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Guitar Center Inc

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Reviews Guitar Center Inc

Guitar Center Inc Reviews (270)

Review: A sales representative in Indianapolis sold me a turntable stated as new for $799.99, or a used turntable for $699.99. I decided to purchase a new turntable. However, after finding out some months later, that it was actually a unit that I was sold had purchased earlier and swapped parts - therefore, I was told incorrect information and sold used equipment. During this transaction, I also purchased a 2 year warranty at $84.99, and the sales person also told me the warranty would extend 2 years past the 1 year manufacturer warranty, giving it a warranty of three years. The salesperson never owned up to the fact that he sold me used equipment. In fact, he no longer works there. I spoke to the store leader of the pro audio department, who said he might be able to get me new parts for the turntable, then ship them for free, with a store credit (because I'd have to pay out of pocket to get my own turntable replaced, at the cost of $200). However, the store said it was new at the point of sale, however was sold in used condition, which is not acceptable in any environment. I then spoke with the store manager in Indianapolis, who told me there wasn't anything he could do, other than sell me more equipment at a discounted price, which isn't the resolution needed in this situation. I then corporate customer service over the telephone to file a formal complaint. The rep gave me the number to the corporate headquarters located in California. I spoke to a customer service team leader in the corporate store and said there wasn't anything he could do, so he had to pass this to the store manager - the corporate store manager of Guitar Center - said there wasn't anything he could do either other than sell me a product at cost. This company gave no specific reasons as to why they couldn't resolve my issue, told me about ridiculous store policies that are not on the receipt for reference, and refused to own up to the fact that they sold me used equipment and are unwilling to resolve this issue.Desired Settlement: The price for fixing my turntable is $200, and the difference in price of a new vs. used turntable (at the time of purchase) was $100. My desired settlement description is a store credit/gift card worth $300 to cover the cost of my repair, as well as the price difference of a used vs. new turntable as I was told when I purchased this turntable as "new".



The purchase date on this item was 02.19.11. The customer customer had 60 days after the initial sale date to return or exchange the merchandise should any issues arise. The customer mentioned that he first contacted the store about the problem 18 months ago (which was still nearly 15 months passed his 60 day in store return period). Unfortunately due to the amount of time that has passed we will not be able to honor any sort of exchange or replacement on the turntable/parts. The store has already offered to sell the customer 2 DJ needles at dealer cost as an accommodation. At this time there is no way to prove that the store sold the customer a Used item. Had that been the case, the customer more than likely would have brought the item back for an exchange within the first 60 days.



We have issued the customer a $100.00 eCertificate and are working towards getting the required replacement parts for his turntable.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 9909044, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I have been a customer of the Guitar Center for a number of years. Every time I go in they have a difficult time taking my payment as they don't have policy for compliance with the Electronic Signature Act (Public Law No: 106-2[redacted].) In the past an employee has been able to accommodate my transaction. On September 4th at about 4:30 PM I went to make a purchase of two lights that were on sale. They refused to comply with the Electronic Signature Act Law in order to protect my identity and told me they wouldn't do the order. The sales man was great but, couldn't figure out how to do the transaction in compliance with the law and called his manager that just told him not to do the sale.Desired Settlement: The Guitar Center needs to change it's policies to be in compliance with State and Federal Law. They need to train all of their sales staff how to complete transactions in compliance with the Electronic Signature Act. They need to sell me the advertised products at the sale price, and notify me when I can pick them up at that price using my credit card as outlined in the Electronic Signature Act with me signing on a paper receipt not on the signature box's used in so many identity thefts lately.



