Eternally Green Lawn Care, Inc. Reviews (3)
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Eternally Green Lawn Care, Inc. Rating
Address: 9418 Corsair Rd Ste C, Frankfort, Illinois, United States, 60423-2547
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Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/04/30) */
Contact Name and Title: *** ***, ***
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***
There's really no way to say this nicely except Mr*** is not being truthful about the whole situationMr*** signed
up for service on 5/8/2014, and had a two-plus acre propertyHe agreed to sign up for three applications of fertilizer and weed controlPer our policy, we explained that about 2-weeks after doing the first application we would revisit his site and respray for any weeds that did not die from the first treatment(spray is never enough to control all weeds)The NEXT day we fit him into the schedule and did the application
True to our word, we returned on 5/21/and repsrayed for the few weeds that were still presentNo complaints, no calls were ever made from Mr*** regarding any of thisThen on 7/17/2014, Mr*** was called and told we would be out the next few days for his second application, which was done on 7/18/Again, no calls to the office and no complaintsHis last application followed a similar pattern-called on 10/13/and application done on 10/15/On 10/13/14, while letting him know we were coming out for his last treatment, Mr*** was informed we had not received his payment for the July application on his voicemailNo call back was ever made by Mr***It was not until 12/9/that Mr*** tried to say he "never ordered service", "wasn't happy", etc
Over the winter months, Mr*** was contacted numerous times about this and the few times he answered or returned the phone calls, his story changed on at least two different occassions(we document all calls thoroughly for this specific reason)In March, I personally reached out to him to try and work out some sort of middle ground, but Mr*** was belligerent and rudeIt was then that I realized he had only one agenda and that was to try and get something for freeAt that point I turned him over to our collection agency and this is the reason for his complaintHe simply does not want to pay for services he agreed toMr*** figured he could be rude, hang up the phone and swear at my staff and myself and that nothing would happenHe was wrongWe did service and payment is expectedThe collection agency will exhaust every means possible to collect on this debtAnd as I said earlier, this is the reason for his "complaint"If it were not, then why wait until April of to complain about service he'd received in May of 2014? Fact is, he is angry that his blustering was called and is now trying to slander Eternally Green Lawn Care with complaintsI tried to meet him halfway prior to submitting him to collections and he refusedI went above and beyond to try and work with a customer who only sought to get somehting freeAll of this is documented and can be provided if needed
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/05/08) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The driver *** *** (?? from eternally came out, we talked and he was told that I ONLY want the weed application because we dont want to have to woory about our grand children in the yard during the summmer*** also said with a yard this size I would not be able to water it and the product works best when watered and I will never water it.They are correct they did come the second time because the first applacation did not work.I came home just as *** was leaving and stopped him down the street.Told him thank you but I did NOT want any moreHe said is in the neiborhood and would stop tp see if I wanted anymore.If I wanted someting for nothing as you say I would not have paid you the day he first sprayedAs it says on your quote Choose the program you want.I did one applacation is all I needed and wantedYou said I was Rude after call from you saying You are going to ruin my credit and send it to collections I did getI will not meet half way after telling you I did not want itIf didn't pay for the second application what would make you think I wanted it.You also say you have a contract please show it to me
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/05/08) */
In response to Mr***'s response-The agreement was that he wanted the first application done asap (because of the weeds and poor condition of his turf-which we did), the remaining two applications were set up as a call ahead to let Mrknow we were coming for the reasons he outlined in his response (grandkids)As for Mr***'s assertion *** said "the product doesn't work unless watered" is partially correctThe DRY fertilizer will not activate unless it receives water, but the liquid weed control works immediatelyWith the thousands of weeds that littered Mr***'s yard, he was told one application won't kill them all, and that yes we would come back to do a free spray between the first and second application so we could better control them going onto summerHe did not have to call in to tell us "it didn't work"
Not sure what he means by "stopped *** down the street"? If that is the case, then it is an outright lie because Mike does not apply the applicationsSo is he trying to say he stopped *** from spraying then, or is he saying he stopped him to tell him to not do any more applications? If that was the case, why not call the number to the office, who are the ones that dealt with him all spring, and stop service thenI spoke with *** and he has no recollection of speaking to Mr*** until late in the fall when we were trying to collect his debtI believe this is another fabrication by Mr***
