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EcoHome Financial Rating
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My brother (***) and I (***) own a townhouse in Brampton (*** Crescent, Brampton Ontario, ***).
In May 2011 we had new windows installed throughout the house. The cost of the window installation came to a total of $3,937.82. This window installation cost was financed by EcoHome Financial. An amount of $56.21 was added to our *** bill and collected each month by EcoHome Financial.
To date (96 months from the 2011 window installation date), EcoHome Financial had collected $5,401.92. They continue collecting $56.21 each month with no indication of stopping.
I managed to get through once to EcoHome Financial and spoke to a woman named ***. She refused to help me sort this matter out, but said her manager, ***, would contact me. *** has never called me.
I have attempted to contact EcoHome Financial regarding this situation on several occasions. They refuse to resolve this matter. In fact, EcoHome Financial has now blocked both my brother's and my cell phone numbers.
Stopping the monthly charge on our *** bill.
Dear *** and *** ,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.
I would like to provide you with clarification of your loan agreement, and take the opportunity for us to reach a mutual understanding.
We have attempted to call you but we were unable to get in contact with you.
Please contact me at your earliest. I look forward to hearing from you.
*** Manager, Client Services
. My 'Loan' originally for $2,646.90 beginning in 2011 was being paid through ***. After 5 years, I had paid $2,300, however, they apparently 'sent a letter' renewing the term for another 60 months, stating I had an outstanding balance of $1,800!! I never received any such letter as I would have challenged the amount at that time if I had. To date, I have paid them over $3,330, yet they claim I still owe them another $1,200!!
About 2 years ago in April or May 2016, a door to door salesperson representing Ecohome Financial came to the house to offer installation of new furnace and air conditioner on a 'rent to own' terms. I became interested since it would save me from spending $6000 upfront to buy a new set of the machines. When they installed, they made me sign a paper and I asked what was the paper about. They said it was about the provisions of the 'rent to own" agreement. Only after two months, we've observed that the furnace wasn't working properly. A technician came to look at it and did something. The air conditioner wasn't working as well, so we called Ecohome. They tried to fix it but couldn't, so they replaced it with a "new" one. We noticed the air conditioner wasn't cooling off the house as it should and we reported it to Ecohome. They promised to send a technician but nobody showed up. The problem resurfaced with the furnace, not heating up enough in winter and the air conditioner not cooling off at all. I kept calling Ecohome but to no avail. Until in August 2018, we requested *** to remove them from their billing so Ecohome would be forced to deal with us and our concerns. *** gave them 45 days to respond but they didn't so then *** took from Ecohome all the money that we have paid through them and put it to our *** account. We started to receive calls from Ecohome and promised to send a technician to fix the problem. They also asked for us to call *** for them to give their money back. But we said they need to resolve the problem first. They had a lawyer wrote to us to collect the money they said were arrears but we wrote back to the lawyer explaining this matter. The lawyer never bothered us again. Up to this point, the problem hasn't been fixed. My wife tried to set up an appointment with the technician but they chose to come without proper notification. My *** wife *** needed to arrange the date and time with the technician properly and to also notify the tenant within 24 hours that someone is coming in to check the furnace. My wife told them the basement is free on Jan 29 so they can come and check the furnace but they never confirmed they are coming. They saw an opportunity to hold us hostage by this arrangement when it was time to renew our mortgage with the bank. They put a lien on the property, out of bad faith and prevented our transaction to go through. Ecohome wanted a buy out for $28,000 including interests. Imagine, a set of machine which costs only $6000 in the market is being sold to us for $26,000? And on top of it, these machines aren't working properly. And they won't allow us to get our mortgage until they are paid with a big amount of money. ***. ***?***. Now, we are stuck not able to renew our mortgage and on the brink of losing our home. We asked that they postpone the lien and allow us to do our mortgage but they refused asking for the full $28,000 and up to this time, their machines aren't working properly.
We want this business to stop *** us by preventing us to do our mortgage. We want them to postpone the lien until we're done with our mortgage. We want them to fix the machines. We want them to bill us properly and not demand ridiculous amount of money. We want them not to charge us for the months these machines weren't working. It's not fair to demand payment for something that isn't working.
Hello *** and ***
Thank you for your review, and for the opportunity to speak with you and your Financial Advisor regarding this matter.
We would like to provide some clarification of your contract and hope to reach a mutual understanding.
We have gone over the details of your file including a Third-Party Verification call prior to installation, confirming Mr. to be the registered home owner and that he will be billed by EcoHome Financial Inc. as the finance company. Furthermore, he was advised of his legal rights to cancel within 10 days if he changes his mind, ruling out any case of duress in signing the contract.
