Complaint ID: 11017292Date Filed: 12/29/15Nature of Complaint: Contract IssuesMs***,Per our telephone conversation of January 15, her is my written response to the complaint that you have received along with supporting documentation, with additional documentation from us upon request, from the trainer who evaluated the puppy, known as Polar, on the date of the return as well as the telephone company I have addressed the document that you provided to me line by line for your convenienceMs [redacted] states that she and her family adopted the puppy This is incorrectMs [redacted] adopted the puppy as per the contract provided Her husband did not sign any documents thus making her the adopter of the puppy.Ms [redacted] states that the puppy had a severe case of separation anxiety and describes a violent bite I have [redacted] information, by a legitimate source, of exactly what separation anxiety is and what happens Furthermore, during my telephone conversation with Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt, who called me for Ms [redacted] : Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt and later during that same conversation Ms [redacted] , stated that the husband of Ms [redacted] had a treat curled up in his hand while attempting to “train” the puppy It is our educated belief that the puppy nipped her husband in attempt to retrieve the treat It is our educated belief that the husband is an inexperienced trainer, although had good intentions and did not understand the reaction of a puppy attempting to get a treat.Puppy separation anxiety isn't uncommonAccording to veterinary about fourteen percent of pet dogs seen in veterinary clinics suffer from problems being left alonePuppies adopted before eight weeks of age, mixed breeds and pups adopted from shelters are at highest risk.Affected puppies feel over-attachment to one or more family members.Problems develop when the amount of time you spend with the pet changesPuppies learn to become comfortable with their new routine, and a change in routine perhaps due to kids returning to school, your new job, new dog introduction or baby can cause puppy stress.What Is Separation Anxiety?Animal behaviorists recently have begun to use different terms to describe the condition.That’s because not all dogs become anxious when left alone, although they do act outSeparation distress doesn’t necessarily mean the pup feels anxious and probably is a more accurate description of dogs displaying separation behaviors.Separation behaviors encompass a whole range of activities that might take place as a result of the puppy being left aloneMany times, dogs act out because they’re stressed or anxious at the owner’s absence.But some behaviorists suggest that separation behaviors such as emptying your sock drawer or chewing up the toilet paper may arise out of boredomThis could be the canine equivalent of a teenager left alone by parents, and throwing a partyAbout the only way you can tell the difference is to set up a video camera while you are gone, and have it looked at by a behaviorist to see if the dog shows anxious behavior or simply appears to have a good time disemboweling the sofa cushions.What Are Separation Behaviors?The puppy follows you around the house and becomes increasingly upset as you prepare to leaveWhen left alone, affected pups act anxious or distressed, often become extremely vocal, and sometimes forget house trainingThey may destroy property either to escape or as a way to relieve stress.Many pups with separation anxiety target personal itemsFor instance, they chew up your shoes or a favorite purseThey aren’t retaliating for being left alone Because these items smell like you, that can trigger anxiety that prompts destructive displacement behaviorsPuppies may also seek out objects that smell like you because your scent comforts them.In a similar fashion, pups may forget potty trainingOlder pups might even decide to mark with urine or defecate on something that smells like their ownerThis isn’t to get back at you, but instead is the pup’s attempt to self-calm.The adoption fee is nonrefundable per the contract signed by Ms [redacted] , unless there is an illness that would result in death This is a standard contract amongst most rescues.We requested on numerous occasions for the vets name and proof of vet visit and statement regarding separation anxiety This was NOT provided We were informed by Ms [redacted] that she would only give it to us once she was given her money.We requested that Ms [redacted] take the puppy to a certified trainer/dog handler and that if she wanted to take her to the trainer at [redacted] we would pay for it This trainer is NOT one of OUR people, so to speakShe is employed by [redacted] and is a licensed trainer.The statement that we are not responding to emails from Ms [redacted] is incorrectThe complaint filed on 12/29/and we have documentation that we responded to her as late at the 31st of December.There is no issue with the puppy and continues not to be an issue The issue was with the adopter who, in our opinion, had ulterior motives for obtaining the puppy other than that of for their family and/or were not able to handle a small child and an week old puppy Both requiring a lot of attention and training.There is no proof that a vet stated that we knew about an issue such as Ms [redacted] claims We stand firm that there was and is no issue with this puppy.The statement we do not care about our animals at all is slanderous and defamatory and without merit It is a feeble attempt of Ms [redacted] to extort money from our organization because her husband and herself were unable to handle