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Elegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.

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Elegant Remodeling & Design, Inc. Reviews (3)

RESPONSE TO J***, M*** COMPLAINT:In response to MrJ*** complaint, what he has stated regarding our communications is not true I explained to MrJ*** that the *** faucet is a *** warranty I provided him with ***'s phone number and told him that *** would send a new
cartridge but that he was responsible for the installation We are not licensed plumbers and cannot warranty the plumber's work We hired *** Plumbing Coto take care of all the plumbing on the J*** job Our warranty is on our tile work, not plumbing work and not on *** fixtures *** has it's own warranty for defective products and parts only MrJ*** excuse of not calling because of it being a weekend is not true He had office phone, my cell phone and the cell phone number for *** Plumbing I told MrJ*** that Steve with *** Plumbing would go to his rental property in G*** and install a new cartridge but because of previous payment issues with MrJ***, *** Plumbing refused to go without assurance of payment in the form of a credit card number for the plumbing charges MrJ*** refused to provide payment for *** Plumbing and instructed his tenant to cut off the water at the main MrJ*** then called a local plumber, *** Plumbing Co., to remove the shower h**d and tub spout and cap off both inlets I spoke with *** Plumbing Coand they said when they arrived, the water had alr**dy been turned off so they proceeded with MrJ*** instructions to cap off the pipes *** Plumbing Cotold MrJ*** that the problem was the cartridge but he refused their installing a cartridge, which would have remedied this issue.In sp**king with *** Plumbing, they also informed me that MrJ*** asked them put certain verbiage on their invoice, but *** refused to alter their invoice.In an effort to settle this matter with MrJ***, I have alr**dy offered to purchase a new *** cartridge Steve with *** Plumbing has agreed to go install the cartridge but only if he is assured of payment with a credit card from MrJ*** *** Plumbing has done prior work for MrJ*** and has had problems collecting the money they were owned Most of this issue could have been avoided if MrJ*** had allowed *** Plumbing to install the cartridge and we would have reimbursed MrJ*** for the cost of the cartridge even though it is under warranty by *** See my email to him.See Attachments and email str**m, some are duplicates, so I apologize.L** W***Elegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.***st Main St.L**gue City TX 7***
would like clarify what happened actually
is not a dripWater was coming out from the shower in full volumeSteve lied
to you that it is drippingPl**se ask my tenant to verify
is not certain about the problem because he did not inspect itHe is
does Steve say that I delayed his payment? I paid him after the work is
completed. This is a lie again
gave me the warranty for two y**rs. This job is still under warrantyI
expected you should take responsibility of taking care of the problem. Pl**se
send me the proof of purchase of the faucet and model noso that I can call
your job is under warranty (parts and labor), why should I bother to fix it my
own? Is this the example of your job warranty?
am going to report your warranty to and will write on your website that you
declined to keep your word on warranty
am very disappointed that you are ch**ting your customer on the issue of
From: L** W***
[mailto:lfw***41@***.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 3:
PMTo: J***, M***Subject: plumbing
issueImportance: High
I spoke with Steve at
length regarding the drip from your tub faucet. Steve is certain it is a
cartridge issue. In order to take care of this matter, ***’s warranty will
only replace the cartridge for you, the owner, and will send the new cartridge
to your home. *** does not cover the cost of installing a new cartridge. That
is your responsibility
call *** at
1-800-***-6636 tell
them you need a cartridge for a Posi-temp valve. Your faucet is the ***
*** tub/shower faucet
Steve says once you
receive the cartridge from ***, to call him and he will come down and replace
the cartridge, however, because of your past history of not paying and delaying
payment to Steve for his work, he will only come to G*** if you are there
to meet him with either a credit card or payment for his
Your other option is
that once you receive the cartridge, you can call a local G*** plumber to
install the cartridge
L** W***,
DesignerElegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.***st Main StL**gue
City, TX 7***Show Room**Fax
I contacted the
plumbing company, *** Plumbing, 5*** S**ly
StG***, TX 7***, (***) ***-*** for
work order They will email me the work orderOnce I received it, I will
forward this to you. But you have to take care of the cost for fixing itIt is
still under warranty and it is your responsibility to fix the faucet I have
emailed you the problem whatever my tenant said to meHere is my tenant phone
# ***-***-***Pl**se call him to know exactly what happened
From: L** W***
[mailto:lfw***41@***.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 6:
PMTo: J***, M***Subject: Re: plumbing
Pl**se scan and email
me the work order from *** Plumbing so that Steve can see what they did.
