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Discount Power, Inc.

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Reviews Discount Power, Inc.

Discount Power, Inc. Reviews (111)

Review: I have had Discount Electric since 2011 as the company who provides the Generation portion of Electricity service. Although the rates have fluncuated through the years they have always been close to that of [redacted]. January 2014 they have increased the rate to .219 which is approx 200% above the [redacted] current rate .09235. This accounts for increase of over $300.00 for this billing cyle. The reason, they say is because natural gas has risen. Customers should be notified prior to such an increase so action can be taken. This seems predatory in nature. I have switched but must go through a another billing cycle. I see they have over 28,000 customers listed I do hope these customers have a fixed price arrangement and if not need to move companies. Given that 3 years had passed and I had no issues there was no reason for a new arrangement now the money I had saved is spent within 1 month. They have refused to put my account on a fixed price schedule with a credit for the month of January.Desired Settlement: Would like to be credited but based on the companies response they have the right to charge whatever they want.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Ms. [redacted] enrolled in January 2011, and Discount Power became her supplier effective that same month. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. Discount Power received a drop request from Ms. [redacted], which was forwarded to her utility company as the utility company determines when a customer’s drop can become effective. We then received notice from her utility company, [redacted], that her service would end effective January 15, 2014. Ms. [redacted] was contacted on March 6, 2014 and spoke with a Customer Care Representative who offered to re-rate Ms. [redacted]’s supply charge for her December 10, 2013 – January 10, 2014 billing cycle and the portion of her next billing cycle, January 10, 2014 – January 15, 2014 for which she had Discount Power as her supplier. Ms. [redacted]’s total usage for this time period, as reported by [redacted], was 2,373kWh. This resulted in a refund offer of $80.68 As there is no way for Discount Power to provide a credit on a consolidated utility bill, as Ms. [redacted] requested in her complaint, this refund is being issued via check. As of March 7, 2014 this refund is being processed and a check will be mailed to Ms. [redacted] as soon as possible.

Sent on: 3/7/2014 8:58:46 AM



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: Discount Power claims to offer services at a savings vs. [redacted], henceforth the name "Discount" Power. I can understand and live with occasional fluctuations in price but the history of pricing with this company for 2013 has been outrageous. Discount Power has been not only higher every month vs. [redacted] this year, it was outrageous in the peak usage months in the summer. See table below. I believe this company is setting false expectations, hoping clients sign up for initial lower rates, then when they are not paying attention they stick it to you. That, I believe amounts to an unethical business practice.Month[redacted]Discount power% higherJanuary0.076150.08096%February0.076150.08096%March0.076150.08096%April 0.076150.0999 31%May 0.076150.099931%June 0.07615 0.114951%July 0.07530.109545%Desired Settlement: I would like them to make me at the very least "whole" vs. [redacted]. They should go back as far as they can, compare the prices, and figure out how much they would owe me if they did what any reasonable client would have expected them to do. Save them money. I think they should issue a refund. They should really issue a refund for a net savings which is what any reasonable customer would have expected when they signed up with them. After all, why would anyone switch? To "increase" their cost?



Discount Power takes all customer complaints very serious. In this case, the complaint filer was a customer of Discount Power starting on April 27, 2010. He submitted a request to drop our service to [redacted] on around August 14, 2013, and the drop was effective on August 26, 2013. Over the 40 months that he was a customer, his rate was below the utility for 31 months. Also, during his tenure as a customer of Discount Power, he did see savings overall versus the utility. While we do not promise savings versus the utility every single month, our goal is to show saving versus the utility over a period of time, which we did for this customer.



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because: I do not believe there is a net savings over time. Also, the performance throughout 2013 in anybody's book would be unethical and deceptive. If there was a net savings overtime have them please forward the documentation. If they are sure of this, they must have run the numbers.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: Discount Power charged a rate of $.219/KWH (billing period Dec 11, 2013-Jan 13, 2014), an increase of 121.4% from previous bills. Discount Power gave no prior notice of this rate increase. I believe Discount Power placed me on a variable rate plan at the termination date of a fixed rate plan without any prior notice.Desired Settlement: I don't believe a settlement is applicable in this case due to deregulation, but I would like to warn other potential Discount Power customers. I subsequently switched my supplier to [redacted] at a rate of $.0925/KWH



Website Complaint Response:

This customer enrolled on Discount Power's variable rate with a cap, and the cap rate expired in May 2013. The terms and conditions stated that the customer automatically rolls to a month-to-month variable rate at the end of the cap term. Due to the high wholesale rates this winter, Discount Power's variable rates increased. Our variable rates have been coming down since our high January prices.

