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Handyman Matters

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Handyman Matters Reviews (23) I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.? For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Pictures are worth a thousand words, we invite everyone to come and see the unacceptable work handyman matters is over charging us for We have had other contractors come out after work was completed as per handyman matters ( Mr R***- said Handyman matters contractor caused our gas leak) the final inspection and permits was never obtained, (Ray P [redacted] - ? said the fireplace install was unsafe and a hazard which needs to be ripped out and re-done as well as the kitchen backsplash) They scratched all of our brand new granite ( multiple scratches on every piece) The kitchen backsplash is falling off , it was done in the wrong grout color and the other tile guys said clearly the guy who installed it had no prior experienceThey left us with damaged doors to the front and rear of our house that can not be locked properlyThis is a security issue.? There were no subcontractors hired that Michelle d [redacted] did not approve offShe is counting ***, [redacted] and [redacted] , these people are utility installation guys which did not interfere with the project, they came a month after the project was estimated for completion? This company is full of excuses instead of owning their mistakes and correcting it.? Regards, [redacted]

We have used Handyman Matters multiple times for jobs such as installing skylights, installing windows, replacing toilets, etcAlways very resposive and professionalWe highly recommend [redacted] snd his crew

Handyman Services has confirmed an appointment Tuesday for the punch list items
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Pictures are worth a thousand words, we invite everyone to come and see the unacceptable work handyman matters is over charging us for We have had other contractors come out after work was completed as per handyman matters ( Mr R***- said Handyman matters contractor caused our gas leak) the final inspection and permits was never obtained, (Ray P*** - said the fireplace install was unsafe and a hazard which needs to be ripped out and re-done as well as the kitchen backsplash) They scratched all of our brand new granite ( multiple scratches on every piece) The kitchen backsplash is falling off , it was done in the wrong grout color and the other tile guys said clearly the guy who installed it had no prior experienceThey left us with damaged doors to the front and rear of our house that can not be locked properlyThis is a security issue. There were no subcontractors hired that Michelle d*** did not approve offShe is counting ***, *** ** and *** , these people are utility installation guys which did not interfere with the project, they came a month after the project was estimated for completion This company is full of excuses instead of owning their mistakes and correcting it.
* ***

We are a time and materials and company and this was communicated to the customer. We offered a full day special (for ***) and the customer agreed to this. We arrived on time, acquired a signature per our terms and conditions, completed hours of work and acquired a signature that the
customer was satisfied with the work. Please see signed work orderWe learned the next day that the customer was not satisfied and expected us to work for free (for two more days) or wanted his money back. We felt bad about this misunderstanding and we attempted in good faith (via two phone calls) to negotiate a compromise. We made two offers and the customer refused both. He counter-offered asking us to provide 50% of the money backWe did not wrong as a contractor and we executed our standard process. He became threatening and attempted to extort money from us. I consulted with my advisors and we felt strongly that he has done this before with other contractors. He knows too much about the process (more than I do) and steps he can take. At that point (his last email to me), I felt like even if we did give his money back he would still take action via social media and to damage our companies reputationPlease see attached documentationTell us why here

At this time, I have been contacted directly by Bj Brewhouse regarding complaint ID 12195132, however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[ I also found bugs in the food and ended up going to the hospitale]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST
answer the question above
*** ***

