Gestoria Bolanos Y Asociados Reviews (12)
Gestoria Bolanos Y Asociados Rating
Description: Auto Transporters & Drive-Away Companies, Auto Dealers - Custom Design & Replica
Address: 3807 N Interstate 35 Ste B, Austin, Texas, United States, 78722-1532
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Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: The contract for your service was made because the company stated the process would take ten working days, that appeared perfect for the situation being faced with, my ill mother [redacted] attempts to portray intimidation and importance with their contracts and documents when in reality they are misleading and misrepresent themselves to consumersThere are complaints and more yet to come I am sureThey do not deliver what they state they will deliver nor deliver in the time they state they will deliver, which is why there are upset peopleBecause has no authority to resolve/settle matters, only to let consumers be aware of issues with this business, it is my wish to with hold my formal response to their made up defense Regards, [redacted]
Mr. [redacted] requested our service on 08/06/2015, he signed a contract that states our responsibilities, rules and policies. He breached that contract in many ways that is why, in fact, our legal department is revising the case and will notify him on their decision in writing. I was told there is a... return mail that was sent to Mr. [redacted] to the address in the contract as certified mail but no one ever claimed. First of all the service was never promised in 3 weeks, we have surveillance cameras at our Austin branch that can prove it. He was told that after the 4th week more less he would get a status since there are several steps the transaction had to go through since he was doing a virtual importation under a bond of the decree. It was also explained to him that doing that kind of importation (instead of a direct importation) yes, he would save money by using the bond but it would take much longer than the direct importation which he had to pay the tariff of 50% of the commercial value of the vehicle, and he agreed to the least expensive one even though it would take longer . Then on Sept 17th 2015 on or about 02:50 pm, six weeks after he started the process, he contacted our dispatch center to inquire about his status and he was told by the Dispatch Center Manager, [redacted] , she was about to receive a system update that she would get back at him soon. I am attaching the translation of the incident report sent by the dispatch center manager after receiving threats, screams and profanity from Mr. [redacted] . On that same day I was informed about the situation and I tried calling Mr. [redacted] several times without an answer, I then preceded to text him just to leave it in writing, I am also attaching the texts translations. Then on September 21st 2015, after several other attempts to contact him, he went to the office and signed a confidentiality agreement. He assured us he was lying and no other clients were complaining about our services. In that agreement it clearly states that "THE HOLDER" agrees to guarantee that the information regarding the name, location and other aspects that may compromise and / or relate to "LA GESTORIA" will be treated with strict confidentiality, and will run indefinitely, even after the termination of the Initial Service Agreement. Prohibiting at all times to the "THE HOLDER" to disclose any aspect of the business of "LA GESTORIA” or provide any third party, orally or in writing, directly or indirectly, any information on systems and activities of any kind of "LA GESTORIA" and will not show others documents, records, writings, articles, contracts, statements, or material and information that we provide, prepare or formulate "LA GESTORÍA" in relation to the provision of his services. Until that day his transaction was still being processed, but unfortunately days later we discovered that in fact Mr. [redacted] had us under “private investigation” for an attempt to sue us, by a private investigator named: [redacted] DBA: [redacted] BUSINESS INVESTIGATIONS # [redacted] with telephone number [redacted] , our legal department tried contacting him but the number in record apparently does not belong to him and they couldn’t find an address, but they are still investigating that. He, again, broke the confidentiality agreement he had signed days before. By then his transaction was stopped and passed to our legal department who is handling his case. Also, it has come to my attention that this complaint was written and sent to you by this “assumed” private investigator since his email address is the one showing on the contact info of the complaint, also because it is my understanding Mr. [redacted] does not read, speak or write English that is why all his documents where provided in Spanish. This is enough legal proof that Mr. [redacted] has broken the confidentiality agreement therefore this information will be sent to our legal department immediately.
