Genesis Homes Reviews (358)
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** , and find that arbitration is necessary.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
It appears it is continually being insinuated by this insurance company that I am making this all up and they continue to state that since their client stated they did not do this that none of this happened even though multiple pictures were provided to support the claims. I will contact my state attorney generals office next along with the state insurance agency and anyone else that needs to be contacted to show that this is a scam and unfair to landlords and that this insurance company markets themselves deceptively.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I would like to have my complaint open until I get the check from this companyThey have lied about what my Dad's doctor's staff said and they have forced me to deal with this over several months while trying to assist my Dad to heal and recoverI think I should get the insurance money back as well since they had no intention of covering this claim without a lot of unnecessary paperwork and numerous needless hoops to jump throughI will accept the offer if they actually follow through and do what they say they willI have little faith in this company and do not trust them to do what they say without the behind thisThank you for your assistanceBusinesses like this one make your organization irreplaceable for the average citizen who has been duped by a company that does not do what they advertise.
*** ***
Dear Ms***;CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services is the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated April 24, 2016, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms***.We have reevaluated this claim and determined we have sufficient
documentation to afford benefitsThe claims representative is obtaining additional information from the airline and once received the claim will be paid.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at *** or by FAX at *** ***.Sincerely,*** *** SrTechnical Claims Specialistcc: *** *** / Director of Claims
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Ms***,A claim has not been submitted regarding our loss because when I called and spoke with *** on March 25, he said we weren't covered and would not send us a claim form or tell us where we could locate one.My husband and I are currently busy making funeral plans for his mother and taking care of his year old father but when we have the time, we will once again read the policy we purchasedWe have read it several times and are still a bit annoyed at your company and its misleading advertisingThe statement you must be referring to is: ..."if you are prevented from taking your Trip due to one of the following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion..."I that correct? If you are standing by your misleading advertising it appears that we would be wasting our time and energy during this difficult time filling out the forms and obtaining the necessary Hospice and death certificate papers.There is no way we can ever recommend your products to anyone because of your misleading advertising on the VRBO websiteNeither of you want to take responsibility for those statements and you point fingers at the other companyAfter reading many complaints regarding your company on the website we wish we had investigated your company before purchasing either this Travel Insurance Policy or the Property Damage Protection policyWe haven't a clue how the can still rate you an A+ company
*** ***
Dear Ms***:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents *** *** *** as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are responding to your follow up email of September 16, 2015.We have reviewed this matter with the underwriter and will afford coverage as a customer service gestureThe file will be reopened and payment issued as follows:$- $nonrefundable insurance = $divided by = $plus $gasoline = $146.56If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at *** or by FAX at *** ***.Sincerely,*** *** *** *** *** ***CC: *** *** *** *** / *** ** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.As stated/requested by CSA leave does not get "revoked" by the Army, *** had to revise his leaveHe will be now taking leave at the end of August (pending approval) when his extension is up, when he will be home, not working at *** *** **. It is extremely disappointing how the military can commend *** for his service (shared in the email), keep in *** *** because of his great leadership and service- sending the others home, and yet we be penalized by CSAIf this is how CSA is treating all military, this is ridiculousGreater that additional military personel including his commanding officer were listed on the email provided in the event this information needed to be verifiedYet CSA continues to fail to do the right thing not returning a deposit for a rental property unusedThe the attached orders, ammended were sent to CSA stating that he is through August 17thClearly, he is not approved to be on leave and on vacation in ** if he is working in ***. PsThis will not let me attach the pdf of ***' orders or his *** *** *** - sent directly from the ARMY. There were sent directly to *** ***Below is further email of his extension to work and commanding officer info
