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Fetch Puppies

2742 N. Fairfield Rd., Beavercreek, Ohio, United States, 45431

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Reviews Pet Shop, Pet Supplies Fetch Puppies

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Adopt Don’t Shop!
These stores are bad, just based on experience alone. Yelp Reviews: and Indeed Reviews From Employees BBB Complaints Fetch is a unethical place to buy dogs for many reasons. As a past employee, this place was not good for the puppy's at all as they were put into small enclosures, had to fight for food, poop was scattered everywhere including on toys, blankets, dog dishes, under sinks, mats and ect. The uncleanliness and improper shots given by employees, would led to dogs getting sick and some even died before making it their forever homes. All the dogs come from puppy mills despite what they tell you seen here… and what's sad is the owner who lies about his name being Peter, try's to deny this with paperwork that traces back to the breeders name. These puppies are bought for cheap and then are transported on a white van to both the Fetch Puppies Locations to be sold for thousands. Oftentimes when the puppies would get sick, they would be placed in a back room away from customers with some having to be sent back to the originally breeder for deformations or head indents. You unfortunately do not get to see the puppies mother in person nor are you given a life guarantee that your puppy will be fine throughout its life. Most reputable breeders do not just let anyone walk away with a puppy that will not have a good home. Unfortunately the employment is not great either as many have experienced PTSD or sexual harassment from working here. The owner will watch his employees through a camera 24-7 without any privacy. If you do something wrong, you will get a call over the phone or possibly written up for your first mistake. His favorites are the upper management or those who do absolutely nothing that will often boss the harder working employees around. There is a lot of bullying and the managers will have secret meetings that are held without you if they do not like you. Free dogs are often given to employees that the owner likes the most as well, while other workers have to pay thousands. If you speak up against their practices, be prepared to be threatened with legal action, have people write fake reviews or will try to have your reviews taken down. In the end, I would not recommend working at either of the Fetch Locations or buying a dog from here because it will end up with health problems. Please look at the Yelp reviews, Indeed, BBB and customer testimonials!

Please do NOT buy a dog from either of the Fetch Puppies locations. They are from puppy mills from all over the United States according to several past employees. The owner will lie to you about the genetics, temperament and the health of every single pup and that includes the managers that try to cover it up as well. The managers are the worst especially the time I went and had the unfriendliest interaction with Aurora and Savanna. These managers had no clue what they were doing and when I walked in, one was texting on the phone and the other was playing with the puppies instead of helping run the shop. Also, these two lady’s had the audacity to write harass other employees by having secret meetings about them and writing fake reviews about one on The employees in the back didn’t even interact with customers, so this was a false statement and was more then likely made out of jealousy that other people had more work ethic then them. Now, both the girls don’t work at the location, so I guess they should have not taken advantage of their employees and actually cared for the dogs instead of covering them up for the predatory owner. Fetch Puppies also tends to delete any negative reviews about them on Yelp or on Google to only replace them with fake 5 star reviews of the opposite of what’s being said. Please do not continue to buy from this nasty place, because you will be treated bad from the start.

If I could give this Business 0 stars I would.

I paid over $2,000 dollars for a Pomeranian - Chihuahua "Pomchi"

After bringing home the puppy, we quickly realized that he was not a pomchi. At 6 months he was already over 15 pounds. We had our vet, administer a "wisdom panel" the world's leading dog DNA test. The results concluded that the dog we received was 62.5% poodle, 12.5% yorkshire and 25 % mongrel (mutt).

Upon receipt of the DNA test I called Fetch Puppies to issue a complaint and request a refund.

The owner was extremely defensive and insisted that the DNA test I received was inaccurate. He requested I send him pictures of my dog now and all the DNA documentation I recieved. He said he would be in touch with his breeder and return my phone call on Monday or Tuesday the following week.

Peter did not call me or email me back. I reached out to him again and got a phone meeting. He put me on a recorded call with one of his store's Managers, Heather. Peter said he had been in contact with the breeder and the breeder he purchased our puppy from only bred pomski's and chihuahuas only. Happy Tails Breeder Arizona (upon deeper searches through the USDA this breeder has had violations since 2010)

Peter refused to accept the science or records from our veterinarian PROVING that our puppy was NOT the breed we purchased.

Peter refused to refund our purchase. We tried to work with Peter to make things right, or figure our how something like this could have happened. We paid a PREMIUM price for a POMCHI and we did not receive one.


I was sold a dog from fetch that I was told was in perfect health an examined by a licensed vet they were wrong the dog was deathly Ill
I purchased a dog from fetch one they said they were going to send back for missing a toe no bigs I was told she was in perfect health an vet checked that I would recieve akc papers for her that was March 3rd. I had to take said dog to vet she had fluid in her lungs an a bad cough. They refunded me the money for her meds said she was in perfect health there. She did great for a week then as of today april 16th was diagnosed with distemper which I was told she had before I got her an I had to put her down. I have to this day not seen my akc papers for her. They keep telling me the papers are coming. When I took in the papers the first time saying she was sick they said oh well we'll just give you another dog. What with the same issues. There super shady an this is not ok. Me an my kids just lost a loveable friend.