ID of 10803785I was forwarded this complaint by Mr. R**. I am counsel for Guitar Center. I believe that Mr. Y[redacted]'s claim is that we are required under the cited law to offer paper credit card signature transactions in connection with purchases in our stores. I have had a reputable national law firm evaluate the law and we are not required to offer paper signatures for our credit card transactions. We do not believe this claim is based on a proper interpretation of the law. If you have questions, or more information, please contact us. Glenn has my contact information and can also relay any necessary correspondence.D[redacted]



D[redacted], legal counsel to Guitar Center following up through Glenn's log in.Mr. Y[redacted] does indeed have the option to refuse to sign the pin pad for a credit card transaction, but that does not mean that Guitar Center is required to offer alternative measures to indicate that Mr. Y[redacted] has acknowledged and agreed to the credit card terms for a sale.Additionally, the website quoted is from a website that provides loan servicing/Payment Processing services to colleges and universities and not a government statement regarding ESIGN. The quote seems to merely convey the idea that a consumer may refuse the option to sign electronically and take the business elsewhere to another business that offers paper signatures. Under ESIGN, both parties have to agree to use electronic signatures. Guitar Center is free to decide on the method of signatures for credit card transaction, and accordingly, the customer is free to refuse that method. Guitar Center does not, and does not intend to offer such an alternative in stores, and we acknowledge that we cannot require anyone to sign the pin pads; however, Guitar Center may uphold electronic signatures as the sole option to acknowledge a transaction, and as a result will not receive the customer's consent for the transaction (thus, leaving the transaction incomplete/void). I have a firm second opinion from a highly ranked, national law firm, with experts in this area and have had them take a second look after receiving the follow up from Mr. Y[redacted]. If Mr. Y[redacted] feels this strongly, he may pay cash for purchases or look for alternatives with other merchants, but Guitar Center is in full compliance with the law on this issue. Guitar Center is compliant and we consider this case closed. Regards,D[redacted]



Review: 10803785

I am rejecting this response because:I have checked with a number of businesses and found that as stated by the college form that the patron not the business has the ability to decide on signing on the touch pad or requiring another physical signature or no signature. "The business can require a signature but not electronic." I only gave the one sample to show interpretation by others. I guess Guitar Center could say well Safeways rule doesn't matter as they are just a grocery store "Safway, Kingsoopers, Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, etc... all follow this interpretation." They could also say Lowes is just a hardware store so it doesn't apply "Lowes, Home Depot, Ace, & True Vallue all follow this interpretation." They could say Best Buy is just a box store but, "Best Buy, Target, Costco, Walmart, Dicks, etc... all follow this interpretation." I was informed of this law by the stop theft prevention from AT&T universal card. I have followed up with my bank and they also agree with interpretation of the law given by the universities, AT&T, and the businesses listed above.This is a major issue as a number of companies have cost customers thousands even millions over the past several years by signing on the electronic pad. I have been a customer of Guitar Center for a number of years and with this cavalier attitude toward customer identity safety and disregard to the law I guess I will no longer be a patron. Major companies such as "Target, Walmart, Michaels, etc..." have been targets of credit card scams through the touch pad. As Guitar Center considers this closed I will contact my friends and family and make sure they are aware of this decision and I am sure they will not go to Guitar Center again as a number of them do now. I will also follow up with other measures.



Review: On March 16, 2015 I visited the Guitar Center La Mesa location with my 9-year old son to pick out a new Yamaha Piano. We selected the P-105 model. The sales associate said all they had was the demo and we would need to order a new one on line. That evening I ordered through Guitar Center the new Yamaha P105 piano. Total cost including shipping was $439.99. Sales Order #S20153007. The on-line sales associate informed me there was an inventory of 30+ pianos arriving soon. On March 24, 2015 I received a voicemail and email notifying me that my order had been cancelled. I called to find out what happened and was told the P105 was discontinued and was being replaced with the P115. I was told it was "essentially the same thing" but cost $600. The representative gave me the phone number of the La Mesa store to arrange the purchase of the Demo P105 because it would be of no use to the store since it was discontinued.I called the La Mesa store and spoke with Eddie who eventually referred me to Ian. I was told the demo unit had been on their floor for well over a year. They offered to sell me the 1+ year old piano for the same price Guitar Center had agreed to sell me a brand new one just 8 days before. They informed me they paid $370 for it. I offered to pay $350, which was more than fair considering it had been used for over one year. Ian needed to check with management to see if they would accept my offer.On March 27, 2015 I spoke to Ian again and he informed me that the lowest they would go for the very used Demo P105 was $439.99, the same amount they had originally agreed to sell me a new one for.My issues is...If you went into a car dealership and ordered a brand new car and eight days later the dealership informed you that what you agreed to pay was going to get you a used car that had been used for over a year, what would your response be? On March 27, 2015Desired Settlement: Sell me the new P105 Yamaha Piano for what the price we originally agreed to.



