Unfortunately, we like many other companies and individuals have had to deal with Mr. [redacted], who appears to be a highly manipulative and conniving individual based upon evidence we discovered from others whom Mr. [redacted] has personally attacked and defrauded and attempted to defame. We...
are currently pursuing legal action against Mr. [redacted] for defamation, libel and slander. Our attorney will be contacting him very soon.
As to Mr. [redacted] complaint, it has absolutely no merit. Yes, Mr. [redacted] purchased two hats from our nonprofit organization. Mr. [redacted] seems to have some misguided desire to challenge the validity of what we do. It was explained to Mr. [redacted] that there was a mail theft which occurred on August 25. Mr. [redacted] seems to refer to this event as a "claim." Well, it is more than a claim. The Case number with the Lakewood Police Department is [redacted] and the United States Postal Inspector is also involved as it is a federal crime to steal mail. Unfortunately, we were the victims of a $3,000 ail theft when all of our shipments were stolen from a blue USPS collection box on August 25. Again, this was explained to Mr. [redacted].
Mr. [redacted] is a LIAR. Yes, Mr. [redacted] emailed us "numerous times" to which we responded to every one of Mr. [redacted] emails. Never did we "not" offer to "fix the problem" and in fact, upon being notified that Mr. [redacted] shipment had not arrived, we reprocessed his order as is standard procedure and as we have done for all of the customers who were impacted by the theft.
Mr. [redacted] was informed prior to purchase as well as twice following purchase that there was a 7 to 14 day processing time frame and a 3 to 6 week lead time on the custom embroidered hats he purchased. Mr. [redacted] agreed to our terms of service. Mr. [redacted] failed to provide sizing information which delayed the production of his order.
Mr. [redacted] claims "no hats, no response." The truth of the matter is, that Mr. [redacted] engaged in cyber-bullying and terroristic threats, attacking us and stalking and harassing us for almost nine hours with threats and abusive dialogue and defaming commentary. Mr. [redacted] then left a defamatory and false review on 'ripoffreport.com" before filing this complaint.
There were numerous communications with Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] is a LIAR by claiming that there was "no response."
Mr. [redacted] further alleges that I am a "fraud." Mr. [redacted] utilized defamatory comments such as "fraud" and "this ** F[redacted] Foundation." Mr. [redacted] will be sued for these statements. Not only are we a legally registered nonprofit organization in two countries, we have been in business since 2003 and have over 500,000 satisfied customers worldwide. In order to be a legally registered nonprofit, it requires a business structure, and bylaws and articles of incorporation and it costs a great deal of money. In addition to this we work directly with 40 other organizations in four countries and have since we fist began. We also have more than one website, again, something that costs a great deal of money. Mr. [redacted] should be ashamed of himself. Mr. [redacted] "digging" is tantamount to stalking. Mr. [redacted] further utilizes the term "scam." Mr. [redacted] will be sued for these statements as they are false and defamatory. As for Gregory E[redacted], he was my brother-in-law and formerly stationed at Fort Lewis where he was an Army Ranger with 2/75. Colonel Robert *. S[redacted] not only worked at the Pentagon for years, but he was an armored commander during Vietnam, and was stationed at Fort Hood before becoming the Senior Vice President of a major bank. We demand a retraction by Mr. [redacted] for all his false statements and defamatory commentary. Short of this we will allow our attorneys to pursue legal action in Garden Grove, California against Mr. [redacted].
As to Mr. [redacted] order. Upon learning that it had not been received, it was shipped out. Mr. [redacted] order has been completed. We consider this matter resolved and closed.
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to address this matter and we apologize that the Revdex.com has also had to deal with this cesspool of an individual.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: See the following communication---August 20, 2017 To whomever it may concern with the Revdex.com: I have read in full the response from Mr. F[redacted], to my original complaint encompassing fraud. In summary, his written retort is exponentially full of misstatements, fraudulent claims, and unfortunately egregious lies. In the line of work you guys are in, I’m confident that you see this kind of stuff all of the time. I frankly, do not. That said, gentlemen, I really don’t know exactly where to start with all of this so perhaps an executive summary to the situation at hand is best.On May 3rd 2017 I purchased online and via PayPal, one Blackwater baseball hat for $32.25 (shipping included), from Fallenherobracelets.com (http://fallenherobracelets.com/blackwater-decals-headwear-clothing-and-gear.htm...⇄ By July 23rd, I had not received the product so I sent Mr. F[redacted] an email asking where exactly the product was. (The email Mr. F[redacted] claimed in his response that he never received). Mr. F[redacted] did politely respond with the following: “Yes it takes 7 to 14 days to process an order and hats have a 3 to 6 week lead time. Im getting through orders as quickly as I can.” Okay. So, taking in account with what Mr. F[redacted] stated in his email “two weeks to process a hat, and he had a six-week lead time” (at worst), and considering I purchased the product on May 3rd, at the latest, I should have received the hat would have been by July 28th, right? I mean, we are taking Mr. F[redacted] at his word, and we do have open dialect for his office to inform me of should any issues arise, correct? At least, I thought so. Well, it was a surprise to me when by August 3rd, I still had not received my product and received no response to the email I again forwarded to Mr. F[redacted] inquiring the whereabouts of this ball hat. I must also admit that I am as well, equally surprised at Mr. F[redacted]’s claim of not receiving communication from me encompassing this matter as not only did he, but he, himself responded to it! Either way, after a few back and forth emails in which Mr. F[redacted] was outwardly threatening with “law suit this,” and “legal action that,” and erroneously employing a myriad of legal jargon and other descriptive words (which is by the way, a very