The complaint concerns the premium terms for a bail bond posted to release the complainant / criminal defendant from custody. Mr. A[redacted] was arrested under Penal Code Section 646, for stalking charges.After contacting Acme Bail Bonds to arrange for his release, Mr. A[redacted] was very intent...
on paying the lowest possible amount to obtain his bail bond. He repeatedly asked for discounts and a lower rate, eventually agreeing to a 7% premium rate.The paperwork executed by Mr. A[redacted] and his Indemnitor all reference a 7% rate. After entering into the agreement, Mr. A[redacted] became fixated on the idea of paying less than what he had agreed. It is apparent by the course of conduct in this matter, as well as his underlying criminal charges, that Mr. A[redacted] is a person that has issues with obsessing over things.After agreeing to the 7% rate in writing, Mr. A[redacted] first asserted that he had only agreed to a 3% rate, then he settled on4%. He repeatedly harassed the employees of Acme Bail Bonds with phone calls and text messages at all hours. He threatened to bombard Acme with negative reviews if he was not given a 4%rate. When Acme held him to his signed agreement, he followed through on this threats and posted negative reviews in various social media sites, as well as filing a complaint with the Department of Insurance. Thank You!Acme Bail Bonds
The complaint concerns the premium terms for a bail bond posted to release the complainant / criminal defendant from custody. Mr. A[redacted] was arrested under Penal Code Section 646, for stalking charges.After contacting Acme Bail Bonds to arrange for his release, Mr. A[redacted] was very intent...
on paying the lowest possible amount to obtain his bail bond. He repeatedly asked for discounts and a lower rate, eventually agreeing to a 7% premium rate.The paperwork executed by Mr. A[redacted] and his Indemnitor all reference a 7% rate. After entering into the agreement, Mr. A[redacted] became fixated on the idea of paying less than what he had agreed. It is apparent by the course of conduct in this matter, as well as his underlying criminal charges, that Mr. A[redacted] is a person that has issues with obsessing over things.After agreeing to the 7% rate in writing, Mr. A[redacted] first asserted that he had only agreed to a 3% rate, then he settled on4%. He repeatedly harassed the employees of Acme Bail Bonds with phone calls and text messages at all hours. He threatened to bombard Acme with negative reviews if he was not given a 4%rate. When Acme held him to his signed agreement, he followed through on this threats and posted negative reviews in various social media sites, as well as filing a complaint with the Department of Insurance. Thank You!Acme Bail Bonds