Eco Turf Reviews (7)
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Description: Landscape Contractors, Landscape Maintenance, Landscape & Yard Clean-Up, Landscape Contractors - Commercial, Landscape Designers, Lawn Maintenance, Gutter Cleaning, Brush Control, Hardscapes, Property Maintenance, Mulches, Topsoil, Plants - Interior Design & Maintenance, Property Management, Property Management - Industrial & Commercial, Lawn & Tree Care, Fence - Sales, Service & Contractors, Lawn Installation Service, Landscaping Services (NAICS: 561730)
Address: 449R Cooke St, Farmington, Connecticut, United States, 06032
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Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Date Sent: 9/13/2:29:PM Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: To resolve this matter: aDo not charge for work that was not done, or done improperly and bPay the full amount in damages when the invoice is provided by [redacted] in approximately month.Homeowner is disputing charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act for services not rendered and property damage incurred by Eco Turf and their employees left unsupervised by their employer at our residenceEcoturf's willingness to lie and attempt to intimidate the homeowner points to a level of aggression that EcoTurf is using in order to keep this issue unresolved and retain charges for work that was NOT done by his company Side yard: On the proposal: “Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed) $ What was done: unsupervised employees weedwacked this area and sprayed gravel up onto our glass door/window shattering the glass Less than inch of topsoil was put down in some parts, and none in other parts, leaving area 2” lower than existing lawn, and UNSEEDED The homeowner is requesting that EcoTurf refund half of the amount charged: $since this area was less than ½ completedThere was a 10xpatio prep area added onto the original proposal ($200.00) because it had been requested by the homeowner at the first walk-through with a representative of EcoTurf, ***( [redacted] quit before the job started, but EcoTurf lied to the homeowner at the beginning of this job, saying that [redacted] was on vacation, and would be back to do the stonework parts of the job Consequently, the homeowner would not have agreed to the job being done by Ecoturf at all, had they been aware of the true circumstances.) What was done: Unsupervised employees dug out a much larger area, throwing clay/dirt where the homeowner had just paid $to have it removed(the dirt remains there.) Ecoturf claimed that filling the hole with process was part of another “quote” for a larger stone patio next year, even though someone named [redacted] /EcoTurf clearly states in an e-mail before the proposal was signed, that process is part of the “patio prep 10x10–” [redacted] Homeowner question: “And "Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed)"– does this include the prep for a small patio off the back area that we discussed (with gravel or stone dust?)” Ecoturf answer: “Prep 10xpatio is $(this was not included w/ Prep side of house)-YES!” *full e-mail from Eco Turf dated 7/30/ Upon complaint from the homeowner regarding the size of the patio prep, workers filled in part of the area, but did not grade or put topsoil down, and the homeowner filled in the hole with process on their own– yet, the credit card was charged the full $amount for this item In order to remove the dirt, and because the homeowner put in the process, this amount should be ½: $ Transplant Grasses: $What was done: Only grass was transplanted, the charge should be cut in half: $ Mulch bed was covered with clay and left by unsupervised workersTopsoil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones: $What was done: Unsupervised workers reshaped a turnaround at the bottom of the driveway into an odd shape This was not on the proposal, and had to be fixed by another contractor at homeowner’s expense Unsupervised employees moved driveway stones under the direction of the homeowner $ EcoTurf chose to charge my credit card on the same day that I requested the unsupervised workers (they replied as such, when I asked,) return to their boss and tell him that I did not want anymore unsupervised work done on my property, causing damage to my property, 8/27/ (Witnesses were present who contest [redacted] 's descriptive story on this forum, apparently unbeknownst to [redacted] , who was not present.) I hope that my husband and I, both in our 50’s and 60’s are not to be intimidated further by [redacted] with his accusations and narratives of events that he was not present forEvery legal means necessary will be made to resolve the payment for damages to property and incomplete work, but because of his aggression via the exchange, we also do not want him or any of his employees on our property and the Avon Police Deptwill be notified of this in writingItems on the EcoTurf Proposal that the company did complete and should be paid for: Remove Dirt Pile: $Hedge Trim Back Bush: $Weed Garden Area: $Mulch: $Plant Yew on Mulch Bed by Driveway: $Total: $Items on the Eco Turf Proposal that the company did NOT complete, did improperly, causing damages to property and amounts the homeowner is disputing: Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed): $800– less than ½ complete, $Prep 10xpatio: $(improper size with no topsoil on fixed, re-sized area, improper dirt removal to be fixed by homeowner at their expense, no process even though agreed to in e-mail exchange) – ½ charge $Transplant Grasses: $ (only one was done, the other destroyed by workers) – $Top soil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones (stones were moved under homeowner supervision, turnaround was improperly reshaped and required repair– an item that was not even on the proposal, and Top soil/Seed was not done at all.) $400– $for moving stones Full charges for these items amount to: $ (8/charge was $1106.04, $less,) added to the work that was completed ($1370,) equals the amount that was agreed upon with the aof the patio prep on the proposal: $+ tax Eco Turf has charged my credit card: 8/17/2015– $8/27/$ total: $ The charged amount is $less than the amount on the proposal, $+ taxThe Homeowner is disputing minimally, $for improper and unfinished job parts, even though we have an estimate from a landscaper as to much higher costs to fix this job All associated costs of the repair of the glass door for which the homeowner has an ESTIMATE ONLY (of $608.20) from [redacted] and will provide a full invoice upon completion of the job in three-four weeks with possible additional costs for plastic moulding around the glass Because EcoTurf has not supplied an insurance number the homeowner is forced to pay for these repairs up front and will sue EcoTurf for the repair if it is not paid promptly upon receipt of an invoice from Capitol Minimally, Ecoturf should adjust the charges for incomplete and unsatisfactory work as above and look to paying full replacement costs for the glass door It is understood that an amount of $less than the proposal was charged and this can be deducted from the disputed $amount making the amount of refund from EcoTurf: $ We believe this is more than fair for the amount of incom***nce and bullying from EcoTurf Sincerely, [redacted]
I am unclear as to what inaccuracies and lies you are referring to but I am not committing slander or lies about you I only stated the events that have occurred in their entiretyIn regards to your comments about my company leaving jobs unfinished and botched that is a lieAfter every single job we complete it is standard practice for us to meet with the client either at the end of the job or the next day to walk the property to ensure they are satisfied with the completed jobAny complaints or dissatisfaction during these walk throughs we resolve immediately as we pride ourselves on customer satisfactionYou are stating that we “botched” jobs and a competing Local Landscaper had to fix them but if that were in fact the case the would have been immediately contacted and they can attest you are the first complaint we have received all yearThe door has not been fixed because you forced us off your property and contacted the before giving us a chance to fix itYour card was only charged for the work that was completed, not the job in it’s entirety because the day we came to finish the job you forced my employees off of your propertyIt is not our fault the job it is not finished and your recuperating husband has to complete the job because we intended to finish the job but you wouldn’t allow itMy employees were not unsupervised, I was back and forth on your property everyday that my employees were present and not one day was a foreman not present
I’m not sure what further action you feel is necessary in regards to this matter but we fully intended on finishing the job and replacing the glass that was broken but due to you kicking us off your property the day the job was scheduled to be completed severely complicated the situationCommunication is essential in my line of work and you not communicating with me and instead kicking my employees off of your property leaves us unable to do the job you hired us forIf you were upset and wanted to speak with me you could have easily called me that morning instead of making my employees leaveHad you called me and expressed your concerns I would have told you I will be there in an hour, I would have also told you, as I told your husband, my employees are extremely com***nt and you are more than welcome to speak with them and communicate requests, lastly, I would have communicated to you that the employees that were there had also been there with me the day before so they knew exactly what needed to be doneInstead of communicating with us what you wanted you complained via text messages about work that was still unfinishedYou didn't even allow us to finish the job before you starting complain about the work, unfinished work at that, and then after your complaints and you insisting we finish the job as soon as possible we show up to complete it and you kick us off your propertyI really don't know what you want us to do at this point or why this is even a matter that couldn't have been resolved directly with me but to be frank, you kicked my employees off of your property so of course the work is incompleteHow are we suppose to complete a job if you we can't physically be at your property?
