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Genesis Homes Reviews (358)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They are still basing decisions based on speculation and what they "think" occurred. The company still doesn't explain why they allowed purchase of a policy they would never stand by in the first place since they are basing decisions based on when the policy was purchased. For example, if I had to cancel my trip based on bad weather, would they tell me no because I could predict or see the weather forecast prior? How can someone predict or foresee a death, and if I'm capable to do so, why would have I even needed their services if that was the case? They didn't bother to look and see what the hotel policy was, if I could foresee death I could have foreseen myself into calling the hotel and canceling while I still could have gotten my money back. I'm being treated as someone who is trying to get something for nothing, as if I'm trying to swindle them out of something that doesn't belong to me. Like I deserved to lose my Grandfather and that I deserved to lose all the money that I invested in my trip to the Dominican (my very first opportunity to venture beyond the united states, oh and I have a passport to prove that as well). This company is treating me as if I'm some kind of insurance criminal, when all I want is the money back that belonged to me in the first place. So if I am unable to retrieve that from them, that is why I definitely deserved to grant them a poor rating from my consumer experience. Especially when I called the company first prior to filing my claim to explain what had happened, and not once was I advised that my situation wouldn't be covered. I dealt with 3 months of back and forth with this company retrieving all kinds of medical release information from my grieving mother, so they could get whatever information they needed to send me an official denial of there claim. Someone who cooperates in that type of manner must be fraudulent right? This company has never taken any responsibility for the shenanigans that took place during those 3 months, it was bad business period.

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was selected. We are in receipt of your email dated January 07, 2016, notifying us that Ms. [redacted] has provided additional information in regards to her complaint,Unfortunately, our original position has not changed. As previously advised, during the telephone conversation between Ms. [redacted] and [redacted], herein referred to as **, on September 26, 2015, the ** representative stated to Ms. [redacted] they were not the insurance company, as they are our service provider. However, at no point was Ms. [redacted] told that CSA Travel Protection is not an insurance company,During the same telephone conversation, Ms. [redacted] was given contact information for [redacted] Hospital and two hours later, she received an email from ** stating they could arrange for a doctor's home visit, once she provided them with her exact location. This confirms that not only did ** provide her with a medical referral, as per the terms and conditions in her Description of Coverage, but that they also offered to send a doctor directly to Ms. [redacted].Finally, during the same telephone conversation on September 26, 2015, Ms. [redacted] asked, if she does not start feeling well, would ** be able to help her with an airline ticket back to [redacted]. ** advised Ms. [redacted] that she would need to provide them with a copy of the medical report prepared by the treating physician. There was no further discussion regarding Ms. [redacted]'s desire to return home early. Nor did Ms. [redacted] provide ** with a copy of the medical report needed to determine if it was medically necessary for her to return home early due to her illness.Please note payment in the amount of $222, 12 was issued to Ms. [redacted] on January 14, 2016 in reimbursement of her unused tours booked with [redacted].If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]

[redacted] I OF SAN DIEGO November 14, 2014
Claim Number: [redacted]
Policy Number: [redacted]
Travel Dates: November 14, 2014- November 22, 2014
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
GSA Travel Protection and...

Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel
protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms.
Ms. [redacted] booked a cruise and purchased the travel insurance plan on October 01,2014. She canceled the trip
on October 16, 2014, due to the death of a family member and expenses that she had Incurred due to that death.
The family member's death occurred on September 05, 2014.
The policy purchased provides benefits for a trip cancellation due to a family member death when the death occurs
while the policy is in effect "The following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip
to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is in effect under this Policy ... Covered Events: 1. The
Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member".
Coverage is also subject to the plan's GENERAL EXCLUSIONS:
"1. We will not pay for any loss under this Policy, caused by, or resulting !roms. a loss that results from an illness,
disease, or other condition, event or circumstance which occurs at a time when coverage Is not in effect for you".
The death of Ms. [redacted]'s family member occurred prior to the policy effective date and is, therefore, excluded
from coverage. Also, a cancellation due to financial circumstances is not one of the plan's Covered Events. As
such, we must reaffirm our denial of this claim.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email at
[email protected] or by FAX at (877) 300-8670.
Sr. Technical Claims Specialist
[redacted]/ Director of Claims

