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Dominion Energy Ohio

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Reviews Dominion Energy Ohio

Dominion Energy Ohio Reviews (217)

They turned off gas without letting me know during the winter.
I pay my bill automatically, so this was not a payment issue. One day I came home and it was cold in my house. I contacted a furnace repair company and they said I needed a new part that would cost 700.00. Luckily the part was not in. I spend the night at my neighbor's house. The next morning I walked across my lawn to go inside my house and THEN I noticed a turn-off notice. It's on a door that no one uses. EVEN the furnace repair man did not use the front door. I contacted Dominion and they will not refund me the 120.00 service fee for the furnace repair man. If they had CALLED me to let me know they were going to change the outside meter, I would have made plans or scheduled this type of service on a day that I was home. I also think it's illegal for the gas company to turn off your gas in the winter. I wish there was another company other than Domino...I would have them service my gas.

Horrible Service
2 Days of waiting to get the gas turned off. First time, "Mrs. was not home." It's an apartment building. Any 3 year old would know to knock on the unit door. Again, it's an apartment building. What, didn't want to climb the stairs? Ridiculous. Calling the customer service number is a joke. "Well, I can put a note to go to the apartment door..." Are you kidding me? Of course they have to go to the apartment door. Today? no show. Unbelievable. -not paying another cent. I'll call the local news networks if I have to. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] The personnel at Dominion Energy are rude and have no respect for their customers.The time as stated in your current reply to me is minutes later than that noted on the card But that's beside the point The point is, the tech lied about knocking -- I am able to hear knocking on my front door when I am in the kitchen, as it's very close by My belief is that he simply wanted to be done with his list of customers, and he gave us all short shrift.When Tamara called me at 9:a.mon Weds., Dec27, I told her I was on my way out the door, and I asked her to call me at p.m She said she would She didn't call then, but she called me at 2:p.m I told her that I was just turning in to the [redacted] for a water therapy appt., and I pointed out that she had agreed to call me at p.m., but didn't I asked her to call me at p.m She agreed However, she didn't call me until 4:p.m I agreed to a Decappt., but Tamara said that she would have to check with the supervisor.When Tamara called me at 9:a.mon Dec28, I was literally inside a [redacted] ***., and unable to answer the phone I called the number that Tamara left for me at 10:a.m Vicki answered the phone, and she seemed to be a very pleasant individual When she summoned Tamara to the phone at 10:50, I overheard her caution Tamara NOT to call me " [redacted] ," which she knew upsets me Tamara agreed to set the apptfor p.mon Dec Then Tamara called me back at 11:-- just a few minutes after we had hung up -- and she gleefully and loudly greeted me as "MISS [redacted] ." This is disrespectful and mocking, and, I'm sorry to say, typifies the behavior one receives from employees of Dominion Energy.At 5:p.mon Dec29, I received a robocall from Dominion Energy, stating that a technician would arrive "between and p.m." on Dec What about the p.mapptthat Tamara had agreed to?? Then I received a robocall at 12:today, Dec30, stating that a technician was on his way He arrived about 12: Clearly, Dominion Energy does not care about its customers; they seem to believe that they can treat us any way they like

(The following was copy/paste by staff - LST)***From: [redacted] >Date: Wed, Jan 24, at 12:PMSubject: ID [redacted] To: [redacted] MrS [redacted] states that he called in September of to end his service; however we have no record of this phone callHe then initiated an online order on 02/13/to end his service, but the order was never completed by the customer.As a courtesy we billed MrS [redacted] to 02/13/instead of the original 06/01/since this is the date he attempted to take the service out of his name.I called MrS [redacted] and left him a message with the new bill amount and advised of the new billing dates I also requested a billing addressI have not received a return call from MrS [redacted] at this time.Dominion Customer RelationsAngela- InvestigatorAngie- Reviewer

Thats correct I never received a postcard or anything else I was signed up without my permission, knowledge or consent and others are writing online how upset they are also

