This is a client who unfortunately only wants my company to agree to do something for her that was not in the scope of our original contractAs stated in her email to me dated March 20th (attached) She wanted me to come back and install something under an existing vanity, and as she stated wants to hire me to get it done, which confirms it was not in the original bidUnder circumstances I would be more than happy to help out, but because of her abusive nature, rude and offensive remarks about some of my minority employeesI really do not want to help and that is my rightUnfortunately nothing I say or do will make her happyI have run multiple companies for several decades and I have never had anyone question my work ethic or the quality of work give my clients, so I am ok with what ever you as the see fit needs to happen at this point On Mar 20, 2014, at 6:PM, [redacted] < [redacted] @ [redacted] > wrote: Hey [redacted] , I'm doing the downstairs bathroom remodelThe flooring you put in does not reach all the way to the wallWas wondering if you would be able to finish the job and what you would charge I don't think it's much work, but you have the info regarding the laminateThanks!
This is a client who unfortunately only wants my company to agree to do something for her that was not in the scope of our original contractAs stated in her email to me dated March 20th (attached) She wanted me to come back and install something under an existing vanity, and as she stated wants to hire me to get it done, which confirms it was not in the original bidUnder circumstances I would be more than happy to help out, but because of her abusive nature, rude and offensive remarks about some of my minority employeesI really do not want to help and that is my rightUnfortunately nothing I say or do will make her happyI have run multiple companies for several decades and I have never had anyone question my work ethic or the quality of work give my clients, so I am ok with what ever you as the see fit needs to happen at this point On Mar 20, 2014, at 6:PM, [redacted] < [redacted] @ [redacted] > wrote: Hey [redacted] , I'm doing the downstairs bathroom remodelThe flooring you put in does not reach all the way to the wallWas wondering if you would be able to finish the job and what you would charge I don't think it's much work, but you have the info regarding the laminateThanks!