12-14-15*** *** *** brought her car in for inspection It needed front rotors, break pads I put them on during the inspection I found a calibur bolt was lose I told her it needed fixed she said she would have to bring it back She didn't have the money to fix the problem, she
made appointmet for 11-27-She called and canceled it Then made another appointment for 12-28- I did not put electric tape on the caliber pin I used *** *** and told her it would hold till she came back on 11-27-15. I have done this for yrs and have not had any other customers complaine abought my work I would never put somebodys live in danger I don't know what she is trying to pull *** would say or do anything against me because I got some of his customers I can not fix something I customer does not come back. MgrJames E
12-14-15*** *** *** brought her car in for inspection It needed front rotors, break pads I put them on during the inspection I found a calibur bolt was lose I told her it needed fixed she said she would have to bring it back She didn't have the money to fix the problem, she
made appointmet for 11-27-She called and canceled it Then made another appointment for 12-28- I did not put electric tape on the caliber pin I used *** *** and told her it would hold till she came back on 11-27-15. I have done this for yrs and have not had any other customers complaine abought my work I would never put somebodys live in danger I don't know what she is trying to pull *** would say or do anything against me because I got some of his customers I can not fix something I customer does not come back. MgrJames E