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund of my money paid for the dog I dont trust them to give me another animal and have this same issue once me an my kids are attached.

Fetch Puppies Response • May 29, 2020

We spoke with *** and determined she in fact did not purchase this puppy from our store Fetch Puppies in Beavercreek however she did in fact
purchase a puppy in the Fairfield Commons Mall located in Beavercreek from a store called FRIENDS PUPPIES. We recommended *** contact the store owner of FRIENDS PUPPIES to resolve this issue.

In October 2019, we purchased a mini goldendoodle from Fetch. This is our third dog purchase in 15 years. We are very happy with the quality if animal we receive from this business. They are more expensive than going directly to a breeder however we are willing to pay more for quality of animal, and piece of mind.

Financing was incorrect and was sold a sick puppy with a pile of vet bills but since it's not "life threatening," they're no help!
We purchased our puppy in December and took him to the vet within their requested window. The vet performed a fecal test and determined he had giardia. His contagious in humans and other animals. Our senior dog has now picked it up. I'm concerned because they have people with varying immunities in their pet shops cuddling these puppies unknowingly putting them at risk. Not to mention with how contagious this is and the intense disinfecting we have to do in our own home, I'm sure other dogs in the shop are affected. Especially since they all defecate in the same confined spaces. I've called multiple times and when I do get to talk to someone, I'm told it's not a life threatening condition so it's not their problem. However, it can become serious in our senior dog who picked this up from the new puppy! No help at all. It's now almost March and we are still fighting this condition in both animals. Medicine and fecal tests routinely are piling up.

Now onto the dishonest billing. We financed a portion of our puppy. We were told we were qualified for no interest for 12 months. We confirmed MULTIPLE times with the salesperson that we were signing for 0% interest for 12 months and she assured me we were. I just looked at my online statement and realized we're being charged 24% interest!

Stay away from this company. They're selling sick dogs that can make not only other pets but YOU sick. I can't imagine if I had someone in my family whose immune system was compromised from cancer or very small children who hadn't built up their immune system yet. Also - they tell you what you want to hear (0% interest) so you'll purchase the pup because they know you'll just have to deal with it once you're out of their store. Buyer beware. I can't believe they're allowed to do business like this.

Desired Outcome

I would like to at least be reimbursed the vet bills I've paid so far and any continuing bills until this is cleared up. I'd also like my financing to be 0% interest as I was promised

Customer Response • Mar 17, 2020

Company has agreed to reimburse us for all vet bills for both the puppy they sold us as well as other pet(s) who have contracted the parasite. The miscommunication around the financing was due to poor communication from the financing company. They show how much interest is accruing, but if you pay off before 12 months, there won't be any interest paid.

After purchasing our GSD there that was supposed to be from pedigree parents with no hip dysplasia or problems and AKC certified I can assure you that's a joke. He is now 1.5 years old now and has had so many problems. Allergies so medication, stomach issues so a special diet, and now he has just been diagnosed at again 1.5 years old with hip dysplasia. Doctor said this could be due to breeders just breeding for pretty dogs but gene lineage isn't good. Granted these things come with GSD but the hip dysplasia this early?? We do not regret buying him at all. In fact we are glad we did because who knows what he had been through there. Even after bringing him home he had kennel legs for a few weeks until he got the hang of it. Don't fall for their "we get them from great breeders" bit.

I was quoted a significantly less monthly payment than I
Am required to pay for a puppy.
I called 9/25/19 to see about being financed for an English Bulldog puppy for my daughter. The lady that answered the phone took all my info and said I was approved for $7,000 and that the puppy was $8,800 but he was 25% off so that brought his price down to $6,600. She said that my payment monthly would be $150. My daughter and I go to Fetch and we get the puppy and sign paperwork and buy a few things for the puppy. The ending price was $7,230.83. I paid no money that day. So it that balance went on the Help card. I did think it was a bit odd that I spent $230 over my credit limit so I asked the lady ringing us out. She said my credit limit was $7,500 but that my payment would be $150 a month to the credit agency. We brought the puppy home and are extremely attached to him. We took him to the veterinarian within a week of purchase like the warranty described. He has to have surgery in a couple of months to make his nostrils bigger and shorten his pallet so he can breathe and not have a heat stroke. Other than that he is healthy. On 10/11/19 I received my first bill from hc credit and my minimum monthly payment is $256. I called the credit company today and the man told me that is going to be my payment every month until it is paid off and said there was nothing he could do. I hung up with hc credit and called Fetch. The cashier I spoke to said that in their computer system it shows my minimum monthly payment as $256. I explained to her what I was told when I took the puppy home and she said I should not have been told that and that she would have the store manager call me. The cashier also said they could possibly run my credit again and see about getting me a lower payment but there is no guarantee it would make my payment lower. I definitely do not want another hard pull on my credit for possibly no new results. Fetch employees are lying to customers about pricing just to sell dogs. I do not have $256 extra a month and even if I gave the puppy back I am still required to pay 50% and like I said we are all very attached and I am not going to ruin my good credit. Something needs to be done about how Fetch is flat out lying to customers to make sales.

