Guardian Protection Services Inc Reviews (758)
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January 12, 2016 of Western Pennsylvania
Attn: [redacted]
400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian...
welcomes the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]s concerns.
For background, please note that Mr. [redacted]s security system was sold and installed by [redacted] Security Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”) whereby all aspects of his transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction or system installation with Mr. [redacted]. [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian provides monitoring and related services for customers whose security systems and services are sold and installed by [redacted].
Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] directly. In a genuine effort to earn Mr. [redacted]s satisfaction, Guardian agreed to reduce his monthly monitoring rate from $40.99 to $34.95 for the remaining fourteen (14) months in his initial term. Mr. [redacted] has expressed his satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as its customer and appreciates the opportunity to regain his trust in the services we provide.
Thank you for assisting Guardian in resolving this matter with Mr. [redacted]. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted] Manager
Customer Care Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The technician came to my home the day after I moved in. Things were as hectic and chaotic as you can imagine. Both the installation technician, as well as the account manager who I spoke with on the phone, both told me verbally that my contract was for 24 months. After receiving multiple verbal confirmations before signing anything, I went ahead and signed the paperwork. I am not the first Guardian customer that this has happened to. A quick Google search reveals other customers complaining of the exact same thing, as well as other shady business practices by Guardian Protection Company. Being forced to pay an ETF of $1000+ is absolutely ridiculous for an alarm company. There's no other utility or service (Internet, Electricity, Gas, Water, TV, Cell Phone, etc.) that charges an ETF as high as this if you wish to cancel their service. Not only that, if you do not provide a written cancellation 30 days prior to your contract expiring they will auto-renew your contract for another 5 years. If I were to sell my home within this 5 year period, Guardian instructed me that I would either have to pay their ludicrous ETF or get the buyers of my home to take over the alarm contract. Otherwise, I'd have to continue to pay for an alarm system that would no longer be in my possession in a home that I no longer own... THIS IS INSANE! I do not use my alarm system and am more than willing to return all of the equipment to Guardian Protection services. Because of that, I only wish to end my contract with Guardian.
May 3, 2016
RE: [redacted]
Dear Mrs. [redacted]
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection
Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mrs. [redacted]’s concerns. Upon receipt of your
letter, Guardian conducted a thorough...
review of her account and offers the
following information.
While Mrs. [redacted]’s complaint was directed to Guardian, it is
important to understand that Guardian is contracted by a separate and distinct
firm by the name of [redacted], to provide 24-hour monitoring services,
telephone customer support services and billing services for their customers. The
subject account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Mrs. [redacted]’s sales transaction,
system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Mrs.
Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or
system installation process. Further, Mrs. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with
[redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for
[redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as
described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not
control any [redacted]-to-[redacted] business activities or any internal policies or
procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales
processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
background, Guardian’s records indicate that Mr. Michael [redacted] initially engaged [redacted]’s services on
March 15, 2014, as memorialized in the Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”). The initial term of the Agreement is five (5)
years. The Agreement bears Mr. [redacted]’s signature.
On January 8, 2016, Mrs. [redacted] informed Guardian that
the [redacted]s were ready to transfer monitoring services from their former home to
their new residence. Guardian forwarded a new Agreement to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] for
signature to memorialize the new site to be monitored.
Guardian subsequently made numerous attempts to
contact Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] to follow up regarding the status of relocation.
Guardian did speak with Mr. [redacted] on March 14, 2016 to discuss the status of his
account. During that conversation, Mr. [redacted] indicated he was ready to move
forward with relocation. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that
[redacted] would be contacting the [redacted]s directly to schedule onsite
service to install the new system.
On March 15, 2016, a Guardian supervisor reached
out to Mrs. [redacted] and left a voicemail message indicating that Guardian would
follow up with [redacted] to determine when relocation could be
On April 11, 2016, Guardian received communication
from [redacted] indicating that [redacted] had been trying to
reach Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] to schedule service. [redacted] further indicated
they had left a voicemail message for Mrs. [redacted] indicating service could be
scheduled for April 23, 2016. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly
Upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian tried to
reach Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] directly to discuss their concerns. Guardian left
voicemail messages for the [redacted]s; unfortunately the [redacted]s have not returned
Guardian’s messages to date.
Mrs. [redacted] has expressed concern related to her mailing
address on file at Guardian. Please allow this letter to confirm that the [redacted]s’
mailing address has been updated to their Pearland, Texas location. Guardian
apologizes for any confusion. Guardian has applied a credit to the [redacted]s’ account
equal to two (2) months of monitoring services for any inconvenience.
Guardian remains willing to assist Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]
in scheduling onsite service with [redacted] to relocate the [redacted]s’ security
system. [redacted] has authorized a lower monthly rate of $34.95/month
with three (3) months of services at no charge in exchange for relocation. Alternatively, should Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] wish
to cancel their account, [redacted] has authorized a discount of the
early termination fee from $1,798 to $750.
Guardian believes the above offers presented by [redacted] to be
fair and reasonable and remains hopeful that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] will concur.
These offers are extended until close of business on May 31, 2016 after which
they will be rescinded.
Thank you for allowing Guardian
the opportunity to address and clarify this matter for all parties. Should you
have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
V[redacted] Director
Management Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian welcomes the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution.
Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any inconvenience related to her recent service...
appointments. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns directly. As a result, Guardian scheduled an onsite service appointment to inspect and repair Ms. [redacted]’s camera. Said service appointment was conducted on December 31, 2014 at no charge to Ms. [redacted]. During the service appointment, Guardian’s technician inspected the camera and determined the delays in video were related to the internet service provider. In order to eliminate the delay in video, Guardian’s technician recommended that the router be replaced. The technician did not have the proper router with him and informed Ms. [redacted] that a return appointment would need to be scheduled to install the router. While onsite, Ms. [redacted] expressed concern related to the limited view of the camera due to its current placement. The technician inspected the camera and determined the camera could be relocated during the return service appointment in order to achieve better visibility.
Guardian has scheduled a return service appointment to take place on January 16, 2015. During said appointment, Guardian’s technician will relocate the camera pursuant to Ms. [redacted]’s recent request and will replace the current router at no charge to Ms. [redacted]. In the interim, Guardian has applied a credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account equal to 1 ½ months of monitoring service. Guardian values Ms. [redacted] as a customer and will continue to work closely with her to regain her trust and satisfaction in the services we provide.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
June 24, 2016
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted] – ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Upon receipt of your...
letter, Guardian immediately began research into this matter. Guardian’s research revealed no record of an account associated with Ms. [redacted]’s name, address or telephone number.
Ms. [redacted]’s letter indicates that the sales representative was an employee of Skyline Security Management, Inc. (“Skyline”). Please note, Skyline is an Authorized Dealer of Guardian, whereby Guardian provides 24-hour security monitoring and related services for customers sold and installed by Skyline. Because Ms. [redacted]’s letter references Skyline and Guardian has no record of an account for Ms. [redacted], Guardian contacted Skyline directly to advise of this complaint. Skyline has followed up by informing Guardian they will send a “request removal” letter to the credit bureaus pursuant to Ms. [redacted]’s request.
Additionally, Skyline has informed Guardian that they will be conducting further research into the expressed discontentment related to the interactions with the Skyline sales consultant. Should Skyline find the interactions referred to in the complaint do not meet their acceptable standards for professionalism, courtesy and quality, Skyline has assured Guardian that they will take the appropriate measures including disciplinary action.
In the interim, should you or Ms. [redacted] wish to contact Skyline directly, they may be reached at: Skyline Security Management, Inc., [redacted].
It is Guardian's hope this matter has been satisfactorily addressed. Should you have any questions I can be reached directly at [redacted].
April M[redacted], Manager
Dealer Operations
June 9, 2016
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian offers its sincerest condolences to Mr. [redacted] and his family for the recent loss of Mrs. [redacted].
In an...
effort to clarify this matter for all parties, Guardian offers the following information. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer of Guardian known as [redacted] Security Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of the sales transaction and system installation took place directly with [redacted], not Guardian. In order to establish a Guardian account for Mr. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Mr. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Guardian’s records indicate that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] initially engaged [redacted]’s services on December 6, 2014, as memorialized in the Authorized Dealer Monitoring and Repair Agreement (“Agreement”). The initial term of the Agreement is designated as sixty (60) months. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged the initial term by placing their initials beside the separate clause which states, “The initial term of this Agreement is 60 months.” Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by placing their signatures at the bottom of the form. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on December 8, 2014.
During the initial sales transaction, [redacted] routinely conducts a recorded and documented telephone conversation between the customer and [redacted] whereby the customer orally acknowledges specific information related to their sales transaction such as the term of the agreement, the monthly rate and any other information pertinent to activating services. A similar recorded telephone call is conducted between the customer and [redacted] following installation and activation of the security system. The purpose of [redacted]’s telephone surveys is to confirm and ensure accurate information and ensure the customer understands and acknowledges the obligations of both parties. Guardian’s research confirmed that both Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] completed the telephonic survey at the time of sale during which they orally acknowledged an initial term of sixty (60) months with a monthly rate of $49.99. Upon installation and activation of the system, a similar call was conducted whereby Mr. [redacted] again orally acknowledged the initial term and monthly rate.
Upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian contacted [redacted], a designated representative for Mr. [redacted], and provided the above explanation. Guardian’s representative explained that the recorded telephone conversations are available should she wish to review them. Guardian’s representative also explained that the sales transaction was conducted with an employee of [redacted] and not Guardian; Guardian was not present during the sales transaction or system installation. Ms. [redacted] requested a copy of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement and Guardian’s representative mailed a copy to Mr. [redacted]’s residence on May 31, 2016 pursuant to Ms. [redacted]’s request.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account without further payment. The terms of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s Agreement state the account may be cancelled upon payment of an early termination fee. That amount is designated as $1,250 as set forth in Section 11 of the Agreement. However, in a good faith effort to assist Mr. [redacted], Guardian is willing to accept a 50% reduction of the early termination fee in the amount of $625 to cancel his account. Please note, remittance of the sum of $625 would allow Guardian to recover some but not all of its costs and expenses incurred in establishing Mr. [redacted]’s account.
Alternatively, should Mr. [redacted] wish to utilize the security monitoring equipment installed in his home, Guardian would be happy to schedule an onsite service appointment at no cost to Mr. [redacted] to fully test the system and provide a demonstration to ensure Mr. [redacted] is comfortable with its use. Guardian would also be happy to work with Mr. [redacted] to lower his monthly monitoring rate or install/provide additional equipment such as another smoke detector, key fob or any other device which Mr. [redacted] may find beneficial.
Finally, should Mr. [redacted] be moving from the monitored premises, Guardian has a number of options available to assist him in fulfilling his obligations under the Agreement. For instance, should the new homeowner elect to activate services under a new agreement, Mr. [redacted] would be released from any remaining obligation. Mr. [redacted] may also transfer services to a friend or family member.
It is Guardian’s sincere desire to work with Mr. [redacted] to resolve this matter to his full satisfaction. To that end, Guardian asks that Mr. [redacted] or his representative contact us directly to discuss the above options further. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as its customer and remains hopeful that he will allow Guardian to continue assisting him with his security monitoring needs.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Care Department
March 13, 2017Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values its customers and appreciates the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. As background, Mr. [redacted]’s account was sold and installed by [redacted]...
Security as a former Authorized Dealer of Guardian. [redacted] Security is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers whose monitored security systems were sold and installed by [redacted] Security. Mr. [redacted]’s complaint expressed concern related to his security camera. Please note that Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement with Guardian contains no reference to any camera equipment and therefore any issue related to such camera equipment is not included in the scope of services provided by Guardian. Since Mr. [redacted] purchased his camera equipment from [redacted] Security as a separate transaction, any questions related to the camera would need to be directed to [redacted] Security. Prior to receipt of your complaint, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian on February 28, 2017 to advise that he had engaged another security provider who offered two (2) interactive cameras for $55/month. Guardian’s representative explained that Guardian would be happy to provide those same services, however Mr. [redacted] stated he had not been happy with his security camera since install. Guardian’s representative explained to Mr. [redacted] that his security camera was purchased from and installed by [redacted] Security, not Guardian. Guardian’s representative further explained that Mr. [redacted]’s camera is not covered under his Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian therefore any issues with the camera would need to be addressed under his camera agreement directly with [redacted] Security. Guardian’s representative also explained to Mr. [redacted] that he has twenty-six (26) months remaining in the five (5) year initial term of his Agreement with Guardian and is ineligible to cancel absent payment of an early termination fee. Mr. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction with the information provided to him and Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter. Upon receiving Mr. [redacted]’s letter, Guardian immediately reached out to Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns. Regretfully, Mr. [redacted] has declined to return the voicemail messages left for him by Guardian. Respectfully, Guardian is unable to simply cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account without further payment. Guardian’s records indicate that Mr. [redacted]’s security monitoring equipment was properly functioning at all times as evidenced by Guardian’s receipt of all regularly scheduled monthly test signals until February 19, 2017 at which time Mr. [redacted] engaged another provider for reasons unrelated to Guardian and/or Guardian’s services. Section 12 of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement states he may cancel his account prior to the end of the initial term by remitting payment of, “the value of the work performed and the amount due to Us for the expired term of the Agreement, including loss of profits.” That amount is designated to be $1,319.74 ($1,249.75 + $69.99 current balance due.) Therefore, upon Guardian’s receipt of full payment of $1,319.74 from Mr. [redacted], his account will be cancelled and he will be released from all remaining obligation under the Agreement. Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address and clarify this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] ...⇄ Sincerely, ...⇄ John T[redacted] Manager �...⇄ Customer Care Loyalty Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I don't do business with companies that are capable of fraud and/or affiliated with companies who are fraudulent in their actions I am contacting the Department of Consumer Affairs for California and will see what they say about the subject of fraud.Regards,
March 3, 2017 Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. For background, Mr. [redacted]’s account...
came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer of Guardian known as [redacted] Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of the sales transaction and system installation took place directly with [redacted]. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers whose systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspect of [redacted]’s business. Mr. [redacted] has expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in [redacted] conducting onsite service at his residence for malfunctioning camera equipment. In an effort to assist in facilitating resolution, Guardian has provided a copy of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to [redacted] and requested that they contact Mr. [redacted] as soon as possible. Subsequently, [redacted] has informed Guardian that onsite service has tentatively been scheduled to take place in Mr. [redacted]’s home on Saturday, March 11, 2017. [redacted] will be following up with Mr. [redacted] to confirm the time of the appointment and the name of the technician being dispatched. Following completion of the service appointment, [redacted] will discuss with Mr. [redacted] directly a form of reimbursement for the service delays. [redacted] has informed Guardian that Mr. [redacted] has agreed to the above resolution. Should you or Mr. [redacted] wish to contact [redacted] directly, they may be reached at: [redacted] Telephone: ###-###-####. I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for the opportunity to provide Guardian’s response. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####. ...⇄ Sincerely, ...⇄ April M[redacted], Director ...⇄ Dealer Operations
To Whom It May Concern, This is [redacted] and I am rejecting the response given by Guardian. Per Guardian’s advice, I contacted SFI and requested to speak to someone in customer service about an ongoing issue. SFI then offered to transfer me to “the department that could help” and after the transfer, I was greeted by a customer service representative from Guardian. The CSR offered again to have the motion detector moved (regardless of my pointing out that there’s only one possible room and it would point the same direction from any corner) and then offered to have the motion detector removed, window sensors installed (for a cost), and the agreement would still be for the same amount of time. They claimed that I had electronically signed forms (which I have no memory of) and agreed to send a copy of those forms. I will definitely be getting those forms in the hands of a lawyer of is unable to resolve this dispute. Again, I’m not asking for any compensation for this headache and substandard service, only that it’s removed at no cost to me. Sincerely,[redacted]
June 14, of Western PennsylvaniaAttention: [redacted]400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Re: Sam [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]:Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian welcomes the...
opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian conducted a thorough review of Mr. [redacted]’s account including all paperwork. As a result, Guardian confirmed that Mr. [redacted]’s warranty period was designated as two (2) years. Please note that the warranty period begins on the date Guardian completes installation of the structured wiring, not on the date the customer closes on the home. Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion. Guardian has contacted Mrs. [redacted] directly to provide the above explanation. During that conversation, Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged that the warranty offered by Guardian had expired and indicated that she would continue to reach out to [redacted] for assistance. Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted]. Sincerely,William K[redacted], Manager Customer Care Department
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
Mr. [redacted] has requested a refund for the cost of a panel battery which he purchased in November 2014. Guardian has reviewed...
its records in response to Mr. [redacted]’s request and offers the following.
On November 2, 2014, Mr. [redacted] requested a new panel battery for his system. Per his request, Guardian shipped a battery to Mr. [redacted]’s residence. Mr. [redacted] received the battery and installed it on November 6, 2014. Guardian invoiced Mr. [redacted] the sum of $43.76 for the cost of the battery.
Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian on January 28, 2015 and requested the cancellation of his account as he was no longer using the system. Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled pursuant to his request effective February 20, 2015.
On February 26, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and expressed dissatisfaction that he was receiving low panel battery notifications at the keypad. Mr. [redacted] requested a refund for the cost of the panel battery. Guardian’s representative offered to assist Mr. [redacted] with technical troubleshooting in an effort to assist him. Mr. [redacted] declined all offers for assistance and reiterated his request for a refund. Guardian’s representative expressed that he would need to review the request for reimbursement with a supervisor as Mr. [redacted] was no longer a monitored customer of Guardian.
On March 10, 2015, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] and informed him that his request for a refund could not be approved as the 90-day warranty for the panel battery had expired. Due to storms in Mr. [redacted]’s area which had likely caused the battery to go low, Guardian’s representative offered to assist Mr. [redacted] by conducting a sensor test to ensure the battery was restored in the system. Guardian’s representative also offered to schedule onsite service at standard billable rates to repair and/or replace the battery. Mr. [redacted] declined all offers of assistance. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian reiterated that the warranty on the panel battery had expired and thus he did not qualify for reimbursement. Notwithstanding, in order to satisfy Mr. [redacted], Guardian has agreed in good faith to provide the refund pursuant to his request. Mr. [redacted] will be receiving payment via check within the next several weeks.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
August 12, 2015
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted] complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian is a customer-centric organization and values the opportunity to address any customer concern....
Guardian extends its apology to Ms. [redacted] for the delay in installing her security system and for any inconvenience the delay may have caused. Ms. [redacted] recent experiences are not reflective of Guardian’s high quality standards and expectations. Subsequent to receipt of your letter, onsite service was conducted at Ms. [redacted] residence on August 7, 2015 at which time the relocation of the system was completed.
Guardian has applied a credit to Ms. [redacted] account equal to one (1) month of monitoring services. Again, Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience. Guardian values Ms. [redacted] as a customer and appreciates the opportunity to continue serving her security needs.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
Kathleen V[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Thank you for informing Guardian of Mr. [redacted]’s additional concerns. Guardian apologizes that Mr. [redacted]’s overall customer experience has not met his expectations.
As previously stated, Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement and contractual obligation is with [redacted]. Guardian merely provides 24-hour monitoring services to Mr. [redacted] on behalf of [redacted]. Notwithstanding, in a genuine effort to facilitate resolution, Guardian immediately relayed Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to [redacted]. As a result, [redacted] has authorized Guardian to accept Mr. [redacted]’s request to cancel his account and release him from all remaining obligation under his Agreement with [redacted]. Upon cancellation, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals received from Mr. [redacted]’s residence.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
September 13, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttention: [redacted]400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Re: [redacted]...
- Complaint #[redacted] Dear Ms[redacted] Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian realizes and respects the sacrifices made by military personnel and would like to thank Ms. [redacted] for her business as well as her husband’s military service to protect our nation. Ms. [redacted] has expressed discontent related to Guardian’s relocation policy. Guardian has reviewed Ms. [redacted]’s account and offers the following information. On May 31, 2016, Ms. [redacted] alerted Guardian that she was moving from the monitored premises. Guardian’s representative offered to activate the system which existed in Ms. [redacted]’s new home, however advised Ms. [redacted] that the security panel/keypad would need to be replaced and a new cellular communication device installed. Guardian’s representative offered to activate the existing system and install the above devices at no cost to Ms. [redacted] in exchange for execution of a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement. Ms. [redacted] disputed the need to execute a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement and in a good faith effort to earn her satisfaction, Guardian offered to reduce the term to eighteen (18) months. Ms. [redacted] accepted and Guardian received the executed Agreement from Ms. [redacted] on June 15, 2016. Upon receipt of the documentation, Guardian notified its subcontractor, [redacted], and requested that they schedule relocation as soon as possible. Guardian extends its apology to Ms. [redacted] for her negative experiences with [redacted] and apologizes that her security system could not be relocated in a suitable timeframe. Please understand these experiences are not reflective of Guardian’s high quality standards and expectations. Guardian has addressed this matter directly with [redacted] who assured Guardian that Ms. [redacted]’s issues were a rare oversight and has been appropriately addressed and corrected within their organization. In light of Ms. [redacted]’s unique circumstances, Guardian has agreed to cancel her account and release her from all remaining obligation. The balance due on Ms. [redacted]’s account will be waived and she will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian sincerely regrets losing Ms. [redacted] as its customer and again apologizes that her relocation experience was less than exemplary. Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] Sincerely, ...⇄ Kathleen V[redacted], Director ...⇄ Account Management Department
August 5, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttn: [redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection...
Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to facilitate resolution of his concerns. Mr. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction in his letter regarding issues with the intercom system installed in his home. Mr. [redacted] also disputed billing statements associated with onsite service conducted at his residence related to the intercom issues. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian conducted a thorough review of Mr. [redacted]’s account. Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] directly and explained that a credit has been applied to his account in the amount of $632.66 towards the cost of the service appointment and associated parts. Mr. [redacted] accepted Guardian’s offer and expressed his complete satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian sincerely apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any inconvenience. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as its customer and appreciates the opportunity to resolve this matter on his behalf. Thank you for advising Guardian of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. ...⇄ Sincerely, ...⇄ Andrew A[redacted] Manager �...⇄ Customer Care Department
February 6, 2017 Dear Ms. [redacted]: Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) in in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]s concerns. Ms. [redacted]s letters cites dissatisfaction with the balance due...
on her account after moving from the monitored premises. In a good faith effort to bring swift resolution to this matter, Guardian reached out to Ms. [redacted] and agreed to provide a refund in the amount of $26.62. Ms. [redacted] expressed her complete satisfaction. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. Sincerely, ...⇄ Kathleen V[redacted], Director ...⇄ Account Management Department
September 12, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttn: [redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Thank...
you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Mrs. [redacted]. Mrs. [redacted]’s letter expresses discontent that her security system has not functioned properly since installation in August 2016. Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian immediately reached out and spoke with Mr. [redacted]. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative offered to schedule a technician at no charge to evaluate the system and make any necessary repairs. Guardian’s representative also offered to change the initial term to a month-to-month commitment. Mr. [redacted] declined both options and stated he wished to cancel the account. In light of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s recent experiences, Guardian has agreed to uninstall all security equipment from the monitored premises and cancel the account. Guardian sincerely regrets that the [redacted]s’ experience with Guardian was less than exemplary and apologizes for any inconvenience. Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] ...⇄ Sincerely, ...⇄ John T[redacted], Manager �...⇄ Customer Service Loyalty Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.