As per our records, we have been unsuccessful despite numerous attempts to resolve multiple issues with you regarding inconsistent payment history, service and repair, and *** billing.
In good faith, we approved two postponement requests for you in 2016 as per your request. Unfortunately, your account subsequently went past due and further attempts to contact you were unsuccessful.
On December 2017, you requested a new postponement, which we declined. We were then notified by *** that you filed a new dispute claiming that the equipment was not properly installed. Again, we were not given an opportunity to speak to you regarding this claim as all attempts to contact you were unsuccessful. As previously advised, we are the financier, but the dealer is responsible to provide service to the equipment. Notwithstanding, we made efforts to assist, by continuing to follow up with the dealer to make sure they follow through with service. Our service report shows that after the appointment was made, the dealer's technician was not given access to work upon arrival on-site.
Regarding the lien placed on your property, please refer to Section 4 of your contract's terms and conditions. This is on the Reverse side of your Signed Contract.
In our most recent communication, you advised that Mrs. had been unavailable due to health reasons. While the only responsible party on the contract is Mr., we acknowledge that health issues are beyond anyone's control. To assist, we have offered to your Financial Advisor, to waive any interest charges on the past due amount as well as any Discharge fees. We would also like the dealer to be given the proper opportunity to complete the requested service on the installed equipment.
Please feel free to contact us directly or through your Financial Advisor so that we may come to a mutual agreement.
Kind Regards,
Supervisor, Client Services -Consumer Finance
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
First of all, these statements are full of *** and fabrications. It's not them who initiated calls and communications to fix the problems we have with the machines. Yes, the first issues were resolved as they sent a technician to look into the furnace which wasn't heating up only a month after it was installed. They also changed the air conditioner when they couldn't make it work or fix it. But the next time around we had the problem again since 2017, they never bothered to look into it and while we continued to leave messages, no technician showed up. During winter the house isn't heated properly so we bought portable heaters. In summer time, the house isn't cooling off so we, including our guests used to suffer from too much heat. This has been unresolved up to now. So I took the issue to *** through which they were billing, and *** gave them 45 days to respond but they didn't so *** returned the money back into our account. When this happened, a Mr *** has started calling my wife *** to set up an appointment to fix our machines. One day, they said their technical support came but I didn't know since they came without proper notification to me or *** so that proper arrangement could be done with our tenant in the basement. We couldn't be just entering the premises without proper notification. They saw an opportunity to hold us hostage when we are trying to renew our mortgage this month and they wouldn't agree to a postponement of the lien, that's why until now we couldn't get our mortgage going. They were demanding to be paid $28,000 as per my real estate lawyer. We feel this is outrageous and inhumane holding people hostage and causing them trouble when it's not their fault why these machines aren't working and *** took their money back. They were adamant so we hired a lawyer to review the contract which they found anomalous and *** as well as ***. The lawyer will now deal with them. ***. They never told me that were putting a lien on the property and that we should continue paying forever for these machines which cost only about $6000 in the market. ***
They made me sign a contract I never understood and was never explained to me. All the sales agent said was the contract is about "rent to own" terms.
Dear ***
Thank you for your response, however, we have been advised that you have retained a lawyer and not to contact you directly any longer.
We have contacted your lawyer directly, several times and left messages, but, have yet to hear back.
Although we would like to work with you on meeting a mutual agreement, we will await contact from your lawyer.
