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Please accept my response to complaint JD [redacted] in which a resident of [redacted] Apartments reported two items of concern, a non-operational east gate and unenforced reserved pa rking spaces. We appreciate the opportunity to clear up any confusion regarding these matters as we value our...
residen ts and make every attempt to see that all issues of concern are handled as quickly as possible and w ith the utmost professionalism. Our primary goa l is resident satisfaction through out the community.The first item of concern mentioned was the n on-operational east side property gate. This communi ty is equipped with a card reader and call box system to gain entry to the property. The card reader is operational and the property remains properly secured , however, the call box component is in di srepair and v isitors must contact residents directly v ia personal telephone and not through the call box located near the gate for entran ce into the communi ty. Replacement of the call box is included in the capital replacemen t plan for the current budge t year. A ll residents have been informed of our intention to repl ace the call box as quickly as possible. We have already obtained three vendor proposals and the proj ect is now in the final approva l phase. We ant icipate replacement of this device within the next thirty (30) calend ar days.The second item of concern men tioned was unenforced reserved parkin g spaces. Wh ile this com muni ty currently offers assigned parking spaces for residents in accordance w ith our commu nity policies, we are in the process of transitioning into an unassigned parking model, which is the most equitable way to ensure that all residents are afforded an equal opportunity to park closer to th e entrance of th e building. I have prev iously shared this information with Mr. Rodgers and pl an to speak with him aga in to reassure him that wh I le he currently has a reserved parkin g space this will n o longer be the case once the con version to an unassigned park ing model has been successfully completed. I will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that all resident questions and concerns of this nature are addressed as they arise.Please feel free to contact me directly if you require any further information pertaining to these matters. l can bereach ed by telephone at ([redacted] or via em ail at [email protected].
We have received your letter (attached) regarding a complaint filed by one of our applicants at [redacted] Apartments. The applicant stated she wants her $150 holding deposit returned as she cancelled her application to lease the apartment. As was explained to her at the time of her...
application, the holding deposit is only refundable if we deny her application or she cancels within 72 hours of her initial application. If she cancels after the 72 hours, the holding deposit is forfeited as we had taken the apartment off the market and it was not available to lease to other applicants.
As we recognize that there may have been a misunderstanding regarding the holding deposit policy, we are refunding the $150 holding deposit to the applicant as per her settlement demand. The deposit will be mailed today to the address provided on her application form.
This will resolve this matter.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or need additional information.
[redacted], CPM ®
Senior District Manager
Director of Compliance
[redacted] Property Management Inc.
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