Eden Deck & Patio Reviews (4)
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Address: 6391 De Zavala Rd Ste 104, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249
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Revdex.com:Complaint # [redacted] I have worked with Eden Deck and Patio to solve the issue I had with complaint # [redacted] I wish to withdraw my complaint and leave Eden Deck and Patio in good standing If you have any questions please call me at ***-***- [redacted]
Revdex.com:Complaint #[redacted]
I have worked with Eden Deck and Patio to solve the issue I had with complaint
"">#[redacted] I wish to withdraw my complaint and leave Eden Deck and Patio in good standing If you have any questions please call me at [redacted]
complaint: [redacted]
I am not in agreement with [redacted]’s response on the following points:
1. I emailed [redacted] a request that they remove a photo image of my patio that [redacted] obtained and posted to their public website without my express or written permission which was my original focus of my Revdex.com **mplaint as well as pointing out the false/deceptive advertising of the photos on the [redacted] website. I never received a response from [redacted] regarding my request to remove the photo. [redacted] states they have not responded to my email request because “per our **nversation [with Revdex.com], we are waiting to hear back from your [Revdex.com] legal department on the matter”. This is not a valid excuse, why would [redacted] assume Revdex.com would provide [redacted] with legal advice prior to me actually filing a Revdex.com **mplaint?;
2. I researched extensively nearly all the photos posted to their website that they claimed at that time to be “examples of our latest work” (which is the exact verbiage that was on the [redacted] website when I hired [redacted], please look at the attached screenshots of the [redacted]’s website stating the photos are [redacted]’s work) through Google Image. That is public deception because one would think as I did, that these were photos of [redacted]’s prior projects that they built. [redacted] has now since changed the website wording to claim the photos of projects are “examples of what we do,” but several photos are actually stolen from other **mpany’s websites without permission. I specifically **ntacted Custom Patio Designs, the **mpany that originated the photo of the arbor project (from my Google Image search) that I wanted replicated for my arbor and patio project to **nfirm that it was indeed Custom
Patio Designs original work and not [redacted]’s as represented to me by [redacted] of [redacted] Deck and Patio. After I **ntacted Custom Patio Designs about this, they stated they were going to **ntact [redacted] to remove the stolen image and [redacted] apparently **mplied because the image is no longer on the [redacted] website. In fact several other photos have since been removed and replaced. I did not fraudulently make any **mplaints under a false name and this is a baseless accusation by [redacted]. Obviously [redacted] was well aware that the photo from Custom Patio Designs was posted without express permission and as a result [redacted] has since removed it so that is an implied admission of culpability;
3. My Revdex.com **mplaint did not request that [redacted] stain and seal my arbor, my **mplaint was regarding the “bait and switch” sales pitch that [redacted] does. There are multiple other homeowners I have been in **ntact with that will attest to this practice by [redacted]. The **ntract that [redacted] makes you sign is what one would call a “**ntract of adhesion” and in no way protects the homeowner, nor does it call out every action that [redacted] will do, so how is a homeowner to know that when [redacted]’s General Manager, [redacted], states that the project will be start to finish and en**mpass staining and sealing the arbor as well as the kitchen **unter tops, that it must specifically be written in the **ntract? The **ntract didn’t state that [redacted] would use rebar and fill for the patio, but that did occur. Interestingly, the **ntract did state that the **untertops on my outdoor kitchen would use lueder limestone, and [redacted]