odd mistake for a “Chief Legal Officer” of a retail industry business with over 900,000 satisfied customers under their belt to make, wouldn’t you say?) I figured that this entire thing is about a doggone baseball hat. A HAT! So, after PayPal refunded the monies on the 4th, (and yes, regardless what Mr. F[redacted] intends for you to believe, PayPal is the party that refunded me, (I mean really, if it were up to Mr. F[redacted], with his very in-depth, non-refund policy that is deceptively posted in dark print against a dark background, on his POS platform/website, then no refund (as per the proposed language employed) would have been afforded), I actually reached out to Mr. F[redacted] via email and this is the email I forwarded him:You didn't close the claim, PayPal did; hence the reimbursement. This back and forth sucks and is counterproductive. It achieves nothing for either of us. Look, I never wanted a refund, I wanted the product. If you have actually sent the product and it arrives here, I WILL make sure that you get the money. I am an honest consumer. I can reimburse you through a PayPal transfer of money, through Venmo, or a multitude of other mediums. It's only what, $33.00? This is not a sum of money large enough to lose text and bearing over. It's just not. Now, just so you know, all I did was contact PayPal AFTER trying to establish comms with you but failing to do so, and I simply made a claim. I even expressed that I'd prefer the product over a reimbursement. So, since there was no product, and you weren't responding, what other option did I have? It's been three months! I've been burnt before (I'm not insinuating that you're burning me) and if it weren't for PayPal is be out of a lot if money. And, after being burnt before, when comms with a vendor fail altogether, it's never turned out well. So online purchase shell shock is a factor as well. Either way, if you did send the product, just inform me of the medium of imbursement you'd prefer, and once the product is received, I'll get you up to speed and immediately send the money. Rest assured, if everything is 5 x 5, you will be paid. I received no response to this email from Mr. F[redacted]. So, here I am trying to be the bigger person and create a win-win situation for all parties. I never received what I paid in good faith for, but okay, I wanted the hat and the seller wants the money. Fine. Imagine how frustrated I was to receive a bill for $168.38 from a collections agency by the business name of Accounts Receivable! I called them and spoke to an agent by the name of Lakeesha. She proclaimed that Mr. F[redacted] was “fuming-mad,” and that she wanted to facilitate the communications for a compromise. I told her that even though I was being taken for a ride here, that I was willing to pay $40.00 for the damned hat with shipping included, if Mr. F[redacted] was will to be done with this insanity. Lakeesha called back and Mr. F[redacted] rejected the deal. Look guys, I have been the bigger person here, which normally, as an honest consumer, I would have gone for the jugular when ripped off. I actually tried to pay this guy $8 more that the product is worth just to move on from this. I really would have moved on. However, then I read his response to my original complaint, written to you, making some whooaaah outlandish claims. I thought that they were pretty out there, until I was given an address to a social media account of Mr. F[redacted]’s that is, and then read in full, his proposed professional accolades. Clearly, this guy is not the Harvard Law grad he claims to be. Fine. I will state with absolute certainty that he is also NOT a military advisor of any capacity like he claims, nor has he ever been. This is fine as well. However, he purports these claims in what appears to be in edification and support of his product line. He is claiming affiliations, and gentlemen, as his intentions are to drive product to market and profit from these efforts, this situation just reeks of Stolen Valor. (Although this scenario looks really bad on the part of Fallen Hero Bracelets, I will not speak definitively upon this as I am not a subject matter expert on the matter. However, there actually are people whom each are, and are already on top of this. They are the professionals in this arena so I’ll just stick to my lane on this one and let them do their jobs. Just know that this is now under the spotlight.)The only reason I mention any of this is to establish simple mens rea. I actually abhor doing this but to protect others from future victimization, I have to. That said, if you would please refer to your own company’s website and list of complaints you will see for yourselves, a pattern a rise, of claimants referring to threatening emails received from Mr. F[redacted], and the employment of the collection agency Accounts Receivable after receiving refunds for no product received or while asking for refunds. I am willing to bet that a lot of complaints your firm receives about this guy and his company never get posted due to the rolling explicatives employed by claimants so enraged after the back and forth emails with Mr. F[redacted] that they each can’t control their anger on paper. Mr. F[redacted] definitely makes it difficult to remain calm when he so easily employs threat tactics regarding law suits and flat out lies about the claimant, just he has done with me. What really sucks, is that he has figured out a way to market an item that he has absolutely no intention of producing or delivering, and when the buyer asks their payment platform for a refund based upon the grounds of no receipt of product, (after nearly one quarter of a year waiting), Mr. F[redacted] then employs the hired guns of a collection agency, (they unknowingly) fraudulently legitimize the sale, and the Mr. F[redacted] pursues a far higher return in profits than the actual sale had it been legitimate. This is happening. Again, don’t take my word for it, just look at the complaint column on your own website, guys. Or, just call Accounts Receivable and ask to speak to the account manager for Mr. Michael F[redacted] c/o Fallenherobracelets.com (877) 832-2482 ask for a summarization of collections and for what reasons. Use my file number as reference: [redacted]. I will bet the proverbial farm that ALL cases with Account Receivable under Mr. F[redacted] encompass buyers getting refunds from credit card carriers or POS platform managers like PayPal for no receipt of product purchased. As well, for your records, and in total support of what I am claiming in this response, at any time of your choosing, I am willing to