Sent on: 2/26/2014 9:00:55 AM

Review: I have been a customer of DISCOUNT POWER INC for over a year - last month, with no warning and no communication to me their "discount" rate went from 0.0989 to 0.219 - more than double. This is at a time when the news is full of the fall in energy prices across the board. This is classic "bait & switch" marketing and the characterisation of the company as "Discount" is false and misleading - as is their advertising and sales methods. This is blatant false advertising and verges on theft (as they gave no warning of the change in rates). Also, if you are committed to a certain contract length of which half the period is at 75% of the normal rate and the other half is at 200% of the normal rate, then they are not offering a discount service at all as you are committed to spending significantly more throughout the contract period - not that they tell you this at the time of sale. I am going to refer the company to the CT Attorney General as this is unquestionably beyond shady business practice (reminiscent of the mortgage scandals of 2009), but anything you can do to obtain redress would be appreciated.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund of the overpayment for the last billing period (my bill increased from $142 to $261 - all of the increase attributable to "Discount") and a return to the previous billing rate while I make arrangements to transfer back to a more honest provider.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. [redacted] enrolled in December 2011, and Discount Power became his supplier effective that same month. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ( so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. [redacted] was contacted by a Customer Service Representative on March 7, 2014 and was offered a re-rate of his December 12, 2013 – January 14, 2014 billing cycle, resulting in a refund of $29.04 in the form of mailed check. [redacted] accepted this refund offer, but was displeased with the amount, stating that he will still be contacting the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and the state’s Attorney General regarding this matter. The refund process began on March 7, 2014 and a check will be mailed to [redacted] as soon as possible. [redacted] also states in his complaint that he was committed to spending significantly more through the contract period. [redacted] was enrolled under a variable rate plan in December 2010 and was free to cancel his service through Discount Power at any time without any type of cancelation fee. Notification was received from [redacted] that [redacted]’ service through Discount Power would end effective February 12, 2014.

Sent on: 3/7/2014 3:54:38 PM



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because:

Review: After over 10 months of receiving electric bills below the rate of $.10 per kWh, our most recent bill came in at $.219 per kWh. Essentially, my electric bill was double its normal rate. There was no way for me to anticipate such a dramatic rate increase. Discount Power continues to offer new customers a rate of $.0859 fixed through November 2014 as advertised on [redacted] while slamming their current customer unexpectedly with a rate that doubles their monthly bill. And yet, a customer service manager informed me that the are not accepting new customers and haven't been for a month now. The fact that my bill was reasonable and predictable for nearly a year and then suddenly doubled with no notification is unethical. During my first call with a customer service rep, I was advised to immediately call [redacted] and have them read my meter and to stop using Discount Power as my supplier. I was offered a measly $30 refund for the ridiculous rate increase and was advised that my current cycle would still reflect the rate increase. As a consumer there was no way to avoid this situation. There was no way for me to know that my supplier rate had doubled until I received my bill. Had I anticipated this dramatic and excessive rate increase, I would have taken action when I still could have.Desired Settlement: With no way to anticipate this excessive increase and such low rates ($.0859 per kWh) for new customers, the unethical practices of this business must be addressed. An acceptable response would be for Discount Power to apply the advertised rate that is available through November 2014



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Ms. [redacted] enrolled in December of 2012 and Discount Power became her supplier effective January 2013. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. Introductory variable rates for prospective new customers are posted on Discount Power’s website, and these rates can differ from the current variable rate being offered to existing customers. The introductory rate for new customers applies to their first month of service with Discount Power as their supplier; as it takes one to two billing cycles for a newly enrolled customer to begin service with Discount Power, these rates are based on what wholesale power market conditions will be in the future. The variable rate for existing customers applies to the current month, and as such, this rate is based on current energy market conditions. In addition, the fixed rate Ms. [redacted] refers to was clearly posted as beginning for enrollment in March 2013, and as such is based on the future conditions of the energy market, as is the introductory rate posted. Ms. [redacted] spoke with a Customer Care Representative on February 10, 2014 who offered to re-rate Ms. [redacted] usage for her December 27, 2013 – January 28, 2014 billing cycle to a rate equivalent to Discount Power’s cost for that supply, amounting to a refund of $31.24. Ms. [redacted] declined that offer. At that time, the Customer Service Representative also advised Ms. [redacted] that she was currently in the middle of a billing cycle for which Discount Power’s rate, due to energy market conditions and Discount Power’s cost for the supply, was still above that of her utility. The Customer Service Representative also advised Ms. [redacted] to immediately contact her utility to terminate her service with Discount Power, as they might be able to do this effective the same day as her call, so that she might not complete the remainder of her current billing cycle at a rate higher than that of the utility company. We are under the impression that this is what Ms. [redacted] did, as her service through Discount Power ended effective that same day, February 10, 2014. Ms. [redacted] spoke with another Customer Care Representative on February 11, 2014, at which hpoint Ms. [redacted] stated that she was unaware she was enrolled under a variable rate. The Customer Service Representative retrieved and played Ms. [redacted]’ third party verification phone call, done at the time of her enrollment, which explained that the rate plan she was enrolling for was in fact a variable rate plan and that the cap on that variable rate plan would expire May 31, 2013. After this point in time, Ms. [redacted] remained under variable rate that fluctuated based on energy market conditions. Discount Power remains willing to provide the refund offered, $31.24, a re-rate to a rate equivalent to Discount Power’s cost for that supply, to Ms. [redacted] via a mailed check should Ms. [redacted] choose to accept it.

