Our reply is based on the notes put into the computer on the date of serviceOn May 10, 2017patient came in and was complaining of several weeks of pain and pointed to two lower teeth (#)She reported that her pain was provoked by chewing and pressing on the area that she pointedtoShe
also reported pain in her lower right jawUpon examination, lower tooth #was sore to fingerpressure, had no reaction to ice test and was painful to the percussion testTook an X-ray of the areaconfirmed that the tooth had an infection and was dead, which coincides with the percussion and icetestSinus infections can cause pain in upper teeth only and infected upper teeth can cause sinusinfectionsBut the association is impossible to occur In lower teethShe wanted oral sedation and anextractionShe was “worried about finances” and only wanted to address the painful tooth at this time.She was given an antibiotic for the infection and did not schedule for the extraction at that time,because she did not have the financesShe was not sure if she wanted to do the~ oral sedation, due tofinancial reasons.Patient ca!led at a later time and scheduled for the extraction on Tuesday, rviay 30, Onour last business day before the Memorial Day holiday weekend after which she was scheduled on theTuesday following the holiday we called to confirm the patients anoointment, patient reolied: “toomuch going on and she really doesn’t have the money right now” so she was cancelling theappointmentOur office policy, which is in writing and on our appointment cards that a charge maybemade for appointment that are missed or broken without giving business hours notice.One June after receiving statement for broken appointment patient said that she did notplan to come back here for treatment, nothing was bothering her at this time and she wants a secondopinion before doing something that she does not feel needs to be doneShe is right, she was told thatshe does not have to pay the broken appointment fee unless she intended on scheduling with us again.Thank you for your attention to this matter.Farrel H G*** D D SSincerely
Our reply is based on the notes put into the computer on the date of serviceOn May 10, 2017patient came in and was complaining of several weeks of pain and pointed to two lower teeth (#)She reported that her pain was provoked by chewing and pressing on the area that she pointedtoShe
also reported pain in her lower right jawUpon examination, lower tooth #was sore to fingerpressure, had no reaction to ice test and was painful to the percussion testTook an X-ray of the areaconfirmed that the tooth had an infection and was dead, which coincides with the percussion and icetestSinus infections can cause pain in upper teeth only and infected upper teeth can cause sinusinfectionsBut the association is impossible to occur In lower teethShe wanted oral sedation and anextractionShe was “worried about finances” and only wanted to address the painful tooth at this time.She was given an antibiotic for the infection and did not schedule for the extraction at that time,because she did not have the financesShe was not sure if she wanted to do the~ oral sedation, due tofinancial reasons.Patient ca!led at a later time and scheduled for the extraction on Tuesday, rviay 30, Onour last business day before the Memorial Day holiday weekend after which she was scheduled on theTuesday following the holiday we called to confirm the patients anoointment, patient reolied: “toomuch going on and she really doesn’t have the money right now” so she was cancelling theappointmentOur office policy, which is in writing and on our appointment cards that a charge maybemade for appointment that are missed or broken without giving business hours notice.One June after receiving statement for broken appointment patient said that she did notplan to come back here for treatment, nothing was bothering her at this time and she wants a secondopinion before doing something that she does not feel needs to be doneShe is right, she was told thatshe does not have to pay the broken appointment fee unless she intended on scheduling with us again.Thank you for your attention to this matter.Farrel H G*** D D SSincerely