I’m a bit
confused...first you say the water is coming out of the faucet spout then you
say the shower. Which is it?
I am willing to
purchase a cartridge and Steve will bring it with him, however, Steve said he
will need you to send a credit card number so that he is assured of payment.
Steve will not go under any other terms. Feel free to call Steve on this
From: J***, M***
Tuesday, June 16, 5:PM
To: L** W***
Subject: RE:
plumbing issue
faucet problem is not simple drippingOur tenant had to stop the main shut off
valve at the meterHis family was out of water till 11:pmThen ***
plumbing came and shut the faucet because we requested them to do so. ***
plumbing charged $127.00. It looks to me that Steve is not taking this
seriously. I think there is a major problem in the faucet. It is your
responsibility to take care of care as per warrantyThank
From: L**
W*** [mailto:lfw***41@***.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 3:PMTo: J***,
M***Subject: plumbing issueImportance:
I spoke with Steve at
length regarding the drip from your tub faucet. Steve is certain it is a
cartridge issue. In order to take care of this matter, ***’s warranty will
only replace the cartridge for you, the owner, and will send the new cartridge
to your home. *** does not cover the cost of installing a new cartridge. That
is your responsibility
call *** at
1-800-***-6636 tell
them you need a cartridge for a Posi-temp valve. Your faucet is the ***
*** tub/shower faucet
Steve says once you
receive the cartridge from ***, to call him and he will come down and replace
the cartridge, however, because of your past history of not paying and delaying
payment to Steve for his work, he will only come to G*** if you are there
to meet him with either a credit card or payment for his
Your other option is
that once you receive the cartridge, you can call a local G*** plumber to
install the cartridge
L** W***,
DesignerElegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.***st Main StL**gue
City, TX 7***Show Room**Fax
cellelegantremodeling@***.net 6-17-2015 J***:
I spoke with *** Plumbing and he sent me a copy of the invoice. Here
are the facts according to *** Plumbing:
1. Your tenant chose to shut off the main inst**d of simply allowing the
water to run or drip, which would have been far less costly than calling a
plumbing company on a Saturday
2. *** Plumbing states they told you that the faucet issue was probably
a cartridge and that you refused to allow them to install a cartridge, which in
their opinion, was the resolution to the water drip. That is also Steve’s
resolution to the issue
3. You requested *** Plumbing to remove the shower h**d and spout and
cap off both. This was an extreme m**sure that you requested that should not
have been done
4. You requested *** Plumbing to falsify their invoice to reflect
wording that you wanted included. They refused to falsify their invoice to
include verbiage you requested
5. You do not have a two y**r warranty on anything and the job is not
under warranty. A copy of your contract is attached. Pl**se see Section
“Warranty” of your contract which states a one (1) y**r warranty, not two y**rs
as you have alleged
6. You could have saved yourself a lot of time, money and effort if you
had allowed *** Plumbing to install a new cartridge, and I WOULD HAVE BEEN
happy to reimburse you. However, since you have gone to such lengths to hide
the facts, asking *** Plumbing to falsify their invoice to suit you, this
matter is your responsibility to resolve with *** and your plumber of choice
7. Call *** and d**l with them to get a new cartridge and then call a
plumber to install it. If you had allowed *** to install the cartridge, your
tenant would have had water within minutes. You made a big mistake asking
*** to cap off the shower and the tub faucet, l**ving your tenant without the
use the tub or shower.