The La Mesa Guitar Center store has ordered a New in Box keyboard to be sent to the store for pickup. The customer has been notified and will stop by the store to pick up the unit once it arrives.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10552605, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: On 12/23/2013 my wife purchased a $50 gift card as a Christmas gift for me and was charged twice. There are 2 transactions that are 2 minutes apart for this amount on our bank statement. I have made repeated calls to the corporate office at 818-735-8800 and spoke with C[redacted] at ext. 2201 multiple times. Although C[redacted] was polite and tried to help, it has been 6 weeks and the issue has not been resolved. We even had a conference call with a representative from my bank who verified that there was no credit sent to my account. My bank even spoke with their "sales audit" dept. to try and get this resolved and emailed me again today that a credit was never sent from guitar center. This has been an extreme waste of my time for what should be a very simple transaction. They had no trouble charging my account.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund for the $50 that we were overcharged.



Customer was mailed a check in the amount of $50.00 He is satisfied with the outcome.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 9916621, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

The issue has been resolved. Thank you very much for your help


Review: the NM GC store continues to advertise for a fender pickup for $19.99that is not an authentic fender pickup at all.when I called about this, a store manager told me that another employee bought this used pickup, but he could not verify or substantiate that it came from a fender guitar. Used Fender Pickup Item # investigate this false advertisement/bait and switch ploy. thanks, jpthe actual item number needs to be typed into the space where I have typed in the words item number on the GC website address. it is a 9 digit number and the first correct 4 numbers are 1114 followed by the 04498 (not a SS #)Desired Settlement: cease this false ad. remove this phony product.



Dear Mr. P[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I apologize that a used item was listed incorrectly within the NM store's inventory. I appreciate you providing the information, so that I may take a look at the item. At this time, it does appear that the link has been removed from the website, as it is no longer viewable on my end. I have passed your concerns to the store manager to ensure that future mislabelings do not occur.If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. W[redacted]Customer Service Supervisor[redacted]

Review: Attempted to place order by phone through representative. He told me he would call me back with a confirmation. No call back, no email confirmation--No order placed and $2500 charged to my account. Guitar CS seemed indifferent to my issues and had no record of anything. Had to wait for $2500 to drop off my account. Placed order online with ANOTHER $2500, and had two items charged that were "already sold". Had to wait for THAT money to drop off my account as well. GC CS also indifferent to my complaint. IN 2015 I would think that an online item could be removed immediately upon purchase? Order#10[redacted]19*2Item #11[redacted]0*4: (4x10 Bass cab) Listed in "Good" or "fair" condition which is described as fully functional. Screws were falling out of speakers and center horn wasn't even screwed in. Item #1111877*9: ( Boss DD3) Item dead on arrival. Had to drive an hour out of my way to GC Indianapolis for replacement. Item #1112901*7: (BR12M Monitor) Item was not as described. Received a refund and ordered another used item. When I received the item, it was AGAIN not as described. Both were a completely different item from what was listed. Now I have to make ANOTHER trip an hour our of my way for a return. Item #X112227*3:(CFX12) Mixer listed as fully functional, but was had an entire fader REMOVED form bus 4. Item #1110513*8: Website showed a picture of the used item, which was not the item I received. Emailed GC CS to complain, was told my complaint would be forwarded to management and never heard anything from them again.This entire experience has put me out for two gigs, cost me time and money, and left me to not recommend GC for future purchases. I realize my business does not make or break their bottom line, but whatever happened to attention to detail and just plain old ethical business practices? The lack of desire for customer satisfaction is very disappointing. I simply do not have the time or energy to deal with this negative experience anymore at this point.Desired Settlement: I want the items I ordered, in the conditions listed, and an explanation of why this entire process has felt so abhorrent?