knowingly used a substandard material, not lueder limestone. Ac**rding to one of [redacted]’s sub-**ntracted masons, [redacted] always states use of lueder limestone in the **ntracts and really uses a substandard material. When **nfronted about it, [redacted] finally changed the **untertop to the **rrect material. It is evident, that [redacted] does not follow the **ntract, [redacted] certainly did not in our case. Based on [redacted]’s response regarding the **ntract, [redacted] admits that a lot is discussed during the quote process resulting in a client that is ultimately misled. **nveniently, [redacted] will state “it’s not in the **ntract” when the work is requested to be **mpleted. In addition to [redacted]’s **mment about the staining and sealing of my arbor, I received a written **mmunication from [redacted] stating they authorized the staining of my arbor and [redacted] still never **mpleted the staining after multiple requests. One **at of clear **at sealant was haphazardly applied;
4. I **ntacted a lawyer about my legal rights during the project and the attorney did some research of the public re**rds of Bexar **unty Deed Re**rds to see if there were any lawsuits against [redacted]. My lawyer found the Mechanics and Materialman’s Lien in the public deed re**rds for a current client of [redacted] and suggested that I speak to them regarding their experience with [redacted]. The public document **ntained the homeowner’s identity and address and was not obtained illegally. [redacted] gives no facts to support that the homeowner was harassed, nor has the homeowner ever **ntacted me and asked me to not **mmunicate with them in the future. Actually, the homeowner invited me into their home and provided me with their **ntact information for future **rrespondence;
5. [redacted] did in fact “forgive” the remaining balance due them on the **ntract in lieu of repairing and finishing out multiple items that were outstanding and not **mpleted to our satisfaction. [redacted] never returned to the jobsite for a final walk-through with us and refused to address any of our **ncerns. In fact, they asked the last sub**ntractor on the project to pick up our final payment! As the job progressed, [redacted]ntinually stated with each **ncern we sent them by telephone or email that these issues would be addressed at the end during the final inspection with us, this never happened;
6. It is clear that [redacted]’s response to any customer dissatisfaction or **mplaint is (unsubstantiated) legal action, which is interesting knowing that [redacted]’s General Manger and face of the **mpany, [redacted], is currently on parole for a ten year 2010 felony **nviction for “misapplication of fiduciary property”, which means that he took clients funds, but never performed the work. He even uses a false identity that is misleading, likely so no one will find out about his past. [redacted]’s real name is Jeffery Allen Perry and he previously owned and operated Dynasty Decks and Spa (this is also public re**rd and can be obtained by pulling his criminal re**rd or going to www.kens5.**m and searching Jeffery Perry or go to www.mysanantonio.**m and search “Deck builder sent to prison for customer rip-offs”). [redacted] did not inform me that they were sending a felon to my home. [redacted] states on their website, “we care about our customers”. If that is the case, then [redacted] would simply remove the picture of my patio from the [redacted] website and quit being deceptive.
Revdex.com, **nsider posting the details of this **mplaint as it is important that future clients are made aware of [redacted]’s deceptive practices, they can then make a educated decision about what **mpany they would like to hire. This is not in any way harassment; rather it is a valid **mplaint and request. I am only providing substantiated facts; nothing has been distorted as [redacted] would like to believe. Based on [redacted]’s response to my **mplaint and request, it is evident how [redacted] provides customer service. Most **mpanies would have just responded to the original email request and removed the homeowner’s photo.
-Screenshots of [redacted]’s webpage prior to them removing pictures and changing the verbiage of the representation of the photos. Page 3 of the word document is the photo that I was told was [redacted]’s work, which is why I hired [redacted].
-Public record of the lien between [redacted] and homeowner I contacted, legally obtained.
Mr. xxxxxxxx
Per our **nversation earlier this morning, we are responding to a **mplaint made against this **mpany today, August 7th, 2014, by a Bridgette [redacted].