In response to *** *** complaint, I will start by addressing the timeline which is incorrect on her complaint. Our agreement was signed on 8/29/and the work began just after Labor Day weekend, as soon as the customer closed on their home. With the significant changes requested
by the customer after the work began, the contract scope and pricing were adjusted after the first few weeks which caused a work stoppage and therefore a delay in the work of approximately two weeks. One provision in our agreement included not allowing other work to be done in the home while Handyman Matters was performing work on the property and it was breached by four other contractors as scheduled by the customer, some of the work without our knowledge or consent. This breach of the agreement caused rescheduling of planned work as well as damage to work that had just been completedThe floor refinisher contractor’s work resulted in another work stoppage of eleven days. In totality, out of a proposed eight week project, there were approximately four weeks out of our control when work on the project was suspended. As *** *** and her family have moved into the home, we now need to access the home by coordinating schedules between her and the workers. Presently we have been working with the customer to finish the work and met with her and her husband just last week on Friday 1/6/after business hours during the beginning of a snow storm This meeting was to address her cost concerns. She was presented with a detailed list of charges and all change orders, some of which she is disputing although she signed them. Handyman Matters put together an action plan to resolve all of her issues however she refuses to sign a change order which allows us to complete a defined scope of work to repair her fireplace edging; this refusal to sign (in addition to a three week late progress payment) has held up the work by over four weeks, since mid-December. This is the fact that is delaying the limestone hearthstone topper installation as well as the final punch list work to be completed. We will schedule all work at the same time to mitigate the disruption in her homeIn response to *** *** complaint about the “cheapest” and unskilled workers, I can assure her that this broad generalization is definitely ungrounded. From the electricians to the plumbers to the carpenters to the painters and more, we only hire experienced and well qualified highly skilled and licensed labor for our jobs. All work meets a standard for quality at final job completion. All county permits were acquired as necessary for the scope of work and all work was performed to local building code standards. This home was built years ago and is imperfect as all homes are. As hard as we try to satisfy *** ***, she is fixated on a low cost solution to the renovation labor and materials costs in a home where the walls are not perfectly straight and the existing finishes are not perfect. The mutually executed agreement is a time and materials contract, based upon a well-defined scope and managed with change orders, as our licensing authority requires. We have provided approximately $5,in additional uncharged expenses to help her manage costs in light of her requests of workers to do more, which they have done, without office approval resulting in extra expenses And although she has outfitted her home with *** appliances and *** *** furniture and fixtures, she wants to cut costs on minor repairs and finishes which compromise the design that she’s trying to createOur project manager spent ~hours throughout this renovation to assist *** *** with efforts such as product selections, designs, color selection as well as the g management of her ongoing needs . This labor expense was not charged to her. We have responded to every email and every text that she has sent us, sometimes more than five times in a given day. She has texted us on holidays and weekends, called us several times a day in the office and on cell phones and we have responded promptly. I don’t consider that we are difficult to work with but rather have made ourselves available as needed to help her. Her perception of our company being difficult to work with is surely clouded by the fact that she hadn’t made her progress payment and therefore we didn’t return to finish, a fact of which she is well aware. We have patiently provided exceptional service during this project to her. As an example, when *** *** couldn’t open her doors, we patiently showed her which key to use and then repeated it a second time by another worker when she had the same issue. Her back door hardware fell apart in the worker’s hands when he went to change the lock hardware and we spent four hours trying to repair it (without charge) and worked with the manufacturer *** to special order a “manufacturer to order” part since the door itself was so old that they didn’t stock parts and generic brands don’t fit. This custom part from the manufacturer took over four weeks to receive. Although we issued a change order for the replacement part and anticipated labor cost, none of the initial diagnosis and labor was charged to *** ***We have been irrationally accused of stealing the soft close hinges from her kitchen cabinets, accused of causing a danger to her family with a gas leak that was not attributable to the plumbing work that we performed, reprimanded for not providing shoe molding which should have been added by her flooring contractor as part of his work, cited for improper installation of door hardware, repainted areas that were finished due to damage by another contractor at no charge and then told we weren’t working fast enoughWorkers have cleaned up dog urine and feces several times on work materials during the project from her pets. Through it all, we returned with a smile on our faces, determined to satisfy *** ***. *** *** was over three weeks late with a progress payment at painting completion in mid-December, shorted the change order portion of the progress payment and has not yet authorized the work to be completed on the fireplace. Now she has complained about waiting for work to be done to finish and continues to complain about our pricing which includes the base agreement plus a sum of all the change orders that she signed. We will return to finish when we have 1) caught up the payments, 2) have signed authorization to repair the fireplace corners, and 3) have agreement on the final punch list to be performed.In summary, Handyman Matters religiously follows the building code and obtain the required permits for our work We use quality materials and hire quality specialty labor for our jobs and schedule them according to a master project plan, which we monitor closely, which makes it more difficult when unauthorized contractors arrive on the premises to perform work We use a residential cleaning service and a carpet cleaning service at our expense to ensure that projects are cleaned up when we are finishing We follow a change order process and ensure that all work is competed to the agreement and collect progress payments on schedule at work completion milestones And we finish the vast majority of our projects on time and on budget, as promised