In regards to the window we will of course pay for it so since you hired a company to replace the glass, attach the invoice and we will write you a check
If you need me to provide further proof in regards to this matter we have phone conversations, voicemails, texts messages, photos from your property, the conversation I had with your husband in regards to you forcing my employees off of your property and GPS tracking for my personal truck as well as my employees Truck which indicates dates, times and duration spent at your property.
*** ***
July 23, *** was emailed proposal
July 24, *** had several questions regarding the contract
July 30, *** responded to *** after *** provided *** with pricing for additional work
July 30, 5:pm Received ***’s signed contract with add ons
August 17, 2:*** was charged 50% deposit for scheduled work*** advised to *** she was on the schedule for Wednesday, weather permitting
Monday August 17, 5:***, our Manager quit.
Tuesday August 18, 3:pm *** emailed *** letting her know we would not be able to start the work on Wednesday due to unforeseen obstaclesThese obstacles were one, our Manager quit out of the blue with no notice and secondly the job we thought was going to be completed on Tuesday was notI don’t like to start new jobs when I still need to complete another so I had *** alert *** that we needed to postponed the start date to Friday rather than Wednesday.
Friday August 21, 10:00am I met and spoke with *** at her property and went over all the work that needed to be done before any work was to be startedI detailed all of the work for the guys just as *** had explained and three of my employees started work on her property as instructedEven though it was pouring rain out I wanted to make *** happy since she was so eager to get the job done, I had no intention of making my employees work in the rain but due to her insistent calling and texting I didn’t want to upset her more so I had them work
One of the employees cracked one pain of a two pain glass window/door while weed whacking weeds on her property, the employee immediately called our manager *** went to ***’s property, introduced herself, as she has been the one in direct contact with her through out this entire situation and told her we would take care of the glass and she had nothing to worry about.
There was no hesitation that we would replace the window (I can provide the work order from the glass company that went to ***’s house only two business days after it happened) and it is strange that *** is now insisting in the complaint that we replace it immediately since her house is on the market but she hired us to complete future work in the fall (replace the stoop) and then next year install a blue stone patio (signed contract/email attached).
Tuesday August 25, 4:57pm *** contacted *** advising we hired a professional glass company to replace the window/door and they would be stopping by to take a look at the damageShe advised *** didn’t need to be home but she didn’t want her to be alarmed if she saw a man on her property
Tuesday August 25, 7:59pm *** complained about the work that was done but we hadn’t finished the job yet so she was complaining about things we were still in the process of completing
Wednesday August 26, 10:am *** responded to ***’s complaints advising the work was not completed and she was confused since the guys were planning on going back to her property to finish the job
Wednesday August 26, 1:pm I personally went to the property with two employees going over exactly what needed be done in order to complete the jobThere wasn’t enough time in the day so they packed up and went to get the necessary materials (topsoil) to finish the job first thing in the morning
Thursday August 27, 8:am Two of my employees (one a foreman; both who were with me the day before working on ***’s property) showed up first thing in the morning to complete the jobRight as they arrived *** ran out of her house with pots in both hands screaming and yelling at my employeesShe was extremely inappropriate swearing and yelling and threatened my employees to get off her propertyMy employees immediately left the property as they were not only scared because of her irrational behavior but they had no idea what was going on
Later that afternoon I went back to the property to try and resolve the issue and to better understand what was going on because the last form of contact I received from *** (the day before) was she wanted the job to be done as soon as possibleI met with her husband around 10:00am and we had a long conversation going over all the work the guys were planning on doing that morning and at the end of the conversation everything seemed perfectly fineI explained to him that my employees purchased and brought the remainder of topsoil that needed to be laid down that morning which would have completed the job had *** not kicked them off her propertyI also mentioned that because I was with both of them (employees) the afternoon before they knew exactly what needed to be done and I was confident they could start off the morning with out me so I started the morning overseeing another crew on a job site. I would have been over within the hour (9:00am) to supervise at her property had she not forced them offI told ***’s husband that I needed to speak with her because at that point I was at a loss for words, I have never had someone treat my employees this way nor insist the day before to get the work done as soon as possible and then when we go to finish the work force us off her property
I did not receive a call back from *** but the next day I received an email from the regarding a matter I was sure had been resolved the day before after I met with ***’s husband
At this point I am still unclear as to any work related discrepancies.
*** initially met with *** and signed up for the work with him*** did not contact Eco Turf Landscaping but found ***’s old business “***s Landscaping” contact information and contacted him directlyAll appointments regarding Eco Turf Landscaping go through *** and then I meet with clients after *** schedules the appointmentsSome how because *** was contacted directly he took it upon himself to meet with the client and sign her up*** did sign an Eco Turf Landscaping Contract and once *** received her signed contract we put her on the schedule for work*** stated that it was a month until the work commenced at her property but from the time of receipt of her signed contract July 31, and Friday August 21, that is only business days.
In regards to ***’s disputes regarding the work that was completed per the contract;
1.We removed the dirt pile in its entirety
Prep side of house (larges weeds were removed and smaller weeds were weed wacked down and sprayed with round upThis is standard practice for top soil prep workThe topsoil needs to be put down gradually and in layers so they can grade the area as they go to make the ground evenWe only laid half of the topsoil before we were told to leave her property, the laying of topsoil was not completed yet (side of house or driveway)In regards to the seed myself and *** advised we don’t lay seed until September because there is a very high chance of crab grass so we advised we would be back to lay the seed after the job is completed in SeptemberIn regards to the patio; prep patio only included the digging out of the area and laying of top soilThe process was included in a separate quote which included the Blue Stone Patio $11,not in the attached contract*** added the prep patio for which did not include process since adding process would be done when we started work on the Blue Stone Patio which she wanted to wait until next yearPlease see attached email chain regarding additional work and patioThe patio was made too big and after *** brought it the our attention we immediately rectified the issue and re measured it to be 10X
Transplant Grasses (one of the two grasses was transplanted but the second was not because the employee did not want to place anything with out ***’s permission as she was particular so he waited for her to come back, she didn’t so he felt it in our best interest to wait until she confirmed exactly where she wanted itThe next day *** kicked them off her property so they were unable to plant it for her
Hedge Trim Back Bush/Weed Garden Area and Mulch (All of this was completed.)
Top soil/Seed/Move Stones (the topsoil and seed were not finished as seeding takes place in September and the topsoil they brought to her property on Thursday was for the driveway but since they were told to leave this was not completedThe stones were removed.)