the responsibility of being pet owners In fact, Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt stated, when she returned the puppy to us, that Ms [redacted] should probably stick to cats since she has such a young childWe did indeed ask about the health of the puppy on more than one occasion and Ms [redacted] become combative on the phone and via email including calling us “mns” thus we ceased communication with her after the return of the puppy by her auntPuppies, all puppies, have worms, we have provided proof that the puppy was wormed on two occasions We informed Ms [redacted] , and IF she went to a vet they would have told her the same, puppies need to be wormed more than once or twice.No issues were hidden and Ms [redacted] when she picked the puppy up placed the puppy in a shopping cart with her child and was more than elated, as was the child Video can be obtained of the pick up if the needs it.Ms [redacted] contradicts herself, she states that we did not respond to her and yet in one of her last comments states that emails were saved.Consumer Resolution:Ms [redacted] has returned the puppy and will not be receiving a refund as she signed our contract and is bound by that by law There is nothing wrong with or was wrong with the puppy.AS for the money for vetting it is required by contract to take the puppy to the vet besides what type of pet owner doesn’t take a dog/puppy to the vet normally? This is an expense every pet owner inoccurs Crates are what we recommend to all adopters, thus an expense of the adopterRepairs to the puppy, the puppy was not in need of repairs nor was the puppy repairedOUR DESIRED RESOLUTION:That this fictitious complaint be closed and found to be false.EXHIBIT ONE:Health and Temperament Form clearly states the obvious of our refund policy as well as any other issuesThis document is signed by Ms [redacted] .EXHIBIT TWO: Pages 1-4Page 1We instruct each and every adopter to read each line and initial each line to indicate that they agree and understand the item Ms [redacted] initialed each and every line Line 3: Clearly states that we are not selling a puppy and they are not purchasing a puppy that they are adopting and that there is NO REFUND unless it is terminally ill.Line 4: States that the adopter must take the pet to a vet within days and provide us with proof Ms [redacted] did not.Line 6: States that the adoption is a lifetime commitment and that the adopter will not give up on the adopted pet for any reason other than terminal illness or severe aggression NONE of which is the case in this situationPage 2Line 7: states that the adopter agrees to assume all responsibility of pet including but not limited to behavior changes (although we do not believe that there are any aggression/behavior issues).Line 8: Adopter failed to provide this information as wellLine 10: Advises of possible behavior issues including destructiveness and variety of other issues and that she was advised of crate training and such Page 3Line 1: Agreement initialed by Ms [redacted] that she must return the pet to us if no longer wants Ms [redacted] indeed attempted, along with her husband, to sell the puppy, days after they adopted the puppy and numerous days before attempting to contact us about any issues with the puppy.Line 4: States that adopter agrees not to give the puppy to anyone, yet they attempted to sell the puppy.Line The fact that she agrees to pay the sum of for attempting to sell/giveaway the pet without our permission.Line 6: Failure to abide by the contract results in the return of this pet to our organization We have the permission of the adopter to reclaim the pet WITHOUT MONETARY COMPENSATION.Line 7: Release of liability for items purchased/damages caused as well as no implied or stated warranties.Page 4Line 1: Agreement to this contract and its pages as well as a signature by Ms [redacted] .EXHIBIT THREE:The proof that the dog was wormed prior to her adopting (on two occasions)EXHIBIT FOUREmail of December 30, is a response to a statement that Ms [redacted] published online about our organization Communication ceased after this hostile email was received by our company.Email correspondences dated Dec Which shows that Ms [redacted] is not being forthright in her statement that we have not responded to her Infact, we ceased responding to her due to her hostile emails These emails show that we offered to pay for training evaluation The email also shows that Ms [redacted] on Dec at 2:states in her email to us that we are not to blame for the alleged issues and that she didn’t want full money back, now in an email/letter to you she contradicts herself yet again.On Dec 29th at 2:Ms [redacted] states that she thinks the dog would be better for someone who doesn’t have a small childThus further reinforcing our belief that having both a puppy and a small child at home is the real motivating factor for the return of the puppy not aggression.EXHIBIT FIVE:An email received from the new adopter of this puppy, clearly stating that she has not had any issues with this pup This puppy was adopted approxdays ago.EXHIBIT SIX: [redacted] posting on dec 26th on Mr [redacted] ’s page stating that they are trying to sell the puppy, clearly in violation of our contract At this time no one had made any contact with us about any issues with the puppy If you read the comments and Mr [redacted] ’s response that the issue is the dogs energyHe states nothing about aggression It is an week old puppy and as you can see from the current adopter, she has a lot of energy, which is par for the breed.In closing we have many many more items that we could submit to you should you need them