forward all emails between Mr. F[redacted] and myself, screenshots of the PayPal transaction regarding this matter, and all written communication with Mr. F[redacted]’s collection firm: Accounts Receivable representative Lakeesha, (although you’d do better in talking with them directly). Now I am not Mr. Michael F[redacted]. My name is [redacted]. I do not make fictitious or untrue claims. That said, know this, your firm has been duly informed of the potentiality of intentional fraud performed within multiplicity by Mr. F[redacted] as per your own business complaint list posted online. You guys really do have both and ethical and fiduciary responsibility to investigate this claim. As well, be duly notified that Mr. F[redacted] is currently employing a Revdex.com A+ rating logo in his home page, to intentionally, and fraudulently misinform web traffic in the attempt to incite sales (http://fallenherobracelets.com/index.html). This as well is yet another deceptive trade practice employed by Mr. F[redacted]. Pretty bold moves for a Havard Law grad and Chief Legal Officer of such a massive, privately-owned corporation serving over 900,000 customers. Oh wait, my mistake guys. You see, one of my colleagues (a business intelligence analyst) has had a really tough time tracking down the company Fallen Hero Bracelets as either a privately-owned entity, a wholly-owned subsidiary, NPO or even as D.B.A. filed in Tacoma, Washington, or even within a national business registry. Perhaps Fallen Hero Bracelets never was registered as a legal business, nor as a business legally paying Fed, State, and county sales and or franchise taxes? Uh-oh. No worries guys, through the performance of your own due diligence you’ll uncover the truth for yourselves very soon, as we are on this end. Most importantly, so will the following government entities: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Division for Internet Crime Complaints, Texas and Washington States’ Comptroller’s Offices, Internal Revenue Service Fraud Division, and The Fraud and Theft Divisions of Tacoma P.D. Over the course of the next few days I will be forwarding these divisions formal complaints drafted by an attorney. This is not an act in preempt of civil suit, but just a facilitation of most needed and undue investigations where most needed. I just wanted you guys to know that although your investigation forthcoming will help in correcting this matter, that you are not the only agency investigating Mr. F[redacted]. Again, I do not make idle statements, and I always say what I mean, and do what I claim. All of this will come to pass.So, let’s recap. This entire issue, basically the unravelling of Mr. F[redacted], encompasses a $32.25 ball cap with tax and shipping costs. A ball cap… Let that sink in for a moment. Adding insult to injury, I was actually willing to allow this entire thing to blow over, and chalk up all of the nasty threats and obvious fictitious claims by Mr. F[redacted], against me, as nothing more than a momentary lapse in judgment on his part, pay him $8 more than what the hat is worth, and shake hands and move on. Instead of maturely doing the same, Mr. F[redacted] chose to looks like an attempt to replicate what seriously appears to be a collection agency employment scam. Remember the facts here. I only requested a refund from PayPal after Mr. F[redacted] did not respond to my second attempt at communication, inquiring where the product was …… which was 90 DAYS overdue. As per his own disclaimer: two weeks to make the hat, and six weeks lead time = eight (8) weeks. Not nine (9) weeks and no responses to inquiring emails. My refund by PayPal was entirely within my legal rights as per his own company’s guidelines. Go to his website and look for yourself (http://fallenherobracelets.com/index.html). Wow, the entirety of this situation makes me feel like someone slipped me a fistful of crazy pills. I mean, common guys, enough is enough. Ultimately, I very much do look forward to the USD1.5MM law suit Mr. F[redacted] claims his company is pursuant of. He has had every single opportunity to correct this situation and still profit, yet he has been the sole author of his responses to both my requests to facilitate said closure, and to the continuance of this situation via his outlandish claims made within response to my original complaint listed with your firm. I seriously can’t make this stuff up! (Again, I simply refer you to your own website complaint list against Mr. F[redacted]). In hindsight to all the frustration I am actually appreciative that this happened to me and not some other veteran who might probably have rolled over and paid the extortion fees, under the duress of threat to his or her credit rating. I actually possess the professional clout to do something about this. You see, throughout this entire situation, I have been provided with ample information encompassing who Mr. F[redacted]) is. Now, throughout all the overly verbose prose, incorrectly used words, improperly employed statutes, one contradiction of scope, legal responsibility, and rules of legal governance, after another, and outright lies conveyed as well, Mr. F[redacted] never considered one very important fact before deciding to fraudulently pursue me. Who I am. : ) In conclusion, if you would like me to forward all documentation discussed, along with my contact information, please do forward me a secure email address and I will promptly respond. Otherwise, know now that it is not my intentions to pursue Mr. F[redacted] in court; yet. However, should a collection appear on my credit report from Accounts Receivable, then the legal fireworks will assuredly begin. Otherwise, Mr. F[redacted] is going to have enough to deal with concerning the several afore mentioned, regulatory and legal governance bodies that are being contacted, posthaste. Respectfully, [redacted] (Please see attachments for copies of emails and PayPal transaction receipt)
The order placed by Ms. [redacted] shipped on day 23 of her order which is 5 weeks ahead of schedule. Additionally, it should be noted that we replied to every communication from Ms. [redacted] and we still are unclear as to why a complaint was even filed. Ms. [redacted]' order was shipped via USPS with the tracking number [redacted]. We consider this matter resolved and closed.
[redacted]'s order was shipped in its entirety. While there was more than one shipment sent to [redacted], we fulfilled [redacted]'s entire order. While there were some delays, we did fulfill the order in its entirety. This is the first notice we have had that one of the hats did not arrive....