The Yew was planted
Before I met with *** on Friday we spoke on the phone and *** made it clear to me that she has had a lot of issues with Landscapers in the past so I took this to heart and wanted to make sure either myself or a foreman were there making sure everything went as plannedI understand *** was perturbed she had to go over the work she wanted completed again with me but per our previous conversation in regards to bad experiences with landscapers and since it had been a couple of weeks from the initial meeting sometimes things can change and I just wanted to make sure everything was to her requestI pride myself on customer satisfactionI met with *** before we commenced work on Friday August 21, and was very clear as to what she wanted completedI instructed my employees on what needed to be done and since we were unable to complete the job because she threatened my employees and forced them off her property I don’t understand why she is upset, we weren't allowed to finish the jobDuring this entire process we were following her directions; the patio was made too large (which was rectified) but besides the patio everything else would have been completed had she not kicked my employees off of her propertyAll of the issues *** has listed were in the process of being completed had she allowed us to finish
In regards to the glass window, *** showed up at the property not even an hour after it was broken and spoke with *** and told her we would take care of itShe contacted several glass companies and one of the companies was able to fit us in and took a look at it August 25, around 6:00pmWe made it very clear we would replace the glass, thus sending a professional to take measurements and fit it for a new glass window
Lastly I would like to comment in regards to ***’s inappropriate behavior towards my employeesAs a boss, I respect my employees, as they are the ones who directly help run my companyDue to my great respect for them I never raise my voice nor swear at an employee because that is just not how I operateI respect and value each of my employees and to hear that a client, none the less, swore, screamed and was flailing pots in her arms at my employees really upsets meIf a client has an issue they should come directly to me or *** but to verbally assault my employees is just wrongMy employees were completely innocent in this matter and didn’t deserve to be yelled at in that mannerI don’t put my employees in hostile work environments and due to ***’s irate behavior I don’t feel conformable sending my employees back to her homeThey don’t deserve to be treated that way, no one does
I would greatly like to come to some sort of resolution regarding this matterI can provide an edited invoice for the work that was completed, materials purchased to complete job, time lost for a crew to go to ***’s property only to be turned away, and we will credit her bill for $which is more than the proposed cost to replace the glass, but unfortunately in regards to completing the job and any further direct interaction with *** I don’t feel comfortable nor will I allow any of my employees back on her property
I am unclear as to what inaccuracies and lies you are referring to but I am not committing slander or lies about you I only stated the events that have occurred in their entiretyIn regards to your comments about my company leaving jobs unfinished and botched that is a lieAfter every single job we complete it is standard practice for us to meet with the client either at the end of the job or the next day to walk the property to ensure they are satisfied with the completed jobAny complaints or dissatisfaction during these walk throughs we resolve immediately as we pride ourselves on customer satisfactionYou are stating that we “botched” jobs and a competing Local Landscaper had to fix them but if that were in fact the case the would have been immediately contacted and they can attest you are the first complaint we have received all yearThe door has not been fixed because you forced us off your property and contacted the before giving us a chance to fix itYour card was only charged for the work that was completed, not the job in it’s entirety because the day we came to finish the job you forced my employees off of your propertyIt is not our fault the job it is not finished and your recuperating husband has to complete the job because we intended to finish the job but you wouldn’t allow itMy employees were not unsupervised, I was back and forth on your property everyday that my employees were present and not one day was a foreman not present. I’m not sure what further action you feel is necessary in regards to this matter but we fully intended on finishing the job and replacing the glass that was broken but due to you kicking us off your property the day the job was scheduled to be completed severely complicated the situationCommunication is essential in my line of work and you not communicating with me and instead kicking my employees off of your property leaves us unable to do the job you hired us forIf you were upset and wanted to speak with me you could have easily called me that morning instead of making my employees leaveHad you called me and expressed your concerns I would have told you I will be there in an hour, I would have also told you, as I told your husband, my employees are extremely com***nt and you are more than welcome to speak with them and communicate requests, lastly, I would have communicated to you that the employees that were there had also been there with me the day before so they knew exactly what needed to be doneInstead of communicating with us what you wanted you complained via text messages about work that was still unfinishedYou didn't even allow us to finish the job before you starting complain about the work, unfinished work at that, and then after your complaints and you insisting we finish the job as soon as possible we show up to complete it and you kick us off your propertyI really don't know what you want us to do at this point or why this is even a matter that couldn't have been resolved directly with me but to be frank, you kicked my employees off of your property so of course the work is incompleteHow are we suppose to complete a job if you we can't physically be at your property? In regards to the window we will of course pay for it so since you hired a company to replace the glass, attach the invoice and we will write you a check
If you need me to provide further proof in regards to this matter we have phone conversations, voicemails, texts messages, photos from your property, the conversation I had with your husband in regards to you forcing my employees off of your property and GPS tracking for my personal truck as well as my employees Truck which indicates dates, times and duration spent at your property. Sincerely,*** ***
July 23, 2015 [redacted] was emailed proposal.
rgb(0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-stroke-width: initial;">July 24, 2015 [redacted] had several questions regarding the contract.
July 30, 2015 [redacted] responded to [redacted] after [redacted] provided [redacted] with pricing for additional work.
July 30, 2015 5:29 pm Received [redacted]’s signed contract with add ons.
Monday August 17, 2015 2:17 [redacted] was charged 50% deposit for scheduled work. [redacted] advised to [redacted] she was on the schedule for Wednesday, weather permitting.
Monday August 17, 2015 5:30 [redacted], our Manager quit.
Tuesday August 18, 2015 3:13 pm [redacted] emailed [redacted] letting her know we would not be able to start the work on Wednesday due to unforeseen obstacles. These obstacles were one, our Manager quit out of the blue with no notice and secondly the job we thought was going to be completed on Tuesday was not. I don’t like to start new jobs when I still need to complete another so I had [redacted] alert [redacted] that we needed to postponed the start date to Friday rather than Wednesday.
Friday August 21, 2015 10:00am I met and spoke with [redacted] at her property and went over all the work that needed to be done before any work was to be started. I detailed all of the work for the guys just as [redacted] had explained and three of my employees started work on her property as instructed. Even though it was pouring rain out I wanted to make [redacted] happy since she was so eager to get the job done, I had no intention of making my employees work in the rain but due to her insistent calling and texting I didn’t want to upset her more so I had them work.
One of the employees cracked one pain of a two pain glass window/door while weed whacking weeds on her property, the employee immediately called our manager [redacted]. [redacted] went to [redacted]’s property, introduced herself, as she has been the one in direct contact with her through out this entire situation and told her we would take care of the glass and she had nothing to worry about.
There was no hesitation that we would replace the window (I can provide the work order from the glass company that went to [redacted]’s house only two business days after it happened) and it is strange that [redacted] is now insisting in the complaint that we replace it immediately since her house is on the market but she hired us to complete future work in the fall (replace the stoop) and then next year install a blue stone patio (signed contract/email attached).
Tuesday August 25, 4:57pm [redacted] contacted [redacted] advising we hired a professional glass company to replace the window/door and they would be stopping by to take a look at the damage. She advised [redacted] didn’t need to be home but she didn’t want her to be alarmed if she saw a man on her property.
Tuesday August 25, 2015 7:59pm [redacted] complained about the work that was done but we hadn’t finished the job yet so she was complaining about things we were still in the process of completing.
