worthless service in 2014 we went without cable & internet for 2 months they finally drug a wire across some trees over the driveway was that way for 9 months fast forward to 2015 in sept we pay for 50mbps we receive 0.86 most of the time according to their own speed test when it will register enough to do a test usually on weekends they do something and we at least have enough to do an email or other light computer work clear up to 6.02 new digital cable is fuzzy cant see half the channels we call all the time and get same answer we are working on it liars they need a new line down the road and do not want to put it in because we were told repeatedly we are the last one on the line last one or not we have lived here for 24 years and have had cable for 24 years their new fliers they send out say every customer will have the best service well I want to know where ours is we pay our bill every month where is our service
worthless service in 2014 we went without cable & internet for 2 months they finally drug a wire across some trees over the driveway was that way for 9 months fast forward to 2015 in sept we pay for 50mbps we receive 0.86 most of the time according to their own speed test when it will register enough to do a test usually on weekends they do something and we at least have enough to do an email or other light computer work clear up to 6.02 new digital cable is fuzzy cant see half the channels we call all the time and get same answer we are working on it liars they need a new line down the road and do not want to put it in because we were told repeatedly we are the last one on the line last one or not we have lived here for 24 years and have had cable for 24 years their new fliers they send out say every customer will have the best service well I want to know where ours is we pay our bill every month where is our service