[redacted] mistakes use for being the USPS and responsible for lost or stolen mail. [redacted] also failed to make any effort at conversation or communication prior to this dispute. [redacted] misrepresents the facts of this matter in its entirety. [redacted] did not call us and leave messages or text or. We do have some old emails from [redacted] yet nothing after the shipments were sent fulfilling the entirety of [redacted]'s order. [redacted] has been refunded $32.00 for a hat he claims never arrived, despite the fact that we shipped the hat and [redacted] never notified us that it had failed to arrive prior to initiating this dispute/complaint. [redacted] also mistakes himself in asking for "shipping" to be refunded. We shipped [redacted] more than one shipment and incurred shipping costs more than once, despite the fact that [redacted] only paid for shipping once. We have lost a great deal of money on this order. This speaks volumes to the integrity and honesty of this individual who has attempted to defraud our organization through efforts to scam us out of additional funds. He already received a hat he claims he never received. Tracking shows that it was received. As a courtesy we will not submit [redacted]'s account to collections and/or pursue legal action against him for misrepresentation of the facts and tortious interference. As [redacted] has been refunded $32.00 on 10/18 we consider this matter resolved and closed. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to resolve an issue that could have been resolved without wasting everyone's time.
Mrs. [redacted] was refunded in full for her order. From the onset of her communications she began insinuating our organization was a "scam." She made similar statements on social media. She then filed a Revdex.com dispute on day 14 of her order despite having been made aware of lead times. Mrs. [redacted] has continuously attacked our effort and our organization, and she has engaged in defamation, libel and slander, and efforts at extortion. Due to the manner of Mrs. [redacted]'s communication and false and misleading commentary, and in violation of the terms of service she agreed to, we decided it was in our best interests to cease all business with Mrs. [redacted]. Mrs. [redacted] has been refunded and we consider the matter closed. Our legal department will follow up with Mrs. [redacted] in regards to any civil litigation which may come out of her defamation, libel and slander against our organization. Thank you for your efforts in attempting to resolve this matter, unfortunately some people are never able to recognize hard work or resolution.M. F[redacted]Chief Legal OfficerFHB Acquisitions
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:i received no product and am being taken to collections for getting my money back? This solves nothing.
Response to complaint filed by [redacted] on 01/05/2017 with the ID of [redacted].
Mr. [redacted] did place an order for a hat 5/9. Mr. [redacted] also agreed to our terms of service at the time of purchase. Mr. [redacted] also was made aware of a 7 to 14 day processing time frame and a 3 to 6...
week lead time on production. Mr. [redacted] DID NOT provide sizing at the time of purchase, which was a requirement in order to move forward with Mr. [redacted]’s order. As a matter of record, we DID NOT receive sizing info from Mr. [redacted] until 8/4. This tremendously delayed the production of Mr. [redacted]’s custom embroidered hat. In fact, Mr. [redacted] only sent us three mails, with the second having been on 11/8 and the third having been on 11/15. Unfortunately, in the case of orders where the customer fails to provide sizing info, we send one follow up email during the 7 to 14 day processing time frame. Those orders are filed away as pending. They are reviewed each subsequent week for a response. If none is received a second request for sizing is sent out. Mr. [redacted] delayed replying for almost three months, considerably delaying the item.
Mr. [redacted] did request a refund and Mr. [redacted] was refunded.
At no time was I or anyone here “rude” to Mr. [redacted], nor were we “arrogant.” It is unfortunate the people are so hyper-sensitive to electronic communications. All we have day, as we always do, is provide information in relation to processing and production, and try to explain that sometimes delays occur, and sometimes they are our fault, sometimes they are due to issues in production, sometimes they are weather related delays and sometimes they are the customer’s fault.
The fact of the matter was that once Mr. [redacted] provided sizing information on 8/4, we completed Mr. [redacted]’s order within a 2 week time frame, as Mr. [redacted]’s order shipped on 8/24 along with several other shipments. We were notified approximately 3 to 4 days later, that the blue USPS collection box we have been utilizing for the past three years was stolen. We lost $3,000 in shipments, including Mr. [redacted]’s. This was a $6,000 loss to us, and we spent several weeks dealing with audits, trying to locate the shipments that were impacted and reprocessing them and reshipping them. Unfortunately, some shipments we were only made aware that they had not arrived when customers contacted us. Mr. [redacted] delayed contact between 8/4 until 11/8 to inform us he had not received his order. At that time Mr. [redacted] was obviously already biased to the transaction and formulating his own misguided opinions as to the conduct of our business. We have no way to counter that. And unfortunately, New Jersey is one of those placed where we have constant problems due to the attitude of some of the people.
Again, Mr. [redacted] was already refunded for this purchase. The delay was due to 1) Mr. [redacted] failing to provide sizing in an expeditious manner, and 2) USPS mail theft.
As a matter of record, the mail theft has a Case Number of [redacted].
As for the remaining allegations and assertions made by Mr. [redacted], yes, as in almost every element of commerce, you pay first before receiving anything. That is the way that business works. And yes, we do agree that this is all a big headache. We replied to your request for a refund and we completed that refund to you. And yes, you should have “simply received the product as promised” but unfortunately, the mail was stolen. And lastly, no it is not a “scam” to be impacted by mail theft, and by misperception from others. I have delivered 500,000 shipments. I would be careful as to the terminology you utilize in a public forum, as there can be legal ramifications for misleading and false testimony.
We consider this matter resolved and closed.
M. F[redacted]
Fallen Hero Bracelets
Chief Legal Officer
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: How is this a reasonable way to address anyone. I never attacked the man or his business, I simply didn't agree with "7-14 days" when it had clearly been over 3 weeks and 15 business days. Regardless of a perceived "industry standard" 7-14 business days with no update, is simply not a way to handle an order. So now I'm being harassed via mail. Really I have no words for this type of immaturity. Bottom line, what you are being fed from his end of things is a lie. I have emails of all "communication exchanges. At this point id like to verbally speak to a member of BB and have no further communication with the business and the terrorist treatment I am getting from them. To spend 6 dollars on a package to be sent to an address to harass a potential customer raising a reasonable concern is absolutely ridiculous.
