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Dollar Rent A Car

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Reviews Auto Renting and Leasing Dollar Rent A Car

Dollar Rent A Car Reviews (29)

HORRIBLE! Pay more and rent ANYWHERE ELSE!
Damn, I shoulda read the reviews. Got what I thought was a good rate thru AAA, but this location charged a pile of extra fees (including additional driver fees which AAA said would not be charged) AND delivered me a gross filthy car--I mean the st on the passenger side door handle, I only HOPE was sun lotion. Return is super slow so that you get anxious about making your flight, they say NOTHING and ask if you want the receipt emailed, after which you see the illegal charges. When you contact Dollar they say, "You accepted the bill at checkout!" SUPER SLEAZEBAGS DON'T EVER RENT FROM DOLLAR ANYWHERE!

To whom it may concern,If there are any lost artifacts left in rental vehicles, the renter is solely responsible for their belonging and getting all belongings out of the rental vehicle before returnAs with every rental car company nationwide, the rental car company is not responsible for your belongingsWe try are hardest to get a hold of the renter as soon as we find any lost artifacts, but again, the renter is solely responsible for their belongings, not the rental car companyWe as a company, do have a lost and found and we keep all found artifacts for up to sixty daysWe have attempted to email the renter three separate times, and have included a picture to the previous response of the five cell phones we have found in rental carsPlease feel free to have the renter reach out to us and we will gladly do our best to help recover the item they have lost.--James KG [redacted] IIArea Manager

The numbers we place on a vehicle reflect all available rebates and incentivesThese include rebates that can be exchanged for special APR'sThey include rebates for financing with Ford CreditHow the consumer structures the money is up to themThese transactions have many ways to reach a bottom lineWe are happy to break down each and every one with the consumerWe will not refund monies the consumer elected to use in a different fashionIE....Use the special APR in lieu of rebateYou do not get both

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:It is complete nonsense from beginning to endNO ONE has contacted me by Any means from Dollar in the last two weeks since the lossNot by my email, not by the phone number of the lost phone, not by the number of the business owner of the lost phoneThey took all my information four times when I called to let them know where the phone was leftThis is in addition to the rental contract informationAgain, my phone was a Samsung Sin a black rubber protective caseContact me if you found it Regretfully, [redacted]


Renter beware I booked a car at this location via a third party vendor I had used this vendor previously for a Dollar rental in another city and didn't have any complications At this location, however, I was charged an additional, optional insurance that was secreted into the contract without any verbal offer or notification This insurance more than doubled the total rental price I later disputed the fees with customer service and they suggested that I should have read the contract in its entirety Of course, this is easier said than done after arriving late and jet-lagged at an airport just looking to get to your hotel room I've never been charged for an optional fee of that sort without receiving some verbal offer prior to it's inclusion on the contract I will not book through Dollar again and will always ask for a verbal itemization of any additional fees that these companies try to sneak into the fine print before renting another vehicle

This has been forward to our Claims Department for review.Thank you for your patience

I see this is a Second notice, I never received the first one, until I got a phone call today, [redacted] , I believecalled and said she had sent one, so she said she would resend I called back, only to find out they usually go to spam Finally, to the complaint, the customer was correct in most of his complaint, First he didn't tell you that he had walked around my fence, because the gates to the property were locked, and then was met with a locked door, my business was closed, it was Friday, til five, we had a large auction out of town the next day, so I had closed early The gentleman and myself communicated through email, I decided to give the bike to him for FREE, his wife came in the following Mon/Tuesday, I had her sign the invoice stating she had picked it up, they were NOT charge anything for the bike, I believe that is Customer Service If you should need anything else please let me know

