Went to 3 doctor visits with 3 different doctors, got 2 false diagnoses, spent $461 and I'm the one that told them what the problem was!
6/17/2015 9:30AM - Visit Doctor #1 for pain in left side of groin and show him swelling & redness of left ankle / calf. He checks to see if I have a hernia - no. I take a UA - no blood. Concludes that I have smaller kidney stones and possibly a blood clot on left calf area. Sends me to Doctor #2 in a different facility for a different company. 30 minutes - $90
6/17/2015 4:00PM - Visit Doctor #2 because Doctor #1 thinks I may have a blood clot. Doctor #2 puts me under an ultrasound of 30 minutes and checks my leg. Tells me that the reason my groin hurts is that the lymph nodes are swollen because of an infection in my lower leg. Doctor #2 says that they are not an actual doctor, and can not discuss the results with me. They will send back the report to Doctor #1. 30 minutes - $248
6/17/2015 5:28PM - Doctor #1's assistant leaves voicemail stating that I
Went to 3 doctor visits with 3 different doctors, got 2 false diagnoses, spent $461 and I'm the one that told them what the problem was!
6/17/2015 9:30AM - Visit Doctor #1 for pain in left side of groin and show him swelling & redness of left ankle / calf. He checks to see if I have a hernia - no. I take a UA - no blood. Concludes that I have smaller kidney stones and possibly a blood clot on left calf area. Sends me to Doctor #2 in a different facility for a different company. 30 minutes - $90
6/17/2015 4:00PM - Visit Doctor #2 because Doctor #1 thinks I may have a blood clot. Doctor #2 puts me under an ultrasound of 30 minutes and checks my leg. Tells me that the reason my groin hurts is that the lymph nodes are swollen because of an infection in my lower leg. Doctor #2 says that they are not an actual doctor, and can not discuss the results with me. They will send back the report to Doctor #1. 30 minutes - $248
6/17/2015 5:28PM - Doctor #1's assistant leaves voicemail stating that I