Please contact via phone ASAP. thank you. Sincerely,[redacted]
Unfortunately, we like many other companies and individuals have had to deal with Mr. [redacted], who appears to be a highly manipulative and conniving individual based upon evidence we discovered from others whom Mr. [redacted] has personally attacked and defrauded and attempted to defame. We...
are currently pursuing legal action against Mr. [redacted] for defamation, libel and slander. Our attorney will be contacting him very soon.
As to Mr. [redacted] complaint, it has absolutely no merit. Yes, Mr. [redacted] purchased two hats from our nonprofit organization. Mr. [redacted] seems to have some misguided desire to challenge the validity of what we do. It was explained to Mr. [redacted] that there was a mail theft which occurred on August 25. Mr. [redacted] seems to refer to this event as a "claim." Well, it is more than a claim. The Case number with the Lakewood Police Department is [redacted] and the United States Postal Inspector is also involved as it is a federal crime to steal mail. Unfortunately, we were the victims of a $3,000 ail theft when all of our shipments were stolen from a blue USPS collection box on August 25. Again, this was explained to Mr. [redacted].
Mr. [redacted] is a LIAR. Yes, Mr. [redacted] emailed us "numerous times" to which we responded to every one of Mr. [redacted] emails. Never did we "not" offer to "fix the problem" and in fact, upon being notified that Mr. [redacted] shipment had not arrived, we reprocessed his order as is standard procedure and as we have done for all of the customers who were impacted by the theft.
Mr. [redacted] was informed prior to purchase as well as twice following purchase that there was a 7 to 14 day processing time frame and a 3 to 6 week lead time on the custom embroidered hats he purchased. Mr. [redacted] agreed to our terms of service. Mr. [redacted] failed to provide sizing information which delayed the production of his order.
Mr. [redacted] claims "no hats, no response." The truth of the matter is, that Mr. [redacted] engaged in cyber-bullying and terroristic threats, attacking us and stalking and harassing us for almost nine hours with threats and abusive dialogue and defaming commentary. Mr. [redacted] then left a defamatory and false review on 'ripoffreport.com" before filing this complaint.
There were numerous communications with Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] is a LIAR by claiming that there was "no response."
Mr. [redacted] further alleges that I am a "fraud." Mr. [redacted] utilized defamatory comments such as "fraud" and "this ** F[redacted] Foundation." Mr. [redacted] will be sued for these statements. Not only are we a legally registered nonprofit organization in two countries, we have been in business since 2003 and have over 500,000 satisfied customers worldwide. In order to be a legally registered nonprofit, it requires a business structure, and bylaws and articles of incorporation and it costs a great deal of money. In addition to this we work directly with 40 other organizations in four countries and have since we fist began. We also have more than one website, again, something that costs a great deal of money. Mr. [redacted] should be ashamed of himself. Mr. [redacted] "digging" is tantamount to stalking. Mr. [redacted] further utilizes the term "scam." Mr. [redacted] will be sued for these statements as they are false and defamatory. As for Gregory E[redacted], he was my brother-in-law and formerly stationed at Fort Lewis where he was an Army Ranger with 2/75. Colonel Robert *. S[redacted] not only worked at the Pentagon for years, but he was an armored commander during Vietnam, and was stationed at Fort Hood before becoming the Senior Vice President of a major bank. We demand a retraction by Mr. [redacted] for all his false statements and defamatory commentary. Short of this we will allow our attorneys to pursue legal action in Garden Grove, California against Mr. [redacted].
As to Mr. [redacted] order. Upon learning that it had not been received, it was shipped out. Mr. [redacted] order has been completed. We consider this matter resolved and closed.
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to address this matter and we apologize that the Revdex.com has also had to deal with this cesspool of an individual.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: See the following communication---August 20, 2017 To whomever it may concern with the Revdex.com: I have read in full the response from Mr. F[redacted], to my original complaint encompassing fraud. In summary, his written retort is exponentially full of misstatements, fraudulent claims, and unfortunately egregious lies. In the line of work you guys are in, I’m confident that you see this kind of stuff all of the time. I frankly, do not. That said, gentlemen, I really don’t know exactly where to start with all of this so perhaps an executive summary to the situation at hand is best.On May 3rd 2017 I purchased online and via PayPal, one Blackwater baseball hat for $32.25 (shipping included), from Fallenherobracelets.com (http://fallenherobracelets.com/blackwater-decals-headwear-clothing-and-gear.htm...⇄ By July 23rd, I had not received the product so I sent Mr. F[redacted] an email asking where exactly the product was. (The email Mr. F[redacted] claimed in his response that he never received). Mr. F[redacted] did politely respond with the following: “Yes it takes 7 to 14 days to process an order and hats have a 3 to 6 week lead time. Im getting through orders as quickly as I can.” Okay. So, taking in account with what Mr. F[redacted] stated in his email “two weeks to process a hat, and he had a six-week lead time” (at worst), and considering I purchased the product on May 3rd, at the latest, I should have received the hat would have been by July 28th, right? I mean, we are taking Mr. F[redacted] at his word, and we do have open dialect for his office to inform me of should any issues arise, correct? At least, I thought so. Well, it was a surprise to me when by August 3rd, I still had not received my product and received no response to the email I again forwarded to Mr. F[redacted] inquiring the whereabouts of this ball hat. I must also admit that I am as well, equally surprised at Mr. F[redacted]’s claim of not receiving communication from me encompassing this matter as not only did he, but he, himself responded to it! Either way, after a few back and forth emails in which Mr. F[redacted] was outwardly threatening with “law suit this,” and “legal action that,” and erroneously employing a myriad of legal jargon and other descriptive words (which is by the way, a very odd mistake for a “Chief Legal Officer” of a retail industry business with over 900,000 satisfied customers under their belt to make, wouldn’t you say?) I figured that this entire thing is about a doggone baseball hat. A HAT! So, after PayPal refunded the monies on the 4th, (and yes, regardless what Mr. F[redacted] intends for you to believe, PayPal is the party that refunded me, (I mean really, if it were up to Mr. F[redacted], with his very in-depth, non-refund policy that is deceptively