Wednesday August 26, 2015 10:33 am [redacted] responded to [redacted]’s complaints advising the work was not completed and she was confused since the guys were planning on going back to her property to finish the job.
Wednesday August 26, 2015 1:30 pm I personally went to the property with two employees going over exactly what needed be done in order to complete the job. There wasn’t enough time in the day so they packed up and went to get the necessary materials (topsoil) to finish the job first thing in the morning.
Thursday August 27, 2015 8:00 am Two of my employees (one a foreman; both who were with me the day before working on [redacted]’s property) showed up first thing in the morning to complete the job. Right as they arrived [redacted] ran out of her house with pots in both hands screaming and yelling at my employees. She was extremely inappropriate swearing and yelling and threatened my employees to get off her property. My employees immediately left the property as they were not only scared because of her irrational behavior but they had no idea what was going on.
Later that afternoon I went back to the property to try and resolve the issue and to better understand what was going on because the last form of contact I received from [redacted] (the day before) was she wanted the job to be done as soon as possible. I met with her husband around 10:00am and we had a long conversation going over all the work the guys were planning on doing that morning and at the end of the conversation everything seemed perfectly fine. I explained to him that my employees purchased and brought the remainder of topsoil that needed to be laid down that morning which would have completed the job had [redacted] not kicked them off her property. I also mentioned that because I was with both of them (employees) the afternoon before they knew exactly what needed to be done and I was confident they could start off the morning with out me so I started the morning overseeing another crew on a job site. I would have been over within the hour (9:00am) to supervise at her property had she not forced them off. I told [redacted]’s husband that I needed to speak with her because at that point I was at a loss for words, I have never had someone treat my employees this way nor insist the day before to get the work done as soon as possible and then when we go to finish the work force us off her property.
I did not receive a call back from [redacted] but the next day I received an email from the regarding a matter I was sure had been resolved the day before after I met with [redacted]’s husband.
At this point I am still unclear as to any work related discrepancies.
[redacted] initially met with [redacted] and signed up for the work with him. [redacted] did not contact Eco Turf Landscaping but found [redacted]’s old business “[redacted]s Landscaping” contact information and contacted him directly. All appointments regarding Eco Turf Landscaping go through [redacted] and then I meet with clients after [redacted] schedules the appointments. Some how because [redacted] was contacted directly he took it upon himself to meet with the client and sign her up. [redacted] did sign an Eco Turf Landscaping Contract and once [redacted] received her signed contract we put her on the schedule for work. [redacted] stated that it was a month until the work commenced at her property but from the time of receipt of her signed contract July 31, 2015 and Friday August 21, 2015 that is only 15 business days.
In regards to [redacted]’s disputes regarding the work that was completed per the contract;
1.We removed the dirt pile in its entirety.
2. Prep side of house (larges weeds were removed and smaller weeds were weed wacked down and sprayed with round up. This is standard practice for top soil prep work. The topsoil needs to be put down gradually and in layers so they can grade the area as they go to make the ground even. We only laid half of the topsoil before we were told to leave her property, the laying of topsoil was not completed yet (side of house or driveway). In regards to the seed myself and [redacted] advised we don’t lay seed until September because there is a very high chance of crab grass so we advised we would be back to lay the seed after the job is completed in September. In regards to the patio; prep patio only included the digging out of the area and laying of top soil. The process was included in a separate quote which included the Blue Stone Patio $11,000.00 not in the attached contract. [redacted] added the prep patio for 200.00 which did not include process since adding process would be done when we started work on the Blue Stone Patio which she wanted to wait until next year. Please see attached email chain regarding additional work and patio. The patio was made too big and after [redacted] brought it the our attention we immediately rectified the issue and re measured it to be 10X10.
3. Transplant Grasses (one of the two grasses was transplanted but the second was not because the employee did not want to place anything with out [redacted]’s permission as she was particular so he waited for her to come back, she didn’t so he felt it in our best interest to wait until she confirmed exactly where she wanted it. The next day [redacted] kicked them off her property so they were unable to plant it for her.
4. Hedge Trim Back Bush/Weed Garden Area and Mulch (All of this was completed.)
5. Top soil/Seed/Move Stones (the topsoil and seed were not finished as seeding takes place in September and the topsoil they brought to her property on Thursday was for the driveway but since they were told to leave this was not completed. The stones were removed.)
6. The Yew was planted.
Before I met with [redacted] on Friday we spoke on the phone and [redacted] made it clear to me that she has had a lot of issues with Landscapers in the past so I took this to heart and wanted to make sure either myself or a foreman were there making sure everything went as planned. I understand [redacted] was perturbed she had to go over the work she wanted completed again with me but per our previous conversation in regards to bad experiences with landscapers and since it had been a couple of weeks from the initial meeting sometimes things can change and I just wanted to make sure everything was to her request. I pride myself on customer satisfaction. I met with [redacted] before we commenced work on Friday August 21, 2015 and was very clear as to what she wanted completed. I instructed my employees on what needed to be done and since we were unable to complete the job because she threatened my employees and forced them off her property I don’t understand why she is upset, we weren't allowed to finish the job. During this entire process we were following her directions; the patio was made too large (which was rectified) but besides the patio everything else would have been completed had she not kicked my employees off of her property. All of the issues [redacted] has listed were in the process of being completed had she allowed us to finish.
In regards to the glass window, [redacted] showed up at the property not even an hour after it was broken and spoke with [redacted] and told her we would take care of it. She contacted several glass companies and one of the companies was able to fit us in and took a look at it August 25, 2015 around 6:00pm. We made it very clear we would replace the glass, thus sending a professional to take measurements and fit it for a new glass window.
Lastly I would like to comment in regards to [redacted]’s inappropriate behavior towards my employees. As a boss, I respect my employees, as they are the ones who directly help run my company. Due to my great respect for them I never raise my voice nor swear at an employee because that is just not how I operate. I respect and value each of my employees and to hear that a client, none the less, swore, screamed and was flailing pots in her arms at my employees really upsets me. If a client has an issue they should come directly to me or [redacted] but to verbally assault my employees is just wrong. My employees were completely innocent in this matter and didn’t deserve to be yelled at in that manner. I don’t put my employees in hostile work environments and due to [redacted]’s irate behavior I don’t feel conformable sending my employees back to her home. They don’t deserve to be treated that way, no one does.
I would greatly like to come to some sort of resolution regarding this matter. I can provide an edited invoice for the work that was completed, materials purchased to complete job, time lost for a crew to go to [redacted]’s property only to be turned away, and we will credit her bill for $500.00 which is more than the proposed cost to replace the glass, but unfortunately in regards to completing the job and any further direct interaction with [redacted] I don’t feel comfortable nor will I allow any of my employees back on her property.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Date Sent: 9/13/2015 2:29:39 PM Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: To resolve this matter: a. Do not charge for work that was not done, or done improperly and b. Pay the full amount in damages when the invoice is provided by [redacted] in approximately 1 month.Homeowner is disputing charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act for services not rendered and property damage incurred by Eco Turf and their employees left unsupervised by their employer at our residence.
Ecoturf's willingness to lie and attempt to intimidate the homeowner points to a level of aggression that EcoTurf is using in order to keep this issue unresolved and retain charges for work that was NOT done by his company.