DOMINION RESPONSE: According to our records on 9/13/2012, Ms [redacted] called Dominion East Ohio and requested to have gas service established in her name from her husband’s name on 9/14/at [redacted] There is no record of [redacted] calling to disconnect the service at [redacted] until 3/28/ There was also no call to DEO when Ms [redacted] did not receive a final bill at [redacted] 3/28/-Ms [redacted] called and was advised DEO needed access to the meter in order to end her account If no access was provided, she would continue to be billed for the gas service 4/2/- An appointment was scheduled to end service and the gas was turned off at the curb boxThe final bill was mailed and the account balance was $There have been no payments made on the [redacted] account4/21/- Ms [redacted] asked for service at [redacted] The gas was placed in her name on 4/24/The account balance from the old address in the amount of $was transferred to [redacted] (There was no call to end the service at [redacted] , therefore, [redacted] is responsible for the balance of $433.63.) 5/22/– Customer called about her new account at [redacted] and needed a payment plan The customer was offered plans and chose to do the Budget plus To start the plan a payment of $needed to be made As of today, no payment has been madeThe customer was also advised of the PIPP plan 6/22/- A voice mail message has been left for Ms [redacted] to call me back regarding her complaint.Also, enclosed is a record of usage from 6/13/2012-4/2/Thank you, [redacted] Customer Relations

[redacted] From: [redacted] < [redacted]>Date: Wed, Aug 2, at 3:PMSubject: ID [redacted] .To: "***" DOMINION RESPONSE:After reviewing the account for Kiona S [redacted] , this customer was contacted by mail and phone numerous times and in addition, notified by her billing in July that she would be subject to Disconnection and a Reconnect charge of $33.00.Dominion made numerous trips to the premises and found no one home for scheduled appointments Therefore, the charge for reconnection will not be waived (Contact dates itemized below).The customer was contacted on 8/2/and a message was left for customerCordially,Karen H.Dominion Energy OhioCustomer Relations Contact dates: 4/17/Equipment Access Letter No14/25/Call for Equipment Access 15/4/No access on scheduled apt.5/8/Equipment Access #25/16/Equipment Access Call6/3/No access on scheduled appt.6/5/ Equipment Access #36/13/ Equipment Access 3rd call7/11/Bill advised of disconnect for no access7/24/ Equipment Access Order to shut off I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, Brian [redacted]

[redacted] ** ***Mailing address: [redacted] ***.Case: [redacted] The Basic Service Charge is a billing charge that is charged on every bill regardless of how many days are on the bill This is an approved charge from the PUCO If there is a day bill or a day bill, the full basic service charge will be on the bill and is not prorated The Basic Service Charge covers the cost of supplying standard customer service for emergency & non-emergency needsThose costs include everything from meter reading & billing expenses to depreciation & property taxes on our pipelines & other facilities.Basic Service Charges consist of the Basic Service Charge, Automated Meter Reading, Cost Recovery Rider & Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Cost Recovery RiderIt applies to Residential, Non-Residential, & Large Volume customers.We have re-billed the account as a onetime courtesy and removed a basic service charge I called and left a message for the customer advising I also sent a please call letter in case the customer wants to call me.Thank YouVickie M [redacted] – Investigator/ReviewerDominion East Ohio