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated March 31, 2016, with additional information submitted by Mrs. [redacted].The Zika Virus is a public health risk in certain areas and we understand Mrs. [redacted]'s choice to cancel her trip. In order to qualify for Trip Cancellation Benefits under the travel insurance plan purchased, the reason for the trip cancellation must be one of the 21 Covered Events listed in the policy. The fear of contracting the Zika Virus is not one of the policy's Covered Events.We have not denied this claim due to a Pre-Existing Condition, nor have we quoted policy language regarding a Pre-Existing Condition. The claim was denied because there is no evidence of any Sickness that first commenced "while your coverage was in effect under the Policy, must require in-person treatment by a Physician, and must be so disabling in the written opinion of a Physician as to prevent you from taking your Trip".The plan does provide coverage for "Being unable to undergo a vaccination or inoculation, due to a medical reason, that is announced and published as required for entry into a country of destination after the effective date of your coverage. The vaccination or inoculation must be unannounced and unpublished to the public at the time your coverage is purchased."There is no indication that any vaccination or inoculation that is required to enter any of the countries where Mrs. [redacted] was scheduled to travel, were announced or published after the policy was purchased. Any vaccination requirements for entry into a country of their destination were already in place prior to the policy purchase. Mrs. [redacted] references travel to India, but based on the trip itinerary, they were not scheduled to travel to India during this trip. A Zika Virus vaccine is being worked on by Bharat Biotech International. It is a potential candidate for a vaccine that is entering clinical pre-trials in animals and will take months before human testing is conducted.We must reaffirm our decision that no benefits are payable for this claim. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted]. Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,[redacted] Claims Department [redacted] Ext. [redacted]

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated March 26, 2016, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] rented his property to Mr....

[redacted] with scheduled travel dates of January 15, 2016 to January 18, 2016. Mr. [redacted] purchased the travel insurance plan that provides coverage as follows: "If you occupy an Accommodation and you damage the real or personal property assigned to that Accommodation during the Trip, we will reimburse you the lesser of the cost of repairs or the cost to replace the property, up to the amount shown in the Schedule." 'We were provided with claim documentation showing that during the rental, doors and the walls were damaged, and a humidifier was broken. In order to issue payment to Mr. [redacted], we need the named insured, Mr. [redacted], to sign an Assignment of Benefits. We also need actual receipts and invoices from Mr. [redacted] to verify the cost of repairs. Upon receipt, we can continue processing the claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted] Please ensure the claim number is included with your response,Sincerely,[redacted] Sr. Technical Claims Specialist OF SAN DIEGOATTN: [redacted]Complainant: [redacted]Insured: [redacted]Claim Number: [redacted]Policy Number: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents [redacted] as theadministrator of the...

travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your emaildated June 22, 2015, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted].[redacted] rented a property from [redacted] with scheduled travel dates of May 22, 2015 toMay 25, 2015. The Property Damage Protection coverage was purchased on May 05, 2015 byMs. [redacted], who is the Insured under this plan. At that time the Description of Coverage, outliningthe plan's coverage and coverage restrictions, was emailed to Ms. [redacted].On May 27, 2015, we received claim documents from Ms. [redacted] indicating that Ms. [redacted] haddamaged linens during her stay at the rental property. The amount claimed for the purchase ofnew linens was $454.32. We were not provided with any photographs of the damaged propertythat was claimed. We contacted Ms. [redacted] to confirm that she had damaged the property. Ms.[redacted] denied causing the claimed damages.Under the heading "VACATION RENTAL DAMAGE COVERAGE" it states "If you occupy anAccommodation and you damage the real or personal property assigned to thatAccommodation during the Trip, we will reimburse you the lesser of the cost of repairs or theActual Cash Value of the property, up to the amount shown in the Schedule."Ms. [redacted] has denied responsibility for the damaged linens. This policy only pays for damagescaused by the Insured or their guests. Therefore, we are unable to provide benefits for thisclaim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at[redacted] or by FAX at [redacted].Sincerely, [redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Speciali tcc: [redacted] / Director of Claims
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
In his statement sent to, [redacted] Sr. Technical Claims Specialist of CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services claims that " The check issued to Ms. [redacted] for $1,640.86 represented payment for the cost of repairs and rental charges imposed by the rental Company (loss of use)." But I have not received a check for $1,640.86. Once that check arrives, I can settle my dispute.