To how it may concern:(This is the third time I attempt to write this response but for some reason when I click on Proceed it sends me to the begging and I have to start writing all over again).First of all I would like to inform you that this case has been passed to our legal
department since April 1st 2015, after Mr*** and a attorney visited our office in Austin demanding a refundThe accusations on this complaint are not accurate and I will prove that to you. I will attach a translation of the contract signed by Mr*** to prove itWe are a customs broker agency and we prepare documentation, pay taxes and fees to Mexican authorities for the import and export of vehiclesWe were contracted by Mr*** on November 18th to do this, not to ship his truck to Mexico, again the contract will prove that. Mr*** was informed on December by me, about several changes done by Mexican authorities, the General Administration of Customs of the Tax Administration Service (Administración General de Aduanas del Servicio de Administración Tributaria), but for some reason he can't seem to understand these changes and his options or he is just playing he doesn't understand them for his own benefit He was NEVER told there was nothing else we could do, on March 23rd he was asked to sign an agreement to arbitrate after his numerous threats to sue us and his numerous attempts to intimate my employees demanding a full refund, but he refused to do so and again, threaten to sue the company and put in jail all the employees. Also, we have surveillance cameras with audio inside and outside our office, we can prove in a court of law he was never told there was nothing else to doWe can also prove all the times he has been explained about the changes and his options and he has denied to agree to any of them. I understand these new changes may upset this particular client but there are other options to finalize this importation, options that he has refused toI can only give then options but it is their last decision to choose which option is best for them and if they refuse to cooperate there is nothing I can doYou are more than welcome to read about these changes in the Official Journal of the Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federacion) as well.I will attach the translation of his contract, and also other documents regarding this caseOne is a letter to Mr*** explaining one more time these changes, his options and the contract clauses, and the other is a letter to this attorney who is really a real estate broker asking him to stay away from my businessThis attorney didn't understand what an agreement to arbitrate was; he was also not informed by his "buddy" Mr*** that there was a contract signed by him (and I assume Mr *** and this attorney that I'm sure advised him to do this complaint and even made it for him didn't tell you that either; and he was also not aware that there are warning signs all over our office front door about our surveillance cameras. I apologize for such a late response, I was out of town and even though my assistant opened the first email, I had to be the one responding to this complaintI hope after revising these documents you can close this complaint that will unfortunately hurt my reputation since these are all public records, other wise please let me know what follows.Very truly yours.*** ** ***
Mr*** requested our service on 08/06/2015, he signed a contract that states our responsibilities, rules and policiesHe breached that contract in many ways that is why, in fact, our legal department is revising the case and will notify him on their
decision in writingI was told there is a return mail that was sent to Mr*** to the address in the contract as certified mail but no one ever claimedFirst of all the service was never promised in weeks, we have surveillance cameras at our Austin branch that can prove itHe was told that after the 4th week more less he would get a status since there are several steps the transaction had to go through since he was doing a virtual importation under a bond of the decreeIt was also explained to him that doing that kind of importation (instead of a direct importation) yes, he would save money by using the bond but it would take much longer than the direct importation which he had to pay the tariff of 50% of the commercial value of the vehicle, and he agreed to the least expensive one even though it would take longer…Then on Sept 17th on or about 02:pm, six weeks after he started the process, he contacted our dispatch center to inquire about his status and he was told by the Dispatch Center Manager, *** *** ***, she was about to receive a system update that she would get back at him soonI am attaching the translation of the incident report sent by the dispatch center manager after receiving threats, screams and profanity from Mr*** ***On that same day I was informed about the situation and I tried calling Mr*** several times without an answer, I then preceded to text him just to leave it in writing, I am also attaching the texts translationsThen on September 21st 2015, after several other attempts to contact him, he went to the office and signed a confidentiality agreementHe assured us he was lying and no other clients were complaining about our servicesIn that agreement it clearly states that "THE HOLDER" agrees to guarantee that the information regarding the name, location and other aspects that may compromise and / or relate to "LA GESTORIA" will be treated with strict confidentiality, and will run indefinitely, even after the termination of the Initial Service AgreementProhibiting at all times to the "THE HOLDER" to disclose any aspect of the business of "LA GESTORIA” or provide any third party, orally or in writing, directly or indirectly, any information on systems and activities of any kind of "LA GESTORIA" and will not show others documents, records, writings, articles, contracts, statements, or material and information that we provide, prepare or formulate "LA GESTORÍA" in relation to the provision of his servicesUntil that day his transaction was still being processed, but unfortunately days later we discovered that in fact Mr*** had us under “private investigation” for an attempt to sue us, by a private investigator named: *** *** *** DBA: *** BUSINESS INVESTIGATIONS #*** with telephone number ***, our legal department tried contacting him but the number in record apparently does not belong to him and they couldn’t find an address, but they are still investigating thatHe, again, broke the confidentiality agreement he had signed days beforeBy then his transaction was stopped and passed to our legal department who is handling his caseAlso, it has come to my attention that this complaint was written and sent to you by this “assumed” private investigator since his email address is the one showing on the contact info of the complaint, also because it is my understanding Mr*** does not read, speak or write English that is why all his documents where provided in SpanishThis is enough legal proof that Mr*** has broken the confidentiality agreement therefore this information will be sent to our legal department immediately