*** *** -----Original Message-----From: *** *** M SSG USARMY MEDCOM *** (US)Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 3:PMTo: *** *** Y SSG USARMY MEDCOM *** (US); ***, *** * ***USARMY MEDCOM *** (US)Cc: *** *** *** USARMY MEDCOM *** (US); *** *** *SSG USARMY MEDCOM *** (US)Subject: RE: DA (UNCLASSIFIED)Classification: UNCLASSIFIEDCaveats: NONE*** ***, Good afternoon*** ***'* *** at *** *** has been extended out to 17AugustHe will need this DA 31, control # ***, canceledThank you,V/R,*** *** *** *** *** ***(Work) ***(Cell) ***-----Original Message-----From: *** *** * *** *** *** *** (US)Sent: Thursday, July 09, 3:PMTo: ***, *** * *** *** *** *** (US)Cc: *** *** * *** *** *** *** (US); *** ***SGT USARMY MEDCOM *** (US)Subject: DA (UNCLASSIFIED)Classification: UNCLASSIFIEDCaveats: NONEGood afternoon *** ***, Attached you will find your approved DA 31.v/r*** ** ***
*** ** *** Medical Company*** work*** BB"Great Leaders Don't Tell You What To Do They Show You How It's Done"Classification: UNCLASSIFIEDCaveats: NONEClassification: UNCLASSIFIEDCaveats: NONE Attachments areaPreview attachment smime.p7s
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.SBranch as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was selected.While driving from Scottsdale, Arizona to Taos, New Mexico, Ms*** delayed her travelby one day due to inclement weather conditionsShe has claimed
the prepaid lodging cost forthe missed night in New Mexico.The travel protection plan purchased only provides benefits for a Trip Interruption due to theCovered Events listed in the policyThe plan covers "The interruption of road service for 6hours or more due to adverse weather or natural disaster so as to prohibit you from reachingyour destination."There is no evidence of a hour road closure due to bad weather that prohibited Ms***from reaching her destinationWe understand Ms***'s choice to delay travel until shefelt comfortable driving, but this is not a covered reason that would allow benefits to be paid.We regret we were unable to be of service in this matterOur claims decision remainsunchanged.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at ###-###-####, by email [email protected] or by FAX at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***SrTechnical Claims Specialist
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.SBranch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated 8/22/16, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr***.Due to Mrs***'s pregnancy, they canceled their
trip to Florida because of the risk of contracting the Zika Virus and the CDC warning about travel to specific regionsThe policy provides benefits for cancellations for specific Covered Events as listed in the Description of Coverage, under the heading Trip Cancellation Benefit Rider.Mr*** has referenced in his complaint some partial policy languageThe language in full, which is to be added to the plan's Definitions, reads:“EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including, but not limited to, severe pain) such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in:(1) placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy;(2) serious impairment to bodily functions; or (3) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.”There is no Emergency Medical Condition present that is being treated and resulted in the cancellation of the TripThe risk of contracting an illness is not one of the plan's listed Covered EventsTherefore, we must reaffirm our original decision that no benefits are payable for this claimA copy of the Description of Coverage is enclosed for your reviewIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at *** or by FAX at *** ***Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,*** *** SrTechnical Claims Specialistcc: *** *** *** *** / Director of Claims
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents *** *** *** as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was selectedWe are in receipt of your email dated 9/20/16, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr***.Mr*** booked a rental reservation to travel to
Florida for travel dates of August through September 4, Mr*** cancelled his reservation on August 29, due to travel advisories for Tropical Storm Hermine.The policy purchased provides benefits for Trip Cancellation due to the listed covered events in the policySpecifically, the policy states it will cover: "A mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisement in geographic areas where no mandatory evacuation orders are issued by government authorities) at your destination due to adverse weather or natural disastersWe will only pay benefits for losses occurring within calendar days after the evacuation order is issuedIn order to cancel your Trip, you must have days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;..."When Mr*** cancelled his reservation, there were no mandatory evacuation orders in place for his travel destinationThe policy does not provide coverage for cancellations due to travel advisoriesAs such, we are unable to provide benefits for this claimIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at *** *** or by FAX at *** ***Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,*** *** *** Claims Department Supervisor *** *** Ext***cc: *** *** *** *** / Director of Claims
