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E2 Family Winery

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Reviews E2 Family Winery

E2 Family Winery Reviews (1)

I called and spoke with [redacted] and he told me to summarize what he and I discussed. The following reason a refund was not given was for a few reasons, if she had purchased her tickets weeks in advance I would understand her wanting her money back with the hot weather we ended up having....

[redacted] purchased her tickets that day and knew how hot it was going to be and chose to bring her elderly relatives anyway .She claims we did not have enough shaded spots as we doubled the shade they had the year before. I explained to [redacted] we made a lot of improvements from the last year which the [redacted] hosted. We provide free ice cold water for our patrons and also supplied misting tents to cool off under. E2 Family Winery wanted our event to be successful and would have done anything to please our patrons. We wished we were given that chance the day of the event to make her happy and wished she would have expressed her concerns the day of the event. [redacted] has tried many avenues and gone to great lengths to receive a refund. At this time we do not feel a refund is in order and are willing to give her a free tasting for four people we encourage her to come back and visit and she will walk away with a different outlook on E2 Family Winery. I did speak to her once and our conversation started with her threatening to sue us if a refund was not issued right off the bat, I wish there was a opportunity given to E2 Family to have made there stay much more pleasant and would have offered our tent we had for emergency personnel and our volunteers. I could go on but feel I have explained enough and hope she takes the offer. Thanks [redacted] Winery Manager and Event Coordinator

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Address: Lodi, California, United States, 95242


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