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Digital Forensics Corp.

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Digital Forensics Corp. Reviews (46)

They lie and take your money
They SUCK! You pay for ASAP SERVICE! It’s not asap! The wording and grammar is 6th grade maybe 4th. I don’t see how they will catch anyone! They leave you out to dry after a while! There is no manager available or anything. Case manager is always on vacation!


So far, not so good.
I supplied Digital Forensics with some information regarding the who/what/when of my case. None of this has even been acknowledged nor have there been any follow up questions. I sent my case manager an email on Thursday morning with additional follow up. I never got a reply after texting, and leaving a voice message on Thursday in addition to the earlier email. Finally I sent another email Thursday evening and I got a reply she was out of the office and would not be back until Sunday evening. There was no contact information to get in touch with anyone else while she was out. I texted the after hours line asking for another case manger to phone, I called my tech who said he would get back in touch last week and never did. He still has never returned my call. My case manager never called or got back in touch with me on Sunday evening. I called her extension and it went to voicemail. I texted her and no acknowledgement. She did finally answer my 2nd call.
The case manager basically told me that if I wanted to know if my account was compromised I would have to pay for expedited service. I knew those services were available, but I was under the impression that I would at least be told if my account was being illegally accessed. No one would call a digital forensics expert and state someone was accessing their account and be happy finding out 60 days later. It feels like your customer service people are also sales and case managers. I do not feel comfortable now and so far this has not been a good experience.


No wonder why they only have one star, they barely deserve that.
They taunt you, when you call in, and do not know what services they even have.
Someone has to call you back. The representatives lie, are arguementative, and evasive.
I wouldn't pay them to officiate a 5th grade note, let alone, trust them with civil litigation.
Do yourself a favor and don't even try to call over the weekend, despite emergency services they claim to offer. I will not be wasting my money with this awful, fake place.


Read this before wasting your money on this ripoff company! I paid Digital $1,500 for 3 devices. I was having problems with hackers remote accessing laptops and interfering with my daily activity and investing online. After they got my $1,500 they spent around 3 hours going through my laptops in a remote access session. After that I did not hear from them for a month. I tried at least a dozen times to get ahold of them and communicate with them through emails, text, and phone calls and got no response. Finally, after 30 days they finally answered on of my phone calls. The case manager was rude to me and basically gave me a list of things that could be causing my hacking problems ... not resolving any of my issues. Then asked for more money $4,000 to $7,000 to continue their research into my case ... I feel completely betrayed by this company. I basically gave them $1,500 for nothing!


Your review made me really skeptical but I decided to reach out to them either way. When I spoke with a rep I was advised the process can take up to 60 business days. Expecting to be answered within 30 days during an investigation is unreasonable.

They also have payment plans available. The prices you stated are inconsistent with the pricing they quoted me and other reviewers displayed as well…

Sorry you had a bad experience with this company but despite your negative review I will still be using their services based on the consult I personally had with Shannon. And I encourage others to have a free consultation first before trusting such a dramatic review that has false information. I think you should organize your claims appropriately before deterring other people from a company that seems to actually care about peoples safety. They’re obviously not a scam, it’s an official business and they have more high reviews than negative. Try calling Shannon about your issues, she was very helpful and informative. I don’t see this company as being money hungry. Protection software is just very expensive. I was quoted $3000 for half of the work phase one includes by a different company. And I’ve seen several reviews that show the company has done more work than necessary for several clients at no extra cost.

You seem more like a fake review by a competitor vs a victim.

This is valuable information it spared me the same revictimization You have ben subjected to having said that ,These Cyber Radioactive International Gangs are well Aligned With Military and Rouge Police and Government Officials Across County National and International Boundries, Cyber World is a Ocean of Predators in the very links we are led to believe have our back, Banks And Software Creators are involved, The System operates for the Select and operates to abuse and Exploit these out side the loop draining resources and life energy ,each time a Victim is entrapped the team of phone troops get promotions some sort of reward A Car Cell phone a House .vacation collage funds , this motivates the recruiting process and loyalty banishing all integrity or consciousness the lure of material gain ill gotten and the power and control exerted over the victims who are desperate for solutions to Attacked Systems and personal Life . I have been under Cyber Gangstalking over four years it emerged slowly with he help of a fake friend in my life and DOD and Military Active duty and Retirees and a Drunken Estranged Military Retired Spouse in the US My devivices emails an d phone are misused by Cashiers and Sales Clerks at the BX and Commissary at the Hilton US AF troop Store in Izmir Turkey , Please report for me to US Gov in DC as my devices are hacked to block links to report to help online phone calls intercepted remotely .Eldred Evelyn Tyson Woodson. DOD ID altered by System Eldred E Tyson. I'm located in Izmir Turkey Victim of Spyware Stalking Electronic Device Attacks on the ground stalking and photographed by gangs who use cell networking's to report locations . Any others who are experiencing this underground crime reply or any victimizations we must validate each other because the Demonic slaves to Satan use flipflop on the Victims labeling them as Crazy delusional experiencing mental breakdowns which are the Playbooks of Sick people . Stay Strong my fellow Brothers and Sisters in all things give Thanks to the God who delivers us out of all troubles intended by Evil doers Evelyn. Face book is hacked so is twitter and Instagram but look for me