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated 5/05/17, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted] booked a trip to Florida with scheduled...

travel dates of 12/29/16 to 111417. The travel insurance plan was purchased on 12/15/16. At that time a Policy Confirmation Letter and Description of Coverage, outlining the plan's coverage and coverage requirements, Were emailed to her. We received claim documentation from her on 1116/17, indicating that she had extended her trip in Florida until 1715/17, due to illness. A claim was submitted for additional hotel, rental car, and airline change fees. The claim was assigned to a representative on 1119/17, and on 1123, 17 an automated notification was emailed to Ms. [redacted] to let her know that the claim had been received and would be reviewed as soon as possible.The policy provides benefits for a trip interruption due to illness when certain requirements are met. As stated in the policy under the heading "TRIP INTERRUPTION BENEFITIf... you are unable to continue the Trip due to one of the unforeseeable Covered Events listed below that occur during your Trip dates to you or your Traveling Companion, We will reimburse you for the unused, non-refundable land or water arrangements prepaid to the Travel Supplier prior to departing on your Trip, less any refunds paid or payable, plus one of the following... Additional transportation expenses incurred for you to reach the final return destination of your Trip. . .Covered Events:1. The Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member, your Service Animal or yourTraveling Companion. The Sickness or Injury must first commence while your Trip Interruption coverage is in effect under the Policy, must require the in-person treatment by a Physician, and must be so disabling in the Written opinion of a Physician as to prevent you from taking your Trip".It does not appear that Ms. [redacted] called our office while she was on the Trip to review the requirements for a Trip Interruption due to illness. Ms. [redacted] has confirmed that she did not seek in-person treatment by a doctor for her illness as required by the policy. As policy requirements that would allow payment of the claim were not met, benefits were denied. We must abide by the terms and Conditions set forth in the policy when processing all claims. Therefore, we must again deny benefits for this claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at ###-###-####, by email at [email protected] or by FAX at ###-###-####. Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,[redacted] Sr. Technical Claims Specialist

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents [redacted] - U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated May 05, 2016, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] canceled his trip...

because his traveling companion, [redacted], was required to appear in Court as a party to a legal action. The policy provides benefits for trip cancellation only when the reason is one of the plan's listed Covered Events.As shown under the heading "TRIP CANCELLATION BENEFITBenefits will be paid if you are prevented from taking your Trip due to one of the following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is in effect under this Policy...5. Being required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action provided you, a Family Member or a Traveling Companion is not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer".As Ms. [redacted] was a party to the legal action, which required her to appear in court, we are unable to provide benefits for this claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted]. Please ensure the claim number is included with your response,Sincerely, [redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Specialist cc: [redacted] - U.S. Branch[redacted] / Director of Claims

Dear Ms. [redacted]:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents [redacted] as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your emaildated July 24, 2015, notifying us of the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted] made final payment...

for her cruise on April 22, 2015. The travel insurance planwas purchased on June 23, 2015, with a Trip Cancellation coverage effective date of June 24,2015. At that time a Policy Confirmation Letter and Description of Coverage, outlining the plan'scoverage and coverage restrictions, were emailed to her.According to the information Ms. [redacted] provided in her complaint, her grandmother washospitalized on June 22, 2015 and passed away on June 25, 2015. The death certificateindicates the medical condition that resulted in the patient's passing was present before thepolicy went into effectThe policy provides Trip Cancellation Benefits for "unforeseeable Covered Events that occurbefore departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is ineffect under this Policy."As shown under "Covered Events:1. The Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member, your Traveling Companion oryour Service Animal. The Sickness or Injury must first commence while your coverage is ineffect under the Policy".Coverage is also subject to the plan's "GENERAL EXCLUSIONS1. We will not pay for any loss under this Policy, caused by, or resulting froms. a loss thatresults from an illness, disease, or other condition, event or circumstance which occurs at a timewhen coverage is not in effect for you;t. any issue or event that could have been reasonably foreseen or expected when youpurchased the coverage."The medical condition that resulted in the patient's death was present prior to the policy goinginto effect. Therefore, we are unable to provide benefits for this claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at[redacted] or by FAX at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]cc: [redacted]

