Electronic Arts, Inc. Reviews (996)
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Address: 600 Thayer Rd, Redwood City, California, United States, 10996-1726
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Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/02/08) */
To whom it may concern,
Many thanks for sending this customer's concerns over.
I reached out to the customer and provided steps on how she can resolve her concerns, however; despite numerous contacts, I have not heard back from the...
Warm regards,
EA Customer Relations World Wide Customer Experience
To whom it concerns,
Thank you again for your update.
We have been in an ongoing dialogue with [redacted] to clarify the details around the transaction in question.
Our logs indicate that all transactions have been fulfilled and we cannot find any issues here thus far.
We have provided these details to [redacted] and have invited him to respond to us should he have any further concerns.
Thank you for your time,
EA Help
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/15) */
We are investigating the issue and will address a solution in any future iterations should there be similar circumstances in the mode.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/30) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the...
response from the business.)
The response from Electronic Arts is totally unacceptable. For 6 months Electronic Arts has promised a resolution to this product defect. On multiple occasions Electronic Arts' customer service has promised a software update to resolve this issue, but now their response vaguely references a "future iteration" instead of a firm commitment to resolve the issue.
Electronic Arts' blatant disregard for product quality and customer satisfaction is reprehensible. Customers have paid full price for a fundamentally broken product, only for Electronic Arts to rescind continued promises to resolve the defects.
Electronic Arts' behavior is deplorable. Releasing a flawed product into the market demonstrates a lack of respect for their customers. Refusing to fix acknowledged defects for more than 7 months clearly shows their apathetic approach to customer service.
This complaint against Electronic Arts represents the first time I have been required to take formal action against any company. Electronic Arts' customer service and response to this complaint have been wholly substandard. It is clear that the company has neither the ability nor the desire to release high-quality software and back it with competent customer service.
Electronic Arts was named "Worst Company in America" by Consumerist magazine in both 2012 and 2013. The company's actions with respect to this specific issue have been appalling, and have made them (in my opinion) front-runners for "Worst Company in America" for 2015. Because the company has made it clear that they do not value me as a customer; I do not have any recourse against their atrocious behavior other than to shun their products in the future.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/07/06) */
We've provided the information available around this situation and have confirmed that our FIFA team is currently investigating it. Updates will be provided to our users when they become available, but we [redacted]'t have further details at this time.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/07/18) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Electronic Arts' response is nothing more than empty words. The company has released a defective product and does not care to satisfy legitimate customer complaints. It has been nine months since this major flaw was reported to Electronic Arts. Their inaction speaks to their lack of respect for their customers.
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
Everything stated above is wholly untrue. I will attach as many emails as necessary to show that:
1.) I am not free to contact them. In fact, I've been told in numerousbe mails that I will no longer receive a response from them on this matter.
2.) I was found to be in violation of terms of service, yet I have read and reviewed TOS several times and I have not violated any of it. Direct question: What did I do to violate TOS? I have asked this multiple times and am sent a copy of the terms of service and told I won't be receiving any further responses. What have I done to violate TOS? Furthermore, how can you still find me in violation after a review when I did nothing in the first place.
3.) I asked a very simple set of questions, to which I received no response. The most important of which is CAN I USE COINS TO BUY AND SELL MUTHEAD CREDITS? I've spent thousands of dollars here and am asking one question that I deserve an answer to.
Where am I wrong for having thousands of dollars in content taken from me after doing nothing wrong and wanting answers? Am I reinstated? Yes. But this will be a very short lived exercise if it takes no evidence or explanation to get rid of me again.
Below is is an example of an email correspondence where I am essentially told that nobody cares and to go away. It also shows I won't be told what I did wrong and whether or not I can use MUTcoins to acquire MHC, along with every other question I asked being completely ignored.