Thank you and Best Regards,
Manager, Client Services
I was out of the country in early 2016 and came back in April 2016, finding a newly installed furnace and air conditioner at home. My husband told me that a door to door sales person came and offered a "rent to own" machines from Ecohome Financial. He thought it was better than spending $6000 outright for a new furnace and air conditioner. They made him sign a paper which they said outlined the provisions of the "rent to own" agreement. He wasn't aware that Ecohome put a lien on our home. After just a month, the furnace wasn't working properly and an Ecohome technician came to fix it. Still, the furnace isn't heating up the house as needed. When summer came, the air conditioner wasn't also working so I called Ecohome again. After several attempts, a technician came and tried to fix it but he couldn't, so they installed a "new" one. Still the newly installed one wasn't good but it was better than the old one. I kept called Ecohome to come and fix the air conditioner. They promised to send a technician but nobody showed up. Until in August last year, I decided to ask *** ( we are being billed through ***) to remove Ecohome from our *** bill and let them deal directly with us. But ***, instead, contacted Ecohome and advised them to attend to our problem. They were given 45 days to respond but they didn't. So then, *** took back the money we paid Ecohome through them and put them to our *** account. We didn't receive a single cent into our pocket. Then, Echome started to contact us and asked for us to call *** to return their money. I said not until they fix our machines. ***. And while Ecohome has promised to fix the machines, appointment date has to be arranged but didn't happen. They chose to send a technician at the time when there was nobody home and the tenant at the basement wasn't properly notified. I told Ecohome they had to coordinate the date and time with me as I need to give the tenant a 24-hour notice. I just couldn't get in their apartment anytime I want. But Ecohome saw an opportunity to hold us tight on our neck when our mortgage was up for renewal this month. They refused to allow our mortgage transaction with the bank and demanded to be paid a whooping $28,000 including a $2000 interest as a buy out amount. My goodness, gracious! A new set of furnace and A/C cost only $6000 *** the same amount quoted to us by some installers before Ecohome came into the picture). We tried to negotiate with Ecohome to allow our mortgage to go and we will call *** to return the money to them but they refused asking to be paid out as is for $28,000. They shouldn't be even billing us or charging us for the time these machines aren't working and they wanted a big pay out regardless of whether their machines are functional or not. *** Now, we are on the brink of losing our home because of this problem with Ecohome.
On February 6, 2016 I signed a contract with Smart Home Works to replace and rent an Air Conditioner and Furnace. Long story short, I asked Smart Home Works for a copy of a buyout letter to keep for my records. I received this letter as an e-mail from *** and this February of 2019 it will be three years. According to the chart within this e-mail it would cost $8698.74 (including taxes) to buy out this air conditioner and furnace (Feb. 2019). I then found out that *** has been bought out to EcoHome Financial whom I have asked to provide me the latest cost to buy out this equipment. The number they came back with was $13,608.59 which is significantly higher than what I was told and of course started asking questions. I ended up speaking to a lady named *** who was *** right from the start. She kept on telling me to stop interrupting her explanation but every time I did let her talk and it was my turn to speak she kept telling me to stop interrupting her. When I finally got through to her asking why there was such a significant increase she stated that this is now Ecohome financial and no longer ***. When I asked her if they could honor my existing agreement they stated that there is no such thing. When I asked to speak to her manager she hung up on me. The problem I have here is that as of February 2016 it has cost me $157.31 per month which adds up to $5665.13 (3 years) that I already have paid. If I add $13608.59 to buy out the equipment today according to Ecohome it would cost me $19273.72 for an air conditioner and a furnace that is 3 years old. Unfortunately, I have been unable to receive the cost of the units from ***. ***, EcoHome Financial looks like they did add it to their buyout letter for a total of $11748.00 (Air Conditioner = $4649.00, Furnace = $4649.00 and Installation = $2450). What is interesting is that if I wanted to buy out this equipment on year one (2017) it would have costed me $10732.74 (including taxes) according to ***. Its three years later and I am being asked to pay over $13k. Apparently the contract is 15 years which I DO NOT see in writing in my agreement anywhere other then it stating that the life of the equipment is 15 years. If I were to pay $157.31 for 15 years it would cost me $28315.80 for an air conditioner and a furnace. I have had no success in speaking with someone other then *** who hung up the phone on me. I am therefore looking to get some help via the channel and hope EcoHome Financial will respond and help me int his situation.
It would be very professional from Ecohome Financial to honor my existing buyout that was tied to contract ID and I am ready to share with them my agreement that I have signed.
Dear ***,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.
I would like to provide you with clarification of your contract, and take the opportunity for us to reach a mutual understanding.
We have attempted to call you but we were unable to get in contact with you.
Please contact me at your earliest. I look forward to hearing from you.
*** Manager, Client Services
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Although, *** stated that she tried to contact me I have not received this phone call nor do I have any voicemail. I have called an left a voice mail to *** on March 22, 2019 around 3pm. In that voicemail I have also left my contact number for her convenience and look forward to speaking with her. Will wait patiently.
Dear *** and ***,
Effective today, our office has received specific instructions from yourself to discuss your file explicitly with your legal counsel.
With that, your file has now been transferred to our legal department.
*** Manager, Client Services
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I feel that my case with EcoHome financial has been put on their back burner as I have been trying to be in contact with them since January. With this response, once again I feel that my case is brushed off but I am happy that their legal department is getting involved. We still have had no communication with them beyond their call center operators. This has not been a good experience thus far but will wait patiently.
Dear Mr. ***,
We at EcoHome Financial Inc. would like to take this opportunity to provide a satisfactory resolution to your Complaint Case # ***.
