they are over priced talk to you like you are stupid and dont give you time to pay your bill before turning it to collections. if they dont get th money from insurance they put you right to collections and they dont finish the work that they bill you for . they send you to other dentist for work they dont do, and they bill you for work they didnt even do that screws up you insurance benifits for the year to where you cant get any other work done because the insurance money in not there because the denist they refured you to over build your insurance.
they are over priced talk to you like you are stupid and dont give you time to pay your bill before turning it to collections. if they dont get th money from insurance they put you right to collections and they dont finish the work that they bill you for . they send you to other dentist for work they dont do, and they bill you for work they didnt even do that screws up you insurance benifits for the year to where you cant get any other work done because the insurance money in not there because the denist they refured you to over build your insurance.