[redacted] begin email
Hello,We received your latest message regarding the action taken on your account. We have performed all investigations possible on this issue and will not reverse the decision.Please do not expect further responses on this matter.Thank you,EA Terms of ServicePetition history: On 08-01-2016 you asked EAGAMES support: Suspended account- Madden 16- [redacted] Madden 16-[redacted] <br>You didn't address a single question I asked. I did not ask you to review anything on my account. I asked you seven questions and this was your response: We received your latest message regarding the action taken on your account. We have performed all investigations possible on this issue and will not reverse the decision. Please do not expect further responses on this matter. Thank you, EA Terms of Service This is once again unacceptable. It's also unsurprising. I'm asking for help in answering questions. Please understand that telling me you won't respond to me isn't shooing me off. It's only motivating me more to seek out fairness for a grave injustice. I only ask that you answer my questions. What is unreasonable about that? Sadly, I'm a shareholder in your company. What is most unsettling about your actions are that you/your department will ultimately cost EA money. And that is never ever a good thing. I'm sure somewhere deep down inside, you might get a kick out of messing with people who've done nothing to personally wrong you in any way. Maybe it's fun for you to get irate responses from people that you refuse to have an actual discussion with. Hell, I don't know. What I do know is that I won't stand for it. I am a consumer of your product, and as such, do have certain entitlements, such as getting answers to questions that directly impact the product you are supplying. This will be my last communication with you. If I don't get some answers to very simple and reasonable questions, you won't be hearing from me again and I will simply seek recourse via a means that will actually do something that again, you as the supplier of a product/content that I am paying for, have to share. As long as you, as a company, are operating out of the United States of America, you can't hide from, nor can you simply shirk, these responsibilities. Petition history: On 07-30-2016 you asked EAGAMES support: Suspended account- Madden 16- [redacted] <br> [redacted] Madden 16 [redacted] [redacted] <mailto:[redacted]> <mailto:[redacted]> Online purchase Suspended Account suspended Dear Account disputes team: I would like this email to actually be addressed. The canned responses have been unacceptable thus far, and an expectation of being able to get answers to very simple questions really shouldn't be asking too much. So this time around, I will number my questions, and leave plenty of space between so that I may receive a response. The questions number seven in total. 1.) I have reviewed the TOS front to back. In fact, both myself and my legal counsel have reviewed your TOS and we fail to see where I am in breach or working outside the terms and conditions. Please explain what exactly I did that violated your TOS. 2.) why was I not given the opportunity to defend myself when you took action against my account? 3.) How can your review my account a second time, and still find me in violation of TOS when I was t in violation in the first place? 4.) Nowhere in your TOS do you outline that you can act on my account without cause. This essentially means that I am entitled to a reason as to why my account was suspended. You have the choice to hide behind the veil of the response "you violated TOS" in emails, but this has no legal grounds whatsoever. Outside of an email to threaten a customer, this holds up nowhere. 5.) Can I use coins to obtain MutHead Credits? Is this within TOS or not? I ask, because if this is not true, my legal interests shift from EA to muthead, so I need an answer to this question. [redacted] This is a direct question, that I, a paying consumer of your product am asking you, a for profit, publicly traded, company with whom I have not only an expectation but also a right to be informed of. 6.) why, when we are talking about thousands upon thousands of dollars I've invested into this game, can I not receive so much as a phone call from you so that we may discuss this matter? What you're opting to do isn't illegal. I do think it is unethical from a business perspective, and also bad business practice. That said, in still requesting a phone call at [redacted] <tel:[redacted]> to further discuss this matter. 7.) You have found me in violation of the TOS, so it is only a matter of times before I make a MHC transaction somewhere along the way that gets me permanently suspended. What advice might you offer to help avoid this? Just so you all know, I plan to announce to account disputes every time throughout the day that I make an MHC transaction, so as to better my chances of not getting banned, or at the very least, have either EA or Muthead in a very compromising position, depending on which entity isn't dealing/speaking in earnest. Lastly, I want to make myself very clear. I'm not some helpless teenager that is going to go away and be happy my account is back. I understand the consequences, repercussions, and potential ramifications of EA keeping a strike on me, and it's wholly unacceptable. I have done nothing to violate TOS, unless MHC transactions are a violation. If this is the case, fine, but I am disclaiming to you in this email that I am continuing to buy content in your game with the understanding that I can, in fact, make MHC transactions, and you have continually allowed me to believe this by not correcting me at any point. Please, I have appealed to you in every way possible to get some answers here. I'm just asking for help. EN - EA Terms of Service Correspondence will follow shortly. Sent from my iPhone
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/26) */
We've reached out to the player to gather some additional information from him regarding the issue and what troubleshooting steps he has already tried. We've provided him with additional troubleshooting steps, as well as the steps for contacting...
our customer support staff.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/01/28) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
No evidence of my breach of terms of service has been provided, only the date which is too far in the past for me to recollect. As I know I am innocent I would be able to provide plentiful reasoning as to why the algorithm for coin selling flagged the transaction. I have not been given the opportunity to do this and as such I am walking on a tightrope I believe I should not be walking on.Sincerely,[redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/13) */
To whom it concerns,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
We are currently in a direct conversation with the customer and we are working towards a solution.