Desired Outcome

My monthly payment to go down to the $150 a month I was originally quoted.

Fetch Puppies Response • Oct 25, 2019

We at Fetch puppies are sorry to hear about your Financing concerns. Fetch unfortunately has no control over a customers monthly payment or financing terms. A financing contract is a legal agreement between the customer and the chosen financing company. Fetch Puppies is not a finance company. The customer receives the financing options they were approved for and they are required to read and sign their financing agreement. You acknowledged by your signature the following terms and conditions of your approved credit card account:
"I promise to pay the amount financed (total amount to be added to my account) plus any interest, fees, or other charges which may be due according to the terms of the HC Processing Center(r) Cardholder agreement and the special terms outlined above for the promotional plan. By signing, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this document and the terms and conditions of the Cardholder Agreement. I acknowledge that the total amount of the charges represent the cost of the goods and/or services that I am purchasing and that the amount does not include any service or processing fee charged by the Merchant for my use of this credit card"

We hope you enjoy many years with your new puppy.

I've bought three puppies from them, and they've all had something wrong. Currently waiting for help with recent puppy purchase
I purchased a puppy from them on 9/28/19, and he has ear mites. I've called several times for assistance, and not received a call back. I've purchased 2 other dogs from the Dayton location, and they both had problems as well. One had kennel cough pretty badly, and the other has an inverted vagina which causes her to consistently get yeast infections. I've been calling them because I have other dogs that now have ear mites from the purchased puppy.

Desired Outcome

I would like some money back from purchase price, and get paid for others dogs

Fetch Puppies Response • Oct 21, 2019

Customer called to let us know her new puppy has ear mites. Customer declined to purchase Health Protection Plan, which would of covered this expense. Since customer is a loyal previous customer, Fetch has paid for the cost of ear mite treatment for her puppy and dogs at home.

Sold a puppy with an underlying disease. We have not been helped in a month, after being told they would contact us.
We purchased a Cockapoo in July 2017 from Fetch in Beavercreek. I paid 2000.00 for this puppy and was told it was not registered due to it being an unrecognized breed. Did purchase the warranty on him. On July 28, 2019 at about 10:30 pm I noticed he was walking different. I laid down with him and figured he maybe pulled a muscle playing in yard. Two hours later he is arching his back, bending sideways, and in a lot of pain. We rush him to emergency vet 196.00 and we are told he has IVDD, he was given medicine and put on crate rest. We get home at 4 am and at 8 am he is yelping, paralyzed, with no bowel or bladder control. We take him to our vet, as instructed due to conditions worsening. 64.00. We are then told he needs immediate surgery for 3,000-4,000 and there is no guarantee of a full recovery at this point, not to mention it could happen again. So we had him euthanized, it was all we could do to stop his pain. July 29, 2019. We had him cremated 153.87. I was told this is an inherited disease by breeders who do not practice good breeding by checking for health issues in the lineage. So at about a year old his discs in his spine began to harden and then about 2 years of age the pet may end up like this just going up or down stairs, jumping off furniture, or even just normal puppy behaviors. I have no idea where he was bred or where he came from, due to him not being registered. Point being "healthy" 2 yr. old puppies just do not get this awful horrible disease out of nowhere. I have recently become disabled, and there was no way we could afford a surgery that may just help a little bit. This little guy, *** was my "therapy" with all going on and losing him in such a horrible way, was devastating to our family. There has not been a day go by that has made this any better. I have been to the store two times in August and September. Vet papers were sent to corporate, never a manager in the store, and still no contact. I am amazed that we bought a health warranty that is supposed to be good for 3 years and I have nothing but sadness to show for it. I loved this little guy with all my heart, and I feel like we did the best thing for him. Fetch has had a month to contact me, I wish I had that kind of time left with my puppy.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get a puppy at no cost to me. The pain and trauma of watching this poor little guy suffer could not possibly be covered by any amount of money. I am just very sorry that they could care less about this little fur baby, or their customers and what we unfortunately had to witness due to careless breeding. I guess that is just business though.