In speaking with you directly, we clarified a few details regarding the miscommunication of the Terms and Conditions in the agreement signed with Smart Home Works, as well as the difference between the quoted buyout amounts given. We understand that although the buyout quoted of $13,608.95 was accurate based on the payment schedule EcoHome Financial Inc. received from Smart Home Works, the communication of the details could have been in a more cohesive manner.
For your information, as of February 2017 we have not had any affiliation or an ongoing relationship with Smart Home Works. Whereby, no ability to inquire why there was a difference in the amount we funded as the financier in comparison to the buyout they provided to you Mr..
After careful review and much consideration regarding the specifics in your overall case, EcoHome Financial Inc. would like to offer a refund of $1000.00 to accurately reflect who we are as a corporate citizen.
As we look forward to a better tomorrow, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address your concerns.
Should you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me direct undersigned below.
Compliance Manager
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I received a *** phone call from ***, who is the Compliance Manager at EcoHome Financial. She claimed that she was reviewing my case which I had given up on as time passed by. Trying to stay professional, I was patient to hear out what she had to say over the phone and to a pleasant surprise she acknowledged the pain I went through trying to get this resolved. Although the damage is done, I do have to give EcoHome Financial credit trying to patch a *** relationship up. To be fair to them it was SmartHomeWorks who made the deal with me and that experience taught me to NEVER trust a door salesman again. Specially when I owed nothing on my existing air conditioner and furnace which was 10 years old and working fine. When someone explains to you something that is too good to be true be aware and HAVE IT IN WRITING. Having said this, EcoHome Financial was stuck with dealing with my problem as the contract (which was very unclear) I signed was passed on to them by SmartHomeWorks. *** was very professional and tried to help me out in any possible way. Without saying anything she offered to give us a $1000.00 refund to help minimize the damage which we did in fact receive. I have to respect the fact that EcoHome Financial did go out of their way to reach us so for that we thank them.
We have sold our house, the new owner has filled out the forms given to them from EcoHome, our lawyer, and the seller's lawyer confirms all paperwork was sent and received by EcoHome, but they are still billing us for the water heater rental. They refuse to refund us our money they took for 2 months of rental fees.
Refund 2 months of fees, and assign the contract to the new owners, as we and they, have requested.
Hello Mr. ***,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.
We have had the opportunity to review your account and the manner in which it has been previously addressed.
On August 7th, 2018 you had called into our customer service line to advise our office that you are selling your home and the purchasers will be assuming the rental equipment. You asked that we email you the requirements and a copy of your contract, which was sent to your email the following day on August 8th, 2018, advising you that along with the executed documents, it is a requirement for you to send us a copy of the Purchase and Sales Agreement to validate that the purchasers are in fact aware and going to be responsible for the future payments of the equipment.
On August 15th, 2018 the executed assignment of rental documents were faxed to our office, however missing the required Purchase and Sales Agreement, this was informed via email on the same day.
September 9th, 2018 our office still had not received the Purchase and Sales Agreement to date, you called our office inquiring about the final billing in which we advised you that this a monthly rental rate and not per diem billing. As well, advised you that the new home owners still had not provided all of the required documentation to enable us to complete the account changeover.
October 2nd, 2018 you called in inquiring about your bill, where we advised you again of your responsibilities as the contract holder, where you started using profanities resulting in the call having to be terminated for the non tolerance of your use of "language".
October 2nd, 2018, you then emailed our office a copy of the Purchase and Sales Agreement, where we replied with a confirmation of receipt as well advised you that a request for your refund has been submitted to our accounting department.
October 4th, 2018 you emailed to follow up on the refund, where we advised you that this will take up to 5 business days.
October 10th, 2018 a refund in the amount of $46.32 was deposited to the account associated to your billing.
The account has since been transferred over to the new homeowners and they are continuing the payments on the rental.
I trust that your desired resolution has been met
We thank you for your patience and your understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us.
*** Manager, Client Services
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
While their dates are correct for my calls, NOT ONCE did they indicate by phone or email that they required Proof of Purchase. Not to us, or our lawyer. ***. A call and paperwork from a legal representative involved in a sale of a house can take care of ALL the other rentals and utility transfers upon a sale closing, but EcoHome refuses to acknowledge the sale, and continues to withdraw funds for the equipment they finance. They have returned one month of fees, and hopefully they are truthfull when they say my account is closed with them. Their customer service is absolute ***, and the onky way you get anythjng accomplished with EcoHome is to resort to the, and constant phone calls.