Dear Mr. M[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center purchase. After a bit of research into your situation, I made contact with Mr. Robert Rinehart, a member of our management team. He has since updated me on your correspondences, and has informed me that the two of you are working together to get this resolved through the store. I see that Mr. Rinehart has offered to discount a purchase to make up for your traveling expenses. I am very glad that he has been so attentive to your concerns, and I sincerely hope that we can get this completely resolved for you. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to assist in any way possible. W[redacted]Customer Service Supervisor[redacted]

Review: Guitar Center is notorious for advertising/selling products that they are not able to fulfill.The company fails to mention that the product they have listed on their website is not in-stock.This is my second issue with the same matter with this company. After an order is placed they send an email of a back order notice. Many other companies list the product as back ordered before a customer purchases the product. Guitar Center, Inc does not mention this at all. I strongly believe this is horrible customer service. My first order issue was with a representative over the phone. He took my order but failed to mention the product is out of stock and did not mention it will take longer than the standard processing time.My second and last purchase with this company was placed online and later I received the email that the item is backordered.Desired Settlement: What does Guitar Center have to offer as a standard company customer service procedure to make customers happy?



We have contacted the customer and placed a new order for an upgraded model at the same price. The unit is currently in route to the customer and should arrive on 12/08/14.

Review: I was told at the store, by the salesperson at the time of purchase, that the extra warranty I was purchasing would guarantee an immediate replacement if the amp failed. The amp failed and now the store will only pay for shipping the unit back to the manufacturer for repair. The only reason I purchaed the extra warranty was to avoid having down-time due to equipment failure. The salesperson at the store assured me that the warranty I was purchasing would do that.Desired Settlement: See Complaint Text

Review: One manager was vary help full with delivery from UPS then UPS lied to both of us about when my package would be there then I called back spoke with a different manager who was unhelpful and would not help me with UPS in getting my package changed back to delivery at my house.Desired Settlement: See Complaint Text

Review: I placed an online order on August 7th for a "blemished" Zildjian Project 391 Limited Edition Crash Cymbal Level 1 20 in. This cymbal was at a discounted price due to the blemished state. After waiting 10 days for some sort of notification on the shipping status/tracking number, I called customer service. They stated it would be a few days and I should get an email with the tracking number. Shortly after my conversation, I received an email stating the item was "backordered" on that day, the 17th, on the 18th, on the 29th, and the 31st of August. (all, shortly after I had talked to a CSR from guitarcenter)On September 4th, I called and was told the part was "in shipping" and that he was sending it with "overnight delivery" so that I would get it on Tuesday, the 8th (due to the holiday weekend). As of today, I still have not received the item, nor an email stating it had been shipped so I called customer service again. The CSR I talked to stated that this order should've been cancelled long ago because it was a blemished item, an item that isn't usually restocked. I asked why I'd been told it would ship "shortly", or even "overnight" every time prior to this. He said he didn't know. He also was very rude, unapologetic, and acted like it was "no big deal" that my credit card had been charged almost 5 weeks ago, with no hope of actually receiving the item. Also, I'm not sure the order (and refund) would've ever taken place had I not called them and asked where my item was.Desired Settlement: I've had to borrow other drummers cymbals because I've been waiting for this one to's been a major inconvenience, not to mention false hope with every phone call placed. It's been a major headache and source of frustration. I'd like an apology at the bare minimum and perhaps a store credit as a gesture of good will.



