Dear Mr. [redacted],Thank you so much for contacting Fall Creek Homes in regards to complaint #[redacted]. Theentire Fall Creek Homes team and I consider it a great honor to serve our clients andhomebuyers. We very much appreciate the roll that the plays in helping in that greathonor.Please allow me to...
address the issue at hand with Mr. [redacted]. The home Mr. [redacted] purchased islocated at [redacted]. The date Mr. [redacted] closed on the home wasNovember 30, 2009. As Mr. [redacted] stated, Fall Creek Homes includes a one-year warranty thatis agreed to via signature by both Fall Creek Homes and the buyer. This is the industrystandard for Idaho and generally required by law. Fall Creek Homes fulfilled that which wasagreed to and addressed all warranty requests within that time frame.Warranty repairs, while never desirable, are a crucial part of building homes. Homes are one ofthe few remaining items that are built completely by hand. With the human and the materialfactor combined there are bound to be items we will gladly address as part of the warranty thatis agreed to. However, warranty repairs do not extend warranty coverage. Mr. [redacted] must beaware that noticing "some time after," which in this case is years, the initial repair does notobligate us to further service or work. Of course Fall Creek Homes may supersede our warrantyand perform work outside of warranty time periods, but again this does not obligate us toperform further work.By the time Mr. [redacted] contacted our office worker Aseneth in 2014 he had already been out ofwarranty for four years. As Mr. [redacted] stated, Aseneth "had [Mr. [redacted]] contact Andre" who wasthen and still is our tile contractor. Warranty matters are handled in house. Aseneth, I'm sure,was just giving Mr. [redacted] contact information for someone he could call as a homeowner andcontract with on his own. Fall Creek Homes did not make a warranty work order at this point.Contact with Mr. [redacted] again ceased, with no contact at all from Mr. [redacted] in 2015, until May of2016. In May of 2016 Mr. [redacted] called and spoke with our office manager Mike H[redacted].Knowing our standard practice, Mr. H[redacted] did say "the warranty would have been up in2010," and while Mr. H[redacted] had no direct knowledge of Mr. [redacted], his house purchase, or hiswarranty history of more than six years ago he did seek further information from office staff.After his investigation Mr. H[redacted] did return Mr. [redacted]'s call and informed him that FallCreek Homes would not be addressing anything further in his home, the warranty period haslapsed, service was completed, and any item Mr. [redacted] would like addressed he should do so asa homeowner.Mr. [redacted], I would have the and all consumers know that we are happy to address ourcontractual obligations. Fall Creek Homes is under no obligation to service a home built andclosed on in 2009.Best regards,Bryson *. H[redacted]Fall Creek HomesPresident
Dear Mr. [redacted],I wish to write again in response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint number [redacted]. Thank you forfacilitating such a response.Mr. [redacted] is correct that when we learned of his formal complaint we did ask for and weregranted permission to inspect his home and his master bathroom's shower. Mike W[redacted], FallCreek Homes' Warranty Foreman, and Andre, our current tile contractor, visited Mr. [redacted]'shome on June 17, 2016. Neither Mike nor Andre diagnosed a current leak, as Mr. [redacted] hasn'tused his master shower at all recently. Mike said in passing, "a leak is never a good thing," butupon inspection couldn't confirm that a leak was even present, and Mr. [redacted] stated that he hasnot used the shower for four years. The question remains if the "leak" isn't anything more thanshrunken caulking, which is a yearly homeowner maintenance item, or even the opening of theshower door.We retain the position that the home was built in 2009; repairs that were requested in the oneyearwarranty period were preformed and completed. In this case the product of the showerwas covered by the one-year warranty for the home itself. We, Fall Creek Homes, are no longerliable or responsible for any product, assembled or manufactured, in Mr. [redacted]'s home. Mr.[redacted], as with any homeowner, has the responsibility to keep his home in good repair.Sometimes those responsibilities require hiring competent help. We would suggest Mr. [redacted]seek help on the open market and handle things as any homeowner would.Best regards,Bryson *. H[redacted]Fall Creek HomesPresident
Complaint: [redacted]It is obvious that Fall Creek Homes has neglected and intends to neglect and postpone their responsibilities as they have since 2010-2011. Consumers deserve to be warned against companies like that.Sincerely,[redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]I cannot consider this matter closed, but I can add some more information. Julianne contacted me on June 14, 2016 and indicated that they wanted Mike W[redacted] and Andre to and perform an inspection. Those two did come today (6/17/2016) and took pictures. They spent about 20-25 minutes here. Mike recognized that the leak was not a good thing. Andre pointed out there is no hard water around the drain and the grout there was intact. They discussed a new drain pan system that they were starting to use.
Mr. H[redacted] states in his letter dated June 16 that the issue was noted years after the the repair or home construction. Neither would be correct. The issue was noted in the first year. The repairs stretched out for months and well past 12 months from the house purchase, and the continued issue with the leak was noted shortly (weeks) after the last repair, not years as he stated. In this case a shower should be able to be used without it leaking water and it is still covered by implied warranties unless the product is marked "as is," or the seller otherwise indicates in writing that no warranty is given. I probably didn't press Nick as hard as I could have at the time between repairs, but Nick told me he was very busy with other projects.
It is not clear as to whether Mr. H[redacted] was uninformed as to when the issues with the last repair were reported or he simply based his information on my last letter, but there is something fishy here: Mr. H[redacted] produced and dated his letter yesterday, but still wanted his employees/subcontractors to enter my home and photograph the shower today. It sounds like he wishes to say their sluggishness at performing repairs would be enough to remove their obligation to perform repairs.
I should point out that this shower has not been used for the last 4 years due to the obvious consequences.