I have had the displeasure of speaking to their agents twice. My husband, once. Their reps are ***, cut you off and will refuse to listen. We are trying to pay out this loan to be DONE with this *** company, however they keep telling us that we owe more than we do. Pay extra on your bill and we will refund you...that's what I am told. Refund when?!?! And why if I am making a payment two months after I paid off my loan!?!?!? Hacinta, Anastasia and Kimberly (the so called supervisor) need to receive customer service training. When you cut your customer off when talking, expect I will return the gesture.
In September/October 2016, I signed a contract with a door-to-door sales agent for ***. The contract was for furnace, hot water tank and AC. In February 2017, I noticed that the company name deducting monthly charges from my account changed to Ecohome financial. Since early 2018, I have been asking for how much is left on my account, and I was told that from their end, it shows that I started paying from February 2017. I with someone form *** in regards to this and he said he would contact Ecohome and correct that, but till today, nothing was done. Next problem is I have been contacting *** since the beginning of this year for how much is left on my account and its has been between $13,000plus and $14,000plus. I have not missed a single payment till date, but the money has still not reduced. I contacted the guy that came to my door to sell me this product, and he told me that the contract that I signed was $8,500. With this said, I contacted Ecohome finanial with this information, and the lady I spoke with could not give me a response as to why the big difference. I contacted *** and the guy I spoke with said he will send me a copy of my contract so I can read it and take necessary steps. He never sent me the email till now. I tried calling the guy who sold me the product and now he is not picking my calls, tried contacting *** and no one is picking. Again,I asked for my total bill, and the bill dated July 25 was for $13,380.15, and in August, I got a bill of $14,814.30. Please keep in mind that I did not meet a single payment since 2016. I again called Ecohome financial as to why the huge difference within the space of a month and the llady could not explain to me. All she kept saying is that that is our total bill. I feel like I am at a dead-end in this situation. Please and please I need help in sorting out this issue and getting a reasonable bill so I can pay it off and be done with them. Thank you.
I will appreciate an explanation as to how they are charging, and how come the amount does not seem to be reducing. They are inconsistent in they way they do their business, and they dont seem to be able to give me a suitable explanation whenever I contact them. I want to pay them off but I feel like the amount they are giving me is a little unreasonable.
Contact Name and Title: ***
Contact Phone: X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
Dear *** ,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. EcoHome Financial Inc. takes customer satisfaction very seriously and appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.
We are currently working on reviewing your file and all communication sent to you.
We will be contacting you by phone to provide you with clarity on the buyout invoices.
We thank you for your patience while we review your file. If you have any further concerns or questions feel free to contact us.
Thank you,
*** Manager, Client Services
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will patiently wait for their response, and I hope we can resolve this issue amicably as this is causing emotional stress on me and my wife. I believe that Ecohome Financial will be able to find a lasting solution. Thank you for your help.
I did a credit app. for a heat pulp on Oct 13/17 an it was to be for 10 years contract put I wanted a 5 year an the paper work I was told that it would be fixed up before it was sent in.So I signed a new contract for 5 years on Feb 02/18 a back to ready refrigeration.The wrong paper got sent in.I wanted a 5 year contract the sales people a myself called from the office an talked to Eco Home an they said that they would fixes ever thing up put they *** about it and they *** before to the sales people The paper work was a mess an that happens put when your told that they will fix it an *** to 3 people that a company that should be looked into It has been going on 7 months
I want my contract for 5 years that all.
Dealer ***,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. EcoHome Financial takes customer satisfaction very seriously and appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.
We have completed the review of your inquiry and happy to say that we have met your desired resolution. Your contract has been updated to reflect a 5 year equal payment term. We thank you for your patience while we completed the review and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
If you have any further concerns or questions feel free to contact us.
Thank you,
*** Director, Dealer & Customer Services
Thank You Everything is set up the way I it should have been in the first place I had a great talk with *** from Eco Home and she had most of the work fixed up and we had a long talk so everything is set up. Thank You
I have a problem in the language. Someone came to me and asked me to check the heating free , he told me it have to be changed the new one will save the power and money .the old one really was perfect and better than the new but I trusted them and sin the agreement. .after 2 years I found encrees in payment .
I asked what is price of it in other place it was in rang of 3000 to 4000$ so I ask them finish the agreement and pay the rest after using 2 years they told me to pay more than 2 times the price of new one .
use a line of credit from a bank if you can't afford to buy a furance, A/C unit.
