The massage chair I purchased via Redfern at a homeshow did not function properly from the moment it arrived at our home. Once the qualified repairman worked an hour on the chair, it DID operate properly for approximately 10-14 days. Then, it developed the same issue we had started out with.
The salesperson just kept telling us to 'call the repairman', and phone calls, texts, and e-mails did not result in a quick or equitable resolution to the problem.
Thank goodness the Canadian head office for this product DID come through for our family, and there's some form of positive closure to a costly investment that proved, once again, that 'local' is the sensible way to go.
The massage chair I purchased via Redfern at a homeshow did not function properly from the moment it arrived at our home. Once the qualified repairman worked an hour on the chair, it DID operate properly for approximately 10-14 days. Then, it developed the same issue we had started out with.
The salesperson just kept telling us to 'call the repairman', and phone calls, texts, and e-mails did not result in a quick or equitable resolution to the problem.
Thank goodness the Canadian head office for this product DID come through for our family, and there's some form of positive closure to a costly investment that proved, once again, that 'local' is the sensible way to go.