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Golden Corral

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Reviews Restaurants Golden Corral

Golden Corral Reviews (32)

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/10/14) */
We take every guest complaint very serious at Golden Corral. When I received Mr. [redacted]'s complaint, I immediately called the restaurant to get my management team's feedback. Our Assistant Mgr, [redacted] was the manager on duty when...

Mr. [redacted] visited our OFallon location. Although Mr. [redacted] claims that he demanded to speak to a manager 3 different times, unfortunately [redacted] or the shift leaders working that day, did not receive any complaints from any guests on that particular shift. If he had received the complaint, he would have been able to either correct the situation immediately or refund his money.
Instead, the first my management team was aware of a problem was the next day when the guest called and first spoke to [redacted] our front of the house shift leader. [redacted] had to ask Mr. [redacted] several times to stop screaming at her. She passed the call over to [redacted], Assistant Mgr. [redacted] listened to his complaint, apologized and offered him 2 free meals. He refused the free meal offer and demanded a refund. [redacted] explained our refund policy and offered 2 free meals again which he declined. He stated he was going to refute the credit card charges with his credit card company. [redacted] explained to him that she understood, apologized again and thanked him.
Our refund policy is simple. We will not refund cash or credit after the guest has left our establishment. They have consumed our product which cannot be returned. We will consider a refund if the complaint is offered during their visit and it is not something where we can satisfy the guest.
RFR, Inc
Farmington, MO XXXXX

We would generally move a table at the time it happens.  It might take a few minutes, but we can almost always do it and have absolutely no problem with it.  We would absolutely not allow people to stand on tables and let people change diapers on tables.  We have signs all over the...

place that say no running, no children under the age of 10 allowed at the buffet, etc.  We run a tight ship here.  That day was a Sunday, and we do not take reservations that day.  We get our church crowd on Sunday.  If someone requests a refund, it’s generally in the first 30 minutes, because in that time, we can tell they don’t want to eat and won’t stay to eat there.  If they are there more than 30 minutes, they probably have enjoyed quite a bit of food, so we are unable to issue a refund.  If they have an issue with seating and/or quality of the food, we will absolutely accommodate them to help them.   If someone sits there over a half hour, they’ve most likely already enjoyed quite a bit, so we cannot issue a refund.  Anything that goes to corporate goes back out directly to the individual stores, and I handle those.  I would be happy to send this customer a couple of coupons for their next visit for their trouble, but am unable to issue a refund for that amount.


My parents had amazing customer service from Amanda, while purchasing takeout food. As the cashier, she was very patient with us. The price has always been POSTED, at $4.99 per pound.

However, since they started for this new 2016 Prime Rib weekend promotion, the price of takeout is NOT POSTED ANY WHERE IN THEIR STORE. The cashier had to ring me up first, to tell me the price that Golden Corral was going to charge. Nor is their price displayed for any of the drink sizes. So, they are charging almost DOUBLE per pound. Talk about price abuse!!!!! Unfortunately, this is fourth of July weekend. And your faithful customers since 2003, at this Orlando store, my parents are senior citizens and my dad retired from serving in our military. We didn't ask for a discount, JUST A PRICE. That's called honesty.


I went to eat at this place on March 14, 2015. I paid the cashier with $20 cash and told her to take $2.37 from my debit card. She took the whole amount $22.37.

I spoke with [redacted] the manager and he tried to give me 3 buffets and my $20 back. But, I didn't have that much money in the bank so they charged me return fees.

[redacted] refused to sign a letter saying they made an error in the amount swiped. That would of taken care of my problem, my fees would of been reverted and that would be it.

But he did not help me, even though he said he did see me on the video giving her cash and I have the print out where the bank charged me.

This has happened to me 3 times already. I had not been there for a long time. I thought that with the new building and new management, things were going to be different. But they seem to take your money without authorization. Please be careful using your debit card at this place. They will over charge you. WARNING!


To Whom it concerns;
In regards to the complaint case # [redacted] (ref# [redacted]) for consumer [redacted]. The day of the incident in mention with the gentleman's concerns were taken care of as they were brought to our attention. He spoke with a front of...

the house manager and the information was then brought to the kitchen manager to take care of them promptly. There was no unresolved issues, due to the customer flow the kitchen manager was unable to deal with the customer directly, but was taken care of properly by the front end manager as was all the issues that he had encountered. The customer had already informed the front end manager that he was going to call the even though he'd been taken care of and not neglected. Please feel free to contact us at the store for any other issues.
Thanks, Golden Corral Management

Good Afternoon, My name is David C[redacted], General Manager of The Golden Corral in Ruther Glen. I was here when the unhappy guest approached me. I learned of the situation when the server and cashier approached me. I then listened intently to the guest and apologized for any mis-communication...