We got stuck with their product due to a home purchase where the previous home owner signed a deal with them and have had nothing but headaches. We get calls every few months accusing us of not paying even though we receive a confirmation for their customer care department. They seem to have a huge disconnect between all their departments and collections doesn't even check your file or email trails before blasting you with a late payment call
***, being stuck a $14,000 buyout bill is not something anyone should have to pay for a furance and A/C unit.
In 2014, I thought I was buying a furnace and hot water heater from ***, but the salesperson told me that the monthly charges would say EcoHome and I shouldn't worry about it at all. Yeah, right. It seems that my 7 year rent-to-own was in fact a 15 year rental with a 3.5% increase every year for the length of the term. After 3.5 years of issues with the equipment--do not buy from *** EVER--I am now trying to buy it out. It seems I have to pay over $10,000 to make this nightmare go away. I have already paid thousands!! If I had known I was going to be working with a financial company, DO YOU NOT THINK I WOULD USE MY OWN!?!?!? ***. But, it seems that this is allowed--***.***. In the end, my furnace and hot water heater, which have been red tagged by qualified furnace installers will cost me over 15, 000 dollars. ***. I am sure that they company and*** will be changing their name and opening new offices as more people become aware of their *** practices!!!
In April of 2016 one of your door-to-door salesperson came to our home and offer us a replacement for our furnace and air conditioner unit through the GES Heating and Cooling incentive to which we agreed. The units were installed in June of 2016 and we were told that the equipment would be financed for a fee of $89.99 plus tax each ($178.98 plus tax) per month billed through *** Gas with a buyout option at any time if we so choose.
We have now sold our home and as a result we decided to accept the buyout option promised to us at the beginning. We have contacted One Dealer (the finance company) for the buyout invoice and to our great shock we were charged $21,055.24. We've contacted them back and explained to them that there's a discrepancy with the price they're charging us because the original cost of the equipment installed was $14,398.40 plus HST ($1871.79) and since its installation, we have made 18 payments through *** from November 2016 to January 2018 amounting to $3239.64 plus HST ($421.20).
They then informed us that although we're taking the buyout option, we still must pay them as if we were paying monthly to the end of the contract although the present value of the equipment would be $11,158.76 plus HST ($1,450.64) if we were to purchase them now.
considering we have already paid $3,239.64 plus HST, to pay out the additional $11,158.76 plus HST ($1,450.64) plus the discharge fee of $275.00 mentioned on your invoice still compensates the organization for all the work that has been done. we would like to g resolve this issue amicably and pay the fair value of $11,158.76 plus HST ($1450.64) plus the discharge fee for the equipment.
Hi ***,
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We take customer satisfaction very seriously and appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.
We thank you for you patience while we reviewed you file. Your account was reviewed and you were provided with an adjusted buyout amount that would be favourable to your request.
We await your response in the matter. Please reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns.
Thank you,
*** Director, Dealer & Customer Services
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Dear Sir/Madam, thank you for reviewing my file and making the buyout adjustment.
I am very satisfied and appreciative of the way you handled the matter, the adjustments made and the timely manner in which you responded.
I have no further concerns on the matter. Thanks Kindly
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to provide an update to you as of January 30, 2018.
In September 2017, two men rang our door bell and told to my husband showing their IDs and told him that they are coming from *** Gas Company to check our bills. My innocent husband believed them and let them into our house. They asked my husband to show our *** bill. They did see our Gas, Electric and water bill.
They told that our bills are very high and that is why they have some solutions to decrease our bill in the future, the government has started something new plan recently with *** and they are the representatives of that projects and they are doing this to our whole neighbourhood. They told that they are going to install something in our basement to our furnace and water tank and after that installment, starting from December 2017, our bills are going to decrease. They told that not only the *** bill but also the electric bills and other bills also going to decrease.
They mentioned that the cost of the equipment we do not need to pay and we will always get a credit amount in our *** bill and that credit amount is automatically going to pay off the instruments cost and we do not need to pay even one cents from our pocket. They told that after the instalment of that product our *** bill is going to reduce and because of that we will also get a credit cheque from them and we could use it for our own purpose.
My husband asked several time is this a contract and are you guys going to pull our credit? They told no this is not a contract, we are not going to pull your credit and you do not need to pay anything from your pocket. I also asked them is this a contract and are you going to pull our credit and they strictly told us no, this is not a contract and we never going to touch your credit.
We have language barriers and I had lots of health difficulties with my last month of pregnancy and they took our language barrier as a big advantage for them. He asked my husband to sign in a document and he asked my husband who is the owner of the house and he told that we both are owners, then he told that if the house is under both name he needs my signature also and he got my signature too.