1. Side yard:
On the proposal: “Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed) $800.00
What was done: unsupervised employees weedwacked this area and sprayed gravel up onto our glass door/window shattering the glass. Less than 1 inch of topsoil was put down in some parts, and none in other parts, leaving area 2” lower than existing lawn, and UNSEEDED. The homeowner is requesting that EcoTurf refund half of the amount charged: $400.00 since this area was less than ½ completed.
2. There was a 10x10 patio prep area added onto the original proposal ($200.00) because it had been requested by the homeowner at the first walk-through with a representative of EcoTurf, [redacted]. ([redacted] quit before the job started, but EcoTurf lied to the homeowner at the beginning of this job, saying that [redacted] was on vacation, and would be back to do the stonework parts of the job. Consequently, the homeowner would not have agreed to the job being done by Ecoturf at all, had they been aware of the true circumstances.) �...⇄
What was done: Unsupervised employees dug out a much larger area, throwing clay/dirt where the homeowner had just paid $720 to have it removed. (the dirt remains there.)
Ecoturf claimed that filling the hole with process was part of another “quote” for a larger stone patio next year, even though someone named [redacted]/EcoTurf clearly states in an e-mail before the proposal was signed, that process is part of the “patio prep 10x10–” *
Homeowner question: “And "Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed)"– does this include the prep for a small patio off the back area that we discussed (with gravel or stone dust?)”
Ecoturf answer: “Prep 10x10 patio is $200.00 (this was not included w/ Prep side of house)-YES!”
*full e-mail from Eco Turf dated 7/30/15
Upon complaint from the homeowner regarding the size of the patio prep, workers filled in part of the area, but did not grade or put topsoil down, and the homeowner filled in the hole with process on their own– yet, the credit card was charged the full $200.00 amount for this item. In order to remove the dirt, and because the homeowner put in the process, this amount should be ½: $100.
3. Transplant Grasses: $110
What was done: Only 1 grass was transplanted, the charge should be cut in half: $55. Mulch bed was covered with clay and left by unsupervised workers.
4. Topsoil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones: $400
What was done: Unsupervised workers reshaped a turnaround at the bottom of the driveway into an odd shape. This was not on the proposal, and had to be fixed by another contractor at homeowner’s expense. Unsupervised employees moved driveway stones under the direction of the homeowner. $100.00
EcoTurf chose to charge my credit card on the same day that I requested the unsupervised workers (they replied as such, when I asked,) return to their boss and tell him that I did not want anymore unsupervised work done on my property, causing damage to my property, 8/27/15. (Witnesses were present who contest [redacted]'s descriptive story on this forum, apparently unbeknownst to [redacted], who was not present.)
I hope that my husband and I, both in our 50’s and 60’s are not to be intimidated further by [redacted] with his false accusations and narratives of events that he was not present for. Every legal means necessary will be made to resolve the payment for damages to property and incomplete work, but because of his aggression via the exchange, we also do not want him or any of his employees on our property and the Avon Police Dept. will be notified of this in writing.
Items on the EcoTurf Proposal that the company did complete and should be paid for:
Remove Dirt Pile: $720
Hedge Trim Back Bush: $70
Weed Garden Area: $65
Mulch: $125
Plant Yew on Mulch Bed by Driveway: $390
Total: $1370
Items on the Eco Turf Proposal that the company did NOT complete, did improperly, causing damages to property and amounts the homeowner is disputing:
Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed): $800– less than ½ complete, $400
Prep 10x10 patio: $200 (improper size with no topsoil on fixed, re-sized area, improper dirt removal to be fixed by homeowner at their expense, no process even though agreed to in e-mail exchange) – ½ charge $100
Transplant Grasses: $110 (only one was done, the other destroyed by workers) – $55
Top soil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones (stones were moved under homeowner supervision, turnaround was improperly reshaped and required repair– an item that was not even on the proposal, and Top soil/Seed was not done at all.) $400– $100 for moving stones
Full charges for these items amount to: $1510
(8/27 charge was $1106.04, $403.96 less,) added to the work that was completed ($1370,) equals the amount that was agreed upon with the add-on of the patio prep on the proposal: $2880 + tax.
Eco Turf has charged my credit card:
8/17/2015– $1531.00
8/27/15 $1106.04
total: $2637.04
The charged amount is $242.96 less than the amount on the proposal, $2880 + tax.
The Homeowner is disputing minimally, $855 for improper and unfinished job parts, even though we have an estimate from a landscaper as to much higher costs to fix this job.
All associated costs of the repair of the glass door for which the homeowner has an ESTIMATE ONLY (of $608.20) from [redacted] and will provide a full invoice upon completion of the job in three-four weeks with possible additional costs for plastic moulding around the glass. Because EcoTurf has not supplied an insurance number the homeowner is forced to pay for these repairs up front and will sue EcoTurf for the repair if it is not paid promptly upon receipt of an invoice from Capitol.
Minimally, Ecoturf should adjust the charges for incomplete and unsatisfactory work as above and look to paying full replacement costs for the glass door. It is understood that an amount of $403.96 less than the proposal was charged and this can be deducted from the disputed $855 amount making the amount of refund from EcoTurf: $451.04. We believe this is more than fair for the amount of incom[redacted]nce and bullying from EcoTurf.
