Georgia Superior Lawns Reviews (%countItem)
Georgia Superior Lawns Rating
Address: 51 Pine Grove Rd, Locust Grove, Georgia, United States, 30248-2561
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Georgia Superior Lawns,located at *** & point of contact- the owner,*** have demonstrated extreme lack of professionalism.There have been a multitude of issues with this lawncare group.If there was anything I wanted done to include trimming my bushes, pruning the shrubbery or cutting down low limbs on trees.*** would always have an excuse as to why they "the lawncare company" could not perform the tasks they so actively advertise.Year after year, *** would have multiple excuses or falsifications to prevent the company from their duties.It took years of going back and forth and a selection of various seasons throughout those years, that I concluded that this company is a sham.They take your money with no intention on delivering what is expected.The problem with *** and her company is as follows:The lawncare team acts very irresponsibly.I work very hard for what I have-and the workers have damaged my lawn, garden lights as well as, my fence/ gate on more than one occasion.I have contacted "customer service"/ *** on several occasions to enlighten her on what her company neglected in servicing my property or more importantly,to report damages incurred by her company, Georgia Superior Lawns & she is ALWAYS defensive and intolerable to what can be proven and never speculated.Damage to the gate in both instances was a very disgusting, unpleasant experience to say the least.Her guys, as she likes to call them, damaged my fenceand I had to endure all the hardship.I paid "her guys" for a service.They did me a disservice and she tried to make it all my fault.In those instances she did not apologize and recently is refusing to pay the cost for the entire damage of my double gate*.She simply states and I quote: "Like I told you before this gatewasn't installed correctly.If installed correctly this would of never happen."Prior to response-I was ignored for weeks.
*gate/ fence professionally installed by contractor
Repair The most ethical response for her company would be to simply pay for the entire damage incuured by her workers. They tore off a chunk of wood of the left gate and ripped the entire door panel off the right side gate. These areas have to be replaced. My entire fence including those gates are stained. Due to the wood needing to be replaced- the new wood has to be stained. This would not need to be done had her company not damaged my fence. Quotes have been rendered. Total charge= $350.00
Regarding the complaints of this former customer, we would first like to address that this person had been a customer of ours for several years. If our company is as unprofessional as she claims, then why would she have continued to use our services?
Let's begin with her accusations of our company refusing to provide services such as pruning as the complainant has stated. The customer's shrubs were maintained on a regular basis per the agreement. There was an incident a while back when the customer requested to have her shrubs cut back significantly. This would be an additional charge because although trimming the shrubs was included with her normal maintenance, heavy pruning and reshaping of the plants was an additional charge, which she understood. We explained to her that given the amount she wanted removed, combined with it being in the middle of the summer heat, it would be best to wait until the fall in order to help prevent possible damage to the shrubs. Fall came and went and the customer did not mention anything else about it. Early that following summer, the customer advised that she was still interested in having her shrubs cut back as well as cutting back low limbs from the trees in her front yard. A price was given for these services along with disposal, but the customer felt that the price was too high so the additional services were not performed.
Next are the accusations of our company damaging the gate of her wooden privacy fence. For the first few years that we had been providing landscape maintenance for this customer, there was no fence. Within the past year, the customer had a fence installed around her backyard. It should also be noted that her house is on top of a hill, with a fairly steep slope on the right side of her property. This includes the area leading toward her backyard where the gate is located.
The damage to the gate was located near the bottom corner and consisted of 2 broken pickets. This damage was not caused by any of our equipment or misuse. The damage to this portion of the gate was caused over time by the gate making contact with the ground on the slope of the yard. The reason the gate was consistently making contact with the slope was due to the fact that it was installed incorrectly. The gate of the fence swung inward toward the slope instead of outward going away from it which made access for a mower more difficult. When this was originally brought to the customers attention, she advised the crew to "do what they need to do" in order to gain access to the backyard.
There was one incident prior to the broken pickets where one of the pickets had pulled away from the frame of the gate. As soon as we were able to, we had one of our staff members return to the location and secure the picket back to the frame. Once the pickets broke at the bottom of the gate, we were notified by the customer. Naturally the customer was not happy to learn about the damage to her gate, but the attitude she presented did not make resolving this incident any easier. She emailed a copy of an estimate for repairs to us. We contacted the person on the estimate who came out to inspect the damage and provide a cost of repairs. He advised us that while the damage was only to the two pickets, on the estimate he included replacing the hinges and hardware in order to allow the gate swing outward instead of inward as it had originally been installed to do so. This gentleman also stated that "I don't know why they installed it like that in the first place." The estimate he provided was for $100.00 but did not include staining the new pickets. When the customer gave us the estimate, she said that $100.00 was for the repairs and that it would be $250.00 for staining. A written estimate was never provided to us for the stain, and we find it extremely unreasonable to expect us to pay $250.00 to have only two pickets stained.
This customer currently owes us $100.00 for services provided. We feel that a reasonable solution would be to move beyond this and go our separate ways since we each owe the other the same amount of money.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the response from the company for several reasons and I feel if I could publically post the texts that I received from the company and show video of them pulling my gate off its hinges the first time they damaged my gate and kicking my gate the 2nd time they damaged the gate to fully expose the company of their falsifications- I definitely would. I have absolutely no reason to lie. I work hard for the things I have so, when those things are damaged as a result of carelessness and for the company to show NO signs of regret, or even LACK kindness or understanding it is only natural that I became upset and it is VERY BAD BUSINESS for Georgia Superior Lawns to NOT pay for what the company's crew caused. I also have proof via text that the contractor never said he was charging them for anything other than the damage they (Georgia Superior Lawns) caused. The hinges are free. She said herself that her contractor quoted $100, well, so did mine FOR THE REPAIR, NOT THE REFINISHING- which is the staining. Again, she stated herself, her contractor did not quote her for the stain; however, my contractor did and that is an additional $250. So, my guess would be, if she took the extra step to do so, she would've received the same information. But, in her statements she shows that she could care less about resolving any issues or doing what is right by repairing ALL damages. He sole agenda was to break even. NO losses to her company, but she drags a paying customer to save face. It's astonishing but nevertheless, Georgia Superior Lawns did not damage an UNstained fence. So,under no circumstances should I be left to pay any part of the fence that was damaged by Georgia Superior Lawns. It's a shame that a business owner does not have the qualities they need to ethically run a business. I would hope that this scenario will serve as an enlightenment. So for an example, if her painted wall was damaged by an individual. Would she be okay with the individual fixing the hole ONLY and leaving her to pay for the painting of the portion that was damaged. It goes without saying, and it's common sense. My fence was intact and stained before it was damaged. Her responsibility as the faulted party is to replace or repair my fence to its original state and bottom line- she and her company,HAVE FAILED TO DO SO- period!