8. If you choose to file any complaints, I will respond with the facts of
your contract and statements by *** Plumbing
L** W***,
DesignerElegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.***st Main StL**gue
City, TX 7***Show Room**Fax
From: J***, M***
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 11:AM
To: L** W***
Subject: RE: plumbing issue
spoke to my tenant about the problem againHe said that he was taking shower
After the shower he switched to spout and tried to turn off the water by turning
the handleIt did not shut the water off. Water was coming out either in
shower or spout modeSo he called the *** plumbing to shut the faucet
according to my advice
From: L** W***
[mailto:lfw***41@***.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 6:
PMTo: J***, M***Subject: Re: plumbing
Pl**se scan and email
me the work order from *** Plumbing so that Steve can see what they did.
I’m a bit
confused...first you say the water is coming out of the faucet spout then you
say the shower. Which is it?
I am willing to
purchase a cartridge and Steve will bring it with him, however, Steve said he
will need you to send a credit card number so that he is assured of payment.
Steve will not go under any other terms. Feel free to call Steve on this
From: J***, M***
Tuesday, June 16, 5:PM
To: L** W***
Subject: RE:
plumbing issue
faucet problem is not simple drippingOur tenant had to stop the main shut off
valve at the meterHis family was out of water till 11:pmThen ***
plumbing came and shut the faucet because we requested them to do so. ***
plumbing charged $127.00. It looks to me that Steve is not taking this
seriously. I think there is a major problem in the faucet. It is your
responsibility to take care of care as per warrantyThank
From: L**
W*** [mailto:lfw***41@***.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 3:PMTo: J***,
M***Subject: plumbing issueImportance:
I spoke with Steve at
length regarding the drip from your tub faucet. Steve is certain it is a
cartridge issue. In order to take care of this matter, ***’s warranty will
only replace the cartridge for you, the owner, and will send the new cartridge
to your home. *** does not cover the cost of installing a new cartridge. That
is your responsibility
call *** at
1-800-***-6636 tell
them you need a cartridge for a Posi-temp valve. Your faucet is the ***
*** tub/shower faucet
Steve says once you
receive the cartridge from ***, to call him and he will come down and replace
the cartridge, however, because of your past history of not paying and delaying
payment to Steve for his work, he will only come to G*** if you are there
to meet him with either a credit card or payment for his
Your other option is
that once you receive the cartridge, you can call a local G*** plumber to
install the cartridge
L** W***,
DesignerElegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.***st Main StL**gue
City, TX 7***Show Room**Fax

Better Business Bur**u:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.   
Mrs. W[redacted] wrote on our contract copy
(Customer’s copy) two y**rs warranty on the job. Pl**se see attached the
customer’s copy. This warranty does not say that it is valid only for tile job
not for plumbing. It was my understanding from this contract that she will take
care if there arises any problem associated with the job within the warranty
period. She told me not to worry about the job her company has done. Now she writes, “We are not licensed
plumber and cannot warranty the plumber’s work. Our warranty is on tile work,
not on plumbing and not on [redacted] fixture.” This is very confusing to me.  I gave her the job and she is responsible for
it within the warranty period. As a customer I have nothing to do with the
plumber. Coincidentally, Steve, the owner of [redacted] plumbing company who was
hired by Ms. W[redacted] to do the plumbing work in this project worked in my house
to fix faucet problem before. I knew him. 
Ms. L** W[redacted] states that I had problem with him about payment. This is
not true. This is outrageous to me because I had no problem with any sort of
payment to Steve. I paid him right after the job.  After r**ding this statement from L** I talked
to Steve last week and asked him if he had said to L** that I have payment
problem with him. Steve was very surprised and said to me “what she (L**) is
talking about, I never said that”.  From
this incidence I l**rned that Ms. W[redacted] is trying to defend herself and to
prove that I am a liar.  Ms. W[redacted] states that why I did not inform
her of the incident immediately when “I had her office phone number, Cell phone
number and phone number of [redacted] plumbing (Steve’s)”. This incident took
place at the weekend, Saturday June 13, 2015. On that day I was in D[redacted] in my
friend’s son’s wedding reception. My tenant called me around 7:00 pm and said
to me there was a major problem with the bath tub faucet. He could not turn the
water off. I asked him if it was dripping. He said no, water is coming out in
full volume. I asked him to call my next door friend, G[redacted], resident of 66
[redacted] Cir. G[redacted] came out to help him but he was unable to stop the water.