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to meI will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolvedIf the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [email protected]
* ***

We hired Handyman Matters to do some flooring for us and they were awful! We would not recommend that anybody hire these people! They were rude and wanted money up front before the job began and when they started working, they did a little bit of work and then walked off the job! They also put in chipped and broken tile in the floor! It seemed like they did not care what kind of job they did because they already had their money and they did a really lousy job!!
Besides this, they also moved all of our appliances out to the garage and just left them there and they piled stuff up on our dining room table so we had no place to eat and also they stacked our dining room chairs back in a corner where we could not get to them! Finally, after complaining some men came over and moved our appliances back in from Handyman Matters and they were also very rude and impolite and kept complaining about the work they had to do! We would not advise anyone to do business with this company!

Handyman Matters offers a 1/Day Special which includes hours of labor. This reserves the craftsman for the four hour time period at the customer's home. Materials and a Service Charge are additionalfees. We allow the customer to provide materials as an option. This
option allows the craftsman to start work immediately when he arrives instead of using time for shopping for job materials needed, which saves money for the customer. When we schedule the customer job, we do communicate that all work on a customer's list may not be able to be completed in four hours time and ask them to prioritize the work so that we can try to complete the highest priorities. If the craftsman is available, customers may be able to extend the time by an hour or several hours and pay for the additional time at the same hourly rate as the1/Day Special. Some customers do not understand the work processes necessary to repair items and we try to educate the on the estimated length of time that a job will take to perform to completion. We also have customers thatpush our craftsman to get the work done faster than it would normally take to do so with care and perfection in order to save money on the labor. Payment is expected at the time that the work is completed unless other arrangements have been made in advance.Mrs***'s list of items seems to be excessive for four hours of work, in particular as one of the items that she requested, reconditioning her two front doors, is a project that should have been scheduled for a full day and required more materials than she provided for the craftsman to use. What she didn't communicate in her letter to the was that her front doors were a honey oak color and had been sanded and reconditioned with the same stain for many years. As such, the honey oak stain had completely permeated the pores of the wood , effectively sealing them against any future wood treatment. She didn't disclose this when she spoke with the craftsman the evening before nor did she tell him that she wanted to change the color entirely, which he would have discouraged.This customer purchased a dark walnut stain and asked for it to be applied to her doors and also only provided inexpensive sanding sponges for the craftsman (Matt) to use, communicating to the craftsman that he should be able to refinish the doors quickly as she had many other items that needed his attention within the four hours allotted on the schedule. Mrs*** had also left the property to go shopping and left Matt alone to do the work and therefore he couldn't communicate that there were issues with the treatment that she had requested. Matt used the materials provided to sand the doors and provided additional materials as required