We will continue to resolve this matter him directly.
EA Worldwide Customer Experience
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2016/01/14) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have communicated with Electronic Arts and I have opened the Ports. This has not corrected the issue
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2016/01/20) */
To whom it concerns,
Thank you again for updating us on this issue.
We have an ongoing case with this customer in which we are attempting to resolve this matter through troubleshooting.
We have been asking the customer to provide us with an update as per the instructions we have provided but we have not received any response from him since January 14th.
If this matter is to be resolved, we would ask that the customer continue to engage with us in the case through which we have been communicating with him previously.
If the customer is not seeing our responses, we would ask him to verify that his email's spam filter is not affecting our communication.
Thank you,
EA Worldwide Customer Experience
To whom it concerns,
Thank you again for responding.
As previously advised, the Terms of Service team are the only team that can investigate, review and discuss an account sanction.
If you wish to dispute this matter further, the only means to do so would be to follow the steps provided in our previous response.
These steps can be reviewed here: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspen...⇄ />
EA Help
We've reached out to this player to gather some additional information regarding the issue. We have have provided him with the EA warranty information as well as the contact information for XBOX Support, in case the player wishes to obtain a refund.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/05/12) */
To whom it may concern,
I have reached out to this customer and will be communicating with him directly to discus the concerns raised.
Electronic Arts Customer Experience
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to...
complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted] How long will it take to resolve this issue? It has been 10 days of this same issue from the time they first contacted me.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/05/21) */
Thank you for contacting us.
We have spoken to our Terms of Service team who confirmed they contacted you back on April 7th.
They have also confirmed that they will contact you again shortly.
Kind Regards,
EA WWCE Customer...
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/05/30) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is an outrage!I get the same response to an email from more than 3 months! Every time they tell me to wait, wait and wait ... This is outrageous because in four months will premiere a new game "FIFA 16" and I still [redacted]'t gets answers about this part of the game, is a scandal! EA Sports mocks clients dragging each case, thinking that if you pulled through the case to release new version of the game the problem will disappear and consumers will buy a new part of the game! It's a scandal! I want that EA Sports immediately answered my e-mail messages, now!
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/06/02) */
Our Terms of Service (account disputes) team are the only department who can discuss issues like the one reported in this case.
Their decision is final and if you would like to dispute this matter they can be contacted on the email previously provided ([redacted]@ea.com).
EA Worldwide Customer Experience
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/06/07) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Since February I wrote a few e-mails to the address [redacted]@ea.com, and still not getting any response. Could sir somehow accelerate? Since February I can not play .. I would like to apologize for breaking the rules, this situation will not happen again. I hope that you will keep humanly and help me in this matter.
Sincerely, [redacted]
HelloThank you for sending this along to us. We have reached out to the customer directly through our own support channels to address this issue with them.Regards
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in...
reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I was contacted by EA the representative said that "if" I am willing to work with him he will try to find a solution. I replied stating the issue and, said that I am willing to listen and, work with him. I will report back to you as soon as I find out what EA is willing to do. Thank you very much for all your help with this I really appreciate it.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/15) */
We've reached out to this player to provide him with the information he needs to follow up and dispute the Terms of Service action taken on his account.
EA World Wide Customer Experience
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/28) */
We have reached out to the customer and provided troubleshooting to help assist with the issue. We have not heard back from her since but welcomed her to contact us should she still have trouble with the game and confirmed she is able to reach...
Electronic Arts
Worldwide Customer Experience
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/05/11) */
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for getting in touch.
We have now reached out directly via the email address provided to address this issue.
Kind Regards,
EA Worldwide Customer Experience
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/05/12)...
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I would like thank You Revdex.com and EA. My case was resolved in one work day! I have full access to my account again. Thank you very much!
Our prior response still stands. If the player wishes to dispute the action taken they will need to contact the EA Terms of Service team directly.For more information on how to contact their team, please visit our article on EA Help: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspended-acc...⇄ regards,Electronic ArtsWorldwide Customer Experience
We have contacted the player to resolve the issue.
- EA Worldwide Customer Experience