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Heartnsoul Ragdolls

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Reviews Animal Breeding Heartnsoul Ragdolls

Heartnsoul Ragdolls Reviews (1)

Review: I put a down payment on a specific type of ragdoll kitten that was born on January 2nd of 2015. I had been promised this particular type/marked kitten and had received information when the litter was born, that the exact type of kitten I requested was being put on hold for another breeder even though I had already given the breeder a down payment to reserve the kitten. After several email exchanges and about a two week waiting period, the breeder said she was going to let me continue the purchase of this kitten. I received several pictures of the kitten as he continued to get older and at the time the kitten was about 8 weeks old, the breeder said that me and my girlfriend could visit and play with the kitten. We visited the breeder and had a wonderful time getting to know the kitten, asking questions and getting information on food and raising the kitten. The other kittens in the litter were also present and all the kittens seemed to be just as sweet and healthy as the kitten promised to us. I got an email the other day ( 4 days after I visited the breeder), from the breeder stating that the kitten I picked out was all of the sudden not growing as fast as the other kittens in the litter (which was not at all evident at the time of visit. There was never any concern or mention of any problems the kitten was having). I sent two emails letting the breeder know I wanted the kitten and was devastated by her email stating she was not going to let me have it. I have named the kitten, sent photos and announced the delivery of my kitten, bought hundreds of dollars worth of play items, food and necessities. I just received my down payment back in the mail and needless to say, I'm not getting the kitten I was so anxiously awaiting for. My complaint is against her business ethics. My belief is that she strung me along all knowing she was not going to let me have the kitten and that she had already promised it to the breeder she told me she had put the kitten I requested on hold for. If indeed the kitten was having growth issues, it should have been mentioned to me and most certainly would have been known at the time I visited the breeder.Desired Settlement: I want a rating of poor and unethical business practice to go against HeartNSoul Ragdolls. The breeder has already given me my down payment back so there is nothing I can do. I want to make sure that nobody else suffers the loss like I did. It is heartbreaking.



An explanation of their reasoning for completely breaking our month-long agreement would be appreciated. Also, it would be nice to know of an actual medical reason for her actions that is backed by a professional opinion. There was never an agreement made between either of the two parties indicating that at any point during arrangement they could terminate service with us and we would like to know why they felt it was appropriate to act in this way.

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