to perform the work. He did not remove the hardware or the kickplates as he was concerned about the condition of the doors from prior repair work and felt that the work to repair the prior poor craftsmanship couldn't be accomplished during this visit, as it required additional wood repair materials and drying time. She was not present for him to communicate this fact. Matt spent a little more than 1/hours sanding both doors and then applied the dark walnut stain to the doors as requested. Because of the prior treatment of the doors over several years, the walnut stain did not resemble the color and the consistent application that the customer desired. At her request, he sanded the doors again and reapplied the stain and she remained unhappy with the result but wasunwilling to allow him enough time to satisfactorily complete the job and asked him to leave, which is why he didn't clean up her foyer. He worked the full four hours on this one item.When I spoke with Mrs*** in the early afternoon on April 29th as she was upset with the work, I explained that the prior finishing of the doors required an intensive sanding process to trim off 1/16th of aninch at a minimum to plane the wood further to allow for the stain to penetrate the wood pores, which were sealed by prior treatments. I also attempted to explain that since the stain was darker than the stain that you had been previously using, the result would be inconsistent unless the doors were more thoroughly sanded using a belt sander, which would take more time to produce the desired results. This is a much longer and more involved process than touching up the doors with the same color which she had done previously. Mrs*** said that she didn't want to listen to me and told me that I didn't know anything.She explained that she had the doors refinished previously and was happy with the result and didn't understand why she couldn't get the same result with a darker stain I tried to explain again and she ended the conversation. The end result was that Mrs*** was not a satisfied customer and we are not satisfied either with the way that the work turned out. While we try to satisfy every customer, there are occasions where customers do not sufficiently understand the repair or renovation process and timeframe and/or do not wish to be educated. While we would like the opportunity to correct the problem for her, the cost to do so would be about full day's work and materials, as Handyman Matters would provide a better quality stain (such as a *** *** product) and other products that are designed specifically for this type of reconditioning project. Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, we invite everyone to come and see the unacceptable work handyman matters is over charging us for . We have had other contractors come out after work was completed as per handyman matters ( Mr R[redacted]- said Handyman matters contractor caused our gas leak) the final inspection and permits was never obtained, (Ray P[redacted] -  said the fireplace install was unsafe and a hazard which needs to be ripped out and re-done as well as the kitchen backsplash) They scratched all of our brand new granite ( multiple scratches on every piece) . The kitchen backsplash is falling off , it was done in the wrong grout color and the other tile guys said clearly the guy who installed it had no prior experience. They left us with damaged doors to the front and rear of our house that can not be locked properly. This is a security issue. There were no subcontractors hired that Michelle d[redacted] did not approve off. She is counting [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] , these people are utility installation guys which did not interfere with the project, they came a month after the project was estimated for completion.  This company is full of excuses instead of owning their mistakes and correcting it. 