My tenant called me again when  advised
him to turn off the shutoff valve of water pipe entering the house and since it
was an emergency, I also told him to call local [redacted] Plumbing to stop the
water for the time being as the remodeling work in the entire bathroom cost me
over $4000 and had 2 y**rs warranty. [redacted] plumbing people was unable to come
immediately. In the m**ntime my tenant turned off the main valve by the water
meter in the front yard to prevent water flow. If it was simply dripping, he
would not bother at all- he said to me later. 
[redacted] Plumbing technician came around 11:00 pm that night and asked my
tenant about the problem. My tenant described him the problem and told him that
he needed to stop water flow only in the bathroom as he cannot keep water
turned off for the entire house for his children. The technician found that the
main shut off valve was turned off. At that time there was no water coming from
the faucet or shower. My tenant asked him how much it would cost to fix the problem.
He just indicated (no written quote) that it would cost around $350.00 because
it is weekend and emergency. My tenant did not take the risk of paying him
$350.00 without my permission. He told the technician to stop water in the faucet
and the technician capped off the faucet and shower. As a landlord I did the right thing. I was
away from home. How could I r**ch Ms. W[redacted] at her Office at the weekend
around 7:00 pm when the office is closed? I did not have her number handy at
the time. She has asked why didn’t I call Mr. Steve, [redacted] plumbing.  Since 
I did not hire him for the job and he did not sign on the warranty
paper, I am not supposed to call him. It app**rs to me that Ms. W[redacted] is
trying to avoid her responsibility blaming on me. I called her office on Monday morning, June
15, 2015 and described her secretary the incident in detail.  After that I got a call from Steve. He asked
me if I had a faucet problem. I told him about what happened with the faucet.
He told me that he could go to G[redacted] to fix the faucet if I was willing to
pay him the repair cost, as per Ms. W[redacted]’s suggestion. I told him that this
faucet problem is under warranty from L**. He told me he did not know anything
about the warranty of the job (plumbing) he did.  If I would want him to fix the faucet, I have
to pay him.  I declined. I called again
L**’s office but I could not r**ch her. So, I emailed L** to take care of the
problem because it was under warranty. But L** refused to do that.  Ms. W[redacted] asked me to send her the work
order from [redacted] plumbing because she did not believe me what I wrote her in
the email.  I contacted first my tenant
about the copy of the work order. He sent me a copy of the receipt that [redacted]
plumbing tech gave him. In that invoice paper there was no description of the
work done, no name of company. It had date and total charges of $129.76 for
capping the faucet and shower pipe. So, I contacted [redacted] Plumbing office. I
spoke to Mr. Bob [redacted], owner of [redacted] Plumbing about the work order and told
him that Ms. W[redacted] needs detail information to provide us with the warranty.
He told me that he would talk to his tech and will send the work order to me by
email. I got that document and emailed to Ms. W[redacted] as an attachment. Pl**se
see attachment-2. Looking at the document she accused me that I asked Mr. Bob
to falsify the fact and “put certain verbiage on their invoice”.  I never asked for anything but the details of
the work done in the receipt. I called Bob [redacted] again and told him why Ms.