Dear Mr. [redacted]:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated 5/23/17, with additional information from Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] did provide us with a letter from his son's doctor regarding the illness that resulted in the cancellation of the trip. As explained in our previous response, we need Mr. [redacted] to provide us with a completed Patient Authorization Form, a completed Physician's Statement, proof of payment and refund for the trip, and an invoice and itinerary for the trip. These items were requested multiple times from Mr. [redacted] and are required to continue the review of his claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email at or by FAX at (877) 300-8670. Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely,[redacted] Sr. Technical Claims Specialist
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I do not want a check would like the money returned to the credit card used on the transaction also if this is an insurance why it took so long for the money to be retured believed this money should have been returned in an appropriate time. Please return money to credit card thank you.

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services is the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated May 12, 2016, with additional information provided by Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted] indicates that she did try to get an appointment to see her doctor for her medical condition. As indicated in our previous response, in order to qualify for Trip Cancellation benefits the policy states:"The Sickness or Injury must commence while coverage is in effect, require the examination by a Physician, in person, at the time of Trip Cancellation or delay and, in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to prevent you from taking your Trip or delay your arrival on your Trip."According to our telephone call to Dr. [redacted]'s office, Ms. [redacted] has not been seen in-person at their facility during 2016. As such, there is no medical documentation to substantiate her claim. We are unable to reimburse her for her loss.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted]. Please ensure the claim number is included with your response.Sincerely, [redacted] Sr. Technical Claims Specialistcc: [redacted] / Director of Claims OF SAN DIEGO June 05, 2015ATTN: [redacted]Complaint ID Number: [redacted]Claim Number: [redacted]Policy Number: [redacted]Travel Dates: April22, 2015- May 10,2015Dear Ms. Govas:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents [redacted]h as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your emaildated June 02, 2015, regarding additional information submitted by Mr. [redacted] for review.Mr. [redacted] states that he found no place in the insurance contract that indicates not having avisa is a reason for non-payment of a claim. Mr. [redacted] also feels that at least a refund of$300.00 for the insurance cost of [redacted] should be reimbursed to him.A trip cancellation claim was filed for Traveling Companion [redacted]. Ms.[redacted] did not obtain the visa required to enter England and was unable to take thescheduled trip.The Travel Insurance Policy purchased by Mr. [redacted] only provides Trip Cancellation Benefitsfor a loss caused by one of the 21 Covered Events specifically listed in the plan. None of theplan's Covered Events provides coverage for the failure to obtain the necessary traveldocuments for a trip.The plan does offer the opportunity for a premium refund as shown: "10-DAY RIGHT TOEXAMINE YOUR POLICY- If you are not satisfied for any reason, you may cancel coverageunder the Policy within 10 days after receipt. Your premium payment will be refunded, providedthat there has been no incurred covered expense and you have not left on your Trip. Return thePolicy to us at the Program Administrators office or our authorized agent. When so returned, thePolicy is void from the beginning. After this 1 0-day period, the payment for this coverage isnonrefundable."The 10-day free look period expired on July 09, 2014. Therefore, we are unable to provide apremium refund. The trip cancellation claim filed because Ms. [redacted] did not have therequired travel documents is not one of the plan's Trip Cancellation Covered Events that wouldallow payment of the claim.A copy of the Policy Confirmation Letter and Travel Insurance Policy are enclosed for yourreview.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at[redacted] or by FAX at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Specialiscc: [redacted] I Director of Claims

February 24, OF SAN DIEGOATTN: [redacted]4747 VIEWRIDGE AVE #200SAN DIEGO, CA 92123Nathan [redacted]Claim Number: [redacted]Policy Number: [redacted]Travel Dates: September 01, 2014 - September 07, 2014Dear Ms. [redacted]:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services...

