Freedom Walk In Tubs & Showers Inc Reviews (6)
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Freedom Walk In Tubs & Showers Inc Rating
Address: 501 E Main St Unit A, Purcellville, Virginia, United States, 20132-3172
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From: Tara S
*Date: Fri, Dec 16, at 5:PMSubject: Re: cid *** / *** ***To: *** *** Mrs***,While Freedom Walk In Tubs regrets that any damages have been sustained, we would like you to know we have been
*Freedom WaTubsOperations DirectorCustomer Relations Director###-###-#### Operator Assisted Line###-###-#### Direct Office Line
working to resolve this issue, and would like to get it taken care of. We advised MrsHardy that per our contract, in the event of any damages, the customer agrees to allow us to try resolving any issues before a third party contractor is brought in. On 9/7/her email denied the same installer returning to her home, and she stated she would let us know when she was available. Approximately 9/16/she called in asking for a mailing address for a packet of paperwork to be sent. We provided that information. During this conversation she stated (in reference to the installer that did her initial work), "...that man will not enter my house, and will not touch one more thing in my home." We then offered to send out another installer to correct the issues, and her statement was, "I have my own guys, and my own estimates." She did, then, send us a packet of her obtained estimates It was not 11/29/that we were able to reach her. Multiple attempts had been made. The owner of the company was able to talk to her via phone, and again reiterated that per our contract we need the opportunity to return to her home and make the necessary repairs. That we do not jump straight to third party contractors being authorized. She, reluctantly, agreed to have our installer reach out to her regarding the matter. She did, however, state that she may or may not choose to answer his calls. As of 12/7/we have followed up with our installer, whom is ready to resolve this matter reasonably. He has tried to both call and email this customer, but there has been no response from her. He will continue to try reaching her to get this matter cleared up. Thank you,Tara S
*** *** spoke with Tara, in our office, the morning of June 26th at approximately 9:pm. Our offices open at 9:am, and due to a high call volume this morning this was the earliest we could speak with her. *** *** did have a family emergency that prevented us from
scheduling her installation last week. We understood that, and were more than happy to accommodate her timeline. When Tara spoke with her this morning she apologized for the issue with the phone lines and voicemail not kicking in. Tara then went on to schedule her installation for this coming Wednesday (June 28th). Tara advised her of the crew's arrival time, as is customary upon scheduling with us. She voiced concern of the validity of that appointment, and Tara assured her we would be there ready to install her tub. When asked, Tara advised that install could take 1-days to complete per company policy.*** *** voiced concern over our website and the phone systems not working again. Again, Tara advised she would follow up with our website developer, and call the company our phone service is through to rectify any issues we may have been experiencing. Upon verification of both systems being functional, and resolution of an issue with the company voicemail, it has been determined that the customer's internet security or firewall may be over sensitive. Should a customer's firewall or security levels be set too sensitively, some websites may be blocked from loading or may not load in their entirety.In regards to the $payment drafted from *** ***'s credit card on June 21st: this was the deposit made on the purchase of the tub. It is clearly listed as such on her purchase contract signed by *** ***. It is always policy that deposits draft and clear prior to the ordering of product. In this case, we had stock available, so the deposit had to be received prior to scheduling installation. This deposit was authorized when our purchase contract was signed. Per our contract her remaining balance is due in full upon completion of her installation on June 28th.As Tara stated on the pone with *** *** this morning, we are a legitimate company. We are trying to get her product to her in the most efficient way possible. We had not been aware of any technical issues, but thanks to *** *** bringing these to our attention they have been resolved
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I Send you copy of contract not sign if Travis was there with my mom and dad when he sign only thing he sign was check and paper said he gave $500 then a paper that was for job that said satisfactory with was not and dad told them but [redacted] said it was for him not happy to sign so if they got contract sign I think they copy it from one of those three paper then for there response to complaint they talk to me Travis not day they got rude to me so I yell at them and they still didn't answer where the permit to do work and where was license plumber and know she said we getting it for free I sending you pic of mistake they did state of flu business.
Tell us why here...On 7/29/17 M[redacted] entered into an agreement with Freedom Walk In Tubs for the purchase of a gold edition walk in tub (dual jet system, upgraded package), and a new 50 gallon water heater, for a specialty price. On 8/2/17 our offices called to confirm this order,...