Dominion Customer RelationsAttachments8:AMto me Ms [redacted] *** [redacted] ID [redacted] RE: [redacted] *** The issue was the agent that made the billing correction on 4/28/did not recall the debt from the collection agencyThe agencies were still attempting to collect on the difference between the re-bill and the original bill amountOn 11/15/the amount was manually recalled Dominion Customer Relations contacted [redacted] on 11/15/We apologized for our errorWe sent a letter to Ms [redacted] confirming this issue has been resolved(Attached) Dominion East OhioCustomer Relations888-263- I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [redacted] 11:AM I submitted complaint # [redacted] and received an email that the complaint has been closed due to my lack of responseI would like to reopen the complaint as the issue is not resolvedI had an unexpected death in my family and fell behind in my emailsI read the response from Dominion and do disagree with the following portions of their statement:"On 7/8/15, DEO reviewed a call from 2/7/where [redacted] was calling regarding a payment made on an ex-boyfriend's account At that time, the DEO representative informed Ms [redacted] that she had an outstanding balance with the company from the service address of [redacted] Street in Cleveland, Ohio [redacted] stated she would like to place the balance on a payment plan, so that she could begin service at her new addressThe representative advised Ms [redacted] of the dates of service, which was from 4/3/to 5/3/ [redacted] advised the representative that she did not live at the [redacted] Street address that long and that the dates were incorrect." In response to this statement, I do not recall the details of this phone call that took place in 2014, but I do know that I initially believed the error was due to an account I may have held very briefly several years agoI was not sure that I had gas service on at this address, which I believe was on [redacted] Street and I was pretty sure utilities were not on in my nameI lived there less than a monthIf I did agree to a payment plan at the time of this call (I do not recall), it was because I needed to start gas service at [redacted] Boulevard and had to agree to a plan in order to start the service; I lived on [redacted] Boulevard for several years and paid all of my bills, never receiving a bill for this account or being contacted about it until I opened this investigationIf there was a payment plan put in place in during that phone call, and Dominion had my current address and phone number at that time, why was I never sent a bill for this account? And how is it that this account was opened in the first place, without any Identifying documents or verification? Their response goes on to say:"DEO contacted [redacted] to advise the call had been reviewed Ms [redacted] stated she never lived at [redacted] Street in Cleveland, and that she was getting it confused with the [redacted] Boulevard, Cleveland address She stated she is still proceeding with the ID Theft investigation."I did not state that I was getting it confused with the [redacted] Boulevard address, but rather I could have been thinking the bill was generated during the time I briefly lived on [redacted] StreetAgain, my stay at that address was very brief and I do not remember the year nor the house number of that address, but I do not believe gas services were started in my name at that address"DEO has advised [redacted] that she will need to submit a photo ID, copy of her Social Security card, proof of residency during the time of the disputed usage (4/3/– 5/3/11), an affidavit and reference number from the Federal Trade Commission and a signed police report Ms [redacted] can contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at (877) 438-to request the affidavit to be mailed out." Submitting Photo ID and Social Security Card, as well as the FTC affidavit are not an issueI filed and obtained a copy of the police report, which is now being investigated by the Financial Crimes department of the Cleveland Police, but the officer I spoke with told me they do not sign the reports and that anyone can request a copy of the report if they have the report number ( [redacted] )Showing Proof of Residency during the time of disputed usage is the biggest obstacle I am facing in disputing this accountI contacted the IRS, but they only have tax returns for the past yearsI requested a "tax transcript" for those years, but the transcript I received reflects the sameI am attempting to locate school records or some other acceptable form of Proof of Residency during these datesI have federal student loan promissory notes during these years and will submit them, but am unsure if they will qualify as acceptable documentsThe unexpected death in the family did put these matters on hold for me, but this is definitely unresolved and I would like to proceed with the complaintI will do what I can to prove that the account does not belong to me, but I would like to know what DEO is doing to prove that the account was opened with my authorizationIf they can pull phone calls, where is the call that started this service? I need to show proof now that I never lived there; did they not require proof at the time service was started that I did live there? If I have to submit a copy of my ID and Social Security now, wouldn't those documents have needed to be submitted then as well? If these documents were submitted at the time the service was started, I would need to know about thatAnd if they were not required/submitted, DEO was being negligent in opening this account without proper authorization.Please let me know how to reopen this complaintThank you for your time and consideration of this matter [redacted] ***

We have been unable make contact with this customer about her inquiry and apologize for any inconvenienceDominion East Ohio attempted to call this customer again on 12-10-to discuss her concerns regarding the service order that was scheduled on 12-1-A message was left on different phone numbers that the company has on record requesting that our call be returnedMultiple Please Call letters has also been issued to her homeIn addressing the customer’s most recent matter, when the company contacted this customer on 12-2-regarding the complaint, the company advised her of what the records reflectedIn no way did the company have the intention of stating that the customer was being untruthfulThe company has reviewed the calls that were placed to the company on 12-1-regarding the rescheduling of the service orderIt was determined that there was no mention on either call of the technician not being able to find the door Thank youDominion East Ohio

Dominion East Ohio scheduled the tuorder for Ms [redacted] at [redacted] in Cleveland Heights for an all-day appointment today, 7/13/ Ms [redacted] has been advised that an adult needs to be present at the property to provide access for the tuorder

Dominion Customer RelationsJun to me [redacted] *** Case: [redacted] Once a deposit is paid in full the clock starts counting the next bills to be made on time in full to receive the deposit back The “clock” does not start with the first payment that’s madeThe deposit was paid in full 8/5/ The next bills were paid on time and in full, however, the 6th bill was due 2/and was paid 3/ This was considered a late payment so the deposit was not refunded So now the “clock starts over” counting till payments made on time and in fullHowever, on 6/20/the customer called and spoke to a Supervisor and the deposit of $plus interest of $was refunded back to the customer’s account early as a courtesy because all but one payment had been on time.The total amount of $paid her current bill of $and Ms [redacted] has a credit of $on her accountI called to speak to Ms [redacted] , however, my call went into voicemail I advised her on voicemail that she can call me to discuss any questions she may have and that we have refunded the money back to her account I advised we can send her a refund check for $or we can leave it on the account towards future billsThank YouVickie M [redacted] Customer RelationsDominion East Ohio