in pricing. Our specific Cashier who answered the call has been here for 3 years and knows the Buffet Menu inside and out. We only have 2 prices   Senior Discount 60 years of age and older, the other anyone under 60. Unfortunately the ladies husband is the one that made the call and he wasn't the person complaining. He told her to put the phone away because she was making a big out of it. She wanted me to comp their check 100% and I didn't feel that it was warranted. Thanks David C[redacted]General ManagerGolden CorralRuther Glen Va

The payment in question did not post until months later. [redacted] has agreed in the past years to pay for her friend who she states is her neighbor. Services has been rendered in full to the complete satistficaton of the customer. Our records show payments posted the our client account with...

one credited to her 2015 tax work and the other to her 2016. We were required to show proof of our records when our client produced a request through our [redacted] account for reimbursement of the amount stated in this complaint. We appealed our case and subsequently [redacted] reversed the charges in our favor. We cherish business that we received from Ms. [redacted] but that financial transaction is between her and her neighbor not us. Due to strict privacy issues that we are under by state and federal law, we are not able to share names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, or any other private information that we have on file from our customers. I admonish Ms. [redacted] to seek legal option to receiving payment from her friend.

Review: I watched a child (under age 10) fill his plate with salad then dump the salad back into the salad bowl with his bare hands. I told my friend that it was disgusting that it had happened and the child's father over heard and threatened both myself and my friend. The salad was never changed and the manager refused to assist us while we were being threatened. We had to beg the manager to give us our money back for our dinner (we only were able to have one plate before being harassed). She was extremely rude and unwilling to help. We called the store manager the next day and he told us that we could each have one free buffet. When we called the next day to let the shift manager know that we were coming in she told us that we couldn't have anything because we had gotten our money back for the night before. This was the worst customer service Ive ever experienced. I will never return to this restaurant. Desired Settlement: I would like at least one free buffet for each of the people (3) that were with me being harassed and I would like an apology from both managers.

Review: On October 15, 2015, me and 5 other family members attended a birthday dinner for the youngest child in our family. I paid for myself, my sister and my niece. The total came out to $41.12. Being on a very strict diet, I was pretty much limited to the salad bar area of the buffet. I went over and choose to make a romaine salad with only healthier type of options for it. I came back to the table, had about 3 bites of the salad and then noticed a dead fly in my salad. I immediately alerted the wait staff. [redacted] was very apologetic about the incident and asked if there was anything she could do. I asked her if I could speak to the manager. [redacted] showed up eventually and truly seemed disinterested with the entire incident. He said he had changed all the salads, which he didn't from my observations. He told me that part of the blame was on their produce supplier and then promptly left the scene making me feel totally disgusted with the entire incident. As I went back to the table to speak to my family, I felt like my business was not really valued there. As we sat there as a family, we noticed flies swirling all over the restaurant. Its no wonder a fly would eventually end up in the food. As well, we noticed flies landing on attended plates of food on our table and others nearby. It was a totally disgusting scene and I don't know how this place stays in business. As a side note, I spoke to a couple of employees privately and they unanimously agreed that [redacted] was not a nice man and not fit to be a manager there. I agree.Desired Settlement: There is no doubt that I want my $41.12 refunded. I still have the receipt to prove I was there. As well, I suggest the contact the local Food Safety department to inspect this business. If that is not within their realm, then could they please provide me the contact details if possible.

Review: On April 23, 2015, I saw a Television commercial for Golden Corral restaurant. The commercial stated that dinner at the Golden Corral will cost $11.99. On April 24, 2015, I went Golden Corral restaurant, located at 4940 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA. I was told the Restaurant was not participating in the reduce price and was charge $30.00 for two dinners. On April 27th I contact the corporate office of Golden Corral. I was told by a spoke person not all of Golden Corral Restaurant participate in their sale commercials. I now find that non of the Golden Corral in the Sacramento area are participating. This commercial untrue false advertisement and should remove. Golden Corral Corporate office , is using false and misleading advertising to trick customers to its Restaurants, only to be disappointed and charged a higher price. I am a disable veteran on fixed income, Golden Corral should not resort to these type of tactics to get customers into its Restaurants.Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

An appology and return the $30.00 I paid for the dinner.

Review: I went to the Golden Corral before 5 years and they were wonderful. I went to Golden Corral on December 7th for my company for a party. My husband and I went to Golden Corral. We had to paid $28.28.The food was horrible and to have to pay so much. The food was not cooked well and I believe kids were putting their hands into the food. It would be better to go McDonalds than this company-Golden Corral. I can see that it is a very dirty place. I looked at the food at the desserts and I could see it was old. Most of the meats was old as well. I would like my money back and I believe that the health Department should be investigating this restaurant. We were a party of 20 people. Please have someone investigate this place and close it.Desired Settlement: Please give my money back for me and my husband and he was sick of the food. I paid $28.28.

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Description: RESTAURANTS

Address: 185 E New Circle Rd, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40505-2114


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