Fetch Puppies Response • Sep 17, 2019

We at Fetch Puppies are sorry for your loss of your family member *** The birth of a puppy is an act of mother nature and like children is occasionally not perfect. We strive as a company to provide and offer healthy and happy puppies. We appreciate you as a customer and sorry for any miscommunication that you have had with our store. You are in year two of your three year health guarantee which provides a 50% credit of your original purchase of $1699, for a total store credit for $849.50. We have decided to go above and beyond our warranty and offer you a store credit up to $2,000 towards a new family member.
Please contact *** our store manager in our Beavercreek location to schedule a time to visit our store


Customer Response • Sep 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I am not completely satisfied but really have no choice. I either take the credit and go further in debt for another puppy, or Fetch gets by with the experience and all I have to show for it is a broken heart. I find their response about mother nature to be a joke considering it is a disease passed on by the parents, he had it all along and it was explained by the vet that it usually shows up at about 2 years of age. Wow, what a coincidence he was 2 years 3 months and 3 days old. Not to mention the cost of the puppies have went up quite a bit over the past two years. I bought a cockapoo in 2012 495.00 dollars and the next one in 2017 1699.00 dollars. I don't feel that it is due to better breeders based on what my little guy went through and my family unfortunately had to witness, but we either have to accept the offer or lose out all together. Sadly, I am scared to death that it could happen all over again. Maybe we will look for a breeder that has ensured that they are not breeding dogs with underlying diseases. I do not feel like the purchase of a puppy should be a gamble on whether it is going to be healthy and live a long life, especially with the prices being charged. The other thing that is really disheartening is reading other complaints from customers and reading basically the same stupid response about mother nature. Sounds to me like you could care less and if only it had been another 9 months Fetch would have been in the clear. I am still very angry and upset because this whole thing just seems cruel to people who truly love their pets as little furry children and all you can do is figure up how much money you stand to lose or gain.

Puppy has been ill non stop since my purchase
I purchased a Papillon puppy on 8/25 and have dealt with sleepless nights due to his illness and days of missed work due to multiple vet trips. The only solution I'm being offered by this business is to reimburse me for medical bills that I have incurred only because I paid for an additional insurance at my time of purchase. I have also been offered an alternative to take him to their preferred vet which I would trust very little after the deceit involved in the origin of this puppy. This vet is also about 30 miles from my home and this dog has severe anxiety and screams the entire time he's in the car so such a drive would worsen his issues. Take the "our puppies come from a breeder not a puppy mill" claims with a grain of only find the origin of your puppy after you have signed payment paperwork and mine was sourced from the Midwest from a "breeder" who has past violations and purchased from them by a broker. AKA a breeder of mass amounts of puppies. This began with a respiratory infection originally called "very treatable" by a vet and then has progressed to tracheitis several medications later.

Desired Outcome

I expect at LEAST a partial refund in addition to reimbursement of medical bills for this very sick animal. I paid a very excessive price given all of the issues he has had an I suspect this to be because of his origin.

Fetch Puppies Response • Sep 09, 2019

We at Fetch Puppies are sorry for the medical concerns you have for your Papillon puppy ***. The birth of a puppy is an act of mother nature occasionally is not perfect. Young newborn children are often faced with medical issues and puppies are living beings like children and often face medical issues as well. We are happy to learn from reviewing your veterinarian's medical chart and reports that the upper respiratory infection as stated is easily treatable. We understand that this can be frustrating, but just like children even with vaccines, puppies can be susceptible to catching different viruses.

As of September 9, 2019, we have reimbursed you for a total of $558.12 for the kennel cough issue. Should you have any future medical bills you will be reimbursed up to your plans maximum. We appreciate you as a customer and hope you have many years of enjoyment with ***. We strive as a company to provide and offer healthy and happy puppies.

Customer Response • Sep 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
These are puppy mill puppies, plain and simple. You lie to your customers about where these puppies come from, I don't expect to pay the price that I paid for this puppy when he was shipped in from a mill in Missouri. I've purchased a dog from a breeder before and they do not have this issues because they are not one of hundreds. The reason for these health issues and the reason for my puppies issues was the origin. I was reimbursed for health issues because I paid for an additional health policy, which you offer not free of charge but at a cost probably because these issues are anticipated given the mass breeding sources you use for dogs.

We have had our pomsky, Cody, for over a month now and all his vet visits went great and he is very healthy! Great personable staff and good financing program. Thank you to Darla for helping us pick out and take home the newest member of our family!