To whom it may concern:The allegations in this complaint are inaccurateAt this moment I am in Mexico and wont be back in the states until Jan 7thI will then be able to respond with a copy of all the paperwork and the explanationThank you
To whom it may concern:Before I start I would like to apologize for my lateresponseI forwarded this message to my attorney and I was told not to respondto anything since the case is under the law firms responsibility, but at this pointwe are making an exception to avoid any
damage to our company.I understand I am not supposed to send any proof thatcontains personal information about this customer but it is difficult because allwe have are contracts and agreements signed by him and I’m sure after you readthe translations you will understand.This client contracted our services on 03/27/andrequested a presented importation.We offer types of services for vehicle importations, a virtualimportation that is when the vehicle is already in Mexican grounds and thepaperwork would be delivered in our *** ***, or a presented importation whichis when the vehicle is still in US grounds and needs to exit the countrythrough an authorized border in this case *** *** ***So soon after the client started the process and signed thecontract, he calls and requests a virtual importation because he said he neededto leave town soon, he was explained again that that process would take longerand he agreed to it (we did not charge him any administration fees at thattime), that is when he did a Power of attorney authorizing *** ***
*** permission to receive the paperwork here once it was readyThen weekslater he visited our office again claiming his mother was on a deathbed and herequested for his service to be changed to presented againHe was informed thatthis time he will be charged an administration fee of $and he agreedWetold him as soon as we had a date he would be informed to pick up his dispatchorderThen on or about May 12th we called him toask him to go by the office to pick up his dispatch order and pay theadministration feeHe went on May 13th and he did soHesigned the dispatch order I am attaching and paid the $dlsdays laterhe files a complaint with you.We went ahead and contacted him asking him if there was aproblem or what made him do that and he denied everythingHe said he wouldfind out what was going on and that he would fix itWe told him we would holdhis service until this situation was clearedDays later he called and said everything was fixed alreadyand asked us to continue with his service, which we did and on June 6thhe was informed by phone that his appointment to present his vehicle atthe border was set between June 8th to the 10th of 2015and he refused to go to the border without any explanations other than he hadto work and couldn’t missI went ahead and sent him a text message to thenumber we have on file to inform him in writing about his appointment andexplaining him of all the consequences he would have if he didn’t attend, justlike he agreed on his dispatch order Hedid not reply but we confirmed he read.I am attaching the translation of his contract signed by himand I highlighted in red the important facts that are related to this situation,I am also attaching the dispatch order where it clearly states the consequencesif he failed to appear, and the notice I sent him though text message on June 8th2015.It is important to mention that Mr*** has also fileda small claims court even though we have an agreement to arbitrate also signedby him, and again, my attorneys are already on top of thatI will also attachthis agreement.At this moment the penalty for not appearing at the borderis still being processed If you have any further questions or comments please do nothesitate to contact meI am requesting for you to close this case and eraseany record on it, I have noticed that even though I have all legal proof that Ihave not failed in any way in providing my services, these claims still show tothe public and they do not state who won the claimThis is why I am requestingthat after you evaluate this claim; please erase any record you have on thisand any previous claims against me and my company, *** *** *
*** Sincerely, *** ** ***
The gentleman who answered the telephone was honest and upfront with the information I requestedHe could have given me misleading information that would have cost me alot of time and money, Thank You MrC*** P.S I will do business with your company and refer you to my freinds and family who are seeking to tave thier vehicle to Mexico
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The contract for your service was made because the company stated the process would take ten working days, that appeared perfect for the situation being faced with, my ill mother. [redacted] attempts to portray intimidation and importance with their contracts and documents when in reality they are misleading and misrepresent themselves to consumers. There are complaints and more yet to come I am sure. They do not deliver what they state they will deliver nor deliver in the time they state they will deliver, which is why there are upset people. Because has no authority to resolve/settle matters, only to let consumers be aware of issues with this business, it is my wish to with hold my formal response to their made up defense.