posted in dark print against a dark background, on his POS platform/website, then no refund (as per the proposed language employed) would have been afforded), I actually reached out to Mr. F[redacted] via email and this is the email I forwarded him:You didn't close the claim, PayPal did; hence the reimbursement. This back and forth sucks and is counterproductive. It achieves nothing for either of us. Look, I never wanted a refund, I wanted the product. If you have actually sent the product and it arrives here, I WILL make sure that you get the money. I am an honest consumer. I can reimburse you through a PayPal transfer of money, through Venmo, or a multitude of other mediums. It's only what, $33.00? This is not a sum of money large enough to lose text and bearing over. It's just not. Now, just so you know, all I did was contact PayPal AFTER trying to establish comms with you but failing to do so, and I simply made a claim. I even expressed that I'd prefer the product over a reimbursement. So, since there was no product, and you weren't responding, what other option did I have? It's been three months! I've been burnt before (I'm not insinuating that you're burning me) and if it weren't for PayPal is be out of a lot if money. And, after being burnt before, when comms with a vendor fail altogether, it's never turned out well. So online purchase shell shock is a factor as well. Either way, if you did send the product, just inform me of the medium of imbursement you'd prefer, and once the product is received, I'll get you up to speed and immediately send the money. Rest assured, if everything is 5 x 5, you will be paid. I received no response to this email from Mr. F[redacted]. So, here I am trying to be the bigger person and create a win-win situation for all parties. I never received what I paid in good faith for, but okay, I wanted the hat and the seller wants the money. Fine. Imagine how frustrated I was to receive a bill for $168.38 from a collections agency by the business name of Accounts Receivable! I called them and spoke to an agent by the name of Lakeesha. She proclaimed that Mr. F[redacted] was “fuming-mad,” and that she wanted to facilitate the communications for a compromise. I told her that even though I was being taken for a ride here, that I was willing to pay $40.00 for the damned hat with shipping included, if Mr. F[redacted] was will to be done with this insanity. Lakeesha called back and Mr. F[redacted] rejected the deal. Look guys, I have been the bigger person here, which normally, as an honest consumer, I would have gone for the jugular when ripped off. I actually tried to pay this guy $8 more that the product is worth just to move on from this. I really would have moved on. However, then I read his response to my original complaint, written to you, making some whooaaah outlandish claims. I thought that they were pretty out there, until I was given an address to a social media account of Mr. F[redacted]’s that is, and then read in full, his proposed professional accolades. Clearly, this guy is not the Harvard Law grad he claims to be. Fine. I will state with absolute certainty that he is also NOT a military advisor of any capacity like he claims, nor has he ever been. This is fine as well. However, he purports these claims in what appears to be in edification and support of his product line. He is claiming affiliations, and gentlemen, as his intentions are to drive product to market and profit from these efforts, this situation just reeks of Stolen Valor. (Although this scenario looks really bad on the part of Fallen Hero Bracelets, I will not speak definitively upon this as I am not a subject matter expert on the matter. However, there actually are people whom each are, and are already on top of this. They are the professionals in this arena so I’ll just stick to my lane on this one and let them do their jobs. Just know that this is now under the spotlight.)The only reason I mention any of this is to establish simple mens rea. I actually abhor doing this but to protect others from future victimization, I have to. That said, if you would please refer to your own company’s website and list of complaints you will see for yourselves, a pattern a rise, of claimants referring to threatening emails received from Mr. F[redacted], and the employment of the collection agency Accounts Receivable after receiving refunds for no product received or while asking for refunds. I am willing to bet that a lot of complaints your firm receives about this guy and his company never get posted due to the rolling explicatives employed by claimants so enraged after the back and forth emails with Mr. F[redacted] that they each can’t control their anger on paper. Mr. F[redacted] definitely makes it difficult to remain calm when he so easily employs threat tactics regarding law suits and flat out lies about the claimant, just he has done with me. What really sucks, is that he has figured out a way to market an item that he has absolutely no intention of producing or delivering, and when the buyer asks their payment platform for a refund based upon the grounds of no receipt of product, (after nearly one quarter of a year waiting), Mr. F[redacted] then employs the hired guns of a collection agency, (they unknowingly) fraudulently legitimize the sale, and the Mr. F[redacted] pursues a far higher return in profits than the actual sale had it been legitimate. This is happening. Again, don’t take my word for it, just look at the complaint column on your own website, guys. Or, just call Accounts Receivable and ask to speak to the account manager for Mr. Michael F[redacted] c/o Fallenherobracelets.com (877) 832-2482 ask for a summarization of collections and for what reasons. Use my file number as reference: [redacted]. I will bet the proverbial farm that ALL cases with Account Receivable under Mr. F[redacted] encompass buyers getting refunds from credit card carriers or POS platform managers like PayPal for no receipt of product purchased. As well, for your records, and in total support of what I am claiming in this response, at any time of your choosing, I am willing to forward all emails between Mr. F[redacted] and myself, screenshots of the PayPal transaction regarding this matter, and all written communication with Mr. F[redacted]’s collection firm: Accounts Receivable representative Lakeesha, (although you’d do better in talking with them directly). Now I am not Mr. Michael F[redacted]. My name is [redacted]. I do not make fictitious or untrue claims. That said, know this, your firm has been duly informed of the potentiality of intentional fraud performed within multiplicity by Mr. F[redacted] as per your own business complaint list posted online. You guys really do have both and ethical and fiduciary responsibility to investigate this claim. As well, be duly notified that Mr. F[redacted] is currently employing a Revdex.com A+ rating logo in his home page, to intentionally, and fraudulently misinform web traffic in the attempt to incite sales (http://fallenherobracelets.com/index.html). This as well is yet another deceptive trade practice employed by Mr. F[redacted]. Pretty bold moves