I am supposed to be receiving a partial refund for my dogs surgery. After 6 phone calls we have not received a call back from management.
In September of 2018, my fiancée and I purchased a French bulldog puppy from Fetch in Dayton. Her purchase price was over $7,000. We were assured that she was a healthy puppy and had been thoroughly assessed by a veterinarian before we purchased her. When we bought her, she was 11 weeks old. Fast forward a few months later, and we discovered she had been hopping around like her hind legs were in pain. We took her to our veterinarian who examined her and diagnosed her with luxating patellas in both hind legs. After paying over $200 for xrays and medication, our vet strongly encouraged that our puppy has surgery as soon as possible. As soon as we got the diagnoses (in March of 2019) we contacted Fetch to see what they were going to cover in surgical costs. They offered us $1000 toward her surgery and a store credit for another's puppy. We kindly declined this offer because we can not take on the responsibility of another puppy and much rather needed the help paying for her surgery. Our puppy had her luxating patella surgery on only one leg yesterday (May 2nd) that ended up totaling out to $3,000. Eventually she will need the other leg done which will cost the same amount. This is almost $13,000 we have spent on our dog with the purchase price and surgical costs. The luxating patellas are a genetic disorder which means Fetch is buying puppies from unethical breeders who are breeding dogs with health problems. We have tried calling the store over 6 times and each time, we are told there is no manager in and we will receive a call back. NONE of these times we received a single call back. I'm very displeased with the fact that we paid so much money for a puppy who has genetic health issues, but even more upset that management is not handling the case in a professional or timely manner.

Desired Outcome

I would like for Fetch to pay for both surgeries in full ($3000 per surgery / $6000 total) or to give a full refund of her purchase price ($6500 +tax) I feel like this is a fair offer because when all is said and done, we will have spent over $13,000 on our puppy.

Fetch Puppies Response • May 10, 2019

We are sorry to hear about any health concerns you are having with your puppy. Per our warranty you would qualify for a full credit of the original purchase price of your pup. The extra health protection was purchased therefore we will also reimburse you one thousand dollars for vet expenses.

Tried to return puppy for not being able to take care of it for military reasons.
I went to fetch to get a puppy. However I am a veteran and for military reasons I couldn't take care of the puppy. I tried giving the puppy back to the store, even had my sergeant talk to the manager, and was informed that Fetch's headquarters would call me, but they never called me and I was never given a phone number to reach them. This store screwed me out of 4,200$ for a puppy I couldn't take care of for military reasons in November of 2018.

Desired Outcome

I would like the money I have paid towards the dog loan back as well as out of this dog loan.

Fetch Puppies Response • Apr 08, 2019

Contact Name and Title: *** District Manager
Contact Phone: XXXXXXXXXX
Contact Email: ***
Per our warranty customer can return pup within 48 hours after purchase for an even exchange or a full refund minus a restock fee. There is also a 7 day warranty on health after purchase if vet feels pup is unhealthy customer could have returned pup for a full refund.

Customer Response • Apr 10, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I tried to return the puppy in the first 24 hours and Fetch would not allow me to return the puppy.

Fetch Puppies Response • Apr 16, 2019

The customer had several opportunities to operate within our warranty contract and chose not to. Fetch has to treat all customers the same regardless of personal situations that arise and can not let customer return pup for 2 day warranty for a refund minus restock fee past the 2 days. If customer is unable to take care of puppy we would like customer to relinquish puppy back to Fetch instead of a shelter so we can find puppy a new loving home. Customer would still be responsible for financial obligations.

I got a sick dog that had an infection and anemic which was why the dog wouldn't eat and that made the dog go into hypoglycemic and then into seizures
On 2/9 I purchased a yorkie for $3800. They told me to take it to the vet within 7 days of purchase. I did that but when I took her they only did the minimal exam. Following day she had 3 seizures so I took it back to the vet and when they did a glucose test she was very low. I had to keep it at the vets overnight and following AM they told me she's eating but she was on the dextrose I've at the time. When I picked her up that was a fri 2/15. The following Sunday she had 2 more seizures so I took it to another vet and she had to stay overnight 2 nights. Her blood sugar was low. Fetch had them do a bloodwork and found out it had an infect and anemic. So she stayed there til fri 2/22. I told fetch that I wanted another dog. This one was selling for $2900. They are gonna tell me I still have to pay 3800 and are still charging me that price. I asked for Corp #. They told me they have to get in contact with me. Have not heard from them. I have this automatically taken out of my account for 304. When I printed out the loan paper it said 226.94 for 12 months. So I didn't think much of it but I'm still getting charged the $3800

Desired Outcome

I want them to charge me the $2900 which is what the dog was on the market for. It's not my fault that they gave me a sick dog.

Fetch Puppies Response • Mar 20, 2019

Contact Name and Title: *** District Manager
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***
Dear ***,

It has come to my attention you have called and had some questions about your recent purchase at Fetch.

You originally purchased a Yorkshire Terrier puppy on 2-9-19. A week or so later you called our store stating your puppy had low blood sugar from not eating.

You were offered our Health Protection Plans at time of your purchase on 2-9-2019. Our records indicate you declined to purchase this plan. You did bring this puppy to *** Clinic and it was successfully treated. You vet visit bill was $606.50. Fetch did not have any obligation to pay this expense due to that fact you did not purchase a Health Protection Warranty which would have covered this unexpected expense. We strive to make sure our customers are happy with their experience and new puppy. As good faith gesture Fetch decided to cover this expense and paid you vet bill for $606.50.