He told me the house is in both our name I also need to sign and they got both of our signature in a form and we were not aware what it for. He told that my husband will get a call from the head office to install that equipment and he needs to say "Yes" whatever she asked, he was sitting in front of my husband and he told to my husband to say "yes" and my husband did so. My husband could not understand what they were asking in the phone due to his language barrier and the sales representative told my husband that, this was just a verification call from our head office to confirm that we came to your house and going to install the equipment and he again and again told my husband that just say 'Yes? whatever she asked and my innocent husband did so.
They did not leave any document in our house and they never mentioned that we are signing a contract. If they were doing the business they should have mentioned us that we were signing a contract and we have 10days of cancellation after that instalment. But, they have not even leave any document to us. When I contacted the One Dealer Financial Services they are talking to me that we did some mistake and we are lying to them. They asked me that why did not you asked the copy of contract when you signed the contract and I told them that we did not even aware that we were sign a contact and how could I asked for that? They are always telling that they have the third party verification and we are lying to them.
Please try to understand that we are not lying. The men who came to our house they lied to us and they cheated us very well and they did not even leave a copy of contract to us. If they were doing the business genuinely they must have gave us a copy and explained everything to us. Please try to understand that we are not lying and we are innocent family with lots of financial difficulties and health issues. This matter is really causing me lots of depression and I already have health problem after my delivery and if you want I could provide the public health nurse information and you could confirm with them. This is really causing me lots of depression and if something happen to me and my children they have to take all the responsibility. Even we are struggling to lead our life for tomorrow and paying $135.58 per monthly for 10years is big burden and they are threatening us that if we cannot pay that amount they will send it to the collection and we don't know how to come out of burden.
I asked them why did not they get my permission over the phone and he told one is enough and they do not need to talk to me. The same day evening they did install something and they told that they have to install something and will come later. They came and install something after September 20th. I had my baby on September 20th.
In December I received the *** bill (Billing Period: Oct 25, 2017-Nov 22, 2017) and there was a $135.58 increase in my bill. I did call *** and they told that it was from One Dealer Financial Services. I told the service representative that when they come to our house they told that they are coming from *** and it will bring our bills down and also there will be a credit amount in our bill and we do not need to pay it.
I asked the service representative that wasn't it a free service because they told us that was a free service when they installed, she told me that no it is not related to *** and they are scammers and you have to call that company and she provided me the phone number (***) for that company.
Again in my December bill there was a same amount included. When I called the One Dealer Financial Services, there was a lady told me this is not free and we have
Product_Or_Service: HEPA Filter is under my name and Water Filter is u
Account_Number: Contract ID:
Other (requires explanation) Please make arrangements to cancel the contracts which are under our name with their company. They never leave us a copy of contract. They never advise us that we have a cancellation period of 10 day and they never mentioned never, that we were signing a contract. They told us that we could cancel it anytime whenever we want. They have to fix our credit reports also because they lied to us. Even though they finished all the installation to our house they did a hard credit inquiry to my file in October 4, 2017 and I am not aware what it is for. Their employees lied us several time that that is not a contract and they never going to pull our credit but they took advantage of our language barrier as their big advantage and they put big burden in to our head. We want someone from a reputed company to come our house and check that what they have done to our furnace, because they entered to our house by using the reputed company name Enbridge and lied to us. I kindly ask to help us
Dear ***,
Kindly note that we have investigated your concerns and found that your contract with us are valid. The third party verification call also confirms the same. We are willing to work with you to provide a complete understanding regarding your contract and obligations.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.
Thank you,
*** Director, Dealer & Customer Services
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Thank you very much for working with my complaints and contacting the company. As I mentioned earlier they are telling the same thing to us also. But we do not agree with their response. The two gentlemen who came from Ontario ***, they lied to us and they never mentioned that we were signing a contract. They did not even leave us any contract document. They asked my husband to say yes to all the questions in the phone.
Even though they have never talked me over the phone how could they put a contract under my name. They pulled my credit in October since they done every installation in our home in September. Please ask the One Dealer to Contact with *** and if you could please contact the Ontario *** because they came to our house and cheated us. It is a big amount and we cannot afford it. Please help us to come out from this critical financial burden. If you could once again please contact both company and get some solution to come out of this burden. Please contact *** and I have written their information when I first submit my first complaint.
I hope is going to help us to come out of this burden.
I talked to small claims court and they mentioned that Ontario *** has got our information and sold to One Dealer Financial and we have to *** the *** for all the financial burden we are carrying. We are an innocent family and they have cheated us. They took the language barrier also as big advantage. they lied to us and this is the truth. Please help us.
