First National Bank Texas Reviews (71)
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Address: 704 E Davis St P.o. Box 2428, Conroe, Texas, United States, 77301-3019
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April 8,2015[redacted]Re: Case
#[redacted]Dear [redacted]:We are in receipt of your correspondence
to the I
attempted to contact you by phone on April 6, 2015 to discus and address
your concerns....
When I was unsuccessful
in reaching you, I left a voice
message with my contact information. As of this date, I have not received a return call.While researching your concerns, we listened
to recordings of calls you placed to Customer Support on March 23, 2015 and
March 24, 2015. During the call with personal phone banker [redacted], you inquired
about the appropriate steps to request a pre-authorization hold release and refund of
associated fees. [redacted] informed you of our requirement for a merchant error letter and told you that the
following information is necessary for the bank to take action:Your NameAccount NumberRequest to release pre-authorization hold(s) and waive related feesMerchant agreement not to submit the card transactions for paymentEnclosed is a copy of the merchant letter we
received from the [redacted]. As you will
see upon review of the letter that it does not contain all of the information
we requested during your call with [redacted] nor does
tie merchant state they have collected payment in another manner. In an effort
to assist you, we attempted to contact [redacted] at the [redacted] location but were not successful in
speaking with her directly.In appreciation of your long-standing account
relationship with us, a courtesy refund of $35.00 has been credited to your
account. Should you have additional questions, you may call Customer Support,
send us an Online Banking Secure Message, or visit our website to participate
in Live Chat or to complete a Feedback Form.Sincerely,[redacted]Support OperationsCC:
March 9,2015 [redacted]
[redacted] Re: Case #[redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your correspondence to the It is frustrating when a dispute investigation takes longer than expected so we appreciate the...
opportunity to respond to your concerns. On February 10, 2015, we show that you filed a claim involving a $671.51 debit card transaction to [redacted]. During our investigation, you provided us with documentation acknowledging that [redacted] had received authorization to charge the service to your debit card but you did not feel the merchant provided an acceptable level of service. Based on this information your claim did not meet Regulation E requirements for reimbursement as there was no error and the transaction was authorized. In an effort to assist you with resolving your disagreement with the merchant we had a series of discussions with the merchant as your advocate and on March 4, initiated a chargeback entry to [redacted] for the $671.51 as permitted by MasterCard guidelines. The merchant has 45 days from receipt of the entry to reject the chargeback. Should the 45 days expire without a response from the merchant, we will credit your account with the $671.51. Should you have additional questions, you may call Customer Support, send us an Online Banking Secure Message, or visit our website to participate in Live Chat or to complete a Feedback Form. Sincerely, [redacted] Support Operations CC:
March 9,2015 [redacted] Re: Case #[redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your correspondence to the I attempted to contact you by phone on March 5th to discuss and address your concerns. When I was...
unsuccessful in reaching you, I left a voice message with my contact information. The following morning I received a voice message from you requesting that I speak with your husband, [redacted], about the concerns you outlined in your letter since it is difficult for you to speak with me during our business hours. On March 6, 2015, I attempted to contact [redacted] by phone when I found that he was being assisted by bank employee [redacted] who was working to resolve the issues he has been experiencing with using his debit MasterCard®. During their conversation, [redacted] had some questions about the status of the check order for your joint owner checking account. In researching his concern, [redacted] confirmed that the checks were sent to the correct mailing address but returned 'undeliverable' for some unknown reason by the Postal Service. [redacted] processed another order for checks and expedited the shipping at no cost to you to address: [redacted]. We also provided a refund of the check order fee assessed your account on February 19, 2015. At the conclusion of the call, [redacted] invited [redacted] to contact her if he continued to experience issues with his debit card. I contacted [redacted] on March 9, 2015 to confirm that we had addressed all of his concerns. [redacted]
[redacted] indicated he was satisfied with our resolution and that he was no longer experiencing problems using his debit card. Should you have additional questions, you may call Customer Support, send us an Online Banking Secure Message, or visit our website to participate in Live Chat or to complete a Feedback Form. Sincerely, [redacted] Support Operations CC:
FIRST CONVENIENCE BANK A division of First National Bank Texas December 5, 2014 Gabriela Loera 4804 Blue Water Circle Granbury, TX 76049 Re: ( Case #10314063 Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your correspondence to the and...
appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. On August 29, 2014, our records show you negotiated a check for $537.75 and deposited $37.75 and received cash back of $500.00. As mentioned in your letter, your receipt reflects the transaction as you intended as the personal banker entered the transaction correctly into the teller system. The deposit slip (enclosed) does show the deposit amount and the cash back amounts are transposed. We agree this was an error on our employee's part but please note the slip also reflects your signature indicating that you also did not identify the discrepancy in the cash back amount. As stated in the Deposit Agreement provided to you at account opening, "we accept deposits and issue receipts (for all over-the-counter transactions) for these deposits. Such deposits and receipts are subject to subsequent verification and corrections if necessary". During this subsequent verification it was noted the deposit transaction did not balance so it was sent to the appropriate area for research and adjustment. On September 10, 2014, we completed our research and processed a debit adjustment of $462.25 to your account. We sent you a notice of that adjustment (copy enclosed) on September 12, 2014. One of the inherent responsibilities of having a checking account is maintaining an accurate record of your transaction activity. Since you were neither expecting a deposit nor had a receipt for a $500.00 deposit on August 29th and your account statement did not reflect your deposit of $37.75 on that same date, you had a responsibility to notify us of these discrepancies as soon as you became aware of them. To resolve this dispute amicably, we have credited $227.00 to your account. Please take this opportunity to remit payment of $452.37 to cover the remaining charged off balance. You may do so by visiting any of our branches or by mailing a payment to First Convenience Bank, Attention: Mail Teller, P.O. Box 937, Killeen, TX 76540.Sincerely, - [redacted] Support Operations CC: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
Notice of Default.Dear [redacted], Thank you for your correspondence.It must be noted that you have not rebutted any of the points made in the previous complaint. Therefore this constitutes you and your banking institution's permanent and irrevocable agreement that:1. You are operating in bankruptcy and are subject to the federal UCC laws which are true and not invalid. Federal Reserve Notes are your obligation and the obligation of the United States to be reported to the IRS.2. You cannot validate any debt owed to you.3. By attempting to collect a debt, you are in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1681 and 1692g because you report invalid and false claims to credit bureaus. 4. You are attempting to enforce a void contract (promissory note) by claiming to be the holder in due course when you are not. Neither the bank nor its representatives have a signature on the promissory note.5. You are attempting extort more "money-of-exchange" from me to "pay" the outstanding negative (credit) "money-of-account" balance, when such debt cannot be paid with money of exchange; this constitutes RICO.Please confirm in three days that this information is correct.
March 20, 2015 [redacted] Re: Case #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: It was my pleasure to speak with you today to address the concerns you outlined in your letter to the I am sorry you were inconvenienced when you...
experienced difficulty when using your debit card but appreciate your understanding our actions were necessary to protect your account from suspected unauthorized activity. As part of our ongoing efforts to prevent unauthorized debit card transactions from adversely impacting a customer's account, we have anomaly detection processes that will cause merchant payment presentments to be declined when the transaction being presented is consistent with activity previously identified as being unauthorized or is related to a debit card included in a breached card notification report. In such cases, the transaction will be declined by our processor and will not always be reflected in the transaction detail readily available to our Customer Support team. We found that to be the case on March 9, 2015 when we declined payment for a point-of-sale (POS) transaction originating from [redacted]. Unfortunately, when you contacted us about that transaction, we did not take the proper steps to consider all possibilities before responding to your inquiry and will address this shortcoming in training. As discussed, to reduce the risk of future transactions being declined when you are traveling, if you provide advance notice of the dates and locations of your trip, we will notate your account record so this information is considered in our transaction anomaly evaluation processes. At the conclusion of the call you stated you were satisfied with the resolution and asked about the process to notify the your complaint had been resolved. Should you have additional questions, you may call Customer Support, send us an Online Banking Secure Message, or visit our website to participate in Live Chat or to complete a Feedback Form. Sincerely, [redacted] Support Operations CC:
January 6,2015 [redacted] Re: Case #[redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your correspondence to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We shared your feedback with [redacted]...
[redacted] who called you to discuss your experience at our banking center located at [redacted] in Phoenix, AZ. Subsequently, [redacted] emailed you to thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. He also assured you that an investigation was conducted and that your concerns would be addressed through training and other appropriate corrective measures. Your email reply to [redacted] stated your concerns had been addressed to your satisfaction and you would continue your account relationship with us. Should you require further information or assistance from us in the future, you may contact [redacted] at [redacted]. You may also submit a Customer Feedback Form, participate in Live Chat, or send a secure message through Internet Banking. Sincerely, [redacted] Support Operations CC: [redacted] ...⇄ [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
January 5,2015 [redacted] Re: Case #[redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your letter to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. Strictly in recognition of your long tenure...