Fetch also offered you the opportunity to exercise our 7-day warranty exchange or refund policy even after that 7-day period had expired. You declined to receive a refund and requested a new puppy under the exchange option. Our exchange policy provides our customers the right to select a new puppy of their choice at no more than equal value or less as determined by original purchase price excluding tax. Your original purchase price was $3600.00 The puppy you selected was listed at $3900. Once again, we went over and above our policy by allowing you to select a puppy that was priced at $3900.00 which is higher than your original purchase price.

You are under the assumption the second puppy you received under the exchange option was less expensive than your original purchase price which is not correct and in fact was more expensive. Fetch does not have any current of future obligation in this transaction.

We appreciate you as a customer and hope you have many years of enjoyment with your new Fetch puppy.

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
1) the dog I got they were selling at the other store for 2900 after the sale. My coworker was looking at her.
2) when I was talking to the mgr (when the dog was at the vet) I told her I can pull the dog out of the vet and bring her to rtn and she told me not to do that.
3) when the mgr and I was discussing about the price diff she was telling me she can give me the one from the Dayton mall store plus that one was more expensive. I told her that I wanted the one from the beavercreek store since I seen a pic of her from my coworker plus that one cost less. If it is the case that the 2nd dog cost more why didn't she tell me that at the time.

This complaint involves the warranty issues on a puppy and the circumstances concerning of Fetch not wanting to honor the warranty or the deal that re
On 1 June 2015, I purchased 2 Jack Russell puppies from Fetch in Beavercreek. They were a male and female, also siblings. the female, ***, was small for her size and age and we figured she was the runt of the litter. Thru out her time with us, she had multiple health issues and was at the vet quite often. On 6 Sept 2017, *** was sick and we took her to the vet and various test were run. The results were serious and we were referred to the Pet Care Emergency hospital in Centerville, Ohio. It was determined that *** was in kidney failure and she was dying. It was confirmed after many test that *** had deformed kidneys and would not get better. It was recommended that *** be put to sleep to ease her pain and suffering. On 8 September 2017, *** was euthanized.
On 16 November 2017, Fetch was contacted and the situation was explained. All documents were forwarded and an agreement was reached. Per the manager, Fetch would pay half of vet bills or we would be given a puppy of our choice at a later date. This was reached due to the circumstances of *** health issues and Fetch not disclosing her lineage. This is the email that was sent.
11/16/17 at 11:24 AM
Per our conversation on the phone, attached are all documents pertaining to ***'s illness and her diagnosis. We purchased two Jack Russell terriers on 1 June 2015 from thee Fetch Store in Beavercreek Ohio. The female had various health issues throughout her short lifespan. We thought that maybe she was just one of those that got sick easily. On 5 Septemeber 2017 we took *** to the vet and she was diagnosed with possible sever kidney failure. She was admitted to the pet Care Center of Dayton Hospital the same day. It was confirmed the she was in kidney failure and the prognosis was grim. On 8 September 2017 *** was euthanized and we lost her at only 2 years of age.

When it was confirmed that *** was born with abnormal kidneys, I inquired as to what breeder that Fetch got her from. I was told that *** of *** kennel in Indiana was the breeder. Further investigation revealed that Mr *** has been on the Humane Societies 100 worst puppy mills list for several years. Her lineage could not be traced further due to Mr *** being unavailable to help us. Due to the unknown factors of her lineage and that she came from a puppy mill, she was already at a disadvantage health wise. As I understand, Fetch only buys from certified breeders. Upon notifying Fetch, they apologized for our loss and stated since 2017, we only buy from USDA certified breeders.

*** was not only a sweet puppy but she was a member of our family During her short life she touched our hearts as only she could in her special way. There always will be a missing spot in our family for her.

What we are asking for is that Fetch reimburse us for half of the vet bills or give us a puppy of our choosing at a later date. This seems fair due to the issue surrounding her health issues and untimely death. Please feel free to contact me at *** or (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

Thank you
This was agreed upon.
On 30 March 2018 we were ready to get a new puppy. When we picked one out, the manager *** couldn't find our paperwork. We once again sent the paperwork to her and she stated that she had to speak to Corporation We did not hear from hear like she promised. I contacted her again and she stated that, there was no previous deal and that she could sell us another puppy at a discount. I told her that was not the deal and I asked her for the phone number to corporate. *** stated' I am the district manager and I make the decisions, I don't have to go thru corporate. Take the discount or leave it.
We again attempted to resolve this again in late 2018 at the store in Centerville. All documents were provided. The employee stated that she would let the manager and corporate know and once again there was no answer.

Desired Outcome

All we ask for is the original deal be honored. Either pay half of our vet bills or a puppy of our choosing at a date that we determine. Also an apology from Fetch in their handaling of this issue.

