was to be good for this whole year (9 months at... least), so he has a huge window to pick from hundreds if not thousands of machines in that amount of time. In the meantime he could even use the snowmobile he wanted to now return. Weeks later he wanted a 100% refund, even after he put 250+ miles on it. We told him it would take some time to review, as snowmobiles are not refundable, especially after they are used that much. The customer went over the hours of the machine with the salesperson before he made his purchase, so him saying he saw it when he got home is not at all accurate. 103 hours is extremely low hours. It comes out to maybe 1000 miles on the machine. So, not very far off the guess of 700. The owner of this company was generalizing miles on the 20+ units we had in stock when he said "most of them have 500-700". This is also clearly displayed in our advertisements as well. It is our practice to make sure all updates are done. Updates are not mandatory or have to be done, but should be. The customer came to "look" at getting a couple different sleds so there was no way to have everything ready on every sled. He ended up picking a different sled that he thought he would be leaving with. Which gave us no time to get anything ready on the sled he now wanted. We also changed some parts around on it off of a different sled. So, we accommodated his needs very well. He "had" to get something fast and needed to leave for a trip. Any Yamaha dealer can update, it's free. So, that is really a non issue. Many people want to "return" snowmobiles when it turns warm out, or there is a bad snow year like this year again. This is why every dealership has a strict "no return" policy in place. We are willing to buy back the machine at current wholesale market value.
An agreement was in place with the customer weeks prior. This agreement was that we would gladly exchange his snowmobile at 100% purchase price for anything else he wanted here. This was very agreeable to the customer. This agreement was to be good for this whole year (9 months at... least), so he has a huge window to pick from hundreds if not thousands of machines in that amount of time. In the meantime he could even use the snowmobile he wanted to now return. Weeks later he wanted a 100% refund, even after he put 250+ miles on it. We told him it would take some time to review, as snowmobiles are not refundable, especially after they are used that much. The customer went over the hours of the machine with the salesperson before he made his purchase, so him saying he saw it when he got home is not at all accurate. 103 hours is extremely low hours. It comes out to maybe 1000 miles on the machine. So, not very far off the guess of 700. The owner of this company was generalizing miles on the 20+ units we had in stock when he said "most of them have 500-700". This is also clearly displayed in our advertisements as well. It is our practice to make sure all updates are done. Updates are not mandatory or have to be done, but should be. The customer came to "look" at getting a couple different sleds so there was no way to have everything ready on every sled. He ended up picking a different sled that he thought he would be leaving with. Which gave us no time to get anything ready on the sled he now wanted. We also changed some parts around on it off of a different sled. So, we accommodated his needs very well. He "had" to get something fast and needed to leave for a trip. Any Yamaha dealer can update, it's free. So, that is really a non issue. Many people want to "return" snowmobiles when it turns warm out, or there is a bad snow year like this year again. This is why every dealership has a strict "no return" policy in place. We are willing to buy back the machine at current wholesale market value.