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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
My swimming pool is destroyed because the wall rusted and split! When the wall gave away it shredded the liner, gushing hundreds of gallons of water everywhereThe sand under the liner washed away along with the landscaping around the poolEstimated cost, less the landscaping, if I except their offer, is $This is unacceptable in this situation.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
As previously stated. The warranty for you pool is no longer valid do to the fact that there is damage to the skimmer and the return. This automatically voids the warranty even when the issue you are having at this time is not by the skimmer or the return. Please review the terms of the warranty for this information. The warranties have no monetary value and we do not send out credits or checks. As previously stated we are offering you a new wall at a discount. The wall would be purchased at a discount and not covered under the warranty. In order to take advantage of this offer you would need to send the paperwork back to our customer service reps., at the address or fax stated on the warranty letter. This offer is the best we can offer you at this time.Regards,Wilbar InternationalWarranty Department
[redacted] As we discussed on the phone earlier today, I can offer you one of the two options... 1. We can offer the 70% discount as per the terms and conditions of the warranty.2. Wilbar Int'l will offer you a courtesy discount on an upgraded model as you requested. If you choose this option please understand this may take up to 3-4 weeks for shipping as we manufacturer and do not stock pools in our facility. Again, we are sorry for the trouble you have had with our product. If there is anything further we can do, please feel free to contact me. Kind Regards,Duane P[redacted]Warranty Supervisor
To whom this may concern: We are sorry to hear of your troubles with you Reprieve swimming pool. We are not in your yard 100% of the time to be certain of how the hole in the wall has formed. The pool has a coating and when this coating is scratched, similar to a car etc you will start the corrosion process. The can happen from a rock flying out of a lawn mower, or any other object causing the coating to be broken or the wall to be punctured. We have revised your claim and have calculated the time of ownership to be from the date of your installation receipt. This change entitles you to a 70% discount as stated in the attached letter which was e-mail to you as well. Our warranties are pro-rated from the date of purchase and we have made an exception for you. Attached is a copy of the warranty related to the purchase of your Reprieve swimming pool . This warranty does not include or cover labor, water , liners etc as outlined in the attached copy of the warranty. If you would like to proceed with the warranty, please sign the attached letter and we will contact you for payment of the pro-rata. Kind Regards, Duane P[redacted]Supervisor of Warranty
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I am not complaining about the rusted areas around the skimmer and return as neither of those has rusted through and has not affected the use of my pool. The area I am complaining about is several feet away from the skimmer and return, where the bottom of the pool has rusted though causing my pool to be unusable. Why offer a warranty if you're not going to honor it?
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We are sorry but we purchased only certain assets of the company and did not purchase any warranty liability. The company which holds the warranties has gone bankrupt. We apologize but we cannot offer any assistance with this matter. Kind Regards, The Warranty Department
As previously stated. The warranty for your pool is for just the wall and frame of the pool, these are the items that we manufacture. All other material or costs are not covered per the limitations of the warranty. Please again see attached copy of the warranty. The cost for a new pool wall and frame we have offered you is the best price we are able to give you. Attached is the warranty letter for your review. This is our best offer per the terms of the warranty.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
As I have stated before, I will not accept this offer because it is just another way for Wilbar to make money off of my misfortunate original purchase. The pool you are offering me to purchase at $1721.25 is several hundred dollars than I can purchase it myself locally or even online. I found the same pool online for $1439.99 with free shipping and no tax. They all include the liner and the skimmer. See Attachment for several prices from difference distributers. The warranty is a scheme to have consumers purchase products at a higher price every 5 years. If Wilbar is the manufacturer then wouldn’t the price be lower than their distributers? Like I stated previously, I will settle for the 50% in a check. I have went elsewhere to purchase a new pool. I have wasted half the season without a pool because the customer service at Wilbar waits 2 to 3 weeks to reply on their site. It has been well over a month since the last reply I have received. I purchased a better pool with a new pump, skimmer, filter, and liner for cheaper than you are charging me for a 50% discounted pool. Why is the price of the warranty that is supposed to be 50% off the retail price end up more money than the original price I paid for the defective product with the pump, filter, liner, skimmer, and ladder? This is just a skeem to require consumers to purchase your products. I will settle for 50% of the price of the pool as the warranty states I am eligible for at 6 year pro-rated. Instead of me spending the money on the parts you can keep the parts and send me the 50%. This would be $1375 according to your math and the attached invoice. This is the total amount subtracting shipping and tax. I feel that the product is defective and should not be sold to any other customer knowing it will rust in only a few years. This product should be recalled because it is a safety hazard to anyone who uses it. It will only be a matter of time before someone cuts themselves on the jagged rusted metal. I have sent contact to the CEO Steven C[redacted]. I will be sending mail to his home asking for a resolution. [redacted] Your name and each person that has gave me the run around on [redacted] with be mentioned in the letters I will send. This is ridiculous to have to experience such terrible customer service from such a terrible product.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Attached is the copy of the warranty letter that...
was sent to you. This offer includes only the pool wall and frame, these parts are the only things covered under the terms of the warranty for your pool. In the terms and conditions of the warranty it states; "3. Owner will be subject to all costs for transportation of the defective or replacement pool components and/or accessories."In the Limitations of the warranty it states; "The present warranty does not cover the following: a) Damages caused to the material or costs of labor related to the installation or dismantling of the pool, the liner or the accessories, nor reimbursement for any other labor costs or materials which may be deemed necessary or desirable. b) Damages caused by water leakage, chemical products or heating system, nor replacement of any object damaged or any loss as a result of the preceding."See attached warranty for your pool regarding these terms. The warranty letter for the new pool wall and frame is what we are offering you per the terms of the warranty.Regards,Warranty Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
[redacted] I still think that this is kinda horrible that the company is not allowed to cut the consumer a check to make the difference of the prorate up, so that the consumer can go to a local shop and purchase the upgrade with out having to wait the said time frame or pay for the shipping of the item to them. the warranty policy isn't a very good one. so in the end we still end out comping up empty on the warranty due to the fact of being stuck making the choice of getting the product from the factory and still paying shipping cost, and or having to wait so long if taking option b. we have purchased a replacement from the local shop cause with the current condition of the pool already in question there was not much time to wait for a response. chalk it up to live and learn buy better the first time and not have defective products with horrible warranties I guess. sad that a multi million dollar corporation cant bend and help a bit different to better suit the consumer but oh well
Your pool has a wall with a stainless steel panel on it that you purchased from The Great Escape, because of this your pool came with a no charge warranty on the wall and panel. The handling charge is a flat rate of $180.00. The freight charge is also a flat rate of $250.00. The wall has to be shipped via freight carrier due to the weight. It must be shipped on a truck with a lift gate. If you did not have the no charge warranty through The Great Escape your pool would have a pro-rate of 60%, which means you would only get a 40% discount off of the wall. This price would have been $943.42 for the wall and the flat rate of $250.00 for freight which comes to $1,193.42. We stood behind our warranty for your pool wall. We have nothing further to add regarding this matter.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
well then if that is the case how do I have a new spot on the pool that is also showing some signs of...
rusting as u can see the discoloration happening on the coating that is supposed to hold up for 15years! im sorry but we take pride in out stuff and also what it the world can hit a spot that high up on the pool to cause a hole in it like that, also there are sevral spots the coating is flaking off. fully we went to Clear water pools over the weekend and the sales rep told us that there SHOULD BE A TWO year FULL warranty as they are a VALUED dealer of your products. We looked at the TARPON model on their show room which has been up for years and looks great, However looking at the same model we have on their display the bottom rail is almost rotted through and through and the coating on it is some what lacking. so okay instead of me buy yet again the same BOTTOM of the line product, can you work with me some how so that we can UPGRADE to your better product. I really feel somehow something just don't add up here as we make sure that all of our stuff even out house is well maintained take pride in keeping ROCKS from hitting our stuff and of course yes who wouldn't be careful about that. but for a product that has spots in different locations doing this kinda stuff u mean to really tell me that it cant fall fault of a DEFECTIVE ITEM????? I had a pool that has been up for 30 years and it hasn't had an issue like this.
Hello, Wilbar International has acquired only certain assets of Delair pools after their bankruptcy. We did not acquire any liabilities in the warranties for the steel line of their pools. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause you. Best...
Regards, The Warranty Department