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Enzo Clinical Labs, Inc.

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Reviews Enzo Clinical Labs, Inc.

Enzo Clinical Labs, Inc. Reviews (3)

I am a citizen of 70 and have full medicare and medicaid but Enzo Labs after collecting $450 from the insurance companies has now decided to harass me and hurt my credit because THEY feel they are owed another $11.96
They are heartless and I urge you not to use their labs. There is ALWAYS another lab like Quest nearby. Why do business with a company so greedy they would hurt a 70 year old man over $11.96 - They should look up who and how you get full medicaid and they would realize that they only give that to people who have no money. I tried calling and they continue to send bills, which at this time with labor and postage probably has cost them a lot more the $11.96 and now they get this kind of review. Is it worth it Enzo? It is a matter of principle now and your greed has caused me hurt so now I will post this on every site reviewing you. Still think it was worth the twelve bucks Enzo?


Review: The labs have been billing me for money I do not owe. They incorrectly billed my medical insurance resulting in a claim being processed incorrectly. I had the insurance re-process the claim, showing I owe zero dollars on the claim, not once but twice. The labs recieve the same statements from the insurance that I recieve so they've recieved both claims and failed to correct there accounts. I've also forwarded the info to their billing office 3 x times over the past 6 months and still they have not corrected the account. Now they've sent me to a collection agency. This is to collect money I do not owe them.Desired Settlement: I want my account pulled out of collections immediately. Then I want a very apologetic letter from the manager of this pathetic billing office.



Enzo Clinical Labs holds patient satisfaction as a top priority. We are look to resolve this case in a timely and satisfactory manner. I have confirmed the following information as indicated in the complaint:1. The patient did receive a bill in the amount of $45.17, deductible after insurance, for a tests performed on 11/**/12. 2. Enzo billed the patient’s insurance accurately CPT and ICD 9, diagnosis billing codes based on tests ordered and ICD 9 code as provided by the physician requisition. The Insurance carrier determines the amount of deductible based on this information and the member’s plan. Enzo does not have control over the information provided by the physician. 3. Enzo also shows the Insurance company reprocessed the claim on 03/**/13 and 04/**/13. No changes were made to the processing. Enzo received the following detail:PIB13:Claim has previously been processed. However, the balance on the account is currently at zero. As a response to the patient and as a courtesy Enzo closed the account on 10/**/13. Status of Account on Collection Agency Website:[redacted]

[redacted] Resolution: Tomorrow, I am mailing via certified mail [redacted] a patient bill showing zero balance along with a letter of explanation and a copy of this response. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to grant [redacted]’s request for assurance that his insurance company will not determine a deductible based on his physician diagnosis code. I can suggest that at his physician’s office they include a diagnosis that will cover his test under the preventative care guidelines published by his insurance company. Or [redacted] may call our customer service line indicated on his bill and request that we call his physician for an updated diagnosis code.

Review: I received a bill from Enzo Clinical Labs for the amount of $8.17 for they received a payment on 12/**/12, I have since then not been back to see any primary care physician, dentist, or healthcare provider otherwise that would have run any tests through Enzo. I then received a second bill for $106.64 dated April [redacted] 2013. I am not sure where those charges came from, but I have not seen a physician since then and do not in anyway believe these charges are legitimate. I believe Enzo has made a clerical error and that bill should be put to zero as it is an erroneous charge that will not in any form currently or in the future, will I pay this.Desired Settlement: The erroneous charge needs to be completely cleared and reported to any collection agencies or credit bureaus so that corrections to my credit can be made accordingly. I do not require any further contact from Enzo Clinical Labs nor do I want any contact besides an email or something in writing clarifying that the bill has been zeroed and there will be no further attempt to collect those fraudulent charges. I do not require a representative to call me and say anything. All correspondence must be written and dated and signed or otherwise stamped by the person representing Enzo Clinical with this matter. Any outcome besides the one described above is unacceptable and I will continue to file complaints until this issue is resolved, but again there will be no payment made by me for this bill that is an error, under any circumstances. I need to be clear about this.



Dear Enzo Clinical Labs holds patient satisfaction as a top priority. We are look to resolve this case in a timely and satisfactory manner. I have confirmed the following information as indicated in the complaint:1. The patient did receive a bill in the amount of $8.17, deductible after insurance, for a tests performed on a urine sample on 06/**/12. Payment on Check #[redacted] dated 12/**/12 has been applied to this invoice. The balance is zero.2. The patient did receive a bill in the amount of $106.64, deductible after insurance for tests performed on a blood sample on 06/**/12. Enzo billed for different services on the different invoices that took place on the same date of service. We do this because some test results are completed and released to the physician sooner than others.However, the balance on the account is currently at zero. On 04/**/13 Enzo spoke with the physician’s office to inquire as to an additional diagnosis code for the blood tests. The claim was reprocessed by the patient’s insurance and no further deductible was due. Resolution: I am mailing tomorrow via certified mail [redacted] patient bills showing zero balance on both claims along with a letter of apology and a copy of this response.If you have any questions, please call me at [redacted] or directly at [redacted]. Thank you for your attention to this matter.Sincerely,[redacted]

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Address: 60 Executive Boulevard, Farmingdale, New York, United States, 11735


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