Good Times Kawasaki Suzuki Reviews (4)
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Good Times Kawasaki Suzuki Rating
Description: Motorcycles - Dealers
Address: 4727 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento, California, United States, 95841
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To who it may concern,I was contacted today by Good Times Motorsports (Sacramento Motorcycles) and through correspondence, they have agreed to replace the front cowl or headlight bezel as I referred to in the initial complaintI will let you know if I have any further issues with this complaint The Radiator is damaged, however I can live with on account that it has produced no mechanical issues such as leaks or cooling problemsKind Regards, [redacted] ***
To who it may concern,I was contacted today by Good Times Motorsports (Sacramento Motorcycles) and through correspondence, they have agreed to replace the front cowl or headlight bezel as I referred to in the initial complaint. I will let you know if I have any further issues with this complaint....
The Radiator is damaged, however I can live with on account that it has produced no mechanical issues such as leaks or cooling problems. Kind Regards,[redacted]
Review: I took my 2014 Kawasaki Ninja ZX1000 in for a service and a number of things were reportedly serviced from spark plugs to valves adjusted. I have not had any issues beyond decreased fuel mileage with the actual mechanical adjustments. My issue is with the broken plastic tabs on the plastic front fairing(headlight bezel) and a couple missing plastic washers from the windshield and the instrument bezel. I noticed the left side plastic didn't fit as snuggly as before the service and was doing some routine maintenance which required removal of the plastics and upon removal noticed the plastic tabs that allign the headlight bezel to the instrument bezel were broken on the left side. I had been down to see [redacted] in the service department on some possible clutch issues and at that time had brought to her attention the radiator had about an inch or so worth of cooling fins bent over from the service and she told me that if I had noticed it earlier, she would have replaced the radiator for me or had it repaired if possible. Give me a break, who inspects every inch of their bike after a repair? It would take a week to do and if I had the skills to do that I would not need a shop to service it. We as consumers depend on these shops to be honest and honorable when it comes to mistakes they make and we expect them to make it right. Its absolutely wrong for a shop to get away with this or any additional scratch to a bike. The headlight bezel is $179.00. I believe Good Times Motorsports owes me this part. I have photos and why would I make this up. Any person seeking justice is not likely to make up a story to get a free part. Its more likely that a shop would fail to disclose this type of issue on account of the all mighty dollar.Desired Settlement: $179.00 for the headlight bezel and if possible the repair of the radiator. It doesn't seem to cause any cooling issues, and is not visible unless you look really deep into the fairing of the bike, however it is damaged and it was caused by whoever worked on my bike. Not a single doubt in my mind. I have had the bike since new and I have never had anyone do anything more than tires on it.
To who it may concern,
Review: I took my Kawasaki Jet skis in for repairs on April 11 2013. I was quoted a price of $1433 for the necessary repairs, and gave a deposit of $1400.
On April 11 I took my 2007 Kawasaki Jet skis model [redacted] & [redacted] to Good times Kawasaki for the repairs that I was quoted for an amount of $1433.00, and gave them a $1400 deposit for the repairs.
Once the repairs were finished, I was told that my credit card was going to be charged. I had advised them that the card I gave them originally was only for a deposit and that the total charges would be on another credit card. [redacted], the manager told me that the bank does not refund them their fees for processing a charge, even though there would be a refund. I reminded him that I was never contacted or authorized any charge.
He agreed to make a refund to the original credit card and charge the new card, But the charge was now going to be $1540.45. I had only authorized the $1443.00 for the repairs and I was not going to pay for their fees that they say that bank would not refund.
He made up some excuse for the additional charges, and charged my card, without authorization for the additional charges.
Then there was other repairs that were necessary for the Jet skis, I was originally quoted a price of $270 for the additional repairs on April 2. The final charges for the repairs came to $685.36.
I never authorized the additional repairs or costs that they charged me.
I have phone records to prove that they NEVER contacted me to advise me or get approval for the additional costs that they said were needed. Since I live in Hawaii, the only way to reach me is by phone or email and I have the records to prove that they never attempted to notify me or get ANY type of approval or Authorization for the hundreds of dollars that they charged me,for additional unauthorized repairs that Good Times made.Desired Settlement: A COMPLETE Refund of the fees they charged me for the unauthorized services that they performed on my Jet skis. And a Complete refund for the difference between what I was originally quoted $1433, and then charged $1540.45.
Good times Kawasaki needs to comply with the laws. They need to get pre authorization for ANY additional costs of repairs. And only charge credit cards,once authorized to do so, in the correct amount.
Initial Business Response
On 04/11/2013 Mr [redacted] had a friend deliver to us 2 Kawasaki JetSki watercraft for repair.
An estimate was worked up and a call was placed to [redacted]. Initial call left voicemail and then he returned the call to us. After discussing with him the repairs he approved an estimate in the amount of $1516.00(estimates do not include tax on parts) on 4/11/2013 at 12:31pm. Notes from our log: 04/11 MR [redacted] OKD TO LG @ 12:31 EST: $1516 BY FON HE RTRND
At that time he was required to pay for special order parts. [redacted] gave a credit card and authorized $1400.00 for the ordering of parts and the balance was to be paid at time of completion.
At that time no mention was made to not use the card. So a charge was run on the card and a copy of the charge and a copy of the repair order were e-mailed to [redacted] at approx. 3:00pm on 4/11/2013.
On the repair order, parts and labor were $1433.00 tax was $107.45 total was $1540.45.
Keeping in mind that we don't estimate for tax, we are well within the estimate of $1516.00 at this point.
The additional repairs were then discussed with [redacted] on 4/28/2013. Notes from our log: 04/28 MR [redacted] AUTHORIZED REPAIRS OF $2251.57 TO R.L. BY PHONE @ 11.15AM
This amount of $2251.57 was derived by simpling adding the cost of parts and labor and tax to existing estimate coming up with a Grand Total out the door price.
Authorized by [redacted] on 4/28/2013, these repairs were not performed until 05/03/2013 as our log indicates: Labor Details 05/03/2013 [redacted]
Breakdown of charges as follows: original $1433.06 plus $338.68 for additional repairs on 1st ski plus $346.68 for additional repairs on 2nd ski plus tax $133.15 for a total of $2251.57
Which is what was authorized by [redacted] on 04/28/2013
At this point we are truly sorry that [redacted] does not recollect the events as they transpired.
We are also saddened by the idea that he is not happy with the work performed or the amount of moneies charged to perform the repairs.
[redacted] apparently does not recall how his intitial contact with us, on Jan 29 2013, netted him the same estimate dollars but had an error as to how many keys were required. Our service writer took it upon herself to see that the appropriate number of keys were ordered to complete the job as well as including key floats for each ski, all without modifying the original estimate he was given in Jan.
While we understand that [redacted] believes he is entitled to a refund of some sort, it is with regret that we are unable to accomadate this request as it appears we only performed as required by law.
It further baffles us as to the fact that if [redacted] was so bothered by the charges on his bill, why did he then immediately after the repairs were complete, consign the vehicles with us to sell?
May we point out that when we did sell the units they were sold for much more than he could have received by selling them on the street himself.
All authorizations recorded as per law and stored electronically
Final Consumer Response
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
These people are incapable of telling the truth,when I asked them to give me the owners name, so I could speak to him directly, Both [redacted] and [redacted] REFUSED to give me the owners name.
Then after I travel all the way from Hawaii in September, to meet [redacted] and the owner and get a resolution to this matter.
I was told that the owner was away on a Business trip on the day I came to see him. Only to be told by the owner [redacted], that we has there at the time of my visit to see him and [redacted].
But he was too busy to meet with me, a person who traveled more then 3 thousand miles to get answers from them, but he is too busy to meet me!
Although he did directly quote some my conversations with [redacted]. Interesting, he has time to listen to my conversation with his employee. But NO TIME to come and talk to someone who is clearly upset, and has traveled all that way.
This is the way I have been treated by Good Times Kawasaki from the beginning. [redacted], I was told was going to contact me on several occasions, he never did. In fact I was told that day in September when I came to there store. [redacted] told me that he was going to speak to the owner and he or [redacted] would get back to me in 10 minutes. [redacted] or [redacted] NEVER called me as promised.
Ask to see the phone records, to verify the contacts that they said were made with me. I have my phone records, and I will be happy to show them to you so you can see that they are lying, then and now.
[redacted] M [redacted]
Final Business Response
Second response, I have received this response from Mr. [redacted] "not accepting" our response.
We are at a lose as to how to respond to what he has written.
We are never happy when a customer is not satisfied with the outcome of repairs that we do for them or for that matter any interaction we may have with them.
Mr. [redacted] has not indicated what would make him happy or resolute.
He previously asked for a refund of fees charged for using a credit card, there were no fees charged therefore nothing to refund.
He asked for a refund of monies charged over the estimate, there were no charges over the estimates and in fact he was given items that cost the store it's profits to complete the repair within the estimate price and in the end result was under estimate even after "giving" as we did. Therefore no refund.
We sold, for him at his request, the same units that we repaired for him, and made him more money than he could have received selling them on his own.
I am not sure what more we could do or could have done.
I will say that sometimes people think talking with the owner of a business will result in different outcomes than when dealing with "employees".
I do understand this line of reasoning, in our store, my door is always open and I share an office with my General Sales/Service Manager so any conversations are discussed openly in front of all in attendance.
I believe that we systems in place that allow all customers to speak the person in charge of getting the right outcome.
I do not believe that at any time, if I am in the building, if a customer asks to speak to the owner that they have been turned away.
I believe what may have happened is that Mr. [redacted] had an issue with the service department and he was brought to the service manager.
In conclusion, we would be willing to further help resolve this matter, by further discussions about understanding our billing processes or what ever, Mr. [redacted] thinks would help resolve this issue.