I custom ordered a set of wheels, and after waiting longer than weeks (the time the website states that it takes to make each set of wheels, and I only ordered wheels, is 2-weeks) I received a couple beat up boxes with no packing on the wheels, and dents and scratches on the edges of the paintother than that, the wheels were not what I orderedinstead of a flat lip, they made them with a step lip and they have a huge seam running halfway across themI can not put something so unsightly on a show carand when I called customer service, I was referred to an emaildays, and another email later, I finally got a replyIt said that the owner of the company was out of town till Tuesday but they would forward him my emailI still haven't received a email back to resolve my issuethe first set that I ordered from them were prompt in delivery and were the right dimensions, but they came slightly dented and scratched because Diamond Racing Wheels does not like to splurge on even the tiniest bit of bubble wrap or tissue paper, or even a strong enough box to hold the wheelI'm now out dollars because of a slight mix up in production that they won't fix, and have two different half sets of wheelsOne of which I cant useI will never patron this business again if I can avoid it
I custom ordered a set of wheels, and after waiting longer than weeks (the time the website states that it takes to make each set of wheels, and I only ordered wheels, is 2-weeks) I received a couple beat up boxes with no packing on the wheels, and dents and scratches on the edges of the paintother than that, the wheels were not what I orderedinstead of a flat lip, they made them with a step lip and they have a huge seam running halfway across themI can not put something so unsightly on a show carand when I called customer service, I was referred to an emaildays, and another email later, I finally got a replyIt said that the owner of the company was out of town till Tuesday but they would forward him my emailI still haven't received a email back to resolve my issuethe first set that I ordered from them were prompt in delivery and were the right dimensions, but they came slightly dented and scratched because Diamond Racing Wheels does not like to splurge on even the tiniest bit of bubble wrap or tissue paper, or even a strong enough box to hold the wheelI'm now out dollars because of a slight mix up in production that they won't fix, and have two different half sets of wheelsOne of which I cant useI will never patron this business again if I can avoid it