represents Generali Assicurazioni GeneraliS.P.A. (U.S. Branch) as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was selected. We arein receipt of your email dated February 17, 2015, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted].We have reevaluated the claim and determined that coverage can be afforded. The file will bereopened to process the payment.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email [email protected] or by FAX at (877) 300-8670.Sincerely,[redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Specialistcc: Generali Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. (U.S. Branch)[redacted] / Director of ClaimsThese plans are administered by CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services. Services areprovided through GSA's designated providers. Travel Insurance is Underwritten by: Generali U.S.Branch, New York, New York; NAIC # 11231 (all states except as otherwise noted) underPolicy/Certificate Form series T001. California is Underwritten by Generali Assicurazioni GeneraliS.P.A. (U.S. Branch), Colorado is Underwritten by Assicurazioni Generali- U.S. Branch, Oregon isUnderwritten by Generali U.S. Branch DBA The General Insurance Company of Trieste & Venice,and Virginia is Underwritten by The Generali Insurance Company of Trieste and Venice- U.S.Branch.
The emails I sent into the office clearly are date and time stamped. Roofer has the wrong date. The evidence is all on the documents of my call and text to my builder as well as travel agent. I really dont have time to go back and forth over dates when I have copies of all of my documents including date work was completed and reported.  I love the statement this was foreseen. Wasn't quite sure I was a meteorologist. I purchased insurance at the last minute, due to traveling remains to [redacted] for my family and not being sure when I would be able to make the trip. I also see nothing about the flooding in my area which was requested as well. I as well submitted. We are getting no where, I'm requesting arbitration so that we can move on. This is the worst company I have ever dealt with and am tired of the continuous emails to no avail. There is no need to contact me directly to discuss, we have been discussing for several months. I'm not sure why you are contacting me directly, please refrain and go through the, if we could have worked together I wouldn't have had to contact the Thanks

CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your emaildated January 29, 2015, with additional information provided by Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted] has notified you that she contacted a Phoenix area television station in regard toher complaint. We were contacted and did respond directly to the station. Our coveragedetermination did not change, and no benefits are payable for this claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 541-3522, by email [email protected] or by FAX at (877) 300-8670.Sincerely,[redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Specialist

December 15, 2014[redacted] OF SAN DIEGO4747 VIEWRIDGE AVE #200SAN DIEGO, CA 92123[redacted]Travel Dates: October 13, 2014- October 24, 2014Dear [redacted]:CSA Travel Protection and Insurance...

Services represents Generali U.S. Branch as theadministrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your emaildated December 10,2014, notifying us of the complaint filed by [redacted] booked a rental property in St. Croix and purchased the travel protection plan onApril18, 2014. At that time, the Description of Coverage outlining the plan's coverage andcoverage restrictions was emailed to [redacted]According to the information provided, the property manager of the rental contacted [redacted] and told him he should make alternate vacation plans. The property manager said thatthe rental unit was in the path of Hurricane Gonzalo and would not have power.In order to qualify for trip cancellation benefits, the reason for the cancellation must be one ofthe Covered Events listed in the policy. As shown in the policy under the heading TripCancellation Benefit Rider- Covered Events:"8. A mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisement in geographic areas whereno mandatory evacuation orders are issued by government authorities) at your destination dueto adverse weather or natural disasters. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30calendar days after the evacuation order is issued. In order to cancel your Trip, you must have 4days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuationends".There is no evidence of a mandatory evacuation or public official evacuation advisement in St.Croix due to the hurricane. Coverage is also subject to the plan's General Exclusions, "Thefollowing exclusion applies to the Trip Cancellation and Travel Delay coverages: a. failure of anytour operator, Common Carrier, or other travel supplier, person or agency to provide thebargained-for travel arrangements other than Financial Insolvency."The cancellation was not due to one of the plan's Covered Events, and the property managertold [redacted] not to come to the property, thereby failing to provide the bargained-for travelarrangements. As such, we must reaffirm our original decision that no benefits are payable forthis claim.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted] by email at[redacted] or by FAX a[redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]Sr. Technical Claims Specialistcc: General US Branch[redacted] Director of Claims

Dear Ms. [redacted].CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services represents [redacted] as the administrator of the travel protection plan that was purchased. We are in receipt of your email dated December 01, 2015, notifying us of the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted].The underwriter has reviewed...

this matter and approved payment of the claim as a good will customer service gesture. The claim will be reopened and payment issued shortly to Mr. [redacted] for the $65.00 medical expense.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [redacted], by email at [redacted] or by FAX at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]cc: [redacted] / [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

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Address: 9116 W Bowles Ave Ste 15, Littleton, Colorado, United States, 80123-3477


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