Sincerely, [redacted]
Review: An employee of this business apparently mis-represented himself by meeting with us on our property in July, walking the property and discussing the job to be done. Within a week we received a quote/contract from the company via e-mail. I asked questions via e-mail and received answers to my questions for work that had been discussed and was provided a price which was added to the "contract" by me and signed/returned via e-mail to Eco-turf. Approximately 2 weeks went by and I called the company to see if they had received the returned contract with my credit card info. as I had not received a response. Over the phone, the owner, [redacted] indicated that they had received the contract and that they would schedule the job the following week, which was by that time one month from the initial walk-through of the property. Within the week, my credit card was charged 1/2 of the amount on the contract, $1500. But the day that the job was scheduled we received notice that due to unforeseen circumstances they would not be able to do the work until later in the week and they had already said that work was contingent upon the weather– and rain was forecast for several days at the end of that week. I asked for a text to be sent to my phone to confirm if they were coming or not due to the weather and several appointments I had scheduled. There was a phone call from [redacted] when I was at work that week to say that he needed to now walk through the property with me again to be clear about what was on the contract as the original person who walked the property and provided a quote was now on vacation. "[redacted]" was a stone mason, and we had been told that he was going to supervise the job as there was some stone work involved. We were not pleased to hear that we now had to convey the information to someone else, and that [redacted] would not be supervising the job, but were assured by [redacted] that he was the owner and that there would be a supervisor on the job. I believe that we were also told that [redacted] would be back when it came time for the stone work, as that was what he did, but that he needed to be on other stone jobs. I walked the property again with [redacted] in the pouring rain, with the contract and explained what needed to be done. Both my husband and I were home all day, August 21 the day of the 2nd walk through, with my husband recovering from surgery. After the walk through, and I even asked [redacted] if this job was "beyond his scope", he assured me that they "did this kind of work all the time," [redacted] left several workers alone, unsupervised on the job. Instead of following the contract which stated in black and white and had been gone over in detail: " Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed)" the unsupervised workers decided that "weed" meant "weedwack" and they proceeded to weedwack the side yard and flying debris shattered our double-paned glass door from our bedroom. They did not immediately tell us this, rather they called someone from their company, a woman, who showed up at the door and asked me if our glass door had "been like that before?" Meaning, had we broken our own door, by chance. Although she did say that the company would "fix" the door, she never introduced herself or left a card, nor did the owner ever re-appear or apologize for leaving the workers unsupervised and acknowledge that they had damaged the property. At least two days went by with workers continuing to show up while my husband was home, unsupervised
and continuing to not follow the contract by covering crab grass with barely an inch of topsoil, not evenly distributed, no seed, and digging a hole much larger than the "10x10 patio prep" which was one of the items added to the contract via the initial e-mail questions/responses at $200. The company would later claim that putting process into that $200 prep area would cost me more so I told them not to do add process at further expense. This originally was included in the first discussion that we'd had with the first walk-through. However, it wasn't until I began to complain to the company later this week about the unsupervised workers and parts of the job that were done wrong or not at all, that I received several texts from their phone number, I guess [redacted]'s #, I'm not sure who was texting at any given time, but I was finally told in text messages that [redacted] (the worker who had taken our order and provided the quote/contract) had quit the previous week, leaving [redacted] without a work order, or knowledge of the work to be done, and that [redacted] had not been authorized to quote our job, that the only reason they had taken our job was that [redacted] had said that we were a close family friend. To be clear, we are not "friends" with anyone at EcoTurf. We are a client with a contract that is not being followed. We are being drawn into some odd drama or dispute that this company is having with its employees. This morning at 8 AM I awoke to voices in the driveway and went outside to two workers standing around with rakes, reshaping an area of our lower driveway – in the wrong shape. I asked them "where is the supervisor?" They responded "he is not here." I told them that I did not want anymore unsupervised work done on my property, and that they could tell their boss that. I also explained that I was not happy at all with the work/damage that had been done. A little later I also called the phone number for Eco Turf but only got a voice recording. I want this job resolved now and not continue to be drawn out with unsupervised workers showing up on my property everyday doing the work wrong or not at all. I want my glass door repaired. And I refuse to pay for items that are listed on the contract but are not being done properly or at all. My husband who was supposed to be recovering from surgery is now actually involving himself in trying to "fix" the work that is being done wrong. This is completely unsatisfactory, and I should not have to pay for work that my sick husband is doing in order to clean-up after the people that were hired to do the job.Desired Settlement: Pay for the repair of our glass door promptly- we are trying to list the house
If the company cannot complete the job with supervision of their workers and the work performed correctly according to the contract: a minimum of 3" of topsoil on side yard to meet the grade of the lawn and provide a seedbed for new lawn, transplant of second grass to top garden above the first grass transplant, topsoil/seed around designated areas of driveway– the shape of the driveway should be confirmed with the owner and not re-designed by unsupervised workers then the amounts charged for these items should be reduced: "Prep side of House (weed/topsoil/seed) was originally $800. Since the workers did not weed, barely put down topsoil, and have not seeded at all and damaged our window, unless this is fixed, we should not be charged for that amount. "Prep 10x10 patio" $200 was supposed to be a 3" dug out bed filled with process. They dug a much larger area, had to correct it upon my complaint, and claim that the process was part of a different patio quote that was for next year. We will not be asking this company back for any additional work, (my recuperating husband has filled the patio prep with process.) Since only one of the grasses was transplanted the "Transplant Grasses" $110 on the contract should be reduced to $55 if they cannot do the second one for some unknown reason. "Top soil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway" $400 either needs to be corrected according to the direct wishes of the homeowner (following the correct shape of the driveway) or removed altogether from the contract because they have not done this work at all and the start of it is incorrect on the lower driveway area.
July 23, 2015 [redacted] was emailed proposal.
July 24, 2015 [redacted] had several questions regarding the contract.
July 30, 2015 [redacted] responded to [redacted] after [redacted] provided [redacted] with pricing for additional work.
July 30, 2015 5:29 pm Received [redacted]’s signed contract with add ons.
Monday August 17, 2015 2:17 [redacted] was charged 50% deposit for scheduled work. [redacted] advised to [redacted] she was on the schedule for Wednesday, weather permitting.
Monday August 17, 2015 5:30 [redacted], our Manager quit.
Tuesday August 18, 2015 3:13 pm [redacted] emailed [redacted] letting her know we would not be able to start the work on Wednesday due to unforeseen obstacles. These obstacles were one, our Manager quit out of the blue with no notice and secondly the job we thought was going to be completed on Tuesday was not. I don’t like to start new jobs when I still need to complete another so I had [redacted] alert [redacted] that we needed to postponed the start date to Friday rather than Wednesday.
Friday August 21, 2015 10:00am I met and spoke with [redacted] at her property and went over all the work that needed to be done before any work was to be started. I detailed all of the work for the guys just as [redacted] had explained and three of my employees started work on her property as instructed. Even though it was pouring rain out I wanted to make [redacted] happy since she was so eager to get the job done, I had no intention of making my employees work in the rain but due to her insistent calling and texting I didn’t want to upset her more so I had them work.
One of the employees cracked one pain of a two pain glass window/door while weed whacking weeds on her property, the employee immediately called our manager [redacted] went to [redacted]’s property, introduced herself, as she has been the one in direct contact with her through out this entire situation and told her we would take care of the glass and she had nothing to worry about.
There was no hesitation that we would replace the window (I can provide the work order from the glass company that went to [redacted]’s house only two business days after it happened) and it is strange that [redacted] is now insisting in the complaint that we replace it immediately since her house is on the market but she hired us to complete future work in the fall (replace the stoop) and then next year install a blue stone patio (signed contract/email attached).
Tuesday August 25, 4:57pm [redacted] contacted [redacted] advising we hired a professional glass company to replace the window/door and they would be stopping by to take a look at the damage. She advised [redacted] didn’t need to be home but she didn’t want her to be alarmed if she saw a man on her property.
Tuesday August 25, 2015 7:59pm [redacted] complained about the work that was done but we hadn’t finished the job yet so she was complaining about things we were still in the process of completing.
Wednesday August 26, 2015 10:33 am [redacted] responded to [redacted]’s complaints advising the work was not completed and she was confused since the guys were planning on going back to her property to finish the job.
Wednesday August 26, 2015 1:30 pm I personally went to the property with two employees going over exactly what needed be done in order to complete the job. There wasn’t enough time in the day so they packed up and went to get the necessary materials (topsoil) to finish the job first thing in the morning.
Thursday August 27, 2015 8:00 am Two of my employees (one a foreman; both who were with me the day before working on [redacted]’s property) showed up first thing in the morning to complete the job. Right as they arrived [redacted] ran out of her house with pots in both hands screaming and yelling at my employees. She was extremely inappropriate swearing and yelling and threatened my employees to get off her property. My employees immediately left the property as they were not only scared because of her irrational behavior but they had no idea what was going on.