Sent on: 3/14/2014 11:02:46 AM

Review: Discount Power gets a customer to agree to an artificially low teaser rate and then begins the climb. The first month's change was almost doubled. changed my provider online and then to my surprise my bill arrives with discount power still as my provider and now the rate doubled again! this company is an incredible scam!Desired Settlement: For starters, I would like this company's license to do business in the state of ct to be revoked. scam artists like them have no business here! I would like a refund based on the rate. I was charged at the rate of 11.99 cents/kwh one month them hit with a rate of 21.9 cents/kwh. re-figure the outrageous (21.9) price at the not-as-outrageous price (11.9) and refund the difference immediately.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Mr. [redacted] enrolled most recently in October of 2013. At this time, wholesale energy market costs began to climb significantly. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. Third party suppliers, like Discount Power, do not have control over when a customer’s service begins or ends; this is determined by the customer’s utility company. Discount Power received a drop request from Mr. [redacted]’s utility company, CL&P, on January 22, 2014 which advised that his service through Discount Power would end effective February 4, 2014. Mr. [redacted] was contacted and spoke with a Customer Care Representative on March 10, 2014 who offered to re-rate Mr. [redacted]’s supply charges for his December 20, 2013 – January 22, 2014 and January 22, 2014 – February 4, 2014 billing cycles at a rate equivalent to Discount Power’s cost for that supply. This resulted in a refund offer of $62.05. Due to wholesale energy market conditions during this timeframe, the rate, equivalent to Discount Power’s cost, was not what Mr. [redacted] had requested, and he accepted the refund stating that he may choose not to cash the check. As of March 10, 2014 this refund is being processed and a check will be mailed to Mr. [redacted] as soon as possible.

Sent on: 3/13/2014 3:26:40 PM



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because:

Discount Power, Inc. is still not being truthful with the events that occurred. Discount Power's customer care representative, [redacted], contacted me to "verify your address." Upon verification of my address, [redacted] said Discount Power, Inc. will be mailing me a refund equaling the difference of my usage at my rate ($0.219) and my usage at their cost (whatever that truly was) over the time period December 20, 2013 through January 22, 2014. I rejected their offer then, as now, because as I told [redacted], I requested a refund in the amount of my usage over that time at the rate I had before they gouged me ($0.1199). I told her to "mail me whatever you want" but I will not be cashing it.

Review: Good day,I am writing about a recent rate increase from my electrical supply company, Discount Power Inc, [redacted]T. They increased my supply rate from 8 cents per kWh to 21.9 cents for the month of January. The rate trippled, affecting my bill to an unaffordable amount. No notification was provided. The company does not have any contracts causing the increase. When I called Discount Power, I spoke to [redacted] who then transferred me to a supervisor, [redacted] reported that the increase was due to their cost of energy and he had no explanation for not notifiying the customers. He informed me that the rate was going to continue at 21.9 cents/kWh for February also. I believe that this increase is unethical without any notification. Consumers like me are giong to have a difficult time paying the increase in the electrical bill in these hard economic times. The company should offer some refunds.Desired Settlement: I do believe a refund to affected customers should be done, however I do not feel that they will do this.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Ms. [redacted] enrolled in September 2013, and Discount Power became her supplier effective December 2011. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. Ms. [redacted] requested to cancel her service through Discount Power and this information was sent to her utility company. Her utility company, [redacted] determined that her service through Discount Power would end effective January 14, 2014. Ms. [redacted] was contacted by a Customer Care Representative on March 7, 2014 and offered a re-rate of her December 12, 2013 – January 14, 2014 billing cycle, which resulted in a refund of $43.22 to be issued via mailed check. The refund process began on March 7, 2014 and a check will be mailed to Ms. [redacted] as soon as possible.