Complaint ID: 11017292Date Filed: 12/29/15Nature of Complaint: Contract IssuesMs***,Per our telephone conversation of January 15, her is my written response to the complaint that you have received along with supporting documentation, with additional documentation from us upon request, from the trainer who evaluated the puppy, known as Polar, on the date of the return as well as the telephone company I have addressed the document that you provided to me line by line for your convenienceMs [redacted] states that she and her family adopted the puppy This is incorrectMs [redacted] adopted the puppy as per the contract provided Her husband did not sign any documents thus making her the adopter of the puppy.Ms [redacted] states that the puppy had a severe case of separation anxiety and describes a violent bite I have [redacted] information, by a legitimate source, of exactly what separation anxiety is and what happens Furthermore, during my telephone conversation with Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt, who called me for Ms [redacted] : Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt and later during that same conversation Ms [redacted] , stated that the husband of Ms [redacted] had a treat curled up in his hand while attempting to “train” the puppy It is our educated belief that the puppy nipped her husband in attempt to retrieve the treat It is our educated belief that the husband is an inexperienced trainer, although had good intentions and did not understand the reaction of a puppy attempting to get a treat.Puppy separation anxiety isn't uncommonAccording to veterinary about fourteen percent of pet dogs seen in veterinary clinics suffer from problems being left alonePuppies adopted before eight weeks of age, mixed breeds and pups adopted from shelters are at highest risk.Affected puppies feel over-attachment to one or more family members.Problems develop when the amount of time you spend with the pet changesPuppies learn to become comfortable with their new routine, and a change in routine perhaps due to kids returning to school, your new job, new dog introduction or baby can cause puppy stress.What Is Separation Anxiety?Animal behaviorists recently have begun to use different terms to describe the condition.That’s because not all dogs become anxious when left alone, although they do act outSeparation distress doesn’t necessarily mean the pup feels anxious and probably is a more accurate description of dogs displaying separation behaviors.Separation behaviors encompass a whole range of activities that might take place as a result of the puppy being left aloneMany times, dogs act out because they’re stressed or anxious at the owner’s absence.But some behaviorists suggest that separation behaviors such as emptying your sock drawer or chewing up the toilet paper may arise out of boredomThis could be the canine equivalent of a teenager left alone by parents, and throwing a partyAbout the only way you can tell the difference is to set up a video camera while you are gone, and have it looked at by a behaviorist to see if the dog shows anxious behavior or simply appears to have a good time disemboweling the sofa cushions.What Are Separation Behaviors?The puppy follows you around the house and becomes increasingly upset as you prepare to leaveWhen left alone, affected pups act anxious or distressed, often become extremely vocal, and sometimes forget house trainingThey may destroy property either to escape or as a way to relieve stress.Many pups with separation anxiety target personal itemsFor instance, they chew up your shoes or a favorite purseThey aren’t retaliating for being left alone Because these items smell like you, that can trigger anxiety that prompts destructive displacement behaviorsPuppies may also seek out objects that smell like you because your scent comforts them.In a similar fashion, pups may forget potty trainingOlder pups might even decide to mark with urine or defecate on something that smells like their ownerThis isn’t to get back at you, but instead is the pup’s attempt to self-calm.The adoption fee is nonrefundable per the contract signed by Ms [redacted] , unless there is an illness that would result in death This is a standard contract amongst most rescues.We requested on numerous occasions for the vets name and proof of vet visit and statement regarding separation anxiety This was NOT provided We were informed by Ms [redacted] that she would only give it to us once she was given her money.We requested that Ms [redacted] take the puppy to a certified trainer/dog handler and that if she wanted to take her to the trainer at [redacted] we would pay for it This trainer is NOT one of OUR people, so to speakShe is employed by [redacted] and is a licensed trainer.The statement that we are not responding to emails from Ms [redacted] is incorrectThe complaint filed on 12/29/and we have documentation that we responded to her as late at the 31st of December.There is no issue with the puppy and continues not to be an issue The issue was with the adopter who, in our opinion, had ulterior motives for obtaining the puppy other than that of for their family and/or were not able to handle a small child and an week old puppy Both requiring a lot of attention and training.There is no proof that a vet stated that we knew about an issue such as Ms [redacted] claims We stand firm that there was and is no issue with this puppy.The statement we do not care about our animals at all is slanderous and defamatory and without merit It is a feeble attempt of Ms [redacted] to extort money from our organization because her husband and herself were