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I contacted CSA on 1/and was very descriptive about my issue, where I was and that I had already missed my flightI forwarded you the copy of the notification from CSACSA should have all of that information on the contact form from 1/I don't know what else to send to you as proofI thought the response from CSA would serve as proofPlease let me knowThanks again
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***9, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[It is unfortunate that CSA Travel Protection continues to defend their underhanded practicesBelow is an excerpt from the Description of Coverage provided by CSA upon the purchase of the policy:
Trip Cancellation or delayed arrival at your destination
due to Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family
Member, Traveling Companion, or Business Partner that
occurs before departure on your TripThe Sickness or Injury must commence while coverage is in effect,
require the examination by a Physician, in person, at
the time of Trip Cancellation or delay and, in the written
opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to
prevent you from taking your Trip or delay your arrival
on your Trip; The letter provided by our treating physician clearly states that my wife was unfit to flyThis correspondence should fulfill the requirement as outlined by the Description of CoverageAt no place within the Description of Coverage document does it state that the covered party will be required to provide authorization for a CSA representative to review the medical case file of the covered partyProviding this authorization, despite the judgment from CSA, does in fact waive the protections established by HIPAASpecifically, the Privacy Rule within HIPAA that prevents the dissemination of Personal Health Information. I demand that CSA fulfill the agreement that was entered into when the policy was purchased and refund the entire amount of $2,280.86]
*** *** requested by CSA regarding outstanding claims I'd like to resolve this matter We filed these claims months ago and were told they were paid months ago
*** *** $7/30/14-9/30/14 Date Filed 12/29/14*** *** $1732.39 9/6/14-2/1/15 Date Filed 6/20/14 Date Sent Additional Documentation to Rep *** *** 7/
*** ***
VIEWRIDGE AWE SAN DIEGO, CA 92123*** ***i#***Caim Number: 1*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ***Dear Mr***CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents General U.SBranch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated 5/15/17, with additional information from Ms***.Ms*** has referenced a contact form from 1/07/17, but we have not been provided with this documentationCurrently, we do not have any record of Ms*** contacting our office while she was on the Trip to discuss coverage requirementsWe have not been provided with any new information that would allow us to reconsider our decision.if you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us at ###-###-####, by email at or by FAX at ###-###-####Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely, *** *** SrTechnical Claims Specialist
Dear Ms***,CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services is the administrator of the Cancellation Protection plan that you purchased through *** (or its affiliated site) on December 31, We are in receipt of your complaint filed with the of San Diego on February 27,
regarding your above numbered plan.The Cancellation Protection plan features a 10-day free look period upon purchase, which allows customers to review the Coverage for satisfactionIf customers are not satisfied with our coverage after their review, they are able to cancel their Coverage with days of purchase for a full refundAlthough your cancellation request was received outside this 10-day Window on January 11, 2016, CSA approved the refund since your reservation was no longer available through the owner.The cancellation of this policy coverage was successfully processed according to our internal system on January 15, 2016, but it appears there was an error with the transmission through ***'s merchant accountOur records indicate this refund failure issue was escalated to *** on January 27, and February 23, 2016.In our communication with *** and their merchant account today, they have confirmed a successful reversal of the $chargeThe refund has processed back to the credit card used to pay for the Cancellation Protection today, and should post to the credit card statement in the next 3-days.On behalf of all parties involved, we apologize for the delay and the inconvenience this issue has causedCSA is Committed to providing optimal service to our customers and partners, and we appreciate the opportunity to audit our processes to ensure any Service issues can be addressed appropriatelyIf you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at *** *** or ***.Sincerely,*** *** Director of Compliance & Licensing