As for the "paying for the first application" as a sign that's all he wanted...huh? No you received the service and you paid for itIsn't that what you are supposed to do? If Mr*** truly didn't want the other sprays then why did he allow them to continue, and not respond to the calls from the office that we would be out to spray the next day? Instead, he allowed the sprays to happen and didn't respond to the issue until the end of the year (see above)
And we are not "trying to ruin his credit", but simply expecting payment for services renderedThat was the reason for the olive branch and meeting him halfway, but he refused and hung up and yelled at the office staff and myselfAs a result, whatever the collection agency does is now in their handsThey will pursue the issue until the end, as is our rightWe have documentation and verbal agreement to back it upIt is now out of Eternally Green's handsI am sorry it came to this but Mr*** brought it on himselfHis complaint is NOT a service issue complaint but rather a wanting to pay complaint and honestly I do not see how this even falls under a category
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am absolutely stunned at the business response. I watered the burned grass 2-3 times a week, NOT daily, and this was told to the technician. He did NOT find anything wrong with the ground. I delayed reporting the problem hoping that the grass would come back. It was brown within 3 days of application. The technician that came out after my complaint OFFERED TO ME aeration and seeding of front lawn at $25. He DID see the back lawn also burned and said he remembered it being very green when he performed the work before. (Luckily, the back has various types seeding and is coming back green, but it was also damaged.) Technician also said to me that he himself would be upset to be paying a company to take care of his lawn and have this happen. Before leaving, he said the Office would contact me later that day regarding aeration and seeding in writing. After not hearing back for a week I phoned and was told by the girl who answered that she would waive the charge that caused the burn and cancel my account. No other discussion. I had another service look at the lawn and was told it was a chemical burn and that I should work with the company to rectify the situation. I left three voicemails with Eternally Green but never received a call back to discuss the situation. By the tone of the response of Eternally Green, they are NOT professional. Did not want to even discuss the situation. Their response to any complaint is "customer did not want to pay" which was not the situation. stands for . . sorry, Eternally Green should not be a member.
This is in response to Ms. [redacted]'s complaint that we "killed her front lawn". First, that is completely false and we are not responsible for her own negligence. Her app was done 6/6/16. She did not call in to complain about a burnt lawn until 7/11/16. If the lawn was burnt as she says, it is...
doubtful that one would wait 5 weeks to call in about it. The other point is that only her front lawn was "burnt" by the technician. Since the technician treated the entire property, front and back, it would figure that both parts of the yard would be burned. Interestingly enough the backyard was fine. Begs the questions, how does the technician, using the same tank mix, products, etc. kill only the front turf but not the back. Hmm, makes one wonder doesn't it? Additionally, if the technician did burn Ms. [redacted]'s lawn, commonsense would tell you that he would have burned multiple other lawns with the same mix. No other "burns" were called in anywhere around that date, hence the mix was fine. That would then lead one to question what is the customer doing that could potentially cause browning in their lawn. Well, that would lead to the second point-watering. Secondly, Ms. [redacted] admitted to both the office manager and the technician that she "waters daily for 2-3 Hours a zone." Despite being informed that this would lead to all sorts of problems, disease being the most common, Ms. [redacted] told the technician that "he was stupid and didn't know what he was talking about." For good measure, her son came outside and yelled at the technician on the property as well. Her technicain handles hundreds of accounts, both residential and commercial, and receives rave reviews about his work. To verbally insult him is unnecessary and irrational. Finally, anyone with internet access can [redacted] how not to water grass and this would be the top method listed as how not to water. Diseases thrive in those type of conditions and can kill a lawn quickly. Primarily a disease like Pythium or Necrotic Ring Spot. Third, Ms. [redacted] stated she wanted the applications free and then for us to aerate and overseed the property. It was explained to her that this was an issue of her own making and that we would not be doing that. After numerous other verbal confrontations, I instructed my office manager to just credit her last application of $25.00 and cancel her service. People who refuse to listen to what they pay us to tell them are not worth keeping as customers. It is similar to going to a doctor, having him give you advice and then ignoring it. Makes no sense to continue that type of relationship. After reviewing the case and speaking with all parties involved on Eternally Green's end, I determined that Eternally Green was not negligent in our handling of her account, and Ms. [redacted] was not only responsible for the issues, but also belligerent and extremely difficult to try and work with. Because of that, Eternally Green chose to discontinue the working relationship. So as a result, Eternally Green stands by the fact that it did nothing wrong on this property and that this was customer-induced. Therefore Eternally Green will not be doing any services, free or otherwise for Ms. [redacted]. We consider this matter closed.