unable to handle the responsibility of being pet owners In fact, Ms [redacted] ’s Aunt stated, when she returned the puppy to us, that Ms [redacted] should probably stick to cats since she has such a young childWe did indeed ask about the health of the puppy on more than one occasion and Ms [redacted] become combative on the phone and via email including calling us “mns” thus we ceased communication with her after the return of the puppy by her auntPuppies, all puppies, have worms, we have provided proof that the puppy was wormed on two occasions We informed Ms [redacted] , and IF she went to a vet they would have told her the same, puppies need to be wormed more than once or twice.No issues were hidden and Ms [redacted] when she picked the puppy up placed the puppy in a shopping cart with her child and was more than elated, as was the child Video can be obtained of the pick up if the needs it.Ms [redacted] contradicts herself, she states that we did not respond to her and yet in one of her last comments states that emails were saved.Consumer Resolution:Ms [redacted] has returned the puppy and will not be receiving a refund as she signed our contract and is bound by that by law There is nothing wrong with or was wrong with the puppy.AS for the money for vetting it is required by contract to take the puppy to the vet besides what type of pet owner doesn’t take a dog/puppy to the vet normally? This is an expense every pet owner inoccurs Crates are what we recommend to all adopters, thus an expense of the adopterRepairs to the puppy, the puppy was not in need of repairs nor was the puppy repairedOUR DESIRED RESOLUTION:That this fictitious complaint be closed and found to be false.EXHIBIT ONE:Health and Temperament Form clearly states the obvious of our refund policy as well as any other issuesThis document is signed by Ms [redacted] .EXHIBIT TWO: Pages 1-4Page 1We instruct each and every adopter to read each line and initial each line to indicate that they agree and understand the item Ms [redacted] initialed each and every line Line 3: Clearly states that we are not selling a puppy and they are not purchasing a puppy that they are adopting and that there is NO REFUND unless it is terminally ill.Line 4: States that the adopter must take the pet to a vet within days and provide us with proof Ms [redacted] did not.Line 6: States that the adoption is a lifetime commitment and that the adopter will not give up on the adopted pet for any reason other than terminal illness or severe aggression NONE of which is the case in this situationPage 2Line 7: states that the adopter agrees to assume all responsibility of pet including but not limited to behavior changes (although we do not believe that there are any aggression/behavior issues).Line 8: Adopter failed to provide this information as wellLine 10: Advises of possible behavior issues including destructiveness and variety of other issues and that she was advised of crate training and such Page 3Line 1: Agreement initialed by Ms [redacted] that she must return the pet to us if no longer wants Ms [redacted] indeed attempted, along with her husband, to sell the puppy, days after they adopted the puppy and numerous days before attempting to contact us about any issues with the puppy.Line 4: States that adopter agrees not to give the puppy to anyone, yet they attempted to sell the puppy.Line The fact that she agrees to pay the sum of for attempting to sell/giveaway the pet without our permission.Line 6: Failure to abide by the contract results in the return of this pet to our organization We have the permission of the adopter to reclaim the pet WITHOUT MONETARY COMPENSATION.Line 7: Release of liability for items purchased/damages caused as well as no implied or stated warranties.Page 4Line 1: Agreement to this contract and its pages as well as a signature by Ms [redacted] .EXHIBIT THREE:The proof that the dog was wormed prior to her adopting (on two occasions)EXHIBIT FOUREmail of December 30, is a response to a statement that Ms [redacted] published online about our organization Communication ceased after this hostile email was received by our company.Email correspondences dated Dec Which shows that Ms [redacted] is not being forthright in her statement that we have not responded to her Infact, we ceased responding to her due to her hostile emails These emails show that we offered to pay for training evaluation The email also shows that Ms [redacted] on Dec at 2:states in her email to us that we are not to blame for the alleged issues and that she didn’t want full money back, now in an email/letter to you she contradicts herself yet again.On Dec 29th at 2:Ms [redacted] states that she thinks the dog would be better for someone who doesn’t have a small childThus further reinforcing our belief that having both a puppy and a small child at home is the real motivating factor for the return of the puppy not aggression.EXHIBIT FIVE:An email received from the new adopter of this puppy, clearly stating that she has not had any issues with this pup This puppy was adopted approxdays ago.EXHIBIT SIX: [redacted] posting on dec 26th on Mr [redacted] ’s page stating that they are trying to sell the puppy, clearly in violation of our contract At this time no one had made any contact with us about any issues with the puppy If you read the comments and Mr [redacted] ’s response that the issue is the dogs energyHe states nothing about aggression It is an week old puppy and as you can see from the current adopter, she has a lot of energy, which is par for the breed.In closing we have many many more items that we could submit to you should you need them