We have used Handyman Matters multiple times for jobs such as installing skylights, installing windows, replacing toilets, etc. Always very resposive and professional. We highly recommend [redacted] snd his crew.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
First let me make clear
the complete situation. My name is Steve [redacted], not Roger [redacted]. I am
Rogers partner and have been responding on Rogers behalf. It is Rogers
Credit Card and Rogers signature on the contract, but it has been my
written and verbal contact with the company beyond the first day. So,
his remarks are targeted at me and not at Roger. You have my report
that I submitted to you concerning the circumstances of how I feel Roger
was taken advantage of and how this company misled and manipulated Roger and myself so I will not repeat my prior statements here.But, I wish to address his response line by line as I feel he has now attacked me personally and still has not addressed the issue of promising one thing and delivering much less."We are a time and materials and company and this was communicated to the customer."No where at no time was that communicated to Roger when they placed their bid. As you can see his initial email to Roger does not say that. (the one to [redacted])"We
learned the next day that the customer was not satisfied and expected
us to work for free (for two more days) or wanted his money back."Again,
not once was it mentioned in our emails (or phone conversations) to him
or his company that we wanted our money back or that we had any idea as
to how long it would take for him to do what he quoted he could do in
one day.  We simply asked for a discount in the price of half since he only did half the work."We felt bad about this misunderstanding and we attempted in good faith (via two phone calls) to negotiate a compromise.  We made two offers and the customer refused both.  He counter-offered asking us to provide 50% of the money back."His
idea of a compromise was that he would be happy to finish the work he
had started if we would pay him more money (at a reduced rate). That is not a compromise, that is more on the lines of extortion. ( I will
do this job for you at this price – I did not finish the job I said I
would do for you, but I will if you pay me more money) Sounds like
extortion to me.We simply said that he did a little less than half of the work he quoted and should only receive half the payment."We did not wrong as a contractor and we executed our standard process.  He became threatening and attempted to extort money from us.  I consulted with my advisors and we felt strongly that he has done this before with other contractors.  He knows too much about the process (more than I do) and steps he can take.  At
that point (his last email to me), I felt like even if we did give his
money back he would still take action via social media and to damage
our companies reputation."You have in your possession
the email I sent to him. You tell me just how threatening did that
sound to you? And he is claiming I am trying to extort money from him by
simply asking him to do the right thing by a customer and give them a
break on the price for an incomplete job.And now he and his "advisors" have decided to disparage my name and insult me with their accusations and assumptions
as to the type of person I am?! He has had one phone call with me and
received one email from me and yet he presumes to know me. He claims I
know "too much" about the process (more than him) - I think he might be
right about that as I have never in my life had any contractor make a
bid on a project without doing exactly what they said they would do.He
accuses me of having done this before because he and his advisors "Feel
Strongly" that I have. He does not even know me yet he feels at ease in
attacking me personally. You as the of Houston can easily research
the fact that I have only contacted your services once before in my life
and that was against Comcast for taking six weeks to install cable TV in my home.I am not in the habit of threatening or extorting money from contractors. Nor does he have any type of proof of such. However, I did as I said and not only contacted you (the but also Home Advisors since that is where I placed my post for work needing done and was contacted by his company. I did indeed give his company a bad review on the Home Advisors website basically stating the same information I have provided to you. I also went to Yelp and found that others have posted bad reviews of his company there.So, he accuses me of being a bad person with no proof. I accuse his company of poor business practices and have proof in the form of other dissatisfied customers. note the attachment that he has sent to you. The first email (page three) is his first contact with Roger. He highlights the word "looks" as though that excuses his poor ability to bid on the job. "It looks to be about an 8 hour day" - yet they were unable to complete even half of the work as posted at the bottom the page under "Your work needed"Page five is his first response to me after speaking to me on the phone. I'm [redacted]. So his compromise is that he will complete the work for a discounted rate of ANOTHER $600.Page four is my response to his email which is the last direct contact I have had with him. I let you decide if I was threatening and trying to extort money from him.The remaining pages are actually internal emails between him and his employees. His employee states that she thought it seemed like an 8 hour day (poorly thought out on her part)Then the last page again internal emails, shows that even the employees understands that the bidding process is flawed. And that became myself and Rogers over charged and under delivered contract nightmare. We are trying to sell our property and this has cost us in not only money but time and frustration. I feel absolutely justified in reporting this company as a company that consumers should be wary of and look else where for their projects.
I don't know exactly what the can even do in this case as I am
certain he has no intention of offering a discount for his poor service.
I guess you can give him a poor rating and it is my sincere belief that
that is exactly what you should do.I thank you for your time.