Fetch Puppies Response • Feb 22, 2019

Contact Name and Title: *** District Manager
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
We apologize for any miscommunication. Per customers warranty they have always had a 50% credit for price of the puppy they purchased which would be a $275.00 credit towards another puppy. We know customer had a desire for another puppy but wasn't aware of one they have decided on. Because of the price increase of puppies Fetch is willing to offer up to a two thousand dollar credit towards another puppy to be used by 8-22-19

Customer Response • Feb 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There has been no miscommunication in this matter. We have emailed them the warranty packet on 3 different occasions with no answer from Fetch. We attempted to acquire a puppy on 2 different occasions, a Daschund the first time and then a Siberian Husky the second time. Each time a Fetch employee took our information and the warranty packet on *** and never responded back to us. All attempts have been made on our behalf and Fetch (***) has ignored all of our attempts.We have tried to redeem our warranty and never get a response back. Our original puppy "***" was born in a well known puppy mill, that was on the list of the Humane Society's 100 worst puppy mills in the United States. This was verified by a Fetch employee at the Beavercreek store when we inquired on ***s lineage while she was very ill. There has been no contact what so ever from *** or Fetch as a whole. When we asked for corporate's number *** stated "No I make all decisions." She is difficult to deal with and does not even try to contact us at all. We have no faith in what they say or in their actions. A deal was made and we expect the deal to be honored. Half of ***'s vet bill or a puppy of our choosing at a later date.
We not only lost a dog, she was a family member, a best friend and a sister to Cooper our other puppy. Fetch's (***) actions and lack of communication with us has been very disrespectful to us during this ordeal.

Customer Response • Mar 14, 2019

The matter in question has been resolved to the customers satisfaction.

Bought a puppy and tried to return it less than 24 hours later and was denied. I signed a contract and was told I had a three days to return.
Tried to return the dog and was told that I was going to be charged 50% restocking fee. They were very rude, and put me on hold for over 30 minutes. When I called back they would not answer, I had to
call using a private number to get the manager.

Desired Outcome

I was pressured into buying this puppy. I brought i home, it threw up three times and had the worst runs. I called the next morning wanting to return it and was told there was a 50% restocking fee, or I would have to take it to the vet, at my expense to find out what was wrong with it for a full refund. The puppy continued to be sick for a few days. I was unable to get the dog to the vet, because I did not have an additional $200.00 for the vet.

Fetch Puppies Response • Feb 22, 2019

Contact Name and Title: *** District Manager
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
Per customers warranty they are required to go to vet within the first 7 days of purchase to validate their 3 year health guarantee. If vet feels puppy is unhealthy customer can return puppy for a full refund during first 7 days with proper documentation.

I was sold a chiuhuahua puppy that died within a month
recently bought an adorable puppy from Fetch Puppies in Fairfield Ohio. After three trips to the emergency room and an admission for pneumonia she died. I had her less than a month.

At their instruction, I sent them copies of the hospital records, which clearly state the prognosis for the pneumonia was good IF there was no underlying cause, to the store manager and her supervisor. That was 10 days ago

Desired Outcome

In addition to a refund for the puppy, I believe reimbursement for veterinary hospital expenses is reasonable. All told, $7000

Fetch Puppies Response • Dec 17, 2018

Contact Name and Title: *** District Manager
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***
Sorry for the delay in responding. We have reached out to customer via phone on 11/12 and via email 11/28 requesting vet bills and all vet health records since customer purchased puppy. We have not received any response from customer. Please email all records and bills for us to review so we can decide on a proper settlement.

Customer Response • Jan 10, 2019

Document Attached

Fetch Puppies Response • Jan 18, 2019

Please provide verification from your first vet visit at any licensed veterinarian within 7 days for proof of visit to validate your health warranty. We have requested this information on 11-28 and 12-17

