INTERNET SCAM: When attempting to log into google e-mail, a screen looking very much like official G-Mail asked that my user ID and password be changed for better Google security. Having done that, when I entered e-mail, all my e-mail was gone, as well as in Trash/Recycle. Sending e-mail to G Team AT Google was not helpful as they did not respond to individual issues on their non-reply .address. I searched for "how to retrieve google- e-mail" with many sites offering advice. One site was labled as Google customer service and I telephoned that number (855 337 8061) with no response. On Google message appeared from, apparentley, customer service "Fix My Computer" appeared from "Geek Box." (888-433-5269) Their (Geek) rep told me I had malware infection and that my Norton Util. program did not have malware protections.. My computer needed to be 'swept" and MalwareBytes installed. Geek Box prices ranged from about $40 per month to one-time fee of about $500. When I questioned their credibility, the rep told me they were approved by Better Bujsiness Bureau and I should check with The rep also advised me to use a credit card so if they (Geek Box) were not legitimate, I could contest their charges with bank.. I left my decsion open but did unfortunately provide a cred card #. The website Geek Box uses to control computer is www.GBX.LA and this caused nearly 2,000 "events' to run on my PC when they accessed it from their above website. I was told my files were corrupted and there was malware infection. The rest of my day consisted of notifying financial accounts and changing l passwords. My computer was shut down until. Norton Utilities erased all the files Geek Box installed. Norton advised that they had many similar reports and it was being investigated by Symantec. First tasks after Norton assistance was to cancel the scam e-mail address that Geek Box had manipulated and installed on my google e-mail sign=in page.
I am sorry that I cannot provide examples of internet content from Geek Box, but main priority was to shut down the scam website and protect my valid website. My e mail was apparently compromised by Geek Box which caused opening a new Google account which they controlled.. I will look for anything identified as Geek Box left on PC and if yes, will e-mail to Perhaps Google can be of help with this.
Since Geek Box is using to attempt to convince victims of their credibility, I thought should know. This scam has been truly a big problem to correct. I hope you can let potential victims know about experience with Geek Box. and help others. My family's advice: never respond to FIX MY COMPUTER. offers. Thank you
INTERNET SCAM: When attempting to log into google e-mail, a screen looking very much like official G-Mail asked that my user ID and password be changed for better Google security. Having done that, when I entered e-mail, all my e-mail was gone, as well as in Trash/Recycle. Sending e-mail to G Team AT Google was not helpful as they did not respond to individual issues on their non-reply .address. I searched for "how to retrieve google- e-mail" with many sites offering advice. One site was labled as Google customer service and I telephoned that number (855 337 8061) with no response. On Google message appeared from, apparentley, customer service "Fix My Computer" appeared from "Geek Box." (888-433-5269) Their (Geek) rep told me I had malware infection and that my Norton Util. program did not have malware protections.. My computer needed to be 'swept" and MalwareBytes installed. Geek Box prices ranged from about $40 per month to one-time fee of about $500. When I questioned their credibility, the rep told me they were approved by Better Bujsiness Bureau and I should check with The rep also advised me to use a credit card so if they (Geek Box) were not legitimate, I could contest their charges with bank.. I left my decsion open but did unfortunately provide a cred card #. The website Geek Box uses to control computer is www.GBX.LA and this caused nearly 2,000 "events' to run on my PC when they accessed it from their above website. I was told my files were corrupted and there was malware infection. The rest of my day consisted of notifying financial accounts and changing l passwords. My computer was shut down until. Norton Utilities erased all the files Geek Box installed. Norton advised that they had many similar reports and it was being investigated by Symantec. First tasks after Norton assistance was to cancel the scam e-mail address that Geek Box had manipulated and installed on my google e-mail sign=in page.
I am sorry that I cannot provide examples of internet content from Geek Box, but main priority was to shut down the scam website and protect my valid website. My e mail was apparently compromised by Geek Box which caused opening a new Google account which they controlled.. I will look for anything identified as Geek Box left on PC and if yes, will e-mail to Perhaps Google can be of help with this.
Since Geek Box is using to attempt to convince victims of their credibility, I thought should know. This scam has been truly a big problem to correct. I hope you can let potential victims know about experience with Geek Box. and help others. My family's advice: never respond to FIX MY COMPUTER. offers. Thank you