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because their statement:"The damage to the tire went beyond a simple puncture The location and depth of the puncture damaged not just the tread, but also the sidewall of the tire." is a blatant lieHad I known that the vendor would make this claim I would have taken the tire to a reputable tire shop and had them document its condition before returning the carAt the least I would have photographed the tire with the screw in itI have served as a Federal Government Contract Services Inspector for over years, and one of my duties was to inspect vehicle repairs and maintenanceThe truth is that the tire had a simple puncture in the tread and the screw that made it was still in placeThe tire went flat while sitting in my hotel parking lotUpon returning the car the Counter Agent billed me $dollars for the flat, informing me that Dollar Rental Car does not repair flat tires but instead automatically replaces themAt the time I thought this was absurd but paid the fee and let it go at thatImagine my surprise when I received their bill for an additional $751.70! I am extremely grateful that my Visa Credit Card services was able to assist me in this matter by having this scam bill significantly reduced and then paying itEven after my Credit Card services paid the bill Dollar's collection service continued to seek additional money from me, and my Credit Card service assisted me with final resolutionI've attached a copy of the signed release form as well as Dollars billThank you for your assistance in this matter Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Has this issue been resolved
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***

To whom it may concern,Thank you for reaching out to me regarding this situation! We apologize for being hard to reach this past weekI have attempted three times to email Mr*** a picture of the five phones that we have in our lost and found with no responseWe will continue holding these
phones for days and hope that he follow up with us regarding his lost phone.I have also attached a picture of the phones we have to help clear this upWe hope to hear from Mr*** soon and will continue following up with him, as wellPlease feel free to reach out to me regarding any question, or concerns regarding this complaint.--Respectfully,James *G*** **Area ManagerThrifty | Dollar - Spokane / CDA / SandpointW Airport DrSpokane, WA 99224509/838-tel509/456-fax

Hi Mr***,I apologize that you were not able to get the bar stools that your friend, *** ***, bid on for you at the *** auction As your friend knew, we were on a strict deadline/contract to have ALL merchandise removed from the *** by 5:00pm on MondayWe sold over
items on Saturday at the *** & announced over and over again that all items had to be out by Monday at 5:00pm The attached PAID receipt does clearly state the removal timesWe did take the "Online Bidders" items back to our ABQ office for payment & pick upThese online bidders are flagged in our system as a series number Since your friend attended the auction (he was bidder 103) which told us he was at the acution and paid for the barstools that day then that does not flag us that you were not there So, I apologize & will be glad to refund your money However, I would need some clarification as to who to refund since our system shows that *** *** purchased the bar stools since he was the registered bidder I did not have your information until I read it on the website Thank you!Dawn B***

*** Please See Attached Documents ***
September 16, P.OBox DuPont, WA 98327Re: ID No***Our Claim No***Pursuant to the above referenced, the damaged windshield (photo attached), was found immediately after check-inOur
records clearly indicate prior to Ms*** rental transaction (NOTE: days and miles earlier), the vehicle was released without this damageAny preexisting damage is indicated on opening copies of your rental agreement and vehicle inspection slip (copies attached).The claim against Ms*** is purely contractualEach Dollar customer is offered, at the time of rental, the optional Loss Damage Waiver ("LDW")When declining "LDW", absolute liability is imposed on the renter if the vehicle is damaged, see rental agreement no*** (copy attached)As the renter, she is contractually obligated to return the vehicle in the same condition as receivedWhen damage occurs, the renter becomes responsible for reimbursing the car rental company for damages occurring regardless of whether or not the renter knows how or when the damage occurred (with the exception of a manufacture's defect).The facts are the vehicle was returned in a non-rentable condition for which Ms*** is contractually responsible.Sincerely,Claims Team Seattle & PortlandEnclosures*** *** *** *** Investment Company Worldwide ReservationsLicensee Licensee *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***Seattle, WA Portland, OR 97220*** *** *** *** *** ***

To Whom It May Concern:I apologize for the delay in response. The damage to the tire went beyond a simple puncture. The location and depth of the puncture damaged not just the tread, but also the sidewall of the tire. When this occurs, simply patching the tire is no longer a
viable option. It must be replaced. This was a brand new vehicle that had been in our fleet less than days when Mr*** rented it. The tire needed could not be found locally and had to be mail ordered. The amount that we sent to our claims management team was for the cost of the purchase and installation of the new tire. We also informed the team that the car that the vehicle was out of service for days since, as it only had three wheels, it was not available to rent until we could obtain a new tire. It is they who made the determination of what to charge based on this information. After thorough research and discussion we have decided, as a courtesy, to reduce the out of service to days. This decision has already been forwarded to our claims management team. I would also advise Mr*** to attempt further negotiate the loss of use and any administrative fees. They can be very reasonable. I hope this answers all of Mr*** concerns. Thank you.Suzanne * A***Accounting/DBR AuditorDollar Rent A Car***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:It seems quite obvious that Dollar Rent a Car’s (DR) response is a standard oneNone of the reasons that were enumerated in my initial complaint was addressedOrdinarily, I will consider responding the letter from DR a waste of time, but since you, have forwarded this letter to me, I will at the risk of repeating myself respond to it.The fact still remain that a windshield crack the size as alleged by DR, would have been so obvious that the agent who checked the car upon my returning it to DR’s lot, would have seen it without even the need of glassesThe car was thoroughly inspected, the engine was turned on to read the gas level (which was full), and the car was given a clean“bill of health” by a qualified and certified agent from DRIf there was (were) any issue(s) upon return of the car, I would have been summarily notified at the point of the return. The main issue is that of credibility, and, I am fully persuaded that DR statements are not credibleIt is a ploy by DR to siphon some funds from me, assuming that I am gullible and I am not. I would very much appreciate it if you ( could impress upon DR to stop wasting my time, as I find this as a form of harassment, completely unwarranted.Sincerely,*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

To whom it may concern, We acknowledge this complaint and have already taken care of this customer's concerns on 7/31/We have closed *** claim# *** that she has stated above, and have comped her 50% off her rental due to customer serviceWe have apologized to ***
multiple times for Arthur's actions and has since rented to her another timeI hope this helps clear up this complaint and would love to help out if anything further is needed.-- Respectfully,James KG*** IIArea ManagerThrifty | Dollar - Spokane / CDA / SandpointW Airport Dr. Spokane, WA 99224509/838-tel509/456-fax

I see this is a Second notice, I never received the first one, until I got a phone call today, [redacted], I believe. called and said she had sent one, so she said she would resend.  I called back, only to find out they usually go to spam.  Finally, to the complaint, the customer was correct...

in most of his complaint, First he didn't tell you that he had walked around my fence, because the gates to the property were locked, and then was met with a locked door, my business was closed, it was Friday, 15 til five, we had a large auction out of town the next day, so I had closed early.  The gentleman and myself communicated through email, I decided to give the bike to him for FREE, his wife came in the following Mon/Tuesday, I had her sign the invoice stating she had picked it up, they were NOT charge anything for the bike, I believe that is Customer Service.  If you should need anything else please let me know.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/13) */
Contact Name and Title: [redacted], manager
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: [redacted]
The Vehicle was returned to us in dirty, stained condition. Our sign does state "Excessively dirty cars will be charged a cleaning fee of...

$30.00". Unfortunately this car was not only dirty but stained and thus had to have upholstery and carpet cleaned. This required not only man hours, equipment and supplies but down time (non-revenue) to allow the vehicle to dry before it can be rented out again. It states Under section C other charges: (iii) for excessive stains, dirt, pet hair, or violation of the no smoking policy. There is no dollar amount stated.
If I can be of further assistants please contact me.

Renter beware. I booked a car at this location via a third party vendor. I had used this vendor previously for a Dollar rental in another city and didn't have any complications. At this location, however, I was charged an additional, optional insurance that was secreted into the contract without any verbal offer or notification. This insurance more than doubled the total rental price. I later disputed the fees with customer service and they suggested that I should have read the contract in its entirety. Of course, this is easier said than done after arriving late and jet-lagged at an airport just looking to get to your hotel room. I've never been charged for an optional fee of that sort without receiving some verbal offer prior to it's inclusion on the contract. I will not book through Dollar again and will always ask for a verbal itemization of any additional fees that these companies try to sneak into the fine print before renting another vehicle.

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Address: 5875 Airport Rd, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4V 1M1


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