In response to [redacted] complaint, I will start by addressing the timeline which is incorrect on her complaint.  Our agreement was signed on 8/29/16 and the work began just after Labor Day weekend, as soon as the customer closed on their home.  With the significant changes requested...

by the customer after the work began, the contract scope and pricing were adjusted after the first few weeks which caused a work stoppage and therefore a delay in the work of approximately two weeks.  One provision in our agreement included not allowing other work to be done in the home while Handyman Matters was performing work on the property and it was breached  by four other contractors as scheduled by the customer, some of the work without our knowledge or consent.  This breach of the agreement caused rescheduling of planned work as well as damage to work that had just been completed. The floor refinisher contractor’s work resulted in another work stoppage of eleven days.  In totality, out of a proposed eight week project, there were approximately four weeks out of our control when work on the project was suspended.  As [redacted] and her family have moved into the home, we now need to access the home by coordinating schedules between her and the workers.     Presently we have been working with the customer to finish the work and met with her and her husband just last week on Friday 1/6/17 after normal business hours during the beginning of a snow storm.  This meeting was to address her cost concerns.  She was presented with a detailed list of charges and all change orders, some of which she is disputing although she signed them.  Handyman Matters put together an action plan to resolve all of her issues however she refuses to sign a change order which allows us to complete a defined scope of work to repair her fireplace edging; this refusal to sign (in addition to a three week late progress payment) has held up the work by over four weeks, since mid-December.  This is the fact that is delaying the limestone hearthstone topper installation as well as the final punch list work to be completed.  We will schedule all work at the same time to mitigate the disruption in her home. In response to [redacted] complaint about the “cheapest” and unskilled workers, I can assure her that this broad generalization is definitely ungrounded.  From the electricians to the plumbers to the carpenters to the painters and more, we only hire experienced and well qualified highly skilled and licensed labor for our jobs.  All work meets a standard for quality at final job completion.  All county permits were acquired as necessary for the scope of work and all work was performed to local building code standards.  This home was built 26 years ago and is imperfect as all homes are.  As hard as we try to satisfy [redacted], she is fixated on a low cost solution to the renovation labor and materials costs in a home where the walls are not perfectly straight and the existing finishes are not perfect.  The mutually executed agreement is a time and materials contract, based upon a well-defined scope and managed with change orders, as our licensing authority requires.  We have provided approximately $5,000 in additional uncharged expenses to help her manage costs in light of her requests of workers to do more, which they have done, without office approval resulting in extra expenses.  And although she has outfitted her home with [redacted] appliances and [redacted] furniture and fixtures, she wants to cut costs on minor repairs and finishes which compromise the design that she’s trying to create. Our project manager spent ~76 hours throughout this renovation to assist [redacted] with efforts such as product selections, designs, color selection as well as the g management of her ongoing needs .  This labor expense was not charged to her.  We have responded to every email and every text that she has sent us, sometimes more than five times in a given day.  She has texted us on holidays and weekends, called us several times a day in the office and on cell phones and we have responded promptly.  I don’t consider that we are difficult to work with but rather have made ourselves available as needed to help her.  Her perception of our company being difficult to work with is surely clouded by the fact that she hadn’t made her progress payment and therefore we didn’t return to finish, a fact of which she is well aware.  We have patiently provided exceptional service during this project to her.  As an example, when [redacted] couldn’t open her doors, we patiently showed her which key to use and then repeated it a second time by another worker when she had the same issue.  Her back door hardware fell apart in the worker’s hands when he went to change the lock hardware and we spent four hours trying to repair it (without charge) and worked with the manufacturer [redacted] to special order a “manufacturer to order” part since the door itself was so old that they didn’t stock parts and generic brands don’t fit.  This custom part from the manufacturer took over four weeks to receive.  Although we issued a change order for the replacement part and anticipated labor cost, none of the initial diagnosis and  labor was charged to [redacted]. We have been irrationally accused of stealing the soft close hinges from her kitchen cabinets, accused of causing a danger to her family with a gas leak that was not attributable to the plumbing work that we performed, reprimanded for not providing shoe molding which should have been added by her flooring contractor as part of his work, cited for improper installation of door hardware, repainted areas that were finished due to damage by another contractor at no charge and then told we weren’t working fast enough. Workers have cleaned up dog urine and feces several times on work materials during the project from her pets.  Through it all, we returned with a smile on our faces, determined to satisfy [redacted].  [redacted] was over three weeks late with a progress payment at painting completion in mid-December, shorted the change order portion of the progress payment and has not yet authorized the work to be completed on the fireplace.  Now she has complained about waiting for work to be done to finish and continues to complain about our pricing which includes the base agreement plus a sum of all the change orders that she signed.  We will return to finish when we have 1) caught up the payments, 2) have signed authorization to repair the fireplace corners, and 3) have agreement on the final punch list to be performed.In summary, Handyman Matters religiously follows the building code and obtain the required permits for our work.  We use quality materials and hire quality specialty labor for our jobs and schedule them according to a master project plan, which we monitor closely, which makes it more difficult when unauthorized contractors arrive on the premises to perform work.  We use a residential cleaning service and a carpet cleaning service at our expense to ensure that projects are cleaned up when we are finishing.  We follow a change order process and ensure that all work is competed to the agreement and collect progress payments on schedule at work completion milestones.  And we finish the vast majority of our projects on time and on budget, as promised.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. If the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [email protected].