Dear Mr. [redacted],Thank you so much for contacting Fall Creek Homes in regards to complaint #[redacted]. Theentire Fall Creek Homes team and I consider it a great honor to serve our clients andhomebuyers. We very much appreciate the roll that the plays in helping in that greathonor.Please allow me to...
address the issue at hand with Mr. [redacted]. The home Mr. [redacted] purchased islocated at [redacted]. The date Mr. [redacted] closed on the home wasNovember 30, 2009. As Mr. [redacted] stated, Fall Creek Homes includes a one-year warranty thatis agreed to via signature by both Fall Creek Homes and the buyer. This is the industrystandard for Idaho and generally required by law. Fall Creek Homes fulfilled that which wasagreed to and addressed all warranty requests within that time frame.Warranty repairs, while never desirable, are a crucial part of building homes. Homes are one ofthe few remaining items that are built completely by hand. With the human and the materialfactor combined there are bound to be items we will gladly address as part of the warranty thatis agreed to. However, warranty repairs do not extend warranty coverage. Mr. [redacted] must beaware that noticing "some time after," which in this case is years, the initial repair does notobligate us to further service or work. Of course Fall Creek Homes may supersede our warrantyand perform work outside of warranty time periods, but again this does not obligate us toperform further work.By the time Mr. [redacted] contacted our office worker Aseneth in 2014 he had already been out ofwarranty for four years. As Mr. [redacted] stated, Aseneth "had [Mr. [redacted]] contact Andre" who wasthen and still is our tile contractor. Warranty matters are handled in house. Aseneth, I'm sure,was just giving Mr. [redacted] contact information for someone he could call as a homeowner andcontract with on his own. Fall Creek Homes did not make a warranty work order at this point.Contact with Mr. [redacted] again ceased, with no contact at all from Mr. [redacted] in 2015, until May of2016. In May of 2016 Mr. [redacted] called and spoke with our office manager Mike H[redacted].Knowing our standard practice, Mr. H[redacted] did say "the warranty would have been up in2010," and while Mr. H[redacted] had no direct knowledge of Mr. [redacted], his house purchase, or hiswarranty history of more than six years ago he did seek further information from office staff.After his investigation Mr. H[redacted] did return Mr. [redacted]'s call and informed him that FallCreek Homes would not be addressing anything further in his home, the warranty period haslapsed, service was completed, and any item Mr. [redacted] would like addressed he should do so asa homeowner.Mr. [redacted], I would have the and all consumers know that we are happy to address ourcontractual obligations. Fall Creek Homes is under no obligation to service a home built andclosed on in 2009.Best regards,Bryson *. H[redacted]Fall Creek HomesPresident
Dear Mr. [redacted],I wish to write again in response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint number [redacted]. Thank you forfacilitating such a response.Mr. [redacted] is correct that when we learned of his formal complaint we did ask for and weregranted permission to inspect his home and his master bathroom's shower. Mike W[redacted], FallCreek Homes' Warranty Foreman, and Andre, our current tile contractor, visited Mr. [redacted]'shome on June 17, 2016. Neither Mike nor Andre diagnosed a current leak, as Mr. [redacted] hasn'tused his master shower at all recently. Mike said in passing, "a leak is never a good thing," butupon inspection couldn't confirm that a leak was even present, and Mr. [redacted] stated that he hasnot used the shower for four years. The question remains if the "leak" isn't anything more thanshrunken caulking, which is a yearly homeowner maintenance item, or even the opening of theshower door.We retain the position that the home was built in 2009; repairs that were requested in the oneyearwarranty period were preformed and completed. In this case the product of the showerwas covered by the one-year warranty for the home itself. We, Fall Creek Homes, are no longerliable or responsible for any product, assembled or manufactured, in Mr. [redacted]'s home. Mr.[redacted], as with any homeowner, has the responsibility to keep his home in good repair.Sometimes those responsibilities require hiring competent help. We would suggest Mr. [redacted]seek help on the open market and handle things as any homeowner would.Best regards,Bryson *. H[redacted]Fall Creek HomesPresident
Complaint: [redacted]It is obvious that Fall Creek Homes has neglected and intends to neglect and postpone their responsibilities as they have since 2010-2011. Consumers deserve to be warned against companies like that.Sincerely,[redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]I cannot consider this matter closed, but I can add some more information. Julianne contacted me on June 14, 2016 and indicated that they wanted Mike W[redacted] and Andre to and perform an inspection. Those two did come today (6/17/2016) and took pictures. They spent about 20-25 minutes here. Mike recognized that the leak was not a good thing. Andre pointed out there is no hard water around the drain and the grout there was intact. They discussed a new drain pan system that they were starting to use.
Mr. H[redacted] states in his letter dated June 16 that the issue was noted years after the the repair or home construction. Neither would be correct. The issue was noted in the first year. The repairs stretched out for months and well past 12 months from the house purchase, and the continued issue with the leak was noted shortly (weeks) after the last repair, not years as he stated. In this case a shower should be able to be used without it leaking water and it is still covered by implied warranties unless the product is marked "as is," or the seller otherwise indicates in writing that no warranty is given. I probably didn't press Nick as hard as I could have at the time between repairs, but Nick told me he was very busy with other projects.
It is not clear as to whether Mr. H[redacted] was uninformed as to when the issues with the last repair were reported or he simply based his information on my last letter, but there is something fishy here: Mr. H[redacted] produced and dated his letter yesterday, but still wanted his employees/subcontractors to enter my home and photograph the shower today. It sounds like he wishes to say their sluggishness at performing repairs would be enough to remove their obligation to perform repairs.
I should point out that this shower has not been used for the last 4 years due to the obvious consequences.