Dear Mr. W[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. After reviewing your account, I do see that you purchased a level 1 used Zildjian Project 391 crash. The backorder notifications that you received for your order was a result of a system error. This error should have been recognized by one of the representatives that you spoke with. I am very sorry that you were provided inaccurate shipping timeframes, and I assure you that I will review your situation with the representatives who assisted you, to avoid confusion in the future. I would be happy to add a $25 credit to your Guitar Center account, if you would like to use it towards a purchase in the future. Additionally, if you are interested in a different crash cymbal, I would be happy to assist you in finding a comparable cymbal to the one you had original purchased. We have many drum experts on hand, who I'm sure, would be happy to recommend some alternatives for you. Please let me know your thoughts. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best, W[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10807846, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



Review: I went on guitar centers website and purchased 10 ADJ Vizi Spot 5r (factory restocked) for $129.99 per fixture. I received a email saying 9 were on back order. I called and confirmed and the gentleman on the phone said we should receive more in. The next day I received a email saying all 10 had shipped via UPS. Once I got home I had only received one light. I called guitar center and informed them of my situation. I was then told that they had no more available. The gentleman on the phone said he could sell me 9 new ones for $1,000 dollars per fixture. (I am a lighting director for a small band and we can't afford that) so I declined his offer. Guitar Center said sorry there is nothing that they can do and that if they had more instock they could send me 9 more. I asked if they could send me 9 new ones for the same price and the said no. I feel that the website should have not allowed me to order 10 if they didn't have that many. I feel that they had false advertising and not honoring my order and what was posted online.Desired Settlement: For Guitar Center to send me the other 9 fixtures I ordered through their website ( that I got a email saying that it was shipped ) at the originally price I paid.



We are in contact withe the customer currently working on a resolution. We will not be able to honor the original price as it was clearly a mistake on our website however we are looking into suitable replacements that should fulfill the customer's needs.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10007735, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I purchased a set of Vocopro wireless microphones and after using them only a couple of times the microphones make you sound like a DUCK. I had purchased the extended warranty from Guitar center under the promise that if I had a problem just bring them back in to the store for on the spot replacement. When I tried to get the set replaced at the store I was literally laughed at, they said they never say that and I was told to call an 800 number. Which then I proceeded to get so much run around I gave up! So now I'm out the money for the microphones and the useless warranty. I may go buy something and purchase the useless warranty and record the speech they use to get you to buy the warranty.Desired Settlement: I want to drive to the store and get the microphones replaced on the spot as promised. Or a total refund for the microphones and the useless warranty.



The store processed a return on the mics and the customer left with a new unit. He is happy.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 9825784, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: The company does not inform their customers that it takes 7-14 days to deliver a gift card! Contacted customer service, I was hung up on twice before I could even speak with a person. I finally go no help from the call center so I asked for a supervisor and no one was available! This is during the holidays I understand it is busy, but they need to be reminded that during the holiday to step up their game and offer better service specially if it is a tiny gift card! This is also a Christmas gift that now will not make it in time for Christmas!Desired Settlement: I would like a refund of the gift card, since I had to order another one from Amazon, and pay $4 for next day delivery.



Dear Mrs. B[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center purchase. After reviewing your account, I do see that your order was placed through our website on December 12th. Guitar Center offers a few certificate options, and you selected the traditional gift card. Our website specifies that all traditional gift cards ship via US postal service within 24-48 hours of the order being placed. Additionally, we ask that our customers allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Your gift card was printed and mailed on the following business day, which would have put your delivery after the holidays. I see that you contacted our Customer Service department and requested that your gift card be voided, as you no longer wished to wait for the item. At this time, it does appear that your order was successfully voided and your funds were released back to your account on December 24th. Going forward, Guitar Center will ensure that all of our customers are fully taken care of, regardless of the season. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Whitney ColónCustomer Service Supervisor[redacted]