Sent on: 3/7/2014 3:30:54 PM

Review: I have been with this company for almost 2 years and rate has never gone past more then $.10/Kwh with out notice my rate has jumped to $.21. When I call customer service and ask to speak with a manager I am told that there is no one to take my call and they don't feel they should have to notify there customers about a rate that is going to almost triple. I have already switched back to [redacted] for a supplier. I have tried to settle this matter with the company and they are shrugging it off.Desired Settlement: All I am asking for is the adjust my rate to what I was paying before, $581 for one months service is absolutly rediculous and I feel that I have been robbed.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Mr. [redacted] enrolled in June of 2012 and Discount Power became his supplier effective that same month. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. We sincerely apologize for the difficulty Mr. [redacted] had in reaching a supervisor when he attempted to contact us. Due to the increase in our variable rate, we also experienced an extremely high call volume at certain points this winter, which did result in difficulties escalating and returning calls. Mr. [redacted] was contacted and spoke with a Customer Care Representative on March 10, 2014 who offered to re-rate Mr. [redacted]’s supply charges for his December 16, 2013 – January 16, 2014 usage at a rate equivalent to Discount Power’s cost for that supply. This resulted in a refund offer of $67.05. As of March 10, 2014 this refund is being processed and a check will be mailed to Mr. [redacted] as soon as possible.

Sent on: 3/13/2014 4:58:27 PM

Review: Discount Power overcharged me on my [redacted] bill for June 10, 1993. They acknowledged the overcharge of $30.00. I called their office three times to request a refund. Each time I was told that I would receive a check within two days. The last call I told them I would file a complaint with if I did not receive the check within two days as promised, but it's been over a week and still nothing.

Desired Settlement: Check for $30.00



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/08/28) */

At Discount Power we take our customer complaints seriously, and we are sorry to hear that Mr. [redacted] was not happy with the response he received from us in regards to the timing of when the refund check would arrive. It is our intent to not mislead any customer, and in this case there was a miscommunication on the part of the timing of the refund. At Discount Power we have a set process for making sure that customer refunds are properly calculated and documented, and our goal is to get refunds calculated and approved as quickly as possible. This compaint was received by the on 8/20, and our records show that the refund was paind on 8/23.

Review: In only 2 months, I have found that my electricity bills have skyrocketed to record high prices. I will admit that we consume more electricity during the winter months and I have taken that into consideration. However, the real reason for the sharp increase is due to the "variable rate" for the "Generation Services Charge" being charged by "Discount" Power. I am floored that the company can price gouge their customers without any notice. My generation rate was .0699 in November, went up to .1199 in December and then to .2190 in January. How is this Discount? When I called the 800 number this morning, there was a prerecorded mes[redacted] to their customers that explained the reason for the spike. They are blaming it on the record cold and the resultant increase in natural gas which they have to pass along to their customers. I then pressed the option to speak with a customer service rep and I let the phone ring for 4 minutes with no answer and was not able to leave a mes[redacted]. Seriously? My bill went from $127 dollars in November to $332 in January. The correct thing to do would be for this company to negotiate a partial refund for overcharging their customers who promptly pay their electricity bills every month.Desired Settlement: Would like to have my electricity rate restored to a reasonable rate and would like to have a partial refund for this months bill.



Website Complaint Response:

While we cannot promise savings versus the utility company every single month, Discount Power’s goal is to show a savings versus the utility over a period of time. Mr. [redacted] enrolled in October 2013, and Discount Power became her supplier effective that same month. As the Discount Power Terms and Conditions of Electric Service explain, when a customer has a variable rate plan, the variable rate can fluctuate based on changes in the wholesale power market. We understand the frustration with the recent increase in the variable rate. Unfortunately, due to unusually high wholesale costs this winter, our variable rate did increase, as the rates are based on current market conditions. The fluctuations of the wholesale power market can affect suppliers differently, contributing to the variance in rates from one supplier to another. Our current rates are available each month through the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website ([redacted]) so that our customers can stay up-to-date on our rates and how they compare to other suppliers, at their own convenience. We sincerely apologize for the difficulty Mr. [redacted] had in reaching a Customer Service Representative when he attempted to contact us. There was one particular day when our phone lines were down due to a power outage in our office complex, and as the outage was unexpected, we were not able to implement a pre-recorded mes[redacted] advising of this issue and had no way to take incoming calls. Due to the increase in our variable rate, we also experienced an extremely high call volume at certain points this winter, which did result in exorbitant hold times for some customers. We did the best that we could to get to every caller as quickly as possible. Discount Power received a drop request from Mr. [redacted]’s utility company, [redacted], which advised that his service through Discount Power would end effective January 24, 2014. Mr. [redacted] spoke with a Customer Care Representative who offered to re-rate Mr. [redacted]’s supply charge for his December 26, 2013 – January 24, 2014 billing cycle; this resulted in a refund offer of $37.44 to be issued via mailed check. The process for this refund began on February 7, 2014.