Thank you

Purchased Mini golden doodle that is not a mini. Requested refund.
ON 2/26/18 We purchased our mini golden doodle at Fetch. We spoke with the associates for hours prior to purchase. We asked about size. *** the sales rep had stated mini golden doodles do not get over 35lbs. We explained our military and move often and will be renting next time, we wanted a smaller dog as well as my wife travels 220 miles to take care of her grandmother and her co-op doesn't allow large dogs, as in anything over 40lbs. She brought out the paper work that stated she was a mini. My wife and I left and discussed purchasing the mini golden doodle. When we returned to purchased the golden doodle at 8:52 pm. We paid 1999.09 with taxes and health protection. We were given the purchase paper work. My wife took *** the mini golden doodle to the vet within a week. We have since been to the vet 4 times. Her weight and size has increased with every visit. The vet has stated per the sizing of the golden doodle she is not a mini. I stopped back at fetch in March and they said they would have someone call me, so I left my info. I received no call back. I called again requesting to speak with a manager on 4/25/18 at 2:25pm. The associate I spoke with said she was the manager. I explained we purchased the mini because she was a mini. She at that time had surpassed the size of a mini. The manager said we have to wait til she is full grown closer to her 1st bday to determine if she is in fact not a mini. We cannot return her, which we wouldn't do, but request for refund. On march 2, 2018 *** weighed 25.8 lbs, March 29th 32.2lbs, April 25th 41lbs, May 14th 46lbs (spay appointment) and finally on August 24, 2018 *** weighs 59lbs. We called in July and requested a refund. July 11th at 2:37 pm. At that time we spoke with ***. *** asked us to send pictures and weights to an email *** I attempted to send it twice. It returned both times. I called at 6:19pm and double checked and email was given again. We asked for the home office number and it was refused. *** had pulled paperwork and stated that *** is an F1 mini, which means she cannot guarantee she will be a mini. We went through all of our paper work and this is not listed on ours. Infact her Sire and Dam are not even listed on our paperwork. They withheld information from us. We wouldn't have purchased her knowing that. This is why we spent almost 2 hours with *** asking about sizes on feb. 26th. We requested a refund to offset the cost of her being a larger dog. She has had 2 kennels due to size, 2 harnesses, large breed puppy food, her spay surgery was more due to size, her prevenative medicines are more due to size. This is also limits us on places we can rent from due to her size. We have also boarded *** due to her size and not being allowed at co-op. The size she is supposed to be according to golden doodle association isover 14 inches tall but under 17 and 26-35lbs. *** is 24 inches tall at shoulder and 59lbs. By all definitions she is a Standard. She is still growing and will not be a year old until 10/28/2018. We just want a full refund to offset the cost of being sold the wrong size dog. We have tried to resolve this issue and it has been ignored. We now have to deal with it for the remainder of her life. Golden doodles life span is 10-15 years. The receipt #'s are *** and ***.

Desired Outcome

Refund of 1999.09, which includes purchase price of ***, health guarantee, HE ORIG small breed puppy food. ALso 21.95 plus tax for replacement of harness. 6.95 plus tax to replace her collar. 69.95 for refund of dog kennel. The full refund will offset the cost the spay surgery difference from size, the preveneative medicine difference for the rest of her life due to size, the food cost difference between a small breed dog and a large breed dog.

Fetch Puppies Response • Sep 11, 2018

We at Fetch Puppies Dayton are very sorry to hear that ***, your 1st generation mini Goldendoodle purchased on
2/26/2018 is larger in size than an average size mini Goldendoodle. Fetch Puppies is not a breeder and we solely
rely on the information supplied to us and passed on to you as required by the Ohio Pet Disclosure Program.
The birth of a puppy is act of mother nature and is unfortunately and occasionally not perfect. This size issue with
*** is outside of our warranty however you are an important customer to us and the parents of a Fetch Puppy.
The company has offered a full return and refund or an exchange for a smaller size mini Goldendoodle and we fully
understand that you have no desire for this option. We strive as a company to have exceptionally happy and
satisfied customers. So we are going outside of our warranty requirements and offering you as a good faith gesture. We appreciate you as customer and hope you have many years of enjoyment with ***.

was told I could do a normal loan for a dog, paid 1500 dollars down financed 1700, to find out I leased the dog and have to pay a extra 1100 dollars.
I bought a golden retriever from Fetch on July 30th,2018. I was told I could finance the rest of the dog with a normal loan, was showed a break down of the loan and felt comfortable. Soon to find out in my email with the actual papers I leased the dog and to actually own the dog I would pay and extra 1100 dollars. Looking at this document I also seen my Signature was forged. Not only was I scammed and mislead my 2800 dollar dog is now 3900 dollars. The woman who forged my signature and told-showed me false information phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. To add to all of this the dog had kennel cough and got my other dog sick aswell

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of 1100 dollars to make this right.

Fetch Puppies Response • Sep 01, 2018

We have several different finance options. This particular company is a lease option. The customer has to e-sign all documents from their phone. The sales associate does not sign these documents or assist from our computer. They can only be signed from the customers phone. The customer then picks what payment option term they want from their phone and that determines the interest depending on the term. Sorry for any confusion with the finance options. If puppy contracted kennel cough within the first 2 weeks please forward those bills over to store.

Customer Response • Sep 06, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept this response because for one, She shows me the loan screen "on the computer" and tells me its a normal loan. Two I can tell the difference from some ones handwriting and text from a phone? My name is literally signed and is 100 percent not my handwriting. This scam has been all over the news and I am not settling for these low moral actions toward me, leasing a dog.. come on what kind of people do that, then illegally forge my signature. I will settle for 1100 dollars returned to my card because its the only thing to make it right.

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Address: 2742 N. Fairfield Rd., Beavercreek, Ohio, United States, 45431


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+1 (937) 399-2010


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