Handyman Matters offers a 1/2 Day Special which includes 4 hours of labor.  This reserves the craftsman for the four hour time period at the customer's home.  Materials and a Service Charge are additionalfees.  We allow the customer to provide materials as an option.  This option...

allows the craftsman to start work immediately when he arrives instead of using time for shopping for job materials needed, which saves money for the customer.  When we schedule the customer job, we do communicate that all work on a customer's list may not be able to be completed in four hours time and ask them to prioritize the work so that we can try to complete the highest priorities.  If the craftsman is available, customers may be able to extend the time by an hour or several hours and pay for the additional time at the same hourly rate as the1/2 Day Special.  Some customers do not understand the work processes necessary to repair items and we try to educate the on the estimated length of time that a job will take to perform to completion.  We also have customers thatpush our craftsman to get the work done faster than it would normally take to do so with care and perfection in order to save money on the labor.  Payment is expected at the time that the work is completed unless other arrangements have been made in advance.Mrs. [redacted]'s list of 10 items seems to be excessive for four hours of work, in particular as one of the items that she requested, reconditioning her two front doors, is a project that should have been scheduled for a full day and required more materials than she provided for the craftsman to use.  What she didn't communicate in her letter to the was that her front doors were a honey oak color and had been sanded and reconditioned with the same stain for many years.  As such, the honey oak stain had completely permeated the pores of the wood , effectively sealing them against any future wood treatment.  She didn't disclose this when she spoke with the craftsman the evening before nor did she tell him that she wanted to change the color entirely, which he would have discouraged.This customer purchased a dark walnut stain and asked for it to be applied to her doors and also only provided inexpensive sanding sponges for the craftsman (Matt)  to use, communicating to the craftsman that he should be able to refinish the doors quickly as she had many other items that needed his attention within the four hours allotted on the schedule.  Mrs. [redacted] had also left the property to go shopping and left Matt alone to do the work and therefore he couldn't communicate that there were issues with the treatment that she had requested.  Matt used the materials provided to sand the doors and provided additional materials as required to perform the work.  He did not remove the hardware or the kickplates as he was concerned about the condition of the doors from prior repair work and felt that the work to repair the prior poor craftsmanship couldn't be accomplished during this visit, as it required additional wood repair materials and drying time.  She was not present for him to communicate this fact.  Matt spent a little more than 1 1/2 hours sanding both doors and then applied the dark walnut stain to the doors as requested.  Because of the prior treatment of the doors over several years, the walnut stain did not resemble the color and the consistent application that the customer desired.   At her request, he sanded the doors again and reapplied the stain and she remained unhappy with the result but wasunwilling to allow him enough time to satisfactorily complete the job and asked him to leave, which is why he didn't clean up her foyer.  He worked the full four hours on this one item.When I spoke with Mrs. [redacted] in the early afternoon on April 29th as she was upset with the work, I explained that the prior finishing of the doors required an intensive sanding process to trim off 1/16th of aninch at a minimum to plane the wood further to allow for the stain to penetrate the wood pores, which were sealed by prior treatments.   I also attempted to explain that since the stain was darker than the stain that you had been previously using, the result would be inconsistent unless the doors were more thoroughly sanded using a belt sander, which would take more time to produce the desired results.  This is a much longer and more involved process than touching up the doors with the same color which she had done previously.  Mrs. [redacted] said that she didn't want to listen to me and told me that I didn't know anything.She explained that she had the doors refinished previously and was happy with the result and didn't understand why she couldn't get the same result with a darker stain.  I tried to explain again and she ended the conversation.  The end result was that Mrs. [redacted] was not a satisfied customer and we are not satisfied either with the way that the work turned out.   While we try to satisfy every customer, there are occasions where customers do not sufficiently understand the repair or renovation process and timeframe and/or do not wish to be educated.  While we would like the opportunity to correct the problem for her, the cost to do so would be about full day's work and materials, as Handyman Matters would provide a better quality stain (such as a [redacted] product) and other products that are designed specifically for this type of reconditioning project.  Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
On 4/28/2015 I was notified by telephone call by [redacted] to go to [redacted] and purchase items that would be used the following day to complete the job.  I purchased the items he needed.   The following day when he arrived it took 20 minutes to show him the 10 items on the list, some things being as simple as hanging 2 pieces of artwork (a shelve and a clock).  He asked me to go to [redacted] to purchase additional items or to exchange items for others.   I did that.   All materials I had for the job to be completed were items he requested from [redacted].  Also when I returned  I told him to stop the work and called the owner and asked her to come over to see the work being done   She refused to come over. I was not satisfied with the stain job  I was told that it was because of the color I choose.   I contacted two other businesses and showed them the job and one said the door was totally ruined now and the other said it would take a few hours of tender loving care to complete this job. The color of the stain had nothing to do with the process or sanding the door and re staining i.t I would like a complete refund so I can seek someone else to do the job correctly.