(Following is an e-mail comment to [redacted] I spoke with [redacted] this morning about her account Her bankruptcy was filed today, so all credit action has ceased and the customer was provided a post-petition account with a zero balance We also discussed the customer service she recently experienced She appreciated my call and the quick action taken on her account

The gas service was transferred to [redacted] ***s name at [redacted] Street on 6/2/ The gas was on at that property so the gas was able to be transferred along with the outstanding debt of $ from a previous addressMs [redacted] was advised of the debt at the time of the transfer and understood it would become due on the first bill.On 7/7/Ms [redacted] contacted Dominion and was advised again of the debt $The first bill went out on 7/8/with the debt with a shut off notice due 7/27/15.On 7/28/Ms [redacted] spoke with an agent that quoted a PIPP amount due of $to keep gas on as long as the customer went to her appointment to re-verify her income for pip on 8/10/The customer paid $on 8/12/however did not go to her appointment on 8/10/15.The gas was shut off on 8/20/for non- payment.Ms [redacted] was contacted on 8/21/An offer to turn the gas back on the same day was made since she paid what was quotedMs [redacted] was not sure she wanted the gas back on in her nameMs [redacted] stated is she wanted the gas back on in her name she would call me A payment of $ which is now the PIPP amount due would need to be paid before 8/28/Ms [redacted] would need to keep her appointment next week to re-verify her income for PIPP.As of 8/24/Ms [redacted] has not contacted me Dominion Customer Relations

(The following was copy/paste by staff - LST)***From: [email protected] Date: Wed, Jan 31, at 4:PMSubject: ID [redacted] To: " [redacted] >DOMINION RESPONSE:This customer attempted to set up an account online for transfer to his name for 1/15/2018, however it transferred 12/29/ The previous customer’s account verified the account was not to transfer until 1/15/ Due to those notes, we were able to verify it was the intention of all parties to start service on 1/15/ This customer’s account was zeroed out and the billing was adjusted accordingly for all partiesDominion did contact the customer and advised of the billing adjustment He was satisfiedInvestigated by- Karen H.Reviewed by-Vicki R.Dominion Energy OhioCustomer Relations I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I would like a formal apology for the misinformation that was provided to me by a customer service rep and a supervisor on 9/7/ I complied with all request and yet I was still provided with wrong information on this date and was made to believe I would have to wait another 48-for processing before I could even get my service turned on also, I need the issue of my bank over draft and spending money on a hotel for my family since Dominion couldnt get their own information right (last week someone told me all that was needed was my id, yet on 9/7/i had to go back and forth with a supervisor telling me that I needed to fax in my lease and social security card AGAIN!!) Acknowledgment and a formal apology for the poor customer service and poor customer experience due to lack of service and respect for your customers deserves some sort of apology at minimum NO customer should have go through this much back and forth and misinformation!!! I do thank you for turning my service on today, however, I feel that if hadnt have filed a complaint not only with the but the [redacted] as well, I would still be waiting for service Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.They did call and leave a voicemail but they was unprofessional and claimed I liedI was at the house the entire time and nobody ever came to the door to knockThey say he called at 9:AM but I have proof on my partner's phone that he called at exactly 9:AMAt 9:he drove away without even knockingWhen my partner called to ask why, the representative told us that according to his notes he was not able to find the front doorSo why is it that when a customer service representative calls in regards to my complaint, they imply that I was lying and that his note says something different? They did not solve the matter, they came off like I was the one in the wrong when I am not and I have proof that I am not, and I do not think that is okayThe business is run poorly and it's unfair the way they're trying to do this Regards, [redacted]

[redacted] ***Domionion never contacted me on me having a disconnection also I was paying them the last bill I received was a final bill if I would have never called them I would have known that my gas was off, the rep stated that they were suppose to turn the gas off and they never did fully I feel as though that if they made a mistake then that will fall on them not me I should not be responsible for something they did not complete on their end also they received more than enough payments to not cut the gas off,I have had Domionion for years and never had a disconnection over 400$ and my gas bill has been over 12,000$

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Address: PO Box 5759, Cleveland, New Mexico, United States, 44101-0759


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