as a customer, a courtesy credit of $150.00 has been posted to your account. Having said that, we do want you to understand why your September 23, 2014 electronic funds transfer claim for an alleged unauthorized debit of $150.00 by [redacted] was denied. We follow Federal Reserve Bank Regulation E guidelines when investigating unauthorized electronic debit activity claims. During our initial phone interview, we asked you if you had an account with PayPal and you responded "yes". Your account history supports that response as there were 10 PayPal debits which you did not dispute in the 90 days before this claim was filed. In an effort to resolve your claim, our claims department supervisor informed you we had initiated a $150.00 chargeback to PayPal for the transaction you said was not authorized by you. This chargeback was refused by the merchant who supplied sufficient evidence showing the purchase was initiated by you and that the purchased product/service had been delivered. Based on this evidence, we determined your claim did not meet requirements for payment under Regulation E and was denied. We notified you of our finding in our letter of December 12, 2014 (enclosed). Should you require further information or assistance, you are welcome to submit a Customer Feedback form, participate in Live Chat, or you may contact me directly at [redacted]. Sincerely , [redacted] Support Operations CC: [redacted] ...⇄ [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] 12/12/2014 [redacted] Reference: Dispute Case Number [redacted] Case Amount: $150.00 This letter is to inform you that we have made a final determination regarding your Electronic Funds Transfer claim filed 09/23/2014 for the following transaction(s). 08128/2014 $150.00 PAYPAL [redacted] Based on the facts of the investigation, we do not find that an error has occurred. Therefore, no funds will be cred ted to your account as a result of this claim. Should you have any questions regarding your claim, or if you would like to review the information on your claim, Dispute Investigations can be contacted at ###-###-####, or ###-###-####, ext.[redacted]. Sincerely, Dispute Investigations
October 23, 2014
Re: #[redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
It was a pleasure speaking with you by phone today regarding your letter to the
I confirmed we received your claim on October 2, 2014 for two...
unauthorized debits of $295.60 by Scream World. In review of your account activity, we found the pre-authorization and posting of the unauthorized Scream World transactions caused overdraft fees totaling $140.00 and one Point-of-Sale denial fee of $2.00.
On October 7, 2014, your claim was found to be valid and the debits to Scream World were reversed and all associated fees were refunded. A copy of the letter informing you of our findings is enclosed for your reference.
At the end of our phone call you stated you would review your online banking account to confirm receipt of the refunds. Should you require further information or assistance from us in the future, we invite you to submit a Customer Feedback form, participate in Live Chat, or send a secure message through Internet Banking.
Support Operations
Enc, (1)
[redacted] ...⇄ [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Reference: Dispute Case Number [redacted] Case Amount: $591.20
This letter is to inform you that we have made a final determination regarding your Electronic Funds Transfer claim filed 10/02/2014 for the following transaction(s):
10/01/2014 $295.60 SCREAM WORLD
10/0112014 $295.60 SCREAM WORLD
Upon review of your account information, it was found that the merchant(s) in question have submitted credit directly to your account on 10/03/2014 Due to merchant error, we refunded the fees that were charged to your account, in the amount of $142.00
Should you have any questions regarding your claim, or if you would like to review the information on your claim, Dispute Investigations can be contacted at 254-554-4260, or 1-800-677-9801, ext. 14260.
Dispute Investigations
December 30, 2014 [redacted] Reference: Case # [redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of your recent letter to the and it is my pleasure to respond to your concerns. When you opened your account, we...
provided you with a number of disclosures to include a document titled "What You Need to Know about Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees" which states in part" ....if your account remains overdrawn for six (6) consecutive banking days, we will charge you a Negative Balance fee of $35.00. We will waive the fee is on the sixth (6th) day your account is overdrawn less than $3". Our records show your account became overdrawn on December 12. The $35.00 fee was assessed on December 17th as your account was overdrawn $3.43 on that date. As an accommodation to you, the $35.00 fee was refunded on December 30th. In the future, should you require further information or assistance from us, we invite you to submit a Customer Feedback form through our website, participate in Live Chat or send a secure message through Internet Banking. Sincerely, [redacted] Support Operations CC: [redacted] ...⇄ [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
We are in receipt of your follow-up correspondence to the
It is our practice to provide every new account holder with our disclosure packet outlining the terms, conditions and fee schedule governing their account relationship with us. Branch Manager [redacted] has reconfirmed she reviewed the disclosure packet with you at the time of account opening.
Because we are legally required to pay certain items, your account may become overdrawn even though you did not authorize us to pay items into the overdraft. Whether we pay or return a NSF item, we can charge your Account a fee per item as set forth in our Banking Services/Fee Schedule. Your account may also be subject to other fees as identified in the aforementioned Schedule which may cause an overdraft.
In the call made to us on September 17th, the call recording contains no mention or discussion of the overdraft authority you intended us to have concerning payment of debits into the overdraft. Instead, you inquired about two Burger King preauthorized card transactions and asked about the timing of your direct deposits. Electronic direct deposits will typically be available on the day we receive the deposit. In some instances, we may receive the direct deposit in advance of the release/settlement date authorized by the sender. In such cases, the direct deposit will be made available no later than the release/settlement date. Once the funds are available, you can withdraw the funds in cash and we will use the funds to pay checks that you have written and pay other items such as your debit card purchases.