To whom it may concern:Before I start I would like to apologize for my lateresponse. I forwarded this message to my attorney and I was told not to respondto anything since the case is under the law firms responsibility, but at this pointwe are making an exception to avoid any damage to our company.I...
understand I am not supposed to send any proof thatcontains personal information about this customer but it is difficult because allwe have are contracts and agreements signed by him and I’m sure after you readthe translations you will understand.This client contracted our services on 03/27/2015 andrequested a presented importation.We offer 2 types of services for vehicle importations, a virtualimportation that is when the vehicle is already in Mexican grounds and thepaperwork would be delivered in our [redacted], or a presented importation whichis when the vehicle is still in US grounds and needs to exit the countrythrough an authorized border in this case [redacted]So soon after the client started the process and signed thecontract, he calls and requests a virtual importation because he said he neededto leave town soon, he was explained again that that process would take longerand he agreed to it (we did not charge him any administration fees at thattime), that is when he did a Power of attorney authorizing [redacted] permission to receive the paperwork here once it was ready. Then weekslater he visited our office again claiming his mother was on a deathbed and herequested for his service to be changed to presented again. He was informed thatthis time he will be charged an administration fee of $300.00 and he agreed. Wetold him as soon as we had a date he would be informed to pick up his dispatchorder. Then on or about May 12th 2015 we called him toask him to go by the office to pick up his dispatch order and pay theadministration fee. He went on May 13th 2015 and he did so. Hesigned the dispatch order I am attaching and paid the $300.00 dls. 6 days laterhe files a complaint with you.We went ahead and contacted him asking him if there was aproblem or what made him do that and he denied everything. He said he wouldfind out what was going on and that he would fix it. We told him we would holdhis service until this situation was cleared. Days later he called and said everything was fixed alreadyand asked us to continue with his service, which we did and on June 6th2015 he was informed by phone that his appointment to present his vehicle atthe border was set between June 8th to the 10th of 2015and he refused to go to the border without any explanations other than he hadto work and couldn’t miss. I went ahead and sent him a text message to thenumber we have on file to inform him in writing about his appointment andexplaining him of all the consequences he would have if he didn’t attend, justlike he agreed on his dispatch order. Hedid not reply but we confirmed he read.I am attaching the translation of his contract signed by himand I highlighted in red the important facts that are related to this situation,I am also attaching the dispatch order where it clearly states the consequencesif he failed to appear, and the notice I sent him though text message on June 8th2015.It is important to mention that Mr. [redacted] has also fileda small claims court even though we have an agreement to arbitrate also signedby him, and again, my attorneys are already on top of that. I will also attachthis agreement.At this moment the penalty for not appearing at the borderis still being processed. If you have any further questions or comments please do nothesitate to contact me. I am requesting for you to close this case and eraseany record on it, I have noticed that even though I have all legal proof that Ihave not failed in any way in providing my services, these claims still show tothe public and they do not state who won the claim. This is why I am requestingthat after you evaluate this claim; please erase any record you have on thisand any previous claims against me and my company, [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted]
Mr. [redacted] requested our service on 08/06/2015, he signed a contract that states our responsibilities, rules and policies. He breached that contract in many ways that is why, in fact, our legal department is revising the case and will notify him on their decision in writing. I was told there is a...
return mail that was sent to Mr. [redacted] to the address in the contract as certified mail but no one ever claimed. First of all the service was never promised in 3 weeks, we have surveillance cameras at our Austin branch that can prove it. He was told that after the 4th week more less he would get a status since there are several steps the transaction had to go through since he was doing a virtual importation under a bond of the decree. It was also explained to him that doing that kind of importation (instead of a direct importation) yes, he would save money by using the bond but it would take much longer than the direct importation which he had to pay the tariff of 50% of the commercial value of the vehicle, and he agreed to the least expensive one even though it would take longer…. Then on Sept 17th 2015 on or about 02:50 pm, six weeks after he started the process, he contacted our dispatch center to inquire about his status and he was told by the Dispatch Center Manager, [redacted], she was about to receive a system update that she would get back at him soon. I am attaching the translation of the incident report sent by the dispatch center manager after receiving threats, screams and profanity from Mr. [redacted]. On that same day I was informed about the situation and I tried calling Mr. [redacted] several times without an answer, I then preceded to text him just to leave it in writing, I am also attaching the texts translations. Then on September 21st 2015, after several other attempts to contact him, he went to the office and signed a confidentiality agreement. He assured us he was lying and no other clients were complaining about our services. In that agreement it clearly states that "THE HOLDER" agrees to guarantee that the information regarding the name, location and other aspects that may compromise and / or relate to "LA GESTORIA" will be treated with strict confidentiality, and will run indefinitely, even after the termination of the Initial Service Agreement. Prohibiting at all times to the "THE HOLDER" to disclose any aspect of the business of "LA GESTORIA” or provide any third party, orally or in writing, directly or indirectly, any information on systems and activities of any kind of "LA GESTORIA" and will not show others documents, records, writings, articles, contracts, statements, or material and information that we provide, prepare or formulate "LA GESTORÍA" in relation to the provision of his services. Until that day his transaction was still being processed, but unfortunately days later we discovered that in fact Mr. [redacted] had us under “private investigation” for an attempt to sue us, by a private investigator named: [redacted] DBA: [redacted] BUSINESS INVESTIGATIONS #[redacted] with telephone number [redacted], our legal department tried contacting him but the number in record apparently does not belong to him and they couldn’t find an address, but they are still investigating that. He, again, broke the confidentiality agreement he had signed days before. By then his transaction was stopped and passed to our legal department who is handling his case. Also, it has come to my attention that this complaint was written and sent to you by this “assumed” private investigator since his email address is the one showing on the contact info of the complaint, also because it is my understanding Mr. [redacted] does not read, speak or write English that is why all his documents where provided in Spanish. This is enough legal proof that Mr. [redacted] has broken the confidentiality agreement therefore this information will be sent to our legal department immediately.