Sent on: 3/7/2014 11:10:02 AM



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: On 10/02/14, 5:53PM, call from ###-###-####, caller ID (Out of Area), spoke to[redacted]/Discount Power, then[redacted], then[redacted] (call center supervisor). Asked to speak to supervisor. [redacted] answered. I informed him they were violating state and federal laws as I had been registered on BOTH DNC lists. Told them to STOP CALLING ME!

On 10/07/14, 11:39AM, call from ###-###-####, caller ID (Out of Area), spoke to[redacted]/Discount Power, then [redacted] and informed her they were violating state and federal laws as I had been registered on BOTH DNC lists. Told them to STOP CALLING ME!

I researched Discount Power Inc. headquartered at [redacted] CT[redacted], ###-###-####, ###-###-####, and also in PA ###-###-####, in OH ###-###-####, and CT ###-###-####. On 10/07/14, I called Discount Power HQ in Shelton, CT, spoke to [redacted] of[redacted], informed him of their illegal telemarketing practices, that I was on the BOTH DNC lists, and to direct his company’s call centers to STOP CALLING ME! He said he’d investigate, would ensure my number was removed from ALL calling lists.

On 10/17/14, 1:48PM, call from ###-###-####, Caller ID (Out of Area), spoke to[redacted]/Discount Power, informed him they were violating state and federal laws as I had been registered on BOTH DNC lists. Told them to STOP CALLING ME! I immediately called [redacted], informed him of this call, they were STILL violating state and federal laws as I had been registered on BOTH DNC lists. Told them to STOP CALLING ME![redacted] claimed THEY update their lists every 15 days, he told ME I had to re-register periodically. I informed him I was not stupid, that after almost every illegal call I received, I would check call lists to ensure my number was still on, had been on for almost 10 years. Told him to STOP CALLING ME or I would sue him/Discount Power for harassment! 12/26/14, 12:33PM, ###-###-####, caller ID (Out of Area), spoke to[redacted]/Discount Power, said he was calling from[redacted], FL, tho’ area code is in[redacted], PA. Told him he was violating state and federal law DNC lists. [redacted] insisted he was not. Told him to STOP CALLING ME! I immediately called [redacted], but repeated calls went to voice mail. Left one message for him to call, but has not responded. Nor would any other number I called at HQ yield any one to speak. THIS COMPANY HAS REPEATEDLY VIOLATED STATE AND FEDERAL LAW, DELIBERATELY HARASSING ME AND SHOULD BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW AND FINED THE MAXIMUM.Desired Settlement: STOP CALLING ME!



Discount Power (“DPI”) thanks you for the opportunity to respond. In October of 2014, DPI employed an outside telemarketing firm to solicit energy sales in the state of [redacted] (“**”). These third party telemarketers were supplied with the Federal, ** and internal “Do Not Call” (“DNC”) lists to upload into their dialing system to be compliant with the various DNC regulations. Unfortunately, the system utilized by this company allowed some restricted numbers to be dialed repeatedly over the span of a few weeks, inconveniencing some ** residents. This particular customer called and expressed her displeasure, to which DPI responded that we would do our best to ensure she was not contacted again. After advising the telemarketer to fix their system ASAP, DPI had no choice but to terminate their contract. I attempted to explain and to apologize to Ms [redacted]; however, she wanted none of it. Again, DPI apologizes for the inconvenience and terminated the contract of the telemarketer. Ken F[redacted] Licensing and Regulatory Administrator Discount Power, Inc. [redacted] ###-###-#### Ex [redacted]

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Description: Electric Companies, Energy Service Companies, Electric Power Distribution (NAICS: 221122)

Address: 6 Armstrong Rd, Shelton, Connecticut, United States, 06484-4722


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