and the customer stated he would like our representative to return to his home and clarify his order. Upon return to customer’s home we provided him with a free upgrade to the top of the line platinum edition walk in tub and a 50 gallon water heater. He not only signed the contract, but also applied for financing of this project through the financial company we partner with. At the time of signing he gave us a small deposit. No other residents were included on this contract.Upon first confirmation of upgraded order (8/2/17) with M[redacted], he authorized the details of his platinum tub with 50 gallon water heater and contract details. We moved forward with his order. He stated that they were excited for the project, would like installation between 7/31/17 and 8/4/17. The office explained that due to installer availability, and installs already on the schedule, the soonest we could accommodate him was on 8/9/17. This date was much faster than our typical 3-6 week timeline. [redacted] then proceeded to get on the phone and accuse us of “playing foolish games” with them. The office clarified with both Mr. and [redacted] that the representatives do not know the install schedule, and we were booked up, but our soonest available opening was 8/9/17 and we would be happy to do their install on that day. At this time [redacted] became upset and yelled that they may not move forward at all, and hung up the phone.A manager reached out to M[redacted] on 8/3/17 to re-attempt confirmation. Appoximately 1:35pm, management confirmed the details of his contract: 3052 Platinum upgrade (free from gold package), right drain, install on Wednesday 8/9/17, 50 gallon water heater being supplied and installed, financing secured for remaining balance. M[redacted] authorized this job, and we moved forward. As is policy, we sent his financial documents prior to [redacted] job date. M[redacted] then made a call to the representative stating the payments were higher than he expected. He wanted payments to meet his target price. Upon review our office discovered that the documents had been initially generated based off of a $2000.00 deposit, but when a lower deposit amount was gathered the higher payment amount resulted ($19.00 over the target monthly amount). The office reached out to [redacted] regarding the payments. Our office explained that had he made a more significant down payment he would have been able to meet his target payment, but due to the smaller amount being submitted for deposit his terms ended up being $19.00 per month higher. The customer said to go ahead and send him a revised copy of his paperwork. Or office resent the new financial documents to him overnight delivery on 8/7/17.Install proceeded on 8/9/17 as scheduled. [redacted] were both home and met our crews. Installation completion forms were signed by M[redacted] upon completion, and submitted to us by our installation team. On 8/10/17 M[redacted]’s son called into our customer support line. He was extremely rude, using crass language, to our representative threatening legal action against our company. He states that he believes our company is not a true company, that the installer is “illegal”, and the payments are still too high on the financing documents. Our office representative advised that due to the son not being on the contract, we would need to speak to [redacted] (our contracted customer) regarding this issue. At this point the son became highly irritated, and belligerent. Per policy this call was escalated to the management team. Approximately 12:37 pm on 8/10/17, management reached out to M[redacted] (our customer) via phone. Management clarified with M[redacted] that we can not discuss his project or contract with anybody not included in his contract, and in this case [redacted] is the only contracted customer regarding his purchase. Management stated that M[redacted] could have turned away our installation crew prior to work beginning if there had been any questions, or rescheduled their job if they had wanted to. M[redacted] stated he is disabled, and wanted his tub, so he authorized the demo to start on the scheduled installation date of 8/9/17. He stated he wanted the tub right away. Per M[redacted] on this call: installation was completed, but now he states that the financial paperwork is (again) incorrect. He states at this point that the length of time he has been in his home is incorrect. He states, at this time, that he has not been in his home 2 years 1 month per his original loan application. Residency in this home has only been 2 months. He then states again that the payment being $19.00 higher than his target is an issue. Management advised that we had focused on getting their product in as fast as possible per M[redacted]’s request. Management also offered an alternative option for resolution. Since M[redacted] seemed so dis-satisfied, and his son so upset, management offered to send a crew to his home and remove the products we sold to him (that they have not paid for), so that he could find another company to purchase from that may be able to satisfy his needs better. M[redacted] states he does not want to exercise this option. Approximately 2:37pm, 8/10/17, M[redacted]’s son, again, called into our customer support line. Management was in a meeting, so our representative offered to take a message for him. The son proceeds to leave an extremely threatening and rude message including foul language, open threats, and wild accusations against several employees of our company, and the companies we partner with. He states that they are not paying for anything.Approximately 2:39 pm, 8/10/17, the son called again, more irritated than before. Our representative states she can hardly understand him through the shouting and poor language in her report to management. From what she can gather he is extremely irritated that we reached out to his father, M[redacted] (our contracted customer). He then refuses to allow our representative to speak to him, and states the contract is involving the son because he’s the one paying for the purchase. However, paperwork from this sale does not reflect the son’s information on the contract, finance application, or other documents. It is in this capacity that he is not our “contracted customer”. Our representative advises the son to look over the documents that only have his father’s information as a contracted customer. The son hangs up on our representative at this time.On 8/16/17, in an effort to further support M[redacted]’s purchase of a tub and hot water heater, Freedom Walk In Tubs discounted his purchase in the amount of $1,500.00 to get his payment not only at his target monthly amount, but under his target monthly amount. The sales representative then reached out to M[redacted] to schedule a return visit to get the new loan documents signed to close out their purchase. Again, M[redacted]’s son called our customer support line. He, again, was rude and belligerent. He becomes aggressive and yells at our representative that the police will be called and charges of harassment will be filed if any representative of our company comes to the house. Shouts that they are not paying for this tub, that they will get it for free. Goes on to make more outrageous claims of new damages. When asked to supply proof of damages he becomes further irritated and states he is under no obligation to supply us with that. In light of this call, management decides to try one more time and send physical documents to M[redacted]’s home. The packet sent to M[redacted] (our customer) includes a letter from us stating we would like to work this out with him, and that we have included the adjusted financial paperwork. Also states that this is an attempt to collect monies owed to us per our contracted agreement for products already delivered, and should they choose to ignore this request we will have to pursue this matter further.On 8/31/17 the owner of the company receives a voicemail from M[redacted]’s son stating they are reviewing the paperwork, and have the “senior protection agency” looking it over- that they do not want to be taken advantage of.On approximately 9/5/17, the owner of the company again got a phone call from M[redacted]’s son. On this call the son stated that there was no way they were going to pay anything regarding this purchase. That they have us, that the owner can “go F---" himself. Again, our attempt to collect payment for services and products already delivered was met with belligerent, disrespectful language and the statement that they are going to get a free tub and water heater. All attempts we have made to support this customer and collect a contracted debt have been met with obscene language and wild, unsupported accusations about our company and our partners.In addition, it later came to our sales representative’s attention that they have had success in avoiding payments for other services and products rendered (regarding their home) by causing issues with other companies. A statement was made to our representative that they will get these products for free, that they have accomplished this before. As of today (9/13/17), no payment has been made, no agreement to pay has been reached, and no further communication has been attempted on the part of M[redacted]. We continue to want to resolve the matter of payment and complete this transaction. We have completed installation in their home, they are enjoying our products, and they have not paid for any of those products or services rendered.
We have communicated directly with our customer regarding this issue, and the matter has been resolved. Thank you for your assistance.