Review: The owner will not issue back my money or submitted truck legalization because she says that I was complaining to other people in her office that in that office you do not receive truck legalization paperwork or that office will not legalize your truck. That I was scolding her clients so she will not return my money back or give back my original title of my vehicle submitted for legalization or to don't even come back to her office or she will call the police at me.Desired Settlement: Money back and title or completed legalization of my truck title.
To whom it may concern:The allegations in this complaint are inaccurate. At this moment I am in Mexico and wont be back in the states until Jan 7th. I will then be able to respond with a copy of all the paperwork and the explanation. Thank you.
Review: I went in there seeking the service to export my vehicle to Mexico from the United States. They told me they would be able to do this service for me and I had to pay an upfront fee of $2,700 in November 2014. They stated they will be shipping the vehicle and registering it in Mexico along with the duty fees incurred prior to December 24, 2014.
On March 23rd, I went in to follow up on the delay and the gentleman that spoke to me at the business location told me they do not provide that service at all and they won't be able to help me. I asked for my money back in that case and he said they did not do any refunds at all.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund since no service was provided in exchange of the money I have paid.
To how it may concern:(This is the third time I attempt to write this response but for some reason when I click on Proceed it sends me to the begging and I have to start writing all over again).First of all I would like to inform you that this case has been passed to our legal department since April 1st 2015, after Mr. [redacted] and a false attorney visited our office in Austin demanding a refund. The accusations on this complaint are not accurate and I will prove that to you. I will attach a translation of the contract signed by Mr. [redacted] to prove it. We are a customs broker agency and we prepare documentation, pay taxes and fees to Mexican authorities for the import and export of vehicles. We were contracted by Mr. [redacted] on November 18th 2014 to do this, not to ship his truck to Mexico, again the contract will prove that. Mr. [redacted] was informed on December 2014 by me, about several changes done by Mexican authorities, the General Administration of Customs of the Tax Administration Service (Administración General de Aduanas del Servicio de Administración Tributaria), but for some reason he can't seem to understand these changes and his options or he is just playing he doesn't understand them for his own benefit . He was NEVER told there was nothing else we could do, on March 23rd 2015 he was asked to sign an agreement to arbitrate after his numerous threats to sue us and his numerous attempts to intimate my employees demanding a full refund, but he refused to do so and again, threaten to sue the company and put in jail all the employees. Also, we have surveillance cameras with audio inside and outside our office, we can prove in a court of law he was never told there was nothing else to do. We can also prove all the times he has been explained about the changes and his options and he has denied to agree to any of them. I understand these new changes may upset this particular client but there are other options to finalize this importation, options that he has refused to. I can only give then options but it is their last decision to choose which option is best for them and if they refuse to cooperate there is nothing I can do. You are more than welcome to read about these changes in the Official Journal of the Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federacion) as well.I will attach the translation of his contract, and also 2 other documents regarding this case. One is a letter to Mr. [redacted] explaining one more time these changes, his options and the contract clauses, and the other is a letter to this false attorney who is really a real estate broker asking him to stay away from my business. This false attorney didn't understand what an agreement to arbitrate was; he was also not informed by his "buddy" Mr. [redacted] that there was a contract signed by him (and I assume Mr [redacted] and this false attorney that I'm sure advised him to do this complaint and even made it for him didn't tell you that either; and he was also not aware that there are warning signs all over our office front door about our surveillance cameras. I apologize for such a late response, I was out of town and even though my assistant opened the first email, I had to be the one responding to this complaint. I hope after revising these documents you can close this complaint that will unfortunately hurt my reputation since these are all public records, other wise please let me know what follows.Very truly yours.[redacted]