We received a request from her on August 4th asking us to remove an image of [redacted]'s work, performed on her property. We have not responded to her as of yet, because per our conversation, we are waiting to hear back from your legal department on the matter. To be clear, [redacted] will NOT be removing the photo until we find out from your legal department that we are somehow in the wrong. Mrs. [redacted] has NO idea that the "majority" of anything on our website is or isn't ours. Furthermore, those photos are changed out often, and still further, the website clearly states that these are "examples" of what we do. .. it makes absolutely no claim that every photo is from our direct work. There are several reasons for this, none of which is owed an explanation to her, we have done nothing wrong. She is also **mplaining about the staining/sealing of her arbor. I have included a copy of her contract, which we have in triplicate, for you to view. Nowhere on her **ntract does it state stain or sealant is included. Numerous items are discussed at the signing of every contract, that does not mean every one make it into the contract. People change their minds. . The cost is too much. ..etc. Ultimately, the homeowner should read their **ntracts, we are bound by them. . Why shouldn't they be? However, in an attempt to satisfy this client, we did seal her arbor at our **sT.We received a similar complaint prior to this one, asking that we remove the picture that is almost identical to her project. We did so, and replaced it with her project. ... again almost identical. It is our belief that it was Mrs. [redacted] that made that complaint under a false name. We are also waiting for a response back from your legal department about actions that can be taken against this client, if any, for harassment and defamation of [redacted] to current clients. Mrs [redacted] obtained one of our clients information we were doing with them through a VA loan...my veteran informed me that his information was supposed to be **nfidential due to his specific job with the military, and was fully prepared to press charges against Mrs. [redacted]. He states that she obtained his information illegally, AND she showed up at his home to harass them about cotracting with this company. We asked that he "let it go," unless she contacted him again, which to our knowledge, she did not.Still FURTHER, [redacted] FORGAVE a total of $3,939.00 ..which was her final payment, because of the complaints we received from her. This complaint is ridiculous, and if Mrs. [redacted] does not stop her harassment of this company, we will take appropriate legal action against her. We ask that you do not post this **mplaint due to the facts being distorted by her, and the harassment of this **mpany. [redacted]Sent on a [redacted] ® [redacted]
Per our **nversation earlier this morning, we are responding to a **mplaint made against this **mpany today, August 7th, 2014, by a Bridgette [redacted].
We received a request from her on August 4th asking us to remove an image of [redacted]'s work, performed on her property. We have not responded to her as of yet, because per our **nversation, we are waiting to hear back from your legal department on the matter. To be clear, [redacted] will NOT be removing the photo until we find out from your legal department that we are somehow in the wrong.
Mrs. [redacted] has NO idea that the "majority" of anything on our website is or isn't ours. Furthermore, those photos are changed out often, and still further, the website clearly states that these are "examples" of what we do. .. it makes absolutely no claim that every photo is from our direct work. There are several reasons for this, none of which is owed an explanation to her, we have done nothing wrong.
She is also **mplaining about the staining/sealing of her arbor. I have included a **py of her **ntract, which we have in triplicate, for you to view. Nowhere on her **ntract does it state stain or sealant is included. Numerous items are discussed at the signing of every **ntract, that does not mean every one make it into the **ntract. People change their minds. . The **st is too much. ..etc. Ultimately, the homeowner should read their **ntracts, we are bound by them. . Why shouldn't they be? However, in an attempt to satisfy this client, we did seal her arbor at our **sT.
We received a similar **mplaint prior to this one, asking that we remove the picture that is almost identical to her project. We did so, and replaced it with her project. ... again almost identical. It is our belief that it was Mrs. [redacted] that made that **mplaint under a false name.
We are also waiting for a response back from your legal department about actions that can be taken against this client, if any, for harassment and defamation of [redacted] to current clients. Mrs [redacted] obtained one of our clients information we were doing with them through a VA loan...my veteran informed me that his information was supposed to be **nfidential due to his specific job with the military, and was fully prepared to press charges against Mrs. [redacted]. He states that she obtained his information illegally, AND she showed up at his home to harass them about **ntracting with this **mpany. We asked that he "let it go," unless she **ntacted him again, which to our knowledge, she did not.
Still FURTHER, [redacted] FORGAVE a total of $3,939.00 ..which was her final payment, because of the **mplaints we received from her. This **mplaint is ridiculous, and if Mrs. [redacted] does not stop her harassment of this **mpany, we will take appropriate legal action against her.
We ask that you do not post this **mplaint due to the facts being distorted by her, and the harassment of this **mpany.
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