Dunn's Wholesale Auto Sales, Inc. Reviews (1)
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About 2-3 months ago, my motor started knocking & now they're telling me I need a new motor. This is the 2nd vehicle we have gotten @ Dunn's w/ a bad motor. The mechanic on site let them know that the motor was shot. They tell me I can either trade in or buy a motor & they'll put it in. A month ago, we discuss the trade in. They get to pick the vehicle btw, not us (u know the ones who will be paying for it & driving it). They allow $3900 on trade ins but have to deduct my payoff of $2200, which leaves me $1700 as a down payment. Then we were going to give them an additional $1000. Have to keep it under $10,000 to in-house finance. We were trying to come up w/ enough $ to just go ahead & buy a motor because they're not picking my vehicle. The vehicle also needs a thermostat and water pump. Those 2 things were replaced a week after we bought this vehicle. Makes us think we should get rid of it immediately. Discussed trading in again because that vehicle in the beginning was already gone. Tried to give me a ford Explorer w/ 248,000 miles. Negative. Spoke w/ them this wk. Found a car, a hyundai. Got us approved but waiting on approval from the big wig. Was told no because we don't have a checking acct, (we do though) the amount of time youve been at ur job (umm Brandon 3 yrs & me 11 yrs) and because the vehicle I'm trading doesn't run (it does tho). I've had this vehicle barely over a year btw. Now they're adding the pay-off of $1400 to the loan, still requiring $1000 down, & they've changed the car to a ford focus. What happened w/ the hyundai? We can't in house finance a vehicle of that amount ($12,995) Well how much is the ford? $12,995. Oh well if u got us approved through a bank, why can't we finance the hyundai? The bank says they won't finance the hyundai because it's not as good of a vehicle as a ford. Hmm. You just told me that we were approved & u needed an ok from the big wig. Y cant u in house it then. Its over $10,000. Well if you added the right down payment(from a month ago) of $2100 now since I've pd $500 more on payoff then w/ $1000 down that would bring it down to $9,895. We don't in house finance at all anymore & ive already explained all of this to you. Oh, well let me speak to this so called owner. Owner: we've already told u what we could do, we're busy, have a good day bye. Great customer service skills