They led me to believe they had evidence I can use so they recommended I go to phase 2. $2100 later and there was nothing on the file I can use. Things were either blocked or blurred so you can't see anything at all. I want my money back


Hi ***, We are sorry to hear about your frustration with navigating your reports to find the information you are looking forThe best way for us to remedy this issue is for you to allow our dedicated customer service staff to help you through the processWe understand that you have had two sessions with our staff and that some of the problem lies in getting the reports to run on your home computerWe would like to send out a loaner computer that will aid in you being able to run the reports smoothly and access the information within easier

Our company provided a “cyber harassment” service to this consumerOur company spent considerable time and resources to uncover the anonymous harasser, including helping legal counsel to file legal action to compel social media online platform and reveal the perpetratorOur company did determine who the anonymous harasser was, however, the consumer did not elect to proceed with payment for this serviceCertainly, it was conveyed to the consumer that we have multiple stages for an investigation of this magnitude where a legal process is involved and time frame for results is not certainWe remain committed to working with this consumer and would like to provide the consumer with results of the investigation upon payment

(The following was copy/paste by staff - LST)***From: Janet Date: Fri, Jan 12, at 10:AMSubject: Re: Cleveland re: Digital ForensicsTo: [redacted] >Dear Mr [redacted] This problem has nothing to do with atheism Phase I ReportThe claims made by Digital Forensics were that the emails, photos, etc., mentioned in the Phase I Report would be fully readable and valid to be used in court, if I paid $for Phase II.When I received the Phase II Report, nothing on the Report was readableI had Team Viewer Sessions with Digital Forensics.I have spent hours going through the Report, corresponding (by phone and email) with various “experts” at digital forensicsMy time is also valuable and the court date has passed.Believe me, a different computer will not show anything newIf the information (email content, pictures, links, etc.) is available on a “loner” laptop, they should print out the info and mail it to meThey were paid, in full, to do a job in a specific timeframeThey should have never promised what was available in Phase II.I have every email that were sent and received, by multiple “experts” at Digital Forensics promising what they did not produce.As I stated earlier, I’m not being paid to do their work.I request a full refund, $3700.00, of the Phase II Report The $that I paid for Phase I is a small price to pay for a good lessonI should have “shopped around” for a better quality company.Live and learn


Hi ***, We are very sorry to hear about your problems in regards to your forensic reportAs you recall the Phase I Report you received consisted of an initial device examination which contained an inventory of the artifacts we saw present, keyword totals, and samples of those artifactsThe Phase II Report that was shipped to you on an external hard drive contains the full forensic report which allows you to gain access to all the data referenced in the Phase IThe drives do function on any windows or mac computer but do require a significant amount of resources to run some of the reportsWhen our technician logged in with you via [redacted] he did note that since your computer was older it may have trouble running some of the reports efficiently and made recommendations as to which reports would require the least amount of resources while still giving you access to all the data we were able to provide to youWe also created a supplemental report that just contained the keyword relevant information you requested which should run with less resources neededWe do have a dedicated support staff that is more than willing to help you through those reports and guide you to the samples that were provided in the Phase I as well as any other information you are trying to locateYou can always reach us at [redacted] so we can schedule an additional data review I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. A senior account manager has made email contact but we have yet to connect via phone for a resolution. Until then, this complaint is to remain active. Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [Digital Investigations is continuing to be influenced and working as my former employer's agent on behave of their interestsThe reason that I hired Digital Investigations in the first place was because my former employer placed spyware and malware on my home computer, as well as wiretapped my phones for their own benefit; citing Human Research Protection Program (non-consent Human Testing)This past week, Digital Investigations claimed to have provided me web portal access to my phase II report and clean data, which was not the caseThis is just another example of Digital Investigation's actions being influenced and coordinated by my former employer's Deputy Counsel, who thinks she can manipulate the outcome of the court case in her agency's favor; particularly for her own career enhancement.As a result, I am no closer to receiving what I paid for.] Regards, [redacted] ***

(Following is an e-mail response to staff - LST)***FileRecoup took a little longer then planned but was able to assist meI was trying to recover my [redacted] backup file from my [redacted] after losing my Phone Even though FileRecoup was not able to recover my data they did address my concerns and resolved my other issues in relation to the several and charges paid
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I was the initiator of this processMy daughter in law, *** ***, had the laptops used for analysisShe signed a document and I also received the same document to sign on 9/19/The document was sent to my email address, ***, along with multiple communications
*** ***