W[redacted] was making this false accusation against me. Mr. [redacted] apologized for
this drama Ms. W[redacted] was making.  He
told me that he just gave me the proof that his tech went to my house and did
the job asked for. There was no attempt of falsifying anything from my side.  This is cl**r to me that Ms. W[redacted] is
twisting the fact to put all the blame on me. Ms. W[redacted] writes that “in an effort to
settle the matter with Mr. J[redacted] I have alr**dy offered to purchase a new [redacted]
Cartridge”.  She never wanted to buy a
cartridge. She gave me [redacted] phone number and asked me to call them to get the
cartridge because only home owner can request for parts replacement to [redacted]. I
r**lized that and wrote to Ms. W[redacted] that I will do that (pl**se see in my
email to Ms. W[redacted]).  She is insisting
that I have to pay for the repair of faucet although it is under warranty. Ms. W[redacted] writes that “Most of the problem
could have been avoided if Mr. J[redacted] had allowed [redacted] Plumbing to install the
Cartridge and we would have reimbursed Mr. J[redacted] for the cost of cartridge even
though it is under warranty by [redacted].” If I would allow [redacted] Plumbing tech to
fix the faucet with cartridge at that night in emergency call, he would charge
me $350.00. Why I should pay this amount of money from my pocket to [redacted]
plumbing when the faucet problem is under warranty. I do not understand why Ms.
W[redacted] is escaping from her moral and legal obligation to fixing the problem.
Who is responsible for this problem? She never wanted to buy the
cartridge.  I am surprised when she is
talking about reimbursement.  With regards to the tile work she did for
the bathroom, the bath wall tile she provided did not match with our existing
floor tile in the bathroom. So, she told me that she will take care of that
problem. On the day of final installment payment she demanded to pay her
additional $100.00 for matching the tile (pl**se see on the contract at the
bottom). It took only 6-9 tiles.  I
reminded her that she said she would take care of it. In our conversation she
suddenly thr**tened me that if I do not pay her $100.00, she will call the
police. I was very ashamed of her behavior. I paid her additional $100.00 and
left her office. From this incident I l**rned that she is very greedy in terms
of money. Now she says she would have reimbursed me. She was never trustworthy.I would like to mention another issue with
the tile work though it is unrelated to present problem. Her tile work
technician put a wrong grout on the tile. It made the wall look very odd. When
I brought this problem to her, she asked me to take a picture of the wall and
the original grout bag and send to her. I requested her to come to my house
look over this problem. She never came to my house. I showed her the pictures
of wall. She admitted that the company has sent her a wrong grout.  However she is willing to take care of the
grout problem. She told me that her tech will come and fix the problem. I
waited for weeks and months for her tech to come. She never sent his tech
(pl**se see attachment-3 for her agreement). 
This is an example of her commitment to customer’s problem. When we
wrote an online review regarding this issue, she insisted us to withdraw our
comment on [redacted] web site in order to get grout problem solved.   We withdrew our comments but she did not fix
the grout problem.  Steve, [redacted] plumbing told me if I
provided him the cartridge, he would charge around $112.50 to install it. I
mentioned this to Ms. W[redacted]. She completely ignored my request and asked me to
make payment r**dy for Steve by Credit card if I wanted to fix the faucet. She
complains that I have to pay by Credit card because I have given trouble to
Steve with my past payment- which is completely false.  Again, she is making the most annoying
allegation against me.  My main complaint
against Ms. W[redacted] is on the issue of warranty on the job her company
performed. She has completely ignored that. I am very unhappy with Ms. W[redacted]’s word on
warranty. She is not honest.  Now I am
the victim.  I filed my complaint to
as I hope to obtain a fair solution.  I
expect that would take appropriate action against Ms. W[redacted]’s company and
made her pay us the repair cost on the job she warrantied. Thank you. 
M[redacted] Dr.
L**gue City, TX 7[redacted]
Tel: [redacted]

We have arranged with [redacted] Plumbing Company to go to Mr. J[redacted] property in G[redacted] on Thursday morning July 2, 2015 to install a [redacted] cartridge in the Tub/shower faucet at no charge to Mr. J[redacted].I trust this action ends this matter.  Sincerely, L** W[redacted]Elegant Remodeling & Design, Inc.926 **st Main St.L**gue City, TX  7[redacted]1.338.0388elegantremodeling@[redacted].net

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Address: 926 E Main St, League City, Texas, United States, 77573-2452


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