Later that afternoon I went back to the property to try and resolve the issue and to better understand what was going on because the last form of contact I received from [redacted] (the day before) was she wanted the job to be done as soon as possible. I met with her husband around 10:00am and we had a long conversation going over all the work the guys were planning on doing that morning and at the end of the conversation everything seemed perfectly fine. I explained to him that my employees purchased and brought the remainder of topsoil that needed to be laid down that morning which would have completed the job had [redacted] not kicked them off her property. I also mentioned that because I was with both of them (employees) the afternoon before they knew exactly what needed to be done and I was confident they could start off the morning with out me so I started the morning overseeing another crew on a job site. I would have been over within the hour (9:00am) to supervise at her property had she not forced them off. I told [redacted]’s husband that I needed to speak with her because at that point I was at a loss for words, I have never had someone treat my employees this way nor insist the day before to get the work done as soon as possible and then when we go to finish the work force us off her property.
I did not receive a call back from [redacted] but the next day I received an email from the regarding a matter I was sure had been resolved the day before after I met with [redacted]’s husband.
At this point I am still unclear as to any work related discrepancies.
[redacted] initially met with [redacted] and signed up for the work with him. [redacted] did not contact Eco Turf Landscaping but found [redacted]’s old business “[redacted]s Landscaping” contact information and contacted him directly. All appointments regarding Eco Turf Landscaping go through [redacted] and then I meet with clients after [redacted] schedules the appointments. Some how because [redacted] was contacted directly he took it upon himself to meet with the client and sign her up. [redacted] did sign an Eco Turf Landscaping Contract and once [redacted] received her signed contract we put her on the schedule for work. [redacted] stated that it was a month until the work commenced at her property but from the time of receipt of her signed contract July 31, 2015 and Friday August 21, 2015 that is only 15 business days.
In regards to [redacted]’s disputes regarding the work that was completed per the contract;
1.We removed the dirt pile in its entirety.
2. Prep side of house (larges weeds were removed and smaller weeds were weed wacked down and sprayed with round up. This is standard practice for top soil prep work. The topsoil needs to be put down gradually and in layers so they can grade the area as they go to make the ground even. We only laid half of the topsoil before we were told to leave her property, the laying of topsoil was not completed yet (side of house or driveway). In regards to the seed myself and [redacted] advised we don’t lay seed until September because there is a very high chance of crab grass so we advised we would be back to lay the seed after the job is completed in September. In regards to the patio; prep patio only included the digging out of the area and laying of top soil. The process was included in a separate quote which included the Blue Stone Patio $11,000.00 not in the attached contract. [redacted] added the prep patio for 200.00 which did not include process since adding process would be done when we started work on the Blue Stone Patio which she wanted to wait until next year. Please see attached email chain regarding additional work and patio. The patio was made too big and after [redacted] brought it the our attention we immediately rectified the issue and re measured it to be 10X10.
3. Transplant Grasses (one of the two grasses was transplanted but the second was not because the employee did not want to place anything with out [redacted]’s permission as she was particular so he waited for her to come back, she didn’t so he felt it in our best interest to wait until she confirmed exactly where she wanted it. The next day [redacted] kicked them off her property so they were unable to plant it for her.
4. Hedge Trim Back Bush/Weed Garden Area and Mulch (All of this was completed.)
5. Top soil/Seed/Move Stones (the topsoil and seed were not finished as seeding takes place in September and the topsoil they brought to her property on Thursday was for the driveway but since they were told to leave this was not completed. The stones were removed.)
6. The Yew was planted.
Before I met with [redacted] on Friday we spoke on the phone and [redacted] made it clear to me that she has had a lot of issues with Landscapers in the past so I took this to heart and wanted to make sure either myself or a foreman were there making sure everything went as planned. I understand [redacted] was perturbed she had to go over the work she wanted completed again with me but per our previous conversation in regards to bad experiences with landscapers and since it had been a couple of weeks from the initial meeting sometimes things can change and I just wanted to make sure everything was to her request. I pride myself on customer satisfaction. I met with [redacted] before we commenced work on Friday August 21, 2015 and was very clear as to what she wanted completed. I instructed my employees on what needed to be done and since we were unable to complete the job because she threatened my employees and forced them off her property I don’t understand why she is upset, we weren't allowed to finish the job. During this entire process we were following her directions; the patio was made too large (which was rectified) but besides the patio everything else would have been completed had she not kicked my employees off of her property. All of the issues [redacted] has listed were in the process of being completed had she allowed us to finish.
In regards to the glass window, [redacted] showed up at the property not even an hour after it was broken and spoke with [redacted] and told her we would take care of it. She contacted several glass companies and one of the companies was able to fit us in and took a look at it August 25, 2015 around 6:00pm. We made it very clear we would replace the glass, thus sending a professional to take measurements and fit it for a new glass window.
Lastly I would like to comment in regards to [redacted]’s inappropriate behavior towards my employees. As a boss, I respect my employees, as they are the ones who directly help run my company. Due to my great respect for them I never raise my voice nor swear at an employee because that is just not how I operate. I respect and value each of my employees and to hear that a client, none the less, swore, screamed and was flailing pots in her arms at my employees really upsets me. If a client has an issue they should come directly to me or [redacted] but to verbally assault my employees is just wrong. My employees were completely innocent in this matter and didn’t deserve to be yelled at in that manner. I don’t put my employees in hostile work environments and due to [redacted]’s irate behavior I don’t feel conformable sending my employees back to her home. They don’t deserve to be treated that way, no one does.
I would greatly like to come to some sort of resolution regarding this matter. I can provide an edited invoice for the work that was completed, materials purchased to complete job, time lost for a crew to go to [redacted]’s property only to be turned away, and we will credit her bill for $500.00 which is more than the proposed cost to replace the glass, but unfortunately in regards to completing the job and any further direct interaction with [redacted] I don’t feel comfortable nor will I allow any of my employees back on her property.
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: inaccuracies and lies. It appears that this business has no problem committing slander and libel against a client. Perhaps a lawsuit will set the record straight. As well as contacting the Dept. of Consumer Protection for the State of CT as I have since learned from two other landscapers that they have had to take on clients that Eco Turf either leaves the job unfinished or botches. One landscaper in West Hartford told me that he took over 9 Eco Turf jobs this past year because of the poor treatment and work of Eco Turf. Our glass door remains unfixed– we've had to get quotes from a glass company ourselves. And yet, Eco Turf charged the job as if they had completed all the work and fixed what they had broken with unsupervised labor. My husband who is supposed to be recovering from surgery is actually completing the job that [redacted] left to unsupervised workers and incomplete– yet my credit card has been charged. This will be scrutinized under the Fair Credit Billing Act.