Dear *** We are sorry about any confusion you may have had regarding our services and are now aiming to resolve this matter to your satisfactionOur customer service department has made several attempts to reach out to you over the last few days to set up a convenient time for
correspondence so that we can help reconcile any of your issues presented as it pertains to the ongoing investigation you retained our company to performTowards that end, please reach out to our customer service team at *** *** *** to establish a direct line of communication regarding your case
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]I just read for the first time - that this company would not come after me for the review originally posted They never communicated this with me after I emailed my reply expressing my concern This reply is the first time I heard this-- When I read their agreement- I thought it meant that they had the right to come after me for any post -- and it said they would charge me $500/ day for each day the post remained I replied and expressed why I would not sign this because it looked to me like an opportunity for them to come after me - and take back more than the $they gave When I expressed my concern=-- NO ONE replied I also feel this company should refund me my entire second payment-- $ They did provide me with some names- addresses and former addresses and such None of this led to finding the person who shot and killed my dog One person they researched was an individual with the same name- and not the individual I wanted them to check out I asked for reports every few weeks and never got any The sales pitch when they talked me into hiring them-- made it sound - that there was a high chance of their finding and bringing this person to justice Their communication with me has been very poor-- as them not telling me what they just told you-- being an example
*** ***


I'm very sorry to hear about this issue that our client is having with our companyFrom our standpoint we evaluated all of the clients devices per our contract, and the Phase process was not recommended per our upper managementOur company has no ability to stop anyone from cyber stalking or
harassing anyoneWe evaluate data and facts and use that data to record any and all info that was digitally left on our clients devicesIn this situation we did not recommend going any further, however I will do further investigating to understand the case fully and as to why it was not recommended

I have a question. I supplied information regarding IP addresses, dates of occurrences, and the who and why. I still was directed into phase one and it could take up to 60 days for me to find out if there is evidence of any breach. It's been almost 2 weeks since my case has been initiated and I was expecting at least a notification re: if my information was compromised, or some follow up regarding the information I supplied. I did send more follow up information in an email with no acknowledgement. I also have questions regarding the process and those questions were taken lightly.
My question: Is it policy when someone calls with a data beach to allow them into a contract where they could wait up to 60 days for an answer?

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

This post is being submitted in response to the review posted by our customer *** ***Numerous attempts have been made to reach out to Ms*** with the aim of resolving any issues amicablyHowever, Ms*** has failed to respond to our inquiries making it difficult to undertake
any resolution effortsThis is particularly troubling to our company because the statements made in her review are inaccurateSpecifically, “clouds” were never mentioned in any of our recorded call logs with Ms*** nor were “*** accounts” mentionedFurther, Digital Forensics Corporationconveys to all customers via an initial intake and then also in authorization form contract, that Company does not guarantee specific resultsTherefore, any contention by Ms*** that “they put the fear of God in me and said they GAURANTEED they could get me an IP address” is erroneous and should call into question Ms***’s credibility in making these statementsIn the meantime, Ms*** has been put on notice that she is in breach of her contract with Digital Forensics Corp (see attached authorization form contract)By entering into a contract, she agreed to refrain from posting negative reviews, from naming specific individuals from this Company in her posting, and should have adhered to our complaint resolution process and procedure if unsatisfied with servicesTherefore, Ms*** has been instructed to remove her post within hours as efforts are made to resolve this matter with herIf Ms*** is unwilling to do so, Digital Forensics Corpwill have no other recourse than to enforce the provisions of her signed contract and serve her with a complaint for breach of contract seeking damages as well as any other appropriate legal remedy in the claim Sincerely, Digital Forensics CorpLegal Department

We will be doing a internal review of our email server to check for a response from you regarding the refund agreementWe do apologize for any inconveniences you had with our communication and we look forward to future communication from youWe never want our client to feel cheated or angry, thus we will be reaching out to hopefully come to terms on a resolutionI believe both parties agree that some work was done and that things could have been handled better

This business response was received by staff member AH via email.We do not have anyone by name “[redacted]” as a client of our company who signed any service agreement. We need some confirmation from Ms. [redacted] that she retained our company (signed contract) because per our company policies...

we are not permitted to directly communicate or disclose information to non-clients. Once we have received this verification we will proceed forward accordingly to find her a satisfactory resolution. Please let me know if you can assist me towards this end. Sincerely, Jeromy [redacted]In-House Counsel[redacted]Phone # [redacted] [redacted]

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Address: 3570 Warrensville Center Rd #211, Beachwood, Ohio, United States, 44122


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