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents *** *** *** as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was selectedWe are in receipt of your emaildated March 27, regarding a complaint filed by *** *** *** on behalf of Edith***.Mrs*** filed a Trip
Cancellation claim on January 23, and the matter was resolvedand a check in the amount of $2,was issued on February 26, The check wasmailed to Yarmouth Court Potomac, MD as this was the address provided on thesubmitted claim formOn March 12, Mrs*** notified CSA Travel Protection that thecheck was not receivedA stop payment was placed on the check and a new check was issuedand mailed to the same address on March 23, CSA Travel Protection providesreimbursement by issuing a check and mailing it via the United States Postal Service.Unfortunately the initial check that was issued was lost in the mail.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at*** or by FAX at *** ***Please ensure the claim numberis included with your response.Sincerely,*** *** ***Claims Department Supervisor
CSA Travel Protection - Generali represents Generali U.SBranch as the administrator of thetravel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated March 08,2018, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms***.Ms*** booked a reservation on February 14, 2018, to*** canceled her reservation on February 21, 2018, due to her pregnancy and the riskof contracting the Zika VirusThe policy provides benefits for cancellations for specific CoveredEventsPlease refer to the enclosed Description of Coverage, under the heading TripCancellation Benefit, where you will see a complete list of the plan's twenty-one (21) coveredreasons for Trip Cancellation Benefits.Additionally, see the plan's General Exclusions, which states: "We will not pay for any lossunder this Policy, caused by, or resulting from dpregnancy or resulting childbirth".The risk of contracting an illness is not one of the plan's listed Covered Events, and normalpregnancy is specifically excluded from coverageTherefore, we must reaffirm our decision thatno benefits are payable for this claimEnclosed is a copy of the Description of Coverage foryour review.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email [email protected] or by FAX at (877) 300-Please ensure the claim numberis included with your response.*** ***SrTechnical Claims Specialist
travel to the Dominican Republic,scheduled for April 23, The effective date of the policy was February 15, At thattime a Policy Confirmation Letter and Description of Coverage, outlining the plan's coverageand coverage restrictions, were sent to her at the address provided of
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.SBranch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated October 25, 2016, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms***.Ms*** purchased airline tickets with
scheduled travel dates of December 01, to December 13, The travel insurance plan was purchased on August 18, 2016, with coverage for Trip Cancellation commencing on August 19, At that time a Policy Confirmation Letter and Description of Coverage, outlining the plan's coverage and coverage restrictions, were emailed to herThe Description of Coverage lists the eleven (11) Covered Events that will allow payment of Trip Cancellation benefitsThis plan does not offer Cancel for Any Reason coverage,The Policy Confirmation Letter encourages the insured to review the policy documents carefullylf the plan does not meet the needs of the customer, there is a 10-day free look period to cancel the policy and receive a refund of the insurance premiumThis is also listed in the Description of Coverage under the heading "10-DAY RIGHT TO EXAMINE YOUR DESCRIPTION OF COWERAGE".Ms*** contacted our office on October 24, 2016, to establish a Trip Cancellation claim due to having a layover in a location that has a travel advisory, and due to uncertainty of scheduling for a house sale closing processIt was explained that these reasons did not appear to be ones that would allow payment of a Trip Cancellation claim under the terms of this policyMs*** has not yet submitted a claim to us for reviewUpon receipt of the claim with supporting documentation, we can further review this matter and inform Ms*** of our decisionIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email at [email protected] or by FAX at (877) 300-Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely, *** *** Sr, Technical Claims Specialistcc: Generali U.SBranch*** *** / Director of Claims
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.SBranch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchasedWe are in receipt of your email dated April 07, 2016, notifying us of the complaint filed by MsTruong.The underwriter has reviewed the file and
approved payment as a compromise settlementThe claim will be reopened and a check issued shortly.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at *** ***, by email at *** or by FAX at *** ***Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,*** *** SrTechnical Claims SpecialistCC: Generali U.SBranch*** *** / Director of Claims