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Address: 1450 Tryon Manor Dr., Clayton, North Carolina, United States, 27528
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I am responding to this complaint I filedI read the business response, very confusing.This company already sent me an invoice with a $balance with all but $in charges internally written offI filed a complaint with and had a $balance with this companyThe business now replied there is a "new" $fee? This just further proves the unprofessionalism and dishonesty of this fraudulent untrustworthy companyI attached a photo of the $invoice to my complaint to show this invoice dated 9-23- I've also attached it to this emailI was unable to type a text response with this photo online.The $invoice was the last of many email and paper invoices I received over the summer, many with different totalsThe purpose of my complaint was to show my dealings with this company were dishonest in their accounting and most importantly my kids unsafe in their careI simply want to cut ties with $balance and no more mail/email invoices with different totals.Can you tell me how to add this to the complaint?Thank you
This letter is In response to complaint ID #*** from *** and *** ***.We strongly disagree with the complaint for several reasons detailed belowWe feel the children werecompletely supervised and safe during their time at EduKlds and that EduKlds acted appropriately and Inaccordance
with all respective rules and guidelines of all of our licensing agencies.The programming for Summer Camp at our West Seneca location follows a classroom model In whicholder campers (typically grades 3-5) are separated from our younger campers (typically grades k-2)Thefinal decision on which grade levels will be grouped together is based on enrollment and does nottypically occur until closer to the start of campAll families are informed of this at the time ofregistrationEach group has their own classroom and combines only for special activities such as fieldtrips and visitorsIn addition, the classrooms combine in the early morning as well as late eveningThismodel Is the most developmentally appropriate as It allows the teachers to better differentiate theirlessons based on age and ability levelThis model has been in place for the past few years at the SenecaStreet location of EduKlds.During both drop off time and pick up time the Summer Camp programs are typically combined due tolow numbersAt that time the sign In sheets are placed together on the parent board located justoutside the doorThis allows the teachers to keep track of the number of children In their classroomand Is done at the recommendation of the New York State Office of Children & Family ServicesInaddition, numbers are combined on a white board Inside the classroom as an easy and quick visual forthe teachers to track how many children are In the room and how many have left for the day.Anytime a child forgets his or her lunch, EduKlds will provide a lunch for the childWe follow along withdietary restrictions and accommodate child requests when possibleIn this particular case the child wasoffered several different options for lunch that fit with his dietary restrictionsHe refused all options.There was a new director training at the center, but the standing director was still at the site andavailable until July l"We provided multiple communications about the change In director over theprevious weeks.Regarding payment, we did return their check as an act of good faithIn no way was this ever anadmission of guilt as suggested in the complaintOur registration form clearly states that families areresponsible for all days signed up for summer camp regardless of attendanceWe generously onlycharged them a week notice period which is the current balance of $470.In an effort to resolve this I propose that EduKids will reduce the invoice to $The $is the 2registration fees of $for each child and the one day charge of $for Paige and $for *** for theday they attendedI would like to make it clear that this in no way is an admission of guilt or anagreement with the statements made in the complaint.Regards,Christopher W***
This letter is in response to complaint ID #[redacted] from [redacted] and [redacted], copy enclosed.The statement dated 9/23/16 noted in the complainant's response was sent after several attempts tocollect the balance due for tuition and notified the family that their account had been sent tocollections. We wrote it off to $1 balance as the collection agency would be taking over collectionefforts.Upon receiving and responding to the initial notice on 10/6/16, we adjusted the invoice as clearlycommunicated in the final paragraph of the initial response to a balance of $116 and removed theaccount from collections. A new statement was sent to the family with the amount due of $116.The claims that we are not working honestly are baseless and false.This will be our last response to this matter and the $116 will be subject to our collection policies andprocedures.Regards,Christopher W[redacted], CPAController- EduKids, Inc.