for a Havard Law grad and Chief Legal Officer of such a massive, privately-owned corporation serving over 900,000 customers. Oh wait, my mistake guys. You see, one of my colleagues (a business intelligence analyst) has had a really tough time tracking down the company Fallen Hero Bracelets as either a privately-owned entity, a wholly-owned subsidiary, NPO or even as D.B.A. filed in Tacoma, Washington, or even within a national business registry. Perhaps Fallen Hero Bracelets never was registered as a legal business, nor as a business legally paying Fed, State, and county sales and or franchise taxes? Uh-oh. No worries guys, through the performance of your own due diligence you’ll uncover the truth for yourselves very soon, as we are on this end. Most importantly, so will the following government entities: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Division for Internet Crime Complaints, Texas and Washington States’ Comptroller’s Offices, Internal Revenue Service Fraud Division, and The Fraud and Theft Divisions of Tacoma P.D. Over the course of the next few days I will be forwarding these divisions formal complaints drafted by an attorney. This is not an act in preempt of civil suit, but just a facilitation of most needed and undue investigations where most needed. I just wanted you guys to know that although your investigation forthcoming will help in correcting this matter, that you are not the only agency investigating Mr. F[redacted]. Again, I do not make idle statements, and I always say what I mean, and do what I claim. All of this will come to pass.So, let’s recap. This entire issue, basically the unravelling of Mr. F[redacted], encompasses a $32.25 ball cap with tax and shipping costs. A ball cap… Let that sink in for a moment. Adding insult to injury, I was actually willing to allow this entire thing to blow over, and chalk up all of the nasty threats and obvious fictitious claims by Mr. F[redacted], against me, as nothing more than a momentary lapse in judgment on his part, pay him $8 more than what the hat is worth, and shake hands and move on. Instead of maturely doing the same, Mr. F[redacted] chose to looks like an attempt to replicate what seriously appears to be a collection agency employment scam. Remember the facts here. I only requested a refund from PayPal after Mr. F[redacted] did not respond to my second attempt at communication, inquiring where the product was …… which was 90 DAYS overdue. As per his own disclaimer: two weeks to make the hat, and six weeks lead time = eight (8) weeks. Not nine (9) weeks and no responses to inquiring emails. My refund by PayPal was entirely within my legal rights as per his own company’s guidelines. Go to his website and look for yourself (http://fallenherobracelets.com/index.html). Wow, the entirety of this situation makes me feel like someone slipped me a fistful of crazy pills. I mean, common guys, enough is enough. Ultimately, I very much do look forward to the USD1.5MM law suit Mr. F[redacted] claims his company is pursuant of. He has had every single opportunity to correct this situation and still profit, yet he has been the sole author of his responses to both my requests to facilitate said closure, and to the continuance of this situation via his outlandish claims made within response to my original complaint listed with your firm. I seriously can’t make this stuff up! (Again, I simply refer you to your own website complaint list against Mr. F[redacted]). In hindsight to all the frustration I am actually appreciative that this happened to me and not some other veteran who might probably have rolled over and paid the extortion fees, under the duress of threat to his or her credit rating. I actually possess the professional clout to do something about this. You see, throughout this entire situation, I have been provided with ample information encompassing who Mr. F[redacted]) is. Now, throughout all the overly verbose prose, incorrectly used words, improperly employed statutes, one contradiction of scope, legal responsibility, and rules of legal governance, after another, and outright lies conveyed as well, Mr. F[redacted] never considered one very important fact before deciding to fraudulently pursue me. Who I am. : ) In conclusion, if you would like me to forward all documentation discussed, along with my contact information, please do forward me a secure email address and I will promptly respond. Otherwise, know now that it is not my intentions to pursue Mr. F[redacted] in court; yet. However, should a collection appear on my credit report from Accounts Receivable, then the legal fireworks will assuredly begin. Otherwise, Mr. F[redacted] is going to have enough to deal with concerning the several afore mentioned, regulatory and legal governance bodies that are being contacted, posthaste. Respectfully, [redacted] (Please see attachments for copies of emails and PayPal transaction receipt)
The order placed by Ms. [redacted] shipped on day 23 of her order which is 5 weeks ahead of schedule. Additionally, it should be noted that we replied to every communication from Ms. [redacted] and we still are unclear as to why a complaint was even filed. Ms. [redacted]' order was shipped via USPS with the tracking number [redacted]. We consider this matter resolved and closed.
[redacted]'s order was shipped in its entirety. While there was more than one shipment sent to [redacted], we fulfilled [redacted]'s entire order. While there were some delays, we did fulfill the order in its entirety. This is the first notice we have had that one of the hats did not arrive....
[redacted] mistakes use for being the USPS and responsible for lost or stolen mail. [redacted] also failed to make any effort at conversation or communication prior to this dispute. [redacted] misrepresents the facts of this matter in its entirety. [redacted] did not call us and leave messages or text or. We do have some old emails from [redacted] yet nothing after the shipments were sent fulfilling the entirety of [redacted]'s order. [redacted] has been refunded $32.00 for a hat he claims never arrived, despite the fact that we shipped the hat and [redacted] never notified us that it had failed to arrive prior to initiating this dispute/complaint. [redacted] also mistakes himself in asking for "shipping" to be refunded. We shipped [redacted] more than one shipment and incurred shipping costs more than once, despite the fact that [redacted] only paid for shipping once. We have lost a great deal of money on this order. This speaks volumes to the integrity and honesty of this individual who has attempted to defraud our organization through efforts to scam us out of additional funds. He already received a hat he claims he never received. Tracking shows that it was received. As a courtesy we will not submit [redacted]'s account to collections and/or pursue legal action against him for misrepresentation of the facts and tortious interference. As [redacted] has been refunded $32.00 on 10/18 we consider this matter resolved and closed. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to resolve an issue that could have been resolved without wasting everyone's time.
Mrs. [redacted] was refunded in full for her order. From the onset of her communications she began insinuating our organization was a "scam." She made similar statements on social media. She then filed a Revdex.com dispute on day 14 of her order despite having been made aware of lead times. Mrs. [redacted] has continuously attacked our effort and our organization, and she has engaged in defamation, libel and slander, and efforts at extortion. Due to the manner of Mrs. [redacted]'s communication and false and misleading commentary, and in violation of the terms of service she agreed to, we decided it was in our best interests to cease all business with Mrs. [redacted]. Mrs. [redacted] has been refunded and we consider the matter closed. Our legal department will follow up with Mrs. [redacted] in regards to any civil litigation which may come out of her defamation, libel and slander against our organization. Thank you for your efforts in attempting to resolve this matter, unfortunately some people are never able to recognize hard work or resolution.M. F[redacted]Chief Legal OfficerFHB Acquisitions
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:i received no product and am being taken to collections for getting my money back? This solves nothing.
Response to complaint filed by [redacted] on 01/05/2017 with the ID of [redacted].
Mr. [redacted] did place an order for a hat 5/9. Mr. [redacted] also agreed to our terms of service at the time of purchase. Mr. [redacted] also was made aware of a 7 to 14 day processing time frame and a 3 to 6...
week lead time on production. Mr. [redacted] DID NOT provide sizing at the time of purchase, which was a requirement in order to move forward with Mr. [redacted]’s order. As a matter of record, we DID NOT receive sizing info from Mr. [redacted] until 8/4. This tremendously delayed the production of Mr. [redacted]’s custom embroidered hat. In fact, Mr. [redacted] only sent us three mails, with the second having been on 11/8 and the third having been on 11/15. Unfortunately, in the case of orders where the customer fails to provide sizing info, we send one follow up email during the 7 to 14 day processing time frame. Those orders are filed away as pending. They are reviewed each subsequent week for a response. If none is received a second request for sizing is sent out. Mr. [redacted] delayed replying for almost three months, considerably delaying the item.
Mr. [redacted] did request a refund and Mr. [redacted] was refunded.
At no time was I or anyone here “rude” to Mr. [redacted], nor were we “arrogant.” It is unfortunate the people are so hyper-sensitive to electronic communications. All we have day, as we always do, is provide information in relation to processing and production, and try to explain that sometimes delays occur, and sometimes they are our fault, sometimes they are due to issues in production, sometimes they are weather related delays and sometimes they are the customer’s fault.
The fact of the matter was that once Mr. [redacted] provided sizing information on 8/4, we completed Mr. [redacted]’s order within a 2 week time frame, as Mr. [redacted]’s order shipped on 8/24 along with several other shipments. We were notified approximately 3 to 4 days later, that the blue USPS collection box we have been utilizing for the past three years was stolen. We lost $3,000 in shipments, including Mr. [redacted]’s. This was a $6,000 loss to us, and we spent several weeks dealing with audits, trying to locate the shipments that were impacted and reprocessing them and reshipping them. Unfortunately, some shipments we were only made aware that they had not arrived when customers contacted us. Mr. [redacted] delayed contact between 8/4 until 11/8 to inform us he had not received his order. At that time Mr. [redacted] was obviously already biased to the transaction and formulating his own misguided opinions as to the conduct of our business. We have no way to counter that. And unfortunately, New Jersey is one of those placed where we have constant problems due to the attitude of some of the people.
Again, Mr. [redacted] was already refunded for this purchase. The delay was due to 1) Mr. [redacted] failing to provide sizing in an expeditious manner, and 2) USPS mail theft.
As a matter of record, the mail theft has a Case Number of [redacted].
As for the remaining allegations and assertions made by Mr. [redacted], yes, as in almost every element of commerce, you pay first before receiving anything. That is the way that business works. And yes, we do agree that this is all a big headache. We replied to your request for a refund and we completed that refund to you. And yes, you should have “simply received the product as promised” but unfortunately, the mail was stolen. And lastly, no it is not a “scam” to be impacted by mail theft, and by misperception from others. I have delivered 500,000 shipments. I would be careful as to the terminology you utilize in a public forum, as there can be legal ramifications for misleading and false testimony.
We consider this matter resolved and closed.
M. F[redacted]
Fallen Hero Bracelets
Chief Legal Officer
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: How is this a reasonable way to address anyone. I never attacked the man or his business, I simply didn't agree with "7-14 days" when it had clearly been over 3 weeks and 15 business days. Regardless of a perceived "industry standard" 7-14 business days with no update, is simply not a way to handle an order. So now I'm being harassed via mail. Really I have no words for this type of immaturity. Bottom line, what you are being fed from his end of things is a lie. I have emails of all "communication exchanges. At this point id like to verbally speak to a member of BB and have no further communication with the business and the terrorist treatment I am getting from them. To spend 6 dollars on a package to be sent to an address to harass a potential customer raising a reasonable concern is absolutely ridiculous.
Please contact via phone ASAP. thank you. Sincerely,[redacted]
Revdex.com:I have received the items, and wish to withdrawl my complaintSincerely, [redacted]