Disclaimer: I have only used Guitar Center once, and I ONLY have experience with the Online store... I ordered an amp stand and was notified by email about the status of the order (processing, shipping, etc.). The item was ordered on the the 1st, on the weekend, so it took a day or so to process (understandable), and it went to the International Processing Center on the 3rd (not bad, I suppose), but it stayed at the facility for a week! I was unhappy and let Guitar Center and Borderfree Services know, and I have to say that although I brought up serious concerns with the time that my package was at the shipping facility before it was put on the truck, Guitar Center was very helpful with a brief explanation of the process, and ensured that my package would still cross the border in a reasonable amount of time to end up at my place. My concerns were also addressed very quickly, politely and professionally, and before I knew it the Team Lead had already notified me, that he was issuing a refund for the shipping and handling costs on account of my frustration. Excellent job Guitar Center, and thank you for listening to me and addressing my issues, rather than blowing me off and hoping that I maybe might come back someday... I will DEFINITELY be back to purchase more gear (online - I live in Canada). Great product and great customer service experience.

Review: I needed a guitar cable immediately. I saw on-line that Guitar Center in Fairview Heights had them for $8.99 on their website. I drive the 30+ Miles one way to Guitar Center. When I requested the 20 Ft. Cable for $8.99, I was told they are special order only. Doesnt say this online. Instead I had to purchase a cable for $17.00. I needed two but could only afford the one at that price. I firmly believe this is a bait and switch technique used by guitar center. Also, the address Guitar Center, ** Ludwig Drive

Fairview Heights, IL 62208 doesnt show up on site.Desired Settlement: I would like to have the 2 20 Ft. cables I needed in replacement for the $17.00 I had to pay for one 18 Ft Cable.



Dear Mr. G[redacted], Thank you for bringing you concers to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. I do see that the Musician's Gear 20 foot 1/4" straight instrument cable is listed at $8.99 on our website. After adding the cable to my cart and entering the zip code for the Fairview Heights location (62208) our website indicates that this item is "Available in 3-7 days (estimated)." The store location does not have this item available, however, they can order it from our warehouse and have it shipped to the store or to a shipping location of the customers choosing. At this time, if you would like to exchange the cable that you purchased in store for two 20 foot cables, we would be happy to assist you. W[redacted]Customer Service Supervisor[redacted]

Review: I ordered (2) used Pioneer PLX 1000 from the Guitar Center website for an event for the following Saturday, when they arrived to my house the Wednesday of the week of the event they where severely damaged from bad packaging (stacking (2) 35 lbs on top of each other. I brought them to the Guitar Center in Albany, NY to see if they can be replaced I was told by a sales associate that it wasn't my fault and that they would exchange them for an even exchange, that associate shift ended and a new associate then continued the transaction at the register. As he was finishing the checkout I was told that I owed another $365, I then asked to speak to a supervisor who told me that she could only give me 10% off and that the District Manager was unreachable. I was placed in a position in which they gave me no alternative but to pay balance because at this point the event was in 2 days so there was no time to order another used pair and there is no other music store in my area that sold the equipment. I am very upset that Guitar Center put me in a position to have to pay an additional $265.45 for the packaging and shipping mistake that they admitted too.Desired Settlement: A refund of the additional $265.45 that I was charged for their mistake in shipping.



Dear Mr. S[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. I am currently working with the store who assisted you, in an attempt to process a refund for the additional $264.45 that you were charged for the error that occurred during shipping. I will provide an update as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.Whitney Colón Customer Service Supervisor[redacted]

Review: On 9/1/2015, I ordered the products and expected to get the products in 3-5 business days as they promised. I have planned out everything for the event as a DJ. However, the products did not arrive as they promised. I called the customer service and they asked me to wait, told me that they will call me back. They didn't. I called them again on 9/10/2015 (Thursday). They said they will ship out on that day. I expected to receive on Friday. Again, I waited patiently, but they didn't and I called back to the Company and they haven't shipped out yet. They have ruined my plans and it costs me a about 1,500$ because I lost the project. And I lost the customers and the reputation. They only thing they could do was to say, "Sorry." It didn't help me anything at all. I am not satisfied with the company's customer service and do not wish to purchase anything ever again.Desired Settlement: Please provide the product as requested.



Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. After reviewing your account, I do see that you ordered the Powerpod 820/S710 PA package. After a bit of research, it appears that this portion of your order hasn't shipped due to a system error. I have reached out to our shipping team and requested that they manually pick, package and ship your order with next day air, free of charge. I have received confirmation from our shipping manager and your order will be shipping out first thing tomorrow morning. You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order leaves our warehouse. Since the order has been expedited, the tracking information will likely update with an ETA shortly before it is actually delivered. Orders that ship ground, receive tracking updates with each hub that the shipping carrier checks into. Since your order is shipping air, it will not update until it reaches the hub located in Indianapolis.Again, I am very sorry for the trouble you have been caused with your order. We are taking the necessary steps to control these sort of system errors in the future. At this time, if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best, W[redacted]Customer Service [email protected]

Review: As to "does complaint involve a health issue"? yes, my blood pressure doubled 5 minutes after I arrived!! I spent several hours on the Guitar Center's web site checking out their ongoing sale. They were advertising several guitar string sets, some on sale and others on clearance. When I tried to order online, they said, in store pic-up only. I drive to Guitar Center, 2700 Miamisburg Centerville RD, Dayton, Ohio 45459 And the men behind the string counter tell me they have none of the items that were offered on the web site, Or they could be at any of the 270+ Guitar stores across the USA. The skinny Black Guy didn't have a clue about his job, and the nearly bald Guy with long hair who was suppose to be a manager, new even less. This Guy could only make remarks about how the strings could be any where in one of the other stores in the U. S. The web site asked for my zip code,so as to direct me to the correct store location. The employees were no help and did nothing to resolve the issue. In a day and time when business are continuously failing, I believe I would try to treat the customer BETTER. I've purchased a lot of merchandise from The Guitar Center, and so have my 2 sons. Personally I don't care if they go belle-up !! After this shopping experience,I have no plans to return !!!Desired Settlement: I would like for the items that they are claiming to be on sale or clearance, be available. I was asking for nothing FREE, just let me buy the items that are on sale or clearance, nothing more, nothing less !!!!!



Dear Mr. D[redacted], Thank you for brining your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. I am very sorry that you did not receive the appropriate assistance while visiting your store. I would be more than happy to assist you on their behalf. After reviewing your account with us, I do see that on September 11th, you placed an order for the SIT Strings P1150 Pro Light Phospher Bronze Acoustic Guitar strings. Were these the strings that you were interested in purchasing more of? If not, please provide the name and quantity of the strings that you are interested in, and I will work to see if we have the inventory available to get you your order as quickly as possible. Again, I apologize for the trouble you have been caused. Please feel free to reach out to me directly, or reply to this email, and we will get this situation resolved for you. Best, W[redacted]Customer Service SupervisorW[redacted]

Review: I went to the guitar center on route 18 in new jersey to utilize their program of buying used gear from people. So, I went with a few items to sell. Two of those items were broken by Guitar Center's unqualified staff during the "testing" phase of the process. One of these employees was under the influence of an illegal drug. Both visually, and by his own admission, the employee was high on marijuana. I attempted to deal with the store and guitar center corporate but have been getting the run around for almost 2 weeks now. I keep receiving contradictory responses full of lies. I have eye witness testimony and cell phone video footage to backup my claims.Desired Settlement: I want guitar center to cover the cost of the products they broke.The retail price on the two items is $170. This is taken straight from guitar center's website. Granted those are the prices for "new" items, so I am willing to knock this down to $120 to offset the fact that they are used. This is more than fair of a asking amount based on the used market for these items. I would also like guitar center to enforce drug rules/laws on their employees, but that isn't ever going to happen.



Dear Mr. T[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I sincerely apologize for your recent Guitar Center experience. After reviewing your claim, I contacted the East Brunswick store, and requested assistance from their management staff in getting this situation resolved for you. I spoke with Mr. Michael D[redacted], the store manager, and he informed me that he had attempted to contact you by both phone and email. According to my records, Mr. D[redacted] first contacted you on July 14th. The second communication was made the following day on July 15th, where Mr. D[redacted] requested additional information from you regarding your expierience in the store. On July 20th, Mr. D[redacted] left another voicemail message, but did not receive a return phone call. It is my understanding that your prefered method for communication is email, and Mr. D[redacted] sent follow up emails after each voicemail he left. I would be more than happy to get this situation resolved for you. Could you please provide details on the damage to your pedals; if the damage has caused functionality issues, could you please describe them? Any details that you can provide would be appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best, W[redacted]Customer Service SupervisorW[redacted]



Review: 10724943

I am rejecting this response because:

Review: May 2 2015 I purchased a Taylor big Baby Guitar off the shelf in the store. Sales Rep named K[redacted] promised to ship the Guitar to Guitar center in Fayetteville Arkansas. I went to the store in Arkansas to pick up the guitar and it was never shipped! instead there was another guitar there with my name on it that was sent from a warehouse in Kansas City Mo. I noticed the problem immediately seeing that the box was too small to fit the guitar I had purchased in Ca, In fact not only was it not my guitar it was a completely different model !!! The manager Kyle at the store was very apologetic and was able to find me a guitar of the correct model there in his store in Arkansas. He gave me credit for the guitar that was never shipped and sold me the one he had in stock for an additional $29.90 I had just driven 1600 hundred miles to Arkansas to pick up the guitar and take it to my daughter that day for it was her Birthday present. It was 9:00am Arkansas time and the Guitar center in Sherman Oaks Ca.was closed and could not be reached so there was no time to find out why Kat at guitar center in Sherman oaks Ca. switched guitars on me and sent an inferior lower cost model instead of the guitar I purchased and was promised. In the end, I had to buy another guitar pay $29.90 more for it and lost my $70.00 worth of promised GC bucks, so I am out $99.20 and the sales person named Kat who pulled the bait and switch probably made a good commission? Also, when I called customer service E[redacted] and M[redacted] promised that they reinstated the GC bucks and put a credit on my account. So I went to the store in Fayetteville Ar. to use the credit, there was no credit! a wasted 100 mile drive and several more hours and many pone calls. The managers in the Arkansas store K[redacted] and T[redacted] were both very nice and really tried to help, but were unable to get customer service to give the credit. The sales person "K**" in Sherman Oaks should be disciplined!Desired Settlement: Guitar center should give me credit for both the $29.90 extra cost to replace the guitar that was never shipped and the $70.00 GC Bucks that was not issued due to the exchange. Also I do not wish to drive hundreds of miles to a store with the promise of credit only to be sent away empty handed again. If guitar center wants to make this right they should email a gift cardReference original guitar center order number: one zero four seven six six three one zero



Dear Mr. H[redacted], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your recent Guitar Center order. I have contacted the manager at the Sherman Oaks Guitar Center in an attempt to get this matter resolved. The manager will be refunding the difference of $29.99 for the Big baby Taylor, as well as the full amount of your GC Bucks. If you have not received contact yet, you should be hearing from the store manager directly. If you have any concerns with the refund process, or the steps we are taking to get this resolved, please do not hesitate to contact me. W[redacted]Customer Service [email protected]

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Address: 5795 Lindero Canyon Rd., Thousand Oaks, California, United States, 91362


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