I recently had a problem with my kitchen outlet and called Handyman Matters for some help. Tammy was able to schedule an appointment within a few days, so I booked. The Handyman was Tony, and he called me the day before to introduce himself and to confirm the appointment. Tony arrived on time and started to work right away. It turned out that I have something called a GFCI outlet, and it had tripped so he reset it. He also showed me what to do if it happens again (a simple push of the reset button). This took all of 10 minutes. Handyman Matters has a 1 hour minimum, so Tony asked if he could do something else while he was here. I had him adjust my storm door, secure a handrail, and change 2 flood lights that were too high for me to reach. The total time was 1 hour and 15 minutes. They actually prorated the time, so I was only billed for 1.25 hours. Money well spent! Next time, I will know to have a list ready because these guys seem to do it all. I’ve already let my neighbors know about Handyman Matters, and I will definitely be calling them again!

I recently had several small projects around my home that I needed completed so I called Handyman Matters (South Pittsburgh). They actually had someone there to answer the phone! Tammy was very friendly and helped me with figuring out the cost for each project and roughly how long each would take. I needed an interior door installed (we did the staining), a faucet replaced, and caulking of several windows. She arranged a start date that fit my busy schedule and they sent me an e-mail reminder the day before to confirm appointment. David arrived on time and reviewed each project with me and quickly started the work. They were so easy to work with and David even looked at several other projects that we are considering in the near future. He provided us with recommendations and an estimate of time to complete. David was a pleasure to have in our home and his workmanship was fantastic. From the

initial phone call, to the completion of the job I was completely satisfied. I will definitely use Handyman Matters again and would recommend them to anyone in need of home repairs and maintenance.

The Handyman Matters in Canonsburg, PA did a project to set up the electrical and the plumbing in our basement. The basement was unfinished, so they had a blank slate. They still made several mistakes. First, they failed to install any vents for the dryer; they installed the right electrical cord for a dryer, but totally ignored the need for a vent. When I complained they washed their hands, saying it was our fault for not having a general contractor. But isn't putting a vent in part of the set up for a dryer--that is common sense.

Second, they put the pipes for the sinks all at the wrong height. We had to hire another plumber to come and redo them before they could be attached to the sinks.

Third, the shower head they installed is hanging loose with no support -- a loose pipe sticking out of drywall. The second plumber we hired tried to fix this but it is still not tight.

Third, the pipe for the toilet is unusually long and, like the shower head, seems not fixed tightly to anything.

Fourth, they did not mark clearly where the water shut off / turn on valves were in the walls, and the drywall installers covered them up. This was Handyman Matters' fault because they should have labeled, or marked or something to make it clear where the valves where so that drywall people would know not to put wall over them.

Fifth, they billed by the hour and worked very slowly, often not finishing the task we assigned them. They required us to re-hire them and pay more for them to come finish. It felt like a billing racket.

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Address: 9 Camino Del Oro, Rancho Santa Margarita, California, United States, 92688-3165


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