Please let me know your next step related to our claim.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mrs. *** and Mr.
Hi ***,
Further to our communication with you. We have reviewed the various contents of these files and note that you clearly agreed to the contracts for the Carbon Filter and Hepa Filter. You received a copy of the agreements and were fully aware of the charges and the term of the contracts. This was also confirmed in the verification call performed with you
With regards to the meeting with Mr. we totally disagree with your statements.
Furthermore, you disputed the contracts with ***, we agreed to credit all payments while we finalize our investigation and resolve this matter with you directly.
Please note that we are not able to remove the equipment as requested because we are not the installing technician , we are a Financial Company who funded the deals for you. As of today, we have not received a counter offer from you to resolve this matter.
With that being said, in an effort to get this matter resolved, we are proposing that you can buyout of the contracts for the Hepa and Carbon Filter at a significantly reduced amount of $9,000.00 + Taxes. Our contracts are valid and enforceable. Therefore, we encourage you to reconsider your position and cooperate with us in resolving this matter.
We thank you for your patience throughout this process. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.
Thank you,
*** Director, Dealer & Customer Services
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hi Mr. ***,
Thank you very much for your understanding regarding our complaint.
But we cannot accept what you are telling regarding the contracts. Having a signed document and call verification does not mean that we agreed to that contracts. We are dying to explain you, that the salespeople who came to our house misrepresent all the information and that was a *** and we were not aware that we were signing a contract, but you are not ready to accept it and understand our situation. If we are lying we will not go for this extent.
We never call your companies for these equipment. They entered to our home by misrepresenting their identity and information. According to our financial situation we did not wanted any contract. We cannot afford even one dollar extra to pay and we are dying to live our day to day life. We are telling the truth and please try to understand the truth behind this matter. We are innocent. We are dying to explaining you that we were not aware that we were signing a contract and we do not understand why you are not ready to believe us. Please, instead of believing the papers try to believe our words, we are innocent and we are telling the truth only. If you could please try to understand our situation. You have to ask the money from *** not from us. If you are the financial company you have to consider our situation also. They told us that our bills will go down and we will get credit and we do not pay anything from our pocket. Please believe us, we are not lying.
Please do not ruin our life. With two small kids we are struggling to lead our life. Please do not put us in a desperate situation. Please do not ruin our family and life. I kindly request you again, please do not ruin our life.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
We have hired a 'Paralegal' Regarding this matter. Please contact him for further communication related to our complaint.
The Paralegal contact information is as follows:
*** Legal Services
Licensed Paralegal
Licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada
Five years ago, I financed the purchase of a furnace and water heater through this company. At the time, I signed a contract for a loan. Three days before Christmas this year, I received a letter from Ecohome in the mail. Thinking it was announcing the discharge of the loan, I opened the envelope and found a statement saying that I still owed over $6,000. I had been paying each and every month for five years--on a furnace that did not "pay for itself in energy savings", as promised--and barely made a dent in the principal. The mistake was on my part. It would appear that I did not read the contract with due diligence, or somehow did not realize its implications. It was not a five-year loan; it was, rather, a 15-year loan, renegotiable after five years. I will therefore pay the balance owing. But let this be a lesson to all who do business with this or any other financing agency: (1) Get a financial professional to look over any contract you intend to sign before you do so. Those high interest rates over several years will kill you. (2) Do not let the nice, friendly salesperson lull you into thinking that he/she is negotiating the loan in your best interests. Had I known that after five years of paying each and every month, I would still owe such a large sum, I would certainly have explored other options for financing.
I made a mistake and will pay dearly for it. I hope others will not. I will be contacting the Ministry of Consumer Services, asking them to consider passing legislation requiring that holders of all loans of over one year send a yearly accounting of those loans to the debtor so that situations like this will not happen in the future.
We were told that the savings on NG usage would offset the payments for the new furnace. This was quite a misleading quote on their part as gas savings were negligible (no impact on our usage or on the re-adjusted equal billing plan). The long term payment commitment and a lien on the house were certainly downplayed compared to the promised savings. As for the buyout, 18 months later we're looking at around $7,500. and that's after after making about a total of $1300. of payments charged to date on the *** bill. Furthermore they can adjust (i.e. increase) the payments due every year.
One is better off dealing directly with a reputable heating / cooling company from the neighborhood and getting a loan from the bank if required to replace the furnace. That cost would be about $3000. installed.
Savings on the gas bill... we didn't see any.... empty promises of savings, many of those.
The furnace itself is OK, low noise, no problems.