I am unclear as to what inaccuracies and lies you are referring to but I am not committing slander or lies about you I only stated the events that have occurred in their entirety. In regards to your comments about my company leaving jobs unfinished and botched that is a lie. After every single job we complete it is standard practice for us to meet with the client either at the end of the job or the next day to walk the property to ensure they are satisfied with the completed job. Any complaints or dissatisfaction during these walk throughs we resolve immediately as we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction. You are stating that we “botched” 9 jobs and a competing Local Landscaper had to fix them but if that were in fact the case the would have been immediately contacted and they can attest you are the first complaint we have received all year. The door has not been fixed because you forced us off your property and contacted the before giving us a chance to fix it. Your card was only charged for the work that was completed, not the job in it’s entirety because the day we came to finish the job you forced my employees off of your property. It is not our fault the job it is not finished and your recuperating husband has to complete the job because we intended to finish the job but you wouldn’t allow it. My employees were not unsupervised, I was back and forth on your property everyday that my employees were present and not one day was a foreman not present. I’m not sure what further action you feel is necessary in regards to this matter but we fully intended on finishing the job and replacing the glass that was broken but due to you kicking us off your property the day the job was scheduled to be completed severely complicated the situation. Communication is essential in my line of work and you not communicating with me and instead kicking my employees off of your property leaves us unable to do the job you hired us for. If you were upset and wanted to speak with me you could have easily called me that morning instead of making my employees leave. Had you called me and expressed your concerns I would have told you I will be there in an hour, I would have also told you, as I told your husband, my employees are extremely com[redacted]nt and you are more than welcome to speak with them and communicate requests, lastly, I would have communicated to you that the employees that were there had also been there with me the day before so they knew exactly what needed to be done. Instead of communicating with us what you wanted you complained via text messages about work that was still unfinished. You didn't even allow us to finish the job before you starting complain about the work, unfinished work at that, and then after your complaints and you insisting we finish the job as soon as possible we show up to complete it and you kick us off your property. I really don't know what you want us to do at this point or why this is even a matter that couldn't have been resolved directly with me but to be frank, you kicked my employees off of your property so of course the work is incomplete. How are we suppose to complete a job if you we can't physically be at your property? In regards to the window we will of course pay for it so since you hired a company to replace the glass, attach the invoice and we will write you a check.
If you need me to provide further proof in regards to this matter we have phone conversations, voicemails, texts messages, photos from your property, the conversation I had with your husband in regards to you forcing my employees off of your property and GPS tracking for my personal truck as well as my employees Truck which indicates dates, times and duration spent at your property. Sincerely,[redacted]
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Date Sent: 9/13/2015 2:29:39 PM Review: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: To resolve this matter: a. Do not charge for work that was not done, or done improperly and b. Pay the full amount in damages when the invoice is provided by [redacted] in approximately 1 month.Homeowner is disputing charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act for services not rendered and property damage incurred by Eco Turf and their employees left unsupervised by their employer at our residence.Ecoturf's willingness to lie and attempt to intimidate the homeowner points to a level of aggression that EcoTurf is using in order to keep this issue unresolved and retain charges for work that was NOT done by his company. 1. Side yard: On the proposal: “Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed) $800.00 What was done: unsupervised employees weedwacked this area and sprayed gravel up onto our glass door/window shattering the glass. Less than 1 inch of topsoil was put down in some parts, and none in other parts, leaving area 2” lower than existing lawn, and UNSEEDED. The homeowner is requesting that EcoTurf refund half of the amount charged: $400.00 since this area was less than ½ completed.2. There was a 10x10 patio prep area added onto the original proposal ($200.00) because it had been requested by the homeowner at the first walk-through with a representative of EcoTurf, [redacted]. ([redacted] quit before the job started, but EcoTurf lied to the homeowner at the beginning of this job, saying that [redacted] was on vacation, and would be back to do the stonework parts of the job. Consequently, the homeowner would not have agreed to the job being done by Ecoturf at all, had they been aware of the true circumstances.) What was done: Unsupervised employees dug out a much larger area, throwing clay/dirt where the homeowner had just paid $720 to have it removed. (the dirt remains there.)Ecoturf claimed that filling the hole with process was part of another “quote” for a larger stone patio next year, even though someone named [redacted]/EcoTurf clearly states in an e-mail before the proposal was signed, that process is part of the “patio prep 10x10–” *Homeowner question: “And "Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed)"– does this include the prep for a small patio off the back area that we discussed (with gravel or stone dust?)”Ecoturf answer: “Prep 10x10 patio is $200.00 (this was not included w/ Prep side of house)-YES!” *full e-mail from Eco Turf dated 7/30/15 Upon complaint from the homeowner regarding the size of the patio prep, workers filled in part of the area, but did not grade or put topsoil down, and the homeowner filled in the hole with process on their own– yet, the credit card was charged the full $200.00 amount for this item. In order to remove the dirt, and because the homeowner put in the process, this amount should be ½: $100. 3. Transplant Grasses: $110What was done: Only 1 grass was transplanted, the charge should be cut in half: $55. Mulch bed was covered with clay and left by unsupervised workers.4. Topsoil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones: $400What was done: Unsupervised workers reshaped a turnaround at the bottom of the driveway into an odd shape. This was not on the proposal, and had to be fixed by another contractor at homeowner’s expense. Unsupervised employees moved driveway stones under the direction of the homeowner. $100.00 EcoTurf chose to charge my credit card on the same day that I requested the unsupervised workers (they replied as such, when I asked,) return to their boss and tell him that I did not want anymore unsupervised work done on my property, causing damage to my property, 8/27/15. (Witnesses were present who contest [redacted]'s descriptive story on this forum, apparently unbeknownst to [redacted], who was not present.) I hope that my husband and I, both in our 50’s and 60’s are not to be intimidated further by [redacted] with his false accusations and narratives of events that he was not present for. Every legal means necessary will be made to resolve the payment for damages to property and incomplete work, but because of his aggression via the exchange, we also do not want him or any of his employees on our property and the Avon Police Dept. will be notified of this in writing.Items on the EcoTurf Proposal that the company did complete and should be paid for:Remove Dirt Pile: $720Hedge Trim Back Bush: $70Weed Garden Area: $65Mulch: $125Plant Yew on Mulch Bed by Driveway: $390Total: $1370Items on the Eco Turf Proposal that the company did NOT complete, did improperly, causing damages to property and amounts the homeowner is disputing:Prep Side of House (weed/topsoil/seed): $800– less than ½ complete, $400Prep 10x10 patio: $200 (improper size with no topsoil on fixed, re-sized area, improper dirt removal to be fixed by homeowner at their expense, no process even though agreed to in e-mail exchange) – ½ charge $100Transplant Grasses: $110 (only one was done, the other destroyed by workers) – $55Top soil/Seed around designated areas of Driveway/Move Stones (stones were moved under homeowner supervision, turnaround was improperly reshaped and required repair– an item that was not even on the proposal, and Top soil/Seed was not done at all.) $400– $100 for moving stones Full charges for these items amount to: $1510 (8/27 charge was $1106.04, $403.96 less,) added to the work that was completed ($1370,) equals the amount that was agreed upon with the add-on of the patio prep on the proposal: $2880 + tax. Eco Turf has charged my credit card: 8/17/2015– $1531.008/27/15 $1106.04 total: $2637.04 The charged amount is $242.96 less than the amount on the proposal, $2880 + tax.The Homeowner is disputing minimally, $855 for improper and unfinished job parts, even though we have an estimate from a landscaper as to much higher costs to fix this job. All associated costs of the repair of the glass door for which the homeowner has an ESTIMATE ONLY (of $608.20) from [redacted] and will provide a full invoice upon completion of the job in three-four weeks with possible additional costs for plastic moulding around the glass. Because EcoTurf has not supplied an insurance number the homeowner is forced to pay for these repairs up front and will sue EcoTurf for the repair if it is not paid promptly upon receipt of an invoice from Capitol. Minimally, Ecoturf should adjust the charges for incomplete and unsatisfactory work as above and look to paying full replacement costs for the glass door. It is understood that an amount of $403.96 less than the proposal was charged and this can be deducted from the disputed $855 amount making the amount of refund from EcoTurf: $451.04. We believe this is more than fair for the amount of incom[redacted]nce and bullying from EcoTurf. Sincerely, [redacted]