Complaint: ***
Dear,I am rejecting this response because:The one thing that is clearly documented is the fact that less than a month after European Motor Cars (EMC) attempted a major repair to the cooling system in my vehicle is that the cooling system failed due to the coolant being improperly mixed and that there was oil in my coolant. I cannot see how these two things would happen if my cooling system was in proper working order as of 10/10/14. I can only see two possibilities for this scenario, either the seals were not put in properly or if they were, contaminated and improperly mixed coolant was left in my vehicle. Either one of these is a major oversight.There is no way that me taking my vehicle to a second mechanic was a surprise to EMC. I communicated my frustrations and intentions very clearly before taking my vehicle in to EMC for the repairs the final two times. The second mechanic who successfully repaired my vehicle after a year plus of taking it to EMC flushed the cooling system. This seems like a reasonable way to remove contaminants from the system. I would like to know why this was not done during the repair on 10/10/14. I would also like to know how my coolant was mostly water prior to taking the vehicle to the second mechanic.I disagree with what *** said regarding me not having recommended repairs done to my vehicle. I did not refuse repairs recommended by EMC. After I paid for my repairs on 11/27/13, I brought my vehicle in a little over a week later for additional repairs which I understood was the recommended repair. After I left the shop on 12/6/it was never mentioned to me verbally or in writing that there was work that needed to be done to my vehicle that I had not done. To suggest that I would continue to pay multiple bills from a couple hundred dollars up to $1,to avoid paying to have seals put in my vehicle is nothing short of ridiculous. What *** is saying about me refusing to have needed repairs done is not true. I also did not voice a financial hardship and paid my bills immediately after additional parts were swapped out of my car each time. I would like to know how they came up with this because it has been mentioned a couple times now.Regarding replacing the battery, I have not spoken to anyone that could say that engine overheating is caused by the battery. All I know is my vehicle overheated before the battery was replace and afterwards. I had never had any issues with the battery.The only discounts that I could find are for $off labor and installing a radiator hose on the bill from 10/10/and $on the bill from 9/25/14. If additional undocumented parts were installed in my vehicle, I findthat concerning.My vehicle is running without an overheating issue at this point. The fact that my vehicle is running well at this point is because I took it to a different mechanic that was able to repair it. I think it is interesting and frustrating that EMC is trying to take credit for something they never repaired.Regarding my poor choices that I made with the maintenance and repair of my vehicle, the only one that I can think of is taking it to EMC
*** ***
1) If European Motor Cars told me that they were waiting on a lift and that all of the ones they had were occupied I would have been more understanding of the situation. Instead they neglected to tell me straight to the point the status of when my vehicle would be looked, etc. And led me to believe they were in fact looking at it.2) First off European Motor Cars was the one to suggest getting a rental car for me, which yes they said one day at first. I did not ask for the rental car for “a couple of days.” I EXPLICITY said “until my car is fixed.” For them to say otherwise is putting words in my mouth. I specifically was talking to Jordan when I said this, it is his fault he heard me [redacted]orrectly and fail to mention any stipulations along with it. Throughout my experience with European Motor Cars talking to Jordan has been difficult and I believe a lot of these problems with miscommunication are a result of him. I do not need to ask European Motor Cars for permission to keep and pay for my own rental car; I do not need European Motor Cars to contact Enterprise for me to pay for my own rental car. They led me to believe something completely different.3) European Motor Cars extended the rental car from June 9th to June 17th AFTER charging me $750 for the rental car. Meaning they chose to cover an extra 8 days AFTER I complained about this to European Motor Cars and Enterprise. For them to say “[redacted] decided to keep the car beyond the 17thby his own choice” is completely false, because European Motor cars only after my complaint extended the rental. They make it sound like I knew I’d be charged after the 17th which is completely FALSE.4) For European Motor Cars to deny that the center console was one of my original problems when I brought my car in to be fixed for the transmission and is unrelated to the transmission problem is absolutely ridiculous. I told them (as they have shown in their response) that I had problems shifting and that, the center console would move while shifting to 2nd gear and 4th. For them to not realize this is related, and to just replace the transmission and not actually check to see if is shifting INSIDE THE CAR correctly (where shifting occurs) is absurd. It was obviously a problem the whole time; I noticed it immediately when I picked the car up. For them to not take care of it before I got there is negligence.5) In my statement I did in fact state that I was getting ready to go on I25, as in 10 more minutes driving out of my residential neighborhood (going 20mph) I would be on I25. Meaning that if the failure of my engine mount happened 10 minutes later, I would be on I25 going 75mph which would’ve resulted in a lot more damage and possibly an accident that could’ve resulted in my death. European Motor Car’s lack of comprehension is astounding. 7) European Motor Cars is correct in stating that my car is 12 years old, or 4380 days old. So for more than 4370 days the engine was sitting in the engine bay. 4 days after I pick it up it is sitting on the ground. The odds are against it that European Motor Cars had nothing to do with the failure of the engine mount, there’s no arguing this. This is something their “expert opinion” overlooked. I had the other mechanic who fixed my car after the damaged caused by European Motor Cars tell me that it is due to THEM that the damage occurred, So another expert opinion thinks otherwise. Also European Motor Cars has no idea about my driving habits. They will be the first to tell you that the dogbone mount is one of the most common things to fail on this car and that replacing it is not unheard of at all, and that the OEM mount is weak. That’s why we went with a poly urethane mount, so this would not happen again. Also John, the owner, personally told me that the failure of my transmission was not due to me at all. He said that problems with these transmissions are rare and that this was a “fluke” event, not caused by anything Ive done. So to correct European Motor Cars, none of this points to my driving habits at all. All their claims are baseless.8) “there was noreason to tighten the other mounts. As far as we know, nothing was said to[redacted] about tightening any mounts other than the mount that we replaced. Had we made any other adjustments we wouldhave written it on the order. Pleaseunderstand that just by visually looking at Motor/Engine Mounts we would nothave been able to see that they were worn. Only an actual diagnosis would have given us that information and thatis not what [redacted] brought his car in for. “For them to state there was no reason to tighten the mounts is absurd. I brought my car in explaining specifically to check the engine mounts. For them to state that they would’ve added it on the order, no they wouldn’t have, because they didn’t charge me to tighten the mount. John, the owner tells me he doesn’t remember every specific detail about every car that comes in, and I believe him. However this is my car, and I remember every detail that was told to me. Without a doubt I was told that they checked and tightened the engine mount when I brought it in during that time, I’d even take a polygraph to confirm this. For them to say “this is not what [redacted] brought his car in for” is laughable, they are only trying to make it look like this was unrelated. All European Motor Cars has done with this reply is make defamatory accusations, be dishonest about our interactions, and make baseless claims about my driving habits. All of which I will not tolerate. It’s evident from their reply and their dishonesty, that all they care about is profit, not [redacted] satisfaction, nor a job-well-done. All of this proves the bad business I have received s[redacted]e day one. It is surprising to me they are a accreted business s[redacted]e they are not the least bit honest. I’m certainly not satisfied and will not be until European Motor Cars accepts responsibility for the damages and pays for them and the rest of the rental car bill accordingly. I spent over $2800 dollars at their shop and then 4 days later another $1000 is needed to fix the damage THAT THEY CAUSED, this is absurd.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Dear,I am rejecting this response because European Motor Cars has done nothing to make this right.I would like to say that I am also saddened by the way EMC has handled their inability to repair my vehicle. I would also like to point out that although I did attempt to contact Ms. [redacted] and left messages for her a couple of times that I have never spoken to her.I would also like to point out that throughout the period that I was taking my vehicle into EMC that I had all recommended repairs done. Each time I took the vehicle in EMC thoughtthe overheating issue had been repaired. If you look through the invoices, you will see that the only invoice that mentions additional repairs being needed is the one from 11/27/13. The parts needed to be ordered for the repair and I took my car right back in to EMC about a week later and paid for the recommended repairs. It was never mentioned to me and it is not printed on any of the invoices following the invoice on 11/27/13 that additional repairs were recommended. Each time I took my car in EMC thought the issue was repaired. I think that it is interesting that only one invoice recommends additional repairs and it is followed by another invoice about 10 days later for $947.44and now EMC is saying that I was not having the recommended repairs done.Although EMC did swap out different parts over the course of almost a year, I did bring my car in for the same issue each time which was the overheating issue. It was recommended that I purchase many parts that probably were not necessary. A good example of this is when a perfectly good battery was replaced (invoice from 10/10/14). I had never had any issues with my battery but I was told that the battery was somehow involved with my engine overheating. The overheating issue was never repaired by EMC.If the root problem was the final repair that was done by EMC then why did my car continue to have the same problem? Another question is if everything was “in proper working order” as of 10/10/2014, then why was my coolant contaminated with oil and my coolant improperly mixed on 11/4/14? Although I NEVER added water to my cooling system, even if EMC receives the benefit of the doubt, wouldn’t it make sense to replace contaminated fluids after a $1,554 repair?If it is not correct to say that EMC did not know what the problem was with my car (overheating), it certainly is correct to say that they were unable to repair it. EMC is saying that I did not give them the opportunity to look at my car to fix the issue; I gave them plenty of chances to fix my car against my better judgment. I wish that I had switched mechanics sooner.I would not recommend taking your vehicle to European Motor Cars.Regards,[redacted]
Dear,Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Mr. [redacted] towed his 1995 [redacted] into European Motor Cars Inc (“EMC”) on 3/26/2013 – Please see screen shot of our computerthat confirms that date. Mr. [redacted] did (at that time) indicate that this [redacted] is...
just another car of his and not a priority. EMC did finally get his motor running after many “after hour” interludes over the course of months. EMC diagnosed the problem in his car as a bad motor and recommended a motor rebuild or to get a used engine. We proceeded at that time to purchase another [redacted] of the same year with a good motor that we could use for his vehicle. Unfortunately for us, Mr. [redacted] did not choose to have the repairs done on his vehicle and we are now the proud owner of a [redacted]. After putting the motor back together Mr. [redacted] was called several times to come get his vehicle. It is possible that a spark plug or wire was not fully connected during this time as the motor was bad and those parts were probably just placed inside the engine bay. EMC does not recall why Mr. [redacted] did not come to get his car after he decided not to fix it. After a while we put the car on our back lot as we could not keep moving our customer cars around a dead vehicle. John M. did call Mr. [redacted] at his request several times, each time there was no answer. Mr. [redacted] could have just as easily come in to speak with John as John hardly ever leaves EMC.Our back lot is a storage lot. We did not charge Mr. [redacted] for storage and we do not monitor the lot. There was a rash of homeless that did utilize some of the cars as places to sleep and allegedly Mr. [redacted] car was affected by that. EMC’s invoice states at the bottom the following: “ EMC is not responsible for loss or damage to cars or articles left in cars in case of fire, theft or any other cause”. A good example of this is “If you leave your car in [redacted] parking lot overnight and it is broken into, it is not [redacted] responsibility. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility”. What allegedly happened to Mr. [redacted] car is not EMC’s responsibility. Mr. [redacted] finally sent a tow truck to come pick up his vehicle in July of 2015. There was no charge at all to Mr. [redacted]. Keep in mind that EMC spentcountless hours diagnosing this vehicle. At the time he came to pick up the vehicle we had already taken the loss, we just wanted his car off the lot. It is baffling that he has decided to lodge a complaint against EMC considering that his car was on our property for over two years andhe was never charged anything. We would have no reason to take parts off of his car as we already had a parts car that we purchased, not to mention he had a bad motor. EMC is offended by this allegation of dishonesty especially in this case where EMC went over and above normal for Mr. [redacted]. We do recall that after a while of the car being here, the battery was replaced because the battery that was in the vehicle was dead. Again there was no charge for the new battery. If Mr. [redacted] would like to have EMC put together an invoice with all the hours of diagnosis, the storage time in the back lot and parts that may have been needed to diagnose his car EMC will be happy to provide that for him. EMC does not have any responsibility to repair the interior of this vehicle. We are sad that Mr.[redacted] feels he has suffered a loss and encourage him to file a complaint with the police for vandalism to his vehicle. However, EMC feels that nothing will come of that as the police cannot hold accountable a vagrant that cannot be found. That was our experience anyway.EMC is ultimately in business to make money. However as you may gather from this particular case, EMC made no money, stored a vehicle on our lot for over two years and is now the recipient of a bad review. This is just another ck in the coffin for good people like John M. to be willing to do business the old fashioned way that includes not only integrity and honesty on his part, it also requires it from our customers. This is a sad circumstance for both parties.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I have made it pretty clear that I am unhappy with the service from European Motor Cars, the damages they caused to my vehicle, vehicle, and their dishonesty throughout this whole process. I have nothing to add to my statements, they are pretty clear in showing European Motor Car's faults, everything in my statement is what happened 100%, can't say the same for European Motor Cars.Now it's time for them to take some responsibility, instead of blaming me, and pay for the damages they have caused to my vehicle. I won't be satisfied until they do.
Dear Mr. [redacted],We hear that you are unsatisfied with the result of a years worth of service with EMC. It is our experience that upon 1st seeing your vehicle we estimated the cost of fixing the leak on the oil cooler housing. You declined. This recommendation is on the first repair ticket. Our system keeps recommended repairs listed on our computer and does not continue to print them each time you come in. As you know, you get to talk to [redacted] or our service writer face to face each time you bring your car in for service. During that face to face conversation, you are given a verbal play by play of everything done to your car and reminded of recommendations that are still outstanding. You were given verbal reminders each time you came in and each time you declined. You were also instructed that unless you fix this problem, you would continue to have issues and things will deteriorate. So yes, you may have been bringing your car in to fix an overheat problem, however it is clearly documented that you did not fix the recommended repair until a year later. At that point EMC had provided you with parts and service and discounts to help you during your prolonged financial difficulty. Asking for EMC to return money for an entire year of service is simply ridiculous. Not only did we spend time, parts and money on your vehicle, you are currently driving around with all of that in your car. To address your issue about the battery being replaced. Your vehicle is a fully computerized car that runs off an electronic system. If your battery is not properly providing enough energy, your Electronic water pump, electronic systems will not work properly.11/27/2013 -- Made recommendations to repair.10/10/2014 - 1 year later - made the recommended repair. One year of damage and deterioration to your car parts. Mrs. [redacted] simply works as a support for EMC and is only in the office one day a week. [redacted] is the person you need to communicate with and you did speak with [redacted] several times. Keep in mind that EMC was notified by you one week after the final repair that everything was great. You personally came in to tell [redacted] and everyone at the shop how happy you were. It was a complete surprise to EMC when the following two things happened:You chose to take your car to a dealer and have them replace the water pump. As you may know now, that pump would have been under warranty at EMC. EMC replaced the water pump on 12/6/2013. Almost a year later (a year of deterioration and neglect due to you declining service) you had the water pump replaced at another shop 11/14/14. Of course the water pump was subjected to contaminants. However, to suggest that EMC did not put the correct coolant levels in your vehicle during repair is untrue. If a major part (Water pump) is still working when a shop does a repair, the shop does not take out all the parts of a car, clean them and replace them as a courtesy. Shops replace things when they break, otherwise all cars would always have brand new engines and parts all the time and mechanics would all be millionaires. The other shop also charged you for a thermostat and other things which EMC had just completed, effectively charging you a 2nd time, seems to us that you would have a dispute with them about replacing something you just paid for.You disputed your final two payments with the credit card company which found in EMC’s favor. Both of these actions result in EMC’s loss of confidence in wanting to help you as a customer. EMC did provide you with many parts and discounts to help you out over the course of the year. The discounts are documented clearly, however the parts are not. EMC did those as a favor and you are well aware of them as you mentioned them in your letter. IF your car is running without a overheating issue now, EMC is glad you are satisfied. Your troubles would have been nothing had you simply done the recommended repair when EMC first suggested you do so. Your choice of refusing that repair over the course of a year was your own. European Motor Cars should not be held responsible for your actions. European Motor Cars Inc. does not feel that anything is owed to Mr. [redacted] especially not an entire year worth of service tickets, that is ridiculous. We ask that Mr. [redacted] accept that he made poor choices with the maintenance and care of his vehicle and understand that no mechanic will force an unauthorized repair on a customer. It is always up to the customer to authorize needed service and repairs. To do otherwise would be unethical. European Motor Cars has 20 years of positive community service in Northern Colorado. It is unfair for a person to attack our reputation because he is unhappy due to his own choices. We ask that Mr. [redacted] cease his attack on European Motor Cars Inc and accept his responsibility in how things played out with his vehicle. Best Regards,[redacted]Owner - European Motor Cars Inc. (EMC)
Dear,EMC is very saddened by this customer. Mr. [redacted] recently attempted to not pay EMC by filing a dispute with his credit card company. The bank dismissed the case in favor of EMC. In Mr. [redacted] complaint to he references the dealer invoice that the overheating was...
caused by the oil leaking into the coolant. Please see the repair order from his first visit to EMC where he was told the same thing.It is simply not true that EMC did not know what was wrong with this car. This customer implies he brought it back for EMC to fix the car six times. Different repairs were made at each visit but never the necessary repair to fix the root problem, at the customers insistence. This customer states in his letter that the repairs done by EMC caused this contamination problem. He brought it to EMC because of the problem. Why does he state EMC caused it?The customer also implies that he paid for the same repair six times. This is obviously not true either, please see the timeline of repairs. 11/27/13 -- RO # [redacted] Radiator hose and sensor were repaired along with and oil service. At this time it was reported to customer to repair oil cooler (AKA oil filter housing) and seals which were leaking. He was asked to bring the car back ASAP to have it repaired. Customer declined at this time.12/6/13 - RO # [redacted]Customer had water pump replaced but again declined the necessary repair which was the root cause of the problems in the car.4/24/2014 - RO# [redacted]No complaint of overheat -- Oil Service performed6/23/14 - RO # [redacted]Customer returned with coolant and over-heat issues. EMC replaced belt, hose and hose barbs. It was noted by mechanic at that time that coolant mixture was not correct as customer was adding water. Customer declined recommended repair to fix the root problem.7/24/2014 - RO# [redacted]Customer came in to have his codes cleared & oil service. He was advised to fix the initial issue.9/25/14 - RO # [redacted]Customer returns with overheat issue. EMC replaced the thermostat and bolts. Customer continued to decline recommended repair stating financial hardship.10/10 14 - RO # [redacted]Customer finally agreed to have recommended repair on oil cooler/oil filter housing. The vehicle left EMC in good working order.One week after this final repair, Mr. [redacted] personally came into EMC to say thanks and the car has never run better. He was a very happy customer.11/4/14 - Dealer Invoice -- It states that the cooling system overheating is due to waterpump failure. The root problem as confirmed by the dealer invoice was component failure caused by oil leaking into the coolant. We told him this at his first visit and he always refused to fix this until his last visit to EMC. Exactly what we told him was going to happen did happen which was that he had to fix the oil cooler housing/seals to ever fix the car and the cooling system components would deteriorate and fail prematurely until this was fixed. Unfortunately, the waterpump failed sometime after the last repair. EMC installed the waterpump on 11/27/13. Of course it was subjected to an oil and water mixture for about a year before it failed. Our parts are warrantied for 2 years for normal failure. His choice to have another shop replace parts that should have been under warranty was his own and he should be responsible for that choice and not try to get EMC to pay for that choice. Every mechanical part that EMC sold this customer (and all the labor it took to install) is still in good working order, with the exception of the waterpump which failed probably due to the oil/water mixture of the previous year. The customer is driving his vehicle with EMC’s parts and labor in his car. His vehicle is an older [redacted] with continuing problems. As with most things, if repair is not done in a timely manner, other elements will also sustain damage. It is not correct to say that EMC did not know what the problem was in this car. It was recommended from the very beginning of EMC’s service to this car to have the oil cooler housing/ seals replaced. Mr. [redacted] is asking for a refund of a whole year of service, parts and labor to his older model BMW. EMC understands that having to fix a car is not always pleasant. However, EMC has clearly documented that Mr. [redacted] did not authorize the recommended work. Mr. [redacted] states that he contacted EMC several times to attempt to resolve the issue. Shop owner [redacted] spoke to him each time and offered for him to bring the car in to fix the issue. Mr. [redacted] refused. EMC does not diagnose cars unseen.EMC requests that Mr. [redacted] cease his complaints about European Motor Cars Inc. [redacted] European Motor Cars, Inc.505 Riverside AveFort Collins, CO 80521[redacted]10 Attachments Preview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted]pg1.jpgImage[redacted]pg1.jpgPreview attachment [redacted]pg2.jpgImage[redacted]pg2.jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpg
Complaint: ***
Dear,I am rejecting this response because:The one thing that is clearly documented is the fact that less than a month after European Motor Cars (EMC) attempted a major repair to the cooling system in my vehicle is that the cooling system failed due to the coolant being improperly mixed and that there was oil in my coolant. I cannot see how these two things would happen if my cooling system was in proper working order as of 10/10/14. I can only see two possibilities for this scenario, either the seals were not put in properly or if they were, contaminated and improperly mixed coolant was left in my vehicle. Either one of these is a major oversight.There is no way that me taking my vehicle to a second mechanic was a surprise to EMC. I communicated my frustrations and intentions very clearly before taking my vehicle in to EMC for the repairs the final two times. The second mechanic who successfully repaired my vehicle after a year plus of taking it to EMC flushed the cooling system. This seems like a reasonable way to remove contaminants from the system. I would like to know why this was not done during the repair on 10/10/14. I would also like to know how my coolant was mostly water prior to taking the vehicle to the second mechanic.I disagree with what *** said regarding me not having recommended repairs done to my vehicle. I did not refuse repairs recommended by EMC. After I paid for my repairs on 11/27/13, I brought my vehicle in a little over a week later for additional repairs which I understood was the recommended repair. After I left the shop on 12/6/it was never mentioned to me verbally or in writing that there was work that needed to be done to my vehicle that I had not done. To suggest that I would continue to pay multiple bills from a couple hundred dollars up to $1,to avoid paying to have seals put in my vehicle is nothing short of ridiculous. What *** is saying about me refusing to have needed repairs done is not true. I also did not voice a financial hardship and paid my bills immediately after additional parts were swapped out of my car each time. I would like to know how they came up with this because it has been mentioned a couple times now.Regarding replacing the battery, I have not spoken to anyone that could say that engine overheating is caused by the battery. All I know is my vehicle overheated before the battery was replace and afterwards. I had never had any issues with the battery.The only discounts that I could find are for $off labor and installing a radiator hose on the bill from 10/10/and $on the bill from 9/25/14. If additional undocumented parts were installed in my vehicle, I findthat concerning.My vehicle is running without an overheating issue at this point. The fact that my vehicle is running well at this point is because I took it to a different mechanic that was able to repair it. I think it is interesting and frustrating that EMC is trying to take credit for something they never repaired.Regarding my poor choices that I made with the maintenance and repair of my vehicle, the only one that I can think of is taking it to EMC
*** *** would like my complaint ID ***, to be handled through an Arbitration hearing with,
1) If European Motor Cars told me that they were waiting on a lift and that all of the ones they had were occupied I would have been more understanding of the situation. Instead they neglected to tell me straight to the point the status of when my vehicle would be looked, etc. And led me to believe they were in fact looking at it.2) First off European Motor Cars was the one to suggest getting a rental car for me, which yes they said one day at first. I did not ask for the rental car for “a couple of days.” I EXPLICITY said “until my car is fixed.” For them to say otherwise is putting words in my mouth. I specifically was talking to Jordan when I said this, it is his fault he heard me [redacted]orrectly and fail to mention any stipulations along with it. Throughout my experience with European Motor Cars talking to Jordan has been difficult and I believe a lot of these problems with miscommunication are a result of him. I do not need to ask European Motor Cars for permission to keep and pay for my own rental car; I do not need European Motor Cars to contact Enterprise for me to pay for my own rental car. They led me to believe something completely different.3) European Motor Cars extended the rental car from June 9th to June 17th AFTER charging me $750 for the rental car. Meaning they chose to cover an extra 8 days AFTER I complained about this to European Motor Cars and Enterprise. For them to say “[redacted] decided to keep the car beyond the 17thby his own choice” is completely false, because European Motor cars only after my complaint extended the rental. They make it sound like I knew I’d be charged after the 17th which is completely FALSE.4) For European Motor Cars to deny that the center console was one of my original problems when I brought my car in to be fixed for the transmission and is unrelated to the transmission problem is absolutely ridiculous. I told them (as they have shown in their response) that I had problems shifting and that, the center console would move while shifting to 2nd gear and 4th. For them to not realize this is related, and to just replace the transmission and not actually check to see if is shifting INSIDE THE CAR correctly (where shifting occurs) is absurd. It was obviously a problem the whole time; I noticed it immediately when I picked the car up. For them to not take care of it before I got there is negligence.5) In my statement I did in fact state that I was getting ready to go on I25, as in 10 more minutes driving out of my residential neighborhood (going 20mph) I would be on I25. Meaning that if the failure of my engine mount happened 10 minutes later, I would be on I25 going 75mph which would’ve resulted in a lot more damage and possibly an accident that could’ve resulted in my death. European Motor Car’s lack of comprehension is astounding. 7) European Motor Cars is correct in stating that my car is 12 years old, or 4380 days old. So for more than 4370 days the engine was sitting in the engine bay. 4 days after I pick it up it is sitting on the ground. The odds are against it that European Motor Cars had nothing to do with the failure of the engine mount, there’s no arguing this. This is something their “expert opinion” overlooked. I had the other mechanic who fixed my car after the damaged caused by European Motor Cars tell me that it is due to THEM that the damage occurred, So another expert opinion thinks otherwise. Also European Motor Cars has no idea about my driving habits. They will be the first to tell you that the dogbone mount is one of the most common things to fail on this car and that replacing it is not unheard of at all, and that the OEM mount is weak. That’s why we went with a poly urethane mount, so this would not happen again. Also John, the owner, personally told me that the failure of my transmission was not due to me at all. He said that problems with these transmissions are rare and that this was a “fluke” event, not caused by anything Ive done. So to correct European Motor Cars, none of this points to my driving habits at all. All their claims are baseless.8) “there was noreason to tighten the other mounts. As far as we know, nothing was said to[redacted] about tightening any mounts other than the mount that we replaced. Had we made any other adjustments we wouldhave written it on the order. Pleaseunderstand that just by visually looking at Motor/Engine Mounts we would nothave been able to see that they were worn. Only an actual diagnosis would have given us that information and thatis not what [redacted] brought his car in for. “For them to state there was no reason to tighten the mounts is absurd. I brought my car in explaining specifically to check the engine mounts. For them to state that they would’ve added it on the order, no they wouldn’t have, because they didn’t charge me to tighten the mount. John, the owner tells me he doesn’t remember every specific detail about every car that comes in, and I believe him. However this is my car, and I remember every detail that was told to me. Without a doubt I was told that they checked and tightened the engine mount when I brought it in during that time, I’d even take a polygraph to confirm this. For them to say “this is not what [redacted] brought his car in for” is laughable, they are only trying to make it look like this was unrelated. All European Motor Cars has done with this reply is make defamatory accusations, be dishonest about our interactions, and make baseless claims about my driving habits. All of which I will not tolerate. It’s evident from their reply and their dishonesty, that all they care about is profit, not [redacted] satisfaction, nor a job-well-done. All of this proves the bad business I have received s[redacted]e day one. It is surprising to me they are a accreted business s[redacted]e they are not the least bit honest. I’m certainly not satisfied and will not be until European Motor Cars accepts responsibility for the damages and pays for them and the rest of the rental car bill accordingly. I spent over $2800 dollars at their shop and then 4 days later another $1000 is needed to fix the damage THAT THEY CAUSED, this is absurd.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Dear,I am rejecting this response because European Motor Cars has done nothing to make this right.I would like to say that I am also saddened by the way EMC has handled their inability to repair my vehicle. I would also like to point out that although I did attempt to contact Ms. [redacted] and left messages for her a couple of times that I have never spoken to her.I would also like to point out that throughout the period that I was taking my vehicle into EMC that I had all recommended repairs done. Each time I took the vehicle in EMC thoughtthe overheating issue had been repaired. If you look through the invoices, you will see that the only invoice that mentions additional repairs being needed is the one from 11/27/13. The parts needed to be ordered for the repair and I took my car right back in to EMC about a week later and paid for the recommended repairs. It was never mentioned to me and it is not printed on any of the invoices following the invoice on 11/27/13 that additional repairs were recommended. Each time I took my car in EMC thought the issue was repaired. I think that it is interesting that only one invoice recommends additional repairs and it is followed by another invoice about 10 days later for $947.44and now EMC is saying that I was not having the recommended repairs done.Although EMC did swap out different parts over the course of almost a year, I did bring my car in for the same issue each time which was the overheating issue. It was recommended that I purchase many parts that probably were not necessary. A good example of this is when a perfectly good battery was replaced (invoice from 10/10/14). I had never had any issues with my battery but I was told that the battery was somehow involved with my engine overheating. The overheating issue was never repaired by EMC.If the root problem was the final repair that was done by EMC then why did my car continue to have the same problem? Another question is if everything was “in proper working order” as of 10/10/2014, then why was my coolant contaminated with oil and my coolant improperly mixed on 11/4/14? Although I NEVER added water to my cooling system, even if EMC receives the benefit of the doubt, wouldn’t it make sense to replace contaminated fluids after a $1,554 repair?If it is not correct to say that EMC did not know what the problem was with my car (overheating), it certainly is correct to say that they were unable to repair it. EMC is saying that I did not give them the opportunity to look at my car to fix the issue; I gave them plenty of chances to fix my car against my better judgment. I wish that I had switched mechanics sooner.I would not recommend taking your vehicle to European Motor Cars.Regards,[redacted]
Dear,Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Mr. [redacted] towed his 1995 [redacted] into European Motor Cars Inc (“EMC”) on 3/26/2013 – Please see screen shot of our computerthat confirms that date. Mr. [redacted] did (at that time) indicate that this [redacted] is...
k in the coffin for good people like John M. to be willing to do business the old fashioned way that includes not only integrity and honesty on his part, it also requires it from our customers. This is a sad circumstance for both parties.
just another car of his and not a priority. EMC did finally get his motor running after many “after hour” interludes over the course of months. EMC diagnosed the problem in his car as a bad motor and recommended a motor rebuild or to get a used engine. We proceeded at that time to purchase another [redacted] of the same year with a good motor that we could use for his vehicle. Unfortunately for us, Mr. [redacted] did not choose to have the repairs done on his vehicle and we are now the proud owner of a [redacted]. After putting the motor back together Mr. [redacted] was called several times to come get his vehicle. It is possible that a spark plug or wire was not fully connected during this time as the motor was bad and those parts were probably just placed inside the engine bay. EMC does not recall why Mr. [redacted] did not come to get his car after he decided not to fix it. After a while we put the car on our back lot as we could not keep moving our customer cars around a dead vehicle. John M. did call Mr. [redacted] at his request several times, each time there was no answer. Mr. [redacted] could have just as easily come in to speak with John as John hardly ever leaves EMC.Our back lot is a storage lot. We did not charge Mr. [redacted] for storage and we do not monitor the lot. There was a rash of homeless that did utilize some of the cars as places to sleep and allegedly Mr. [redacted] car was affected by that. EMC’s invoice states at the bottom the following: “ EMC is not responsible for loss or damage to cars or articles left in cars in case of fire, theft or any other cause”. A good example of this is “If you leave your car in [redacted] parking lot overnight and it is broken into, it is not [redacted] responsibility. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility”. What allegedly happened to Mr. [redacted] car is not EMC’s responsibility. Mr. [redacted] finally sent a tow truck to come pick up his vehicle in July of 2015. There was no charge at all to Mr. [redacted]. Keep in mind that EMC spentcountless hours diagnosing this vehicle. At the time he came to pick up the vehicle we had already taken the loss, we just wanted his car off the lot. It is baffling that he has decided to lodge a complaint against EMC considering that his car was on our property for over two years andhe was never charged anything. We would have no reason to take parts off of his car as we already had a parts car that we purchased, not to mention he had a bad motor. EMC is offended by this allegation of dishonesty especially in this case where EMC went over and above normal for Mr. [redacted]. We do recall that after a while of the car being here, the battery was replaced because the battery that was in the vehicle was dead. Again there was no charge for the new battery. If Mr. [redacted] would like to have EMC put together an invoice with all the hours of diagnosis, the storage time in the back lot and parts that may have been needed to diagnose his car EMC will be happy to provide that for him. EMC does not have any responsibility to repair the interior of this vehicle. We are sad that Mr.[redacted] feels he has suffered a loss and encourage him to file a complaint with the police for vandalism to his vehicle. However, EMC feels that nothing will come of that as the police cannot hold accountable a vagrant that cannot be found. That was our experience anyway.EMC is ultimately in business to make money. However as you may gather from this particular case, EMC made no money, stored a vehicle on our lot for over two years and is now the recipient of a bad review. This is just another c would like my complaint ID [redacted], to be handled through an Arbitration hearing with,[redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I have made it pretty clear that I am unhappy with the service from European Motor Cars, the damages they caused to my vehicle, vehicle, and their dishonesty throughout this whole process. I have nothing to add to my statements, they are pretty clear in showing European Motor Car's faults, everything in my statement is what happened 100%, can't say the same for European Motor Cars.Now it's time for them to take some responsibility, instead of blaming me, and pay for the damages they have caused to my vehicle. I won't be satisfied until they do.
Dear Mr. [redacted],We hear that you are unsatisfied with the result of a years worth of service with EMC. It is our experience that upon 1st seeing your vehicle we estimated the cost of fixing the leak on the oil cooler housing. You declined. This recommendation is on the first repair ticket. Our system keeps recommended repairs listed on our computer and does not continue to print them each time you come in. As you know, you get to talk to [redacted] or our service writer face to face each time you bring your car in for service. During that face to face conversation, you are given a verbal play by play of everything done to your car and reminded of recommendations that are still outstanding. You were given verbal reminders each time you came in and each time you declined. You were also instructed that unless you fix this problem, you would continue to have issues and things will deteriorate. So yes, you may have been bringing your car in to fix an overheat problem, however it is clearly documented that you did not fix the recommended repair until a year later. At that point EMC had provided you with parts and service and discounts to help you during your prolonged financial difficulty. Asking for EMC to return money for an entire year of service is simply ridiculous. Not only did we spend time, parts and money on your vehicle, you are currently driving around with all of that in your car. To address your issue about the battery being replaced. Your vehicle is a fully computerized car that runs off an electronic system. If your battery is not properly providing enough energy, your Electronic water pump, electronic systems will not work properly.11/27/2013 -- Made recommendations to repair.10/10/2014 - 1 year later - made the recommended repair. One year of damage and deterioration to your car parts. Mrs. [redacted] simply works as a support for EMC and is only in the office one day a week. [redacted] is the person you need to communicate with and you did speak with [redacted] several times. Keep in mind that EMC was notified by you one week after the final repair that everything was great. You personally came in to tell [redacted] and everyone at the shop how happy you were. It was a complete surprise to EMC when the following two things happened:You chose to take your car to a dealer and have them replace the water pump. As you may know now, that pump would have been under warranty at EMC. EMC replaced the water pump on 12/6/2013. Almost a year later (a year of deterioration and neglect due to you declining service) you had the water pump replaced at another shop 11/14/14. Of course the water pump was subjected to contaminants. However, to suggest that EMC did not put the correct coolant levels in your vehicle during repair is untrue. If a major part (Water pump) is still working when a shop does a repair, the shop does not take out all the parts of a car, clean them and replace them as a courtesy. Shops replace things when they break, otherwise all cars would always have brand new engines and parts all the time and mechanics would all be millionaires. The other shop also charged you for a thermostat and other things which EMC had just completed, effectively charging you a 2nd time, seems to us that you would have a dispute with them about replacing something you just paid for.You disputed your final two payments with the credit card company which found in EMC’s favor. Both of these actions result in EMC’s loss of confidence in wanting to help you as a customer. EMC did provide you with many parts and discounts to help you out over the course of the year. The discounts are documented clearly, however the parts are not. EMC did those as a favor and you are well aware of them as you mentioned them in your letter. IF your car is running without a overheating issue now, EMC is glad you are satisfied. Your troubles would have been nothing had you simply done the recommended repair when EMC first suggested you do so. Your choice of refusing that repair over the course of a year was your own. European Motor Cars should not be held responsible for your actions. European Motor Cars Inc. does not feel that anything is owed to Mr. [redacted] especially not an entire year worth of service tickets, that is ridiculous. We ask that Mr. [redacted] accept that he made poor choices with the maintenance and care of his vehicle and understand that no mechanic will force an unauthorized repair on a customer. It is always up to the customer to authorize needed service and repairs. To do otherwise would be unethical. European Motor Cars has 20 years of positive community service in Northern Colorado. It is unfair for a person to attack our reputation because he is unhappy due to his own choices. We ask that Mr. [redacted] cease his attack on European Motor Cars Inc and accept his responsibility in how things played out with his vehicle. Best Regards,[redacted]Owner - European Motor Cars Inc. (EMC)
Dear,EMC is very saddened by this customer. Mr. [redacted] recently attempted to not pay EMC by filing a dispute with his credit card company. The bank dismissed the case in favor of EMC. In Mr. [redacted] complaint to he references the dealer invoice that the overheating was...
caused by the oil leaking into the coolant. Please see the repair order from his first visit to EMC where he was told the same thing.It is simply not true that EMC did not know what was wrong with this car. This customer implies he brought it back for EMC to fix the car six times. Different repairs were made at each visit but never the necessary repair to fix the root problem, at the customers insistence. This customer states in his letter that the repairs done by EMC caused this contamination problem. He brought it to EMC because of the problem. Why does he state EMC caused it?The customer also implies that he paid for the same repair six times. This is obviously not true either, please see the timeline of repairs. 11/27/13 -- RO # [redacted] Radiator hose and sensor were repaired along with and oil service. At this time it was reported to customer to repair oil cooler (AKA oil filter housing) and seals which were leaking. He was asked to bring the car back ASAP to have it repaired. Customer declined at this time.12/6/13 - RO # [redacted]Customer had water pump replaced but again declined the necessary repair which was the root cause of the problems in the car.4/24/2014 - RO# [redacted]No complaint of overheat -- Oil Service performed6/23/14 - RO # [redacted]Customer returned with coolant and over-heat issues. EMC replaced belt, hose and hose barbs. It was noted by mechanic at that time that coolant mixture was not correct as customer was adding water. Customer declined recommended repair to fix the root problem.7/24/2014 - RO# [redacted]Customer came in to have his codes cleared & oil service. He was advised to fix the initial issue.9/25/14 - RO # [redacted]Customer returns with overheat issue. EMC replaced the thermostat and bolts. Customer continued to decline recommended repair stating financial hardship.10/10 14 - RO # [redacted]Customer finally agreed to have recommended repair on oil cooler/oil filter housing. The vehicle left EMC in good working order.One week after this final repair, Mr. [redacted] personally came into EMC to say thanks and the car has never run better. He was a very happy customer.11/4/14 - Dealer Invoice -- It states that the cooling system overheating is due to waterpump failure. The root problem as confirmed by the dealer invoice was component failure caused by oil leaking into the coolant. We told him this at his first visit and he always refused to fix this until his last visit to EMC. Exactly what we told him was going to happen did happen which was that he had to fix the oil cooler housing/seals to ever fix the car and the cooling system components would deteriorate and fail prematurely until this was fixed. Unfortunately, the waterpump failed sometime after the last repair. EMC installed the waterpump on 11/27/13. Of course it was subjected to an oil and water mixture for about a year before it failed. Our parts are warrantied for 2 years for normal failure. His choice to have another shop replace parts that should have been under warranty was his own and he should be responsible for that choice and not try to get EMC to pay for that choice. Every mechanical part that EMC sold this customer (and all the labor it took to install) is still in good working order, with the exception of the waterpump which failed probably due to the oil/water mixture of the previous year. The customer is driving his vehicle with EMC’s parts and labor in his car. His vehicle is an older [redacted] with continuing problems. As with most things, if repair is not done in a timely manner, other elements will also sustain damage. It is not correct to say that EMC did not know what the problem was in this car. It was recommended from the very beginning of EMC’s service to this car to have the oil cooler housing/ seals replaced. Mr. [redacted] is asking for a refund of a whole year of service, parts and labor to his older model BMW. EMC understands that having to fix a car is not always pleasant. However, EMC has clearly documented that Mr. [redacted] did not authorize the recommended work. Mr. [redacted] states that he contacted EMC several times to attempt to resolve the issue. Shop owner [redacted] spoke to him each time and offered for him to bring the car in to fix the issue. Mr. [redacted] refused. EMC does not diagnose cars unseen.EMC requests that Mr. [redacted] cease his complaints about European Motor Cars Inc. [redacted] European Motor Cars, Inc.505 Riverside AveFort Collins, CO 80521[redacted]10 Attachments Preview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpgPreview attachment [redacted]pg1.jpgImage[redacted]pg1.jpgPreview attachment [redacted]pg2.jpgImage[